Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 903 The Last Stop

The text message hinted that Isaac had no advance preparation for the eighth-level spell, and it was also not on the spell list of the warlock profession.

However, this did not prevent him from temporarily restoring the prepared eighth-level spells to the original magic energy, and then used this original magic energy to directly construct the "SMS Suggestion".

The only difference is that the casting time is longer.

It just so happened that Isaac needed this time to fly to the Ice Demon.

About a minute.

When Isaac's figure, already invisible, appeared outside the ice cave that had been resealed by the ice demon Tosven.

The "SMS hint" is also completed.

"Tosven, there seems to be something abnormal in the guardian land, please investigate quickly!"

At the same time as this spiritual message was sent out, Isaac was also enslaved by the "control technique", affecting the soul of the ice demon.

The previous time, the "Suggestion Technique" was resisted by the Ice Demon. That was because the Ice Demon was already alert.

This time, under the influence of the "Domination Technique", not only is the will no longer able to resist at all, but the "Short Message Suggestion" is also an eighth-level spell, which is five levels stronger than the "Suggestion Technique"...

But this spiritual message came out all at once.

In the ice cave, Tosven seemed to be hibernating, and the cold light suddenly flashed in his compound eyes.



Having already flown outside the cave, just waiting for the ice demon Tosven to patrol the place he was protecting, Isaac's eyes suddenly moved at this moment.

Sensation of mind and thoughts.

The ice demon received the hint, but had no intention of coming out.

On the contrary...

"Magic Mirror!"

His eyes could not directly penetrate the dark ice, but Isaac's mind and will could grasp every move of the ice demon Tosven.

At this time, instead of patrolling the guardian land, the ice demon actually took out a magic mirror.

From this treasure mirror, a kind of "detection type" magic effect is produced.

Obviously, even if this guy is in the ice cave, he still has the ability to monitor the "Guardian Land" at any time!

The Isaacs were outside the ice cave, but they could not directly see the point of the magic mirror, but...

"Tosven, be careful and careful. To prevent the mirror from being deceived by magic, you should go and inspect it yourself!"

Another hint, another domination and guidance.

Inside the ice cave.

Tosven didn't hear any sound, but he seemed to be alerted in his heart.

After observing the magic mirror several times with no results, the ice demon first carefully put the magic mirror in a freezer, and then, another teleportation light quickly began to circulate around him.

"Inspect carefully and don't miss any abnormalities!"

In response to Isaac's last "guidance".

The teleportation light flashed, and Tosven's figure suddenly disappeared into the ice cave.

And at the same time...


"It's actually down there?"

Isaac could clearly detect that the "Advanced Teleportation Technique" jumped out and the aura of the ice demon Tosven appeared somewhere at the bottom of the great rift.

But before that, his "true vision" circled around, but he didn't see anything unusual at all!

Not in a hurry to speculate.

As soon as the ice demon Tosven left, Isaac also had a flash of teleportation arc.

Quickly, his figure teleported into the ice cave.

Down below, Tosven was patrolling carefully.

Here, Isaac opened the freezer.

It was inside the freezer that the magic mirror fell into his eyes...

"Rune inscription!"

He did not take out the magic mirror directly. Instead, Isaac's gaze was fixed on the handle of the magic mirror, an inscription that looked like an artistic sculpture.

"As expected!"

"It's the ancient rune technology of the giant clan!"

At first, rune technology was only mastered by storm giants and cloud giants. However, with the exchanges between giants, after it spread to fire giants, frost giants, and stone giants, it was inevitable that there would also be rumors. come out.

To this day, there are dwarves who are as good at runes as giants.

As for elves, dwarfs, humans, etc., although they are not good at it, they are not completely ignorant of the art of runes.

With Isaac's attainments in the field of magic, it is impossible for him to have no contact with the art of runes.

At this time, with just one glance, he made a judgment.

The runes engraved on this magical mirror are by no means a modern technology.


"This should be a 'touch trigger' rune!"

If his judgment is correct, as long as someone touches this magic mirror, the effect of this rune will be triggered immediately.

Maybe it's the identification of identity, maybe it's the identification of camp, or it might even be the judgment of secret words.

If this identification cannot be passed...

"Not only will the magic mirror not be activated, it will probably trigger some corresponding chain effects!"

For example, touching certain existences within the ruins!

Such a magic mirror would appear in the hands of the ice demon Tosven. There is no doubt that it must be from the one who bound him with the "oath binding"!

"Ancient runes!"

After taking another deep look at the rune inscription, Isaac closed the freezer without testing anything.

The spiritual light quickly rose again, and in the blink of an eye, his figure appeared at the bottom of the big crack again.

Still maintaining the combined state of "Advanced Stealth" and "Legendary Hidden", he quickly flew to the location of the ice demon Tosven.

At this time, the ice demon stopped in front of an ice wall at the bottom of the big crack.

He raised his head again, as if he was looking up at somewhere on the ice wall. There was a rare pious look in his emotionless ice-covered compound eyes.

It seems that there is something on top of this ice wall that he admires and worships.


"It's quite interesting!"

Isaac's gaze was also fixed on the ice wall, but he still found nothing strange.

However, he was not disappointed. On the contrary, some interest flickered in his eyes.

Although his current "True Vision" only came from the transformation of Balor Balrog, there is a huge gap between the caster level and the "True Vision" of his main profession.

However, this allowed him to discover nothing abnormal, but at the same time, it also allowed the ice demon Tosven to behave like this...

"It should still be a rune!"

"Only those runes that will trigger operation will meet special conditions!"

"As for the reverence of this ice demon..."

With a flash of thought in his mind, Isaac quickly thought of a situation.

"The Winter Goddess and the Frost Giant God have an extremely close relationship!"

