Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 904 Final Observations and Speculations

The country of Vasa is not much smaller than Damara, purely in terms of territorial size.

However, the same frozen soil environment is also not suitable for farming.

There are still times when Damara can develop well, both historically and now.


Since ancient times, Vasa has not even formed a real civilization at all!

Most of the time, various monsters are running rampant in Vasa. Even if there are tribes of orcs and jackals scattered among them, they are all in separate camps.

It is rare that someone like the Witch King Zhengyi truly unified Vasa...

Similarly, even the Witch King Zhengyi never thought of developing Vasa.

Any king who unified Vasa would not hesitate to launch a war.

This outward direction naturally points to Damara!

The reason why...

The huge Vasa is surrounded by huge mountains on all sides.

In the true sense, there is almost only one "Bloodstone Trail" that can be regarded as a material passage.

And even this trail is heavily guarded by Damara.

Whether it is the outgoing of resources or the incoming of materials, this is not only limited in quantity, but also restricted to a certain extent by Damara.

The frozen soil environment makes it difficult to produce any food.

With such bad traffic, not enough supplies can come in.

Naturally, there was no room for development in Vasa.

If any king who unified Vasa wants to become stronger, he can only invade Damara!

That's why.

When the Witch King was reborn, news spread that he had once again summoned evil forces in Perelus Castle.

Immediately, Damara's side was fully prepared.

Perhaps these preparations were interfered with by many attacks.

However, at least the troops guarding the most strategic places like the Bloodstone Trail have already entered combat readiness.

Any personnel, including materials, who want to enter Vasa from here will inevitably be subject to heavy inspections.

Similarly, all people coming out of Vasa, especially the bloodstone mines and metal mines, will also be subject to the most rigorous investigation.

Isaac also entered Vasa from here.

Although with his ability, he could completely cross the Galena Mountains and go straight to Fort Perelus.


"Bloodstone Legion!"

The man was in mid-air, remaining invisible, while Isaac looked down at the war fortress below and the armored troops stationed and patrolling it.

This is the most powerful bloodstone army in Damara!

Not only are all the warriors well-equipped and experienced in many battles.

There are also a large number of holy warriors, especially the holy warriors of the Knights of the Gold Cup!

Plus the pastoral power from the Church of the Suffering God.

The power of this blood stone army is extremely famous in the cold land.

Not surprisingly, when the war between Damara and Vasa really broke out...

"This legion must be the first target that Sammaster must kill!"

His eyes glanced at the Bloodstone Legion, and Isaac quickly looked at the various defense facilities of this war fortress.

This war fortress named "Bloodstone Double Gate" is like a huge city gate, directly locking the end of the Bloodstone Trail.

On top of the tens of feet high city wall, and even inside the city wall, there are various ballista platforms densely covered.

Close to the city wall, there are fortresses at regular intervals.

Just looking at the interconnection between the fortress and the city wall, it is obvious that these are both military fortresses and the base of the Bloodstone Army.

On top of these military fortresses, there is also a giant gun array specially designed for sky attacks, which looks like it is guarding against the attack of giant dragon-like creatures.

Further back, the various buildings are still in the same honest style, and various defense facilities can still be seen.

In fact, if you look around, you can see almost no ordinary people in this giant war fortress like a city.

In addition to the army, there are adventurers.

Among the rare non-combatants, there should only be a very small number of people related to the Chamber of Commerce.

Isaac looked around the war fortress.

In the end, my eyes were on two churches, one in the south and one in the north, and I spent some time looking at each.

To the south, this is the Church of the Passion of God!

To the north is the church of the Lord of War!

Although they are all churches, you can feel the powerful sacred power.

However, perhaps it is because this is the most important war fortress in Damara. Not only the church of the King of War, but also the church of the God of Passion has a strong military style and looks like a military fortress!

This city is simply a fortress with spikes of steel everywhere!

To conquer such a fortress and capture the entire Bloodstone Legion...

