Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 906 Summary and calculation

During the first detection, Isaac had a lot of speculations about Sammaster's various designs.

However, even if these speculations are reasonable speculations made through his analysis of magical phenomena, they are all just speculations after all.

He is not so arbitrary as to think that these speculations of his are absolutely correct!

"In the next few days, on the basis of not exposing his whereabouts, we will get as close as possible to the deepest position, and then see if we can observe the general composition of his ritual circle!"

"During this period, Zheng can also observe which giant dragons are already in place here!"

With this thought in his mind, Isaac did not enter the realm of darkness now.

Squinting his eyes slightly, he looked far away in the direction of the silver light curtain, and roughly estimated the induction of his spiritual will, which was constantly integrating into the realm of darkness and constantly replacing the former's original magical energy and original evil. force, the limit range of intense radiation.

This extreme range is exactly the boundary line for him to maintain "hidden legend" and "change form".

However, this range is changing.

At this time, the ritual casting over there was going on, and the scope was rapidly expanding.

Correspondingly, when the ritual casting is over, there will inevitably be a gradual shrinkage.

Isaac's observation is precisely to find a limit.

And, because the daily ritual casting is to increase the intensity of the overall magical energy in the Dark Realm.

If he wants to go deep into the source of darkness tomorrow to explore the possibility of observing the ritual array, obviously, this extreme position will have to be extended further!

Attentive observation and induction.

After a while, in the center of the source of darkness, the ritual casting stopped.

Then, gradually, the astral stream of silver light curtain also faded away.

However, the tide of original magical energy and original evil power is still surging.

After a while, the expansion basically subsided.

Only then, Isaac's eyes roughly demarcated a certain area deep in the Dark Realm.

"After nightfall tomorrow, we can go deeper!"

Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued to think in his heart.

A line from a bitterly cold place.

He has already visited the royal city of Damara, and is basically sure of Sammaster's layout there. He has also roughly found a way to determine the time for the Golden Dragon Council to be held there.

Coupled with the layout of the plane magic gate, this is basically enough for the royal city!

In addition to the royal city, he also made some arrangements for the "Bloodstone Double Gate", the most important war fortress in Damara.

It can be said that as long as war breaks out, whether it originates from Heliogabalus or the "Bloodstone Double Gates", it will not escape his control.

The only thing missing...

"Yellow Rose Abbey!"

His eyes converged, and Isaac shook his head slightly in his mind.

He was not planning to go directly to the Yellow Rose Abbey.

There is the monastery of the God of Suffering, and it is also the home of the legendary Saint Thoras. He has no intention of fighting with this person, so there is no need to "stand out" on behalf of Sammaster.

Therefore, on Damara's side, he basically won't make any extra preparations.

The thoughts in my heart are with the Dragon Nightmare King, the ancient copper dragon sisters, Jarlaxle and others, the bronze reptiles, and the "Dragon Slayer" adventure group hired by the singing dragon and the copper dragon, etc. body, after turning around one by one.

Isaac's thoughts then turned to the great glacier.

"Three parties!"

"Protarnes, perhaps, had some of his followers!"

"Eleklia and her ice army!"

"The force sent by Sammaster to join forces with Eleklia is mainly the white dragon!"

"If the battle between these three parties is not fierce enough, the ruins suspected to be related to the ancient frost giant empire can also be used as a boost when necessary!"

"Similarly, we can also hook up with Kostchurch!"

In the Great Glacier, Isaac also deployed a plane magic gate and controlled two ice demon generals.

I believe that it is enough to have Eleklia's two capable subordinates to grasp the key information.

However, this is only the key information.

His target is Protarnes, the former King of Justice!

His primary target for the Cold Land group is naturally Sammaster's side.

Among the rest, Protarnes is even more important than Garros, the Dragon Nightmare, who once destroyed the incarnation of the Dragon Queen with the scepter of the Immortal King!

"It is necessary to research and prepare targeted spells specifically for him!"

"Once Eleklia is not strong enough, and even the frost giant ruins cannot stop him, then..."

In the darkness, at some point, Isaac's eyes opened, and a cold look flashed through him.

He didn't want to be exposed, it was he who took action against Protarnes.