"Since this ice demon comes from the Winter Palace of the Winter Goddess, if there is something special here related to him or the frost giant god, it is only natural that he behaves like this!"

"It is even possible to be bound by an oath. It is hard to say whether it is because of this respect that he took the initiative to fulfill the conditions of being bound by an oath!"

"This can almost be combined with the previous speculation."

The ancient ruins of the Yotong Empire!

A mysterious existence left over from ancient times!

A special relationship with the Frost Giant God!

Then the relationship with the Winter Goddess and this ice demon!

This can all be explained.


"Therefore, it is entirely possible that what is related to this place is indeed the most important city in the Yuetong Empire, or even the imperial capital of the Yuetong Empire!"

"And to be able to cooperate like this with the Ice Demon Tosven... I'm afraid that even if Eleklia comes here, the possibility of direct conflict with that person, or those people, won't be too great!"

"So, if you want to use this to design some people..."

In his heart, Isaac frowned slightly at first.

But soon, he shook his head and chuckled again.

Elaklia is not his enemy.

On the contrary, since Eleklia has the possibility of joining forces with the beings in the ruins, if this power can be planned well, it will be perfect for designing certain people!

For example, Protarnes never hopes that the Snow Queen can master the ancient secrets of the Frost Giant Empire!

Another example is, when necessary, tricking Sammaster and his followers is also a good choice!


"If the inference is correct and the existence in the ruins is really closely related to the frost giant god..."

In his compound eyes, Isaac's eyes flashed coldly... Presumably, Kostchurch is definitely very interested in this place!

After a while of pondering, there was no further direct exploration of this area.

Now is not the time to alarm certain beings, let alone Protarnes!

He ignored the ice demon Tosven again, after a while of observation, but still to no avail.

The figure flew up again silently, and soon, with another "advanced teleportation technique", Isaac's figure disappeared directly into the Novola Dragon Mountains.

It seems that he is no longer ready to continue exploring Protarnes' lair!

We also found a suitable ice peak in a nearby area.

On top of the ice peak cliff, a secret cave was opened and sealed again.

Inside the cave, a beacon was left.

With one "transportation", Isaac returned to the "Dragon Castle demiplane".

A team of loyal servants was quickly assembled.

And they were teleported collectively to the demiplane specially created for this trip north.

Indispensable is another plane door, created and connected to the Bingfeng Cave.

After that, the loyal servants returned to the Dragon Castle demiplane, and Isaac returned to the Great Glacier, and made corresponding concealment and obstruction arrangements for the location of the magic door.

Continuing to use the "Advanced Teleportation Technique", after a few consecutive shots, he had arrived above a mountain range in the northeast of the Great Glacier.

He was still in the form of an ice demon, wandering around like the "Eleklia's Claw" as usual, and started flying aimlessly at low altitude.

This is so deep inside the great glacier that no accurate map exists.

However, it is obvious that the "Eleklia's Claw" has a rather terrifying reputation deep in this large glacier.

The next two or three days.

Whether it was ice elemental creatures or frost giant tribes, not to mention Arctic dwarves and Ulutu people, every time he encountered them, he was immediately attracted by his worship of the Winter Goddess and his devotion to the Ice and Snow Queen. Loyalty and obedience.

From these people, Isaac easily obtained some information about the "Eleklia's Claw".

Then based on this information.

However, within three days, after Tosven, another ice demon named Jared was also controlled by him using the "Monster Control Technique" and the "Direction Technique".

There is no need to say more about leaving a beacon and related commands on this ice demon.

Inevitably, after that, he returned to Heliogabarus through the plane gate.

The "Instruction Technique" was updated again for the four employees.


"Dragon Slayer!?"

When he left Heliogabalus last time, Isaac gave orders to his employees to collect information on the adventurer team with the metal dragon and the half-iron golem.

Return this time.

The dwarf businessman Brewer and the Chamber of Commerce executive Tours have collected a lot of information related to this team.

Named "Dragon Slayers", this team is active in the Moon Sea area, and their main hunting target is the five-color evil dragon!

When I came to Damara this time, it was said that I heard that five-colored evil dragons appeared frequently in this cold land, and someone happened to hire them, so I came here.

Moreover, based on the knowledge of the dwarf businessman Brewer, the two people who hired this team...

"It's actually the singing dragon and the copper dragon?"

Isaac couldn't help but show his surprise at this news.

Two metal dragons actually hired a team of "dragon slayers" to hunt the five-color dragon! ?

Although the conflict between the metal dragon and the five-color dragon never ends.

However, such behavior... is really rare!

Moreover, the team of the half-iron golem is certainly powerful and elite, but if they really want to slay a dragon...

"Without the singing dragon, the copper dragon, and Sonas, there would only be a half-iron golem, an arctic dwarf ranger and a halfling rogue, and the priest of the Dawn God... this would be the only way to block the giant dragon. In a closed environment, the most we can do is hunt dragons in their adult and prime years.”

"It's okay, they can stop the dragon!"

“And also invest enough resources!”

"What key role can hiring such a team play in Vassar and Perrysburg?"

Although Isaac has a lot of interest in the transformation technology of half-golems, he does not think that this team that dares to be called "Dragon Slayers" can really scare the dragon with its reputation!

What Song Dragon and Copper Dragon did...

"That's good!"

"If they hadn't come to this bitterly cold place, the half-iron golem might not have fallen into my hands..."

It was as if, even before it was time to take action, Isaac already regarded the half-iron golem as something in his palm.

Of course, it is still early to start research.

It will probably take at least a year or two, maybe even longer, for the matter to end.

For the time being, he had no time to study this half-golem.

Just keep paying attention and let it go!

After the update of "Instruction Technique" is completed.

Isaac left as quietly as he came without a trace.

Time is getting increasingly urgent.

The last stop of the trip to the coldest place.


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