"Sammaster's men are indeed powerful enough to crush everything here, but... most likely they won't attack directly!"

"His group of dragons are not affected by the terrain!"

"As long as we cross this fortress, we will attack the place where the Bloodstone Legion must return for reinforcements..."

"Everything here, even with the help of the dwarves from the Galena Mountains, is as if most of the spikes were pulled out directly!"

"The only thing that might cause an accident..."

Isaac looked towards the Galena Mountains, which seemed to be divided into two sections by this war fortress.

This mountain range, no matter which side it is on, stretches endlessly. Even with his eyes, he can't see the edge at all.


"Golden Dragon Council!"

"How would Sammaster target these guys?"

"How are these guys preparing?"

His eyes flickered for a while, and silently, Isaac's figure quietly fell into the fortress.

After a while, it flew out again and soon disappeared into the mountains in the north.

The whole process was not noticed by anyone at all.

Soon after leaving.

With another "Advanced Teleportation Technique", he arrived directly in the north of Vasa.

Indispensable is a period of position determination.

It didn't take long.

When his figure flew over a huge lake.

In the far north, the original magical energy and original evil power that had been sensed before, to a degree that even he could hardly imagine, were once again reflected in his soul sense.

"Are you also trying to control the Mystery Lock through 'corruption'?"

"But just control is not worth your investment, let alone the last dragon madness!"

Long Kuang Mystic Lock is bound to the "King Killing Star".

When the "King Killer" crosses the sky, it will trigger dragon madness.

Normally, the dragon madness caused by this lasts for less than one month. In extremely rare cases, it will not last more than three months at most.

This kind of duration is not worth Sammaster's investment.

Therefore, it is certain to control the Dragon Madness Lock.

But it’s definitely not just about control!

It’s even better to…


Looking at the dark clouds filling the sky in the distance, Isaac strode away slowly and unhurriedly in the void. At the same time, he also thought of how he reversed the situation and reflected the "Mirror of Silinxi" of operation.

"Only by controlling the 'Dragon Madness Lock' and transferring the 'Dragon Madness Lock' from King Slayer to the palm of your hand can it be worth Sammaster's investment!"

Permanently mastering the "Dragon Madness Lock" almost means that all dragons in the material plane will either be transformed into Dracolich or be controlled by him!

With such control...

The power that Sammaster wields will undoubtedly be unimaginable!

However, since this is the last dragon madness...

Isaac also knew that no matter how incredibly wise this former Archmage was, there were gods above who were staring coldly at him, and he didn’t know how many people below were waiting in secret...

Of course this can only be the last time!

"On the contrary, to carry out such a transfer..."

Isaac was making speculations and thinking at the same time.

Speculation, that is the direction of speculation.

Thinking means thinking about feasibility!

Controlling the "Dragon Madness Lock" can be explained by the "corruption" of the original evil force.

But we have to move this "mystery lock" from the "King Killer Planet" into our control...

"It's about time he... found the core of the operation of the 'Dragon Madness Lock'?"


"The Dragon Queen once said that He had made some arrangements, and even unknowingly guided him to this one..."

"Could it be that this is the core of the operation?"

Isaac's heart suddenly moved.

Although the elves created the "Dragon Mad Lock" after the "Millennium War", it was at least more than 20,000 years ago.

This is not only ancient, but also top-secret information. It must be difficult for ancient dragons such as "Flying Flame" and "Hellfire" to know about it.

If Sammaster really found this core of operation, nine times out of ten, he would be secretly guided by the Dragon Queen!

So that’s what the Dragon Queen said back then.

He is doing everything possible to work hard for the revival of the dragon clan, but the King of the North Wind is thinking about justice and injustice, kindness and kindness!

Of course, Isaac just listened to the Dragon Queen's words.

Maybe the King of the North Wind has never taken the revival of the dragon as his own responsibility, at least not the first one, but how pure is the Dragon Queen's efforts...