Therefore, in terms of targeted spell research, corresponding changes need to be made.

Fortunately, he still has extremely profound knowledge in dark spells, and these dark spells are similar to Sammaster.

At the critical moment, it doesn't mean that Sammaster can't be used to make a move!

“But in the end it’s still on Vasa’s side!”

"Sammaster must die!"

"All his research results must be captured!"

"At the same time, the Golden Dragon Royal Court must be weakened as much as possible!"

"If there is a chance...those from the Dragon Witch Cult will also be among the top priority to solve!"

Of course, it would be great if all these guys could be mixed together and let them fight in a melee!

"So, the intrusion of the Nagara Kingdom over the Viper Mountains is not entirely a bad thing!"

"If I show my face there at a chosen time, it will calm the hearts of people like Aglorosa!"


In his heart, Isaac also thought of Efraska and Felin Mokui!

some information.

Even if Laila and others finally came to support, they were unable to resolve Efraska's crisis. They were even blocked by an army of monsters for a long time in the middle of the journey.

It is the "city of ghosts" that Ovo said. After returning, it also joined the war against the Felin Demon Sun.

Only then did Efraska's crisis really ease.

"The unique evil spell of Felin Demon Kui!"

"The Shadow Spell of the City of Shadows!"

Isaac didn't know much about the former, only some rumors about these legendary evil creatures that existed in ancient times, their unique magical abilities, and even the great arcanists who restrained the ancient magic dynasty, including Laila and Kyle. In this way, he is not only the chosen one of the goddess of magic, but also a real legendary mage, but when facing them, he is at a loss.

Isaac is naturally very interested in studying such magical abilities.

However, these ancient evils were obviously restrained when they encountered the "City of Shadows".

The City of Shadows also belonged to the ancient magic dynasty. Moreover, during the ancient magic dynasty, among the many floating cities, it was still at the bottom of the contempt chain.

But today, when I encountered the old enemy of Felin Demon Kui again, not only was he no longer restrained, but the opposite was true. He had restrained Felin Demon Kui!

Such a reversal...

While he was pondering in his heart, Isaac was thinking about the "Book of Darkness" and the "Shadow Magic" that the demon spirit actively recommended to him!

"If the shadow spells in the City of Shadows are consistent with this 'version', it may explain why they can restrain the phaerinn. The phaerim also restrains the great arcanists, including Laila and Kai. Erben is waiting for someone!"

Isaac has been studying the "shadow magic" revealed in the "Book of Darkness" for some time.

Faintly, he noticed that this version of "shadow magic" even subverted the orthodox magic principles. It seemed that it could cast spells without going through the essence of magic!

The reason why...

"Is it related to the Shadow Realm and the Lady of the Night?"

There was an unpredictable light shining in the depths of Isaac's eyes.

The reason why he only researched but did not try to master this shadow magic at all, or, to be more precise, master this "shadow magic system", is precisely because of this doubt!

Although the Goddess of Magic is in charge of the "Magic Priesthood" and therefore holds the highest authority over the essence of magic, she is subject to the supervision of all gods and can only be "selfless"!

Lady Dark Night is different. If this "shadow magic" is related to the essence of the shadow world and has nothing to do with the essence of magic...

The nature of the Shadow Realm and the Lady of Dark Night are not under the supervision of the gods. In other words, He does not need to be "selfless"!

Isaac would not dare to directly master such magic!

Of course, he didn't dare to master it, but he admired and respected Lady Dark Night's extraordinary creation to the utmost.

The City of Shadows has returned from the Shadow Realm, and it has been studying shadow magic as early as the Magic Dynasty.

If the great arcanist was favored by the Lady of the Dark Night in the shadow world and mastered this version of shadow magic, Isaac would never find it inconceivable!

In this way...

"If the shadow magic in the City of Shadows is related to the essence of the shadow world!"

"And Felin Demon Kui's evil spell suppresses the essence of magic!"

"This can explain why they were not restrained by the Phaylings, and even restrained the Phaylings. The Phaylings were also very powerful against the Grand Arcanist, Laila, Kelben and others. , there is restraint and suppression!"

After deducing this circle in his mind, Isaac secretly shook his head again.

It's a pity that he still doesn't dare to master this shadow magic!

Lady Dark Night was almost directly linked to the creation legend. Not to mention the oldest god, he couldn't even imagine that even when the great Dragon Father was still in his prime, he would not be easily offended.

However, if I dare not master it, I dare not master it, but...

"This is also a direction, a direction in the distant future!"

After this thought, Isaac suppressed all the waves.

For the time being, it is enough to observe how the Tower of Shadows mastered this shadow magic and how it was affected!

The Viper Mountains are not too far away from Efraska.

Now that I have a rough grasp of the situation in the cold land.

After the troubles of the "Ancient Tribe" and the "Kingdom of Nagara" are solved, it's not impossible to make a half-turn from Efraska!

"in addition……"

"And the fire giant!"

A cold look shot out from Isaac's eyes.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than three months.

Whether it’s the Son of Hell himself or Grazte’s fault, it’s only about two months away from the Dragon Madness period now…

"You are asking for your own death!"

With the Children of Hell, Hellgate Castle’s strategy for the Northern Underdark is indispensable!

There were frequent messages from Alisa. After he gave the high tanari enough autonomy and the corresponding military strength, these guys were of course unsettled.

Not to mention, Kenil Walker, who was already marching north under his orders at the earliest.

With the intrusion of these evil forces, war has truly broken out in the already turbulent Northern Dark Territory.



"Mother and son, the Masked King and the Spider Queen!"

"Indispensable are those from the drow divine system!"


It was precisely when he was planning to reach the Northern Dark Territory that suddenly, Isaac had another spiritual feeling in his heart.

Eilistraee's brother, who holds the shadow priesthood of the Drow pantheon, also has an alliance with the Lady of the Night.

Lady of the Night corresponds to the new version of "Shadow Magic"!

There are also rumors that the Masked King is sponsoring his followers to create and research "Drow Magic"...

"Is it possible that the 'evil secret lock' of 'Drogol Magic' is not related to the essence of magic, but to the essence of the shadow world?"

With this flash of inspiration, Isaac's calculations were temporarily halted.

Frowning slightly, he was calculating the possibilities in his mind!

Fortunately, after a while...

"It's not impossible!"

"The Sylderin gods and the goddess of magic have always been close, and Eilistraee has a very close relationship with the goddess of magic."

"He is in the same camp as Lady Dark Night."

"Between the goddess of magic and the lady of the night, He will naturally favor the lady of the night!"

"In this case... it is not impossible that the drow dragons in Dragon Shadow City also master this version of shadow magic!"

Isaac's thoughts flashed, and Isaac shook his head slightly.

Unfortunately, everything is too dense.

Even though he was very interested in drow dragons, he couldn't reach out directly until he was over in the cold land!

All we can do is... observe first!

"One more moment with Alex Leske!"

"Create a legendary barrier to resist the Dragon Madness Lock!"

"And at the right time, once again warn the dragons who are allies of the Dragon Worship Cult!"

"We must also pay appropriate attention to and cooperate with Sazastan!"

"as well as……"

"'Flying Flame' Balagas!"

Isaac has a great hunch that this oldest original red dragon, at least one of the oldest, is very likely to cause some trouble during the dragon madness!

This possibility even exceeds those of the talisman masters of the "Entangled Talisman"!

Of course, he has been waiting for a long time!

"As long as we can seize the opportunity to capture this guy, Amn can go east, all the way to the south bank of Dragon Lake, and even to the Five Colors Temple, and there will be no real threatening obstacles!"

"Once Sammaster leaves, we can concentrate our strength to attack the Dragon Witch Cult!"

"Once the Dragon Witch Cult is suppressed, and with Sammaster's research results... the 'unity' of the five-color dragons will no longer be out of reach!"

At this point, almost everything that needs to be focused on has been circled.

The rest... that is, the first loyal servant has never noticed something strange in the Tower of Shadows dungeon, so there is still a need to pay attention.

However, things over there are not in a hurry, and they may not necessarily start now.

Compared to this, perhaps the matter of "conspiracy with the Son of God" is more important.

Of course, all of these are just things to pay attention to and be aware of.


"And Kui Lu!"

"Calculate the time, her time should be around the year of Dragon Madness!"

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