Without moving his expression, Isaac naturally suppressed some thoughts.

No matter how much the Dragon Queen tried to bring in private goods, at least, he really did it!

If it succeeds, if the revival of the dragon is in sight...Issac fully agrees, he will take away the faith of the dracolich and shape the appearance of "after death"!

Remaining invisible, Isaac quickly approached the dark cloud.

But the closer he got, the more clearly the vast and infinite magical energy and evil power radiated into his perception...

It was at least thirty or forty miles away from the edge of the dark clouds in the sky.

Isaac's figure slowly slowed down.

He stared at the black clouds.

The mind and will are also sensing from a distance.

The solemn look in his eyes became more obvious.

"No wonder Storm-Silverhand and Alustriel find it difficult to detect the truth!"

"The Golden Dragon Council has not responded for a long time. I'm afraid they also have taboos, or even fear!"

"It completely breaks through reality and illusion, and there is a direct intersection between matter and spirit..."

"This is, no matter what kind of magic concealment, even if it is a legendary concealment, it is difficult to enter this field of primitive magical energy without being affected!"

Just like, when he operates the "Tianshu Array" at full power, it is normal.

And now, the magical energy radiated from Perelus Castle is much greater than his "full power"!

Isaac has judged that such a magic field is only on the outer level, but if it goes deep into it... I am afraid that not only the "legendary hidden", but also the "transformation" he performed with the green dragon crown, this It is also difficult to stabilize!

"It is unrealistic to sneak into Perelus Castle to find out whether he has really found the core of the operation of the 'Dragon Madness Lock' when it is not suitable for exposure for the time being!"

"Then, let's assume that he has obtained this core of operation!"

"in this way……"

"Two more steps are needed!"

The footsteps were still moving forward slowly, and Isaac's eyes were solemn, but there was also a hint of understanding that flashed from time to time.

It is assumed that Sammaster has obtained the operational core.

Also, it can be judged that Sammaster is still performing the "corruption ritual".

Then, there is only one aspect that needs to be explored most here!

"The ritual of transferring the 'Dragon Mad Lock' from the 'King Slayer' to this side!"

The passing of Kingkiller was outside the sky.

To keep this distance, transfer the "Dragon Madness Lock" from it.

Moreover, Sammaster should be like him, and cannot control the "Mystery Seed" at will, so he needs to invest more intellectual difficulty, or in other words, raw magic energy...

This can correspond to why Sammaster's ceremony is so grand in scale!

Such a ceremony.

Whether it was the operation of the "transfer" or the ritual itself, Isaac was extremely interested.

It's a pity that we can't get directly to Fort Perelus. What's more, Sammaster is the one who presides over the ceremony. Moreover, there are really strong people over there, including Ogasun Nasere and many dragons...

Even though Isaac was very interested, he was not very sure that he could discern what he wanted to know from a distance!

"However, there is no need to rush in!"

"Even if he cannot succeed directly this time, when he is finally surrounded and suppressed from all sides, as long as he seizes the opportunity and seizes all his research results, it is entirely possible!"

Presumably, those from the Dragon Witch Sect have the same thoughts!


"It's time to meet Alex again!"

Looking at the Dracolich flying through the sky among the black clouds, Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

Before re-loyalty to the Dragon Queen, the Great Bone Dragon was also part of the Dragon Witch Cult, and was deeply involved with the Dark King's Cult.

In addition, the warning given by the Dragon Queen back then was not just given to him.

Isaac has no doubt that this old guy must be staring here too!

At the last moment, we have to successfully seize Sammaster's research results from the clutches of the Dragon Witch Cult...

It is necessary to cooperate with Alex Leke again!

"In addition, the Dragon Madness Lock may exist for a long time..."

"It is also necessary to give another warning to all allies through the Five Color Temple!"

"Perhaps... we should create a legendary barrier in a special place specifically to resist dragon madness!"

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