Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 907 The End

Thinking of Kui Lu, Isaac's expression became a little subtle.

Originally, he had already planned to use the most powerful blessing ceremony to give his daughter the inheritance of the true dragon when she was born.

However, this dragon madness is far from comparable to anything in history.

Before this dragon madness truly ends, this blessing ceremony must be postponed!

"Forget it, just wait."

"The current blessing ceremony will at most give her the inheritance of the green dragon."

"With such an inheritance, I'm afraid Eilistraee and Kui Lu still have something to say to each other."

"After I have thoroughly studied the great dragon father's gift, I will consider this ritual again!"

"Before that... let's take down the Viper Mountain Range as a gift for her birth!"

After sorting out all the things that need attention and even need to be interfered with in the coming period.

Gradually, Isaac also put away related thoughts.

I started meditating every day as a habit.

Soon, it was the second day.

Still not in a hurry to enter the realm of darkness, maintaining the "high-level invisibility" state, Isaac just lurked quietly, patiently observing, and identifying some giant dragons that would fly across the sky from time to time. identity of.

From early morning to morning, there were far more giant dragons that appeared than what Isaac saw yesterday.

Moreover, most of them are normal five-color dragons, not dracolich.

Moreover, most of them flew to the lake in the south.

This should be...

"After a night, there is a need for food and water!"

While remaining lurking and observing patiently, Isaac made some judgments in his heart.

Although the dragon can sleep for a whole month without eating, the evil magical environment of Fort Perelus, especially the magic ritual performed by Sammaster in the middle of the night yesterday, makes it impossible for anyone to sleep well?

Since I can't fall asleep, it will be normal for me to eat, drink, and have fun on the second day.

However, in one morning, nearly twenty giant dragons appeared in a row.

Although Isaac still only watched indifferently, there was some contemplation in his eyes, which gradually became obvious.

"Although it is impossible that all the giant dragons have come out, but..."

"The ancient dragon is a bit too much and too little!"

"Is it just this ancient black dragon?"

Isaac looked at the giant black dragon that was swooping down and disappearing into the cold lake.

A strange look was revealed in his eyes.

Including the ancient white dragon hidden in the Lugesas Mountains of the great glacier, which I have only heard of but never seen in person.

On Sammaster's side, did they just call for the two ancient giant dragons, one white and one black?

Or is there anyone else who is lurking in Perelus Castle and has no desire to come out to have fun and has no desire to eat?

Of course, this is just a five-color dragon, a real dragon.

What about the Dragon Lich? This is not currently considered by Isaac.

"It's just the white dragon and the black dragon..."

"Could it be that the red dragons, blue dragons, and green dragons of the ancient times who were willing to accept the transformation of the Sammaster ritual had long ago accepted it, but those who were unwilling to accept it are still unwilling to accept it even at this time? "

With a slight hesitation in his heart, Isaac turned his gaze to the two giant figures, one red and one green.

Red, this is a female old red dragon!

Red dragons, like golden dragons, can reach a giant size as long as they advance to old age.

The green one is a male ancient green dragon!

In terms of size, it is exactly the same as a red dragon.

Normally, the power of an old red dragon is one level inferior to that of an ancient green dragon, and the ancient green dragon is one level inferior to that of an ancient black dragon.

However, Isaac can naturally see that all the five-color dragons here, even the ancient black dragon that sank into the lake, vaguely have the posture of these two leaders!



"These two guys will actually appear here..."

"I'm afraid that the speculation last night was correct. Sammaster's research has made another key breakthrough!"

Looking at the two giant dragons, a strange look flashed in Isaac's eyes again.

The red dragon Malazan is a powerful and prestigious person among the five colored dragons.

Like Long Jie Altana, Malazan also took a job in the dragon's exclusive profession "Blood Scale Fury", and moreover, in terms of level, it was much higher than Long Jie.

It is the strengthening of this professional level that only in old age, this red dragon has the power that is by no means inferior to the ancient red dragon!

The same goes for the ancient green dragon Ishnaral.

He also took up a job that is exclusive to dragons, but instead of "Bloodscale Fury", it was "Skin-Carved Dragon".

But there are also several levels of advancement.

This ancient green dragon is so powerful that it can compete with Claudia Marta.

The ancient black dragon that sneaked into the lake to hunt for food was really different from these two!

To be able to make these two people accept the call and come...

Isaac is becoming more and more certain that Sammaster's research must have made a major breakthrough!

After carefully examining the two of them, Isaac finally focused his gaze on Ishnaral.

Although the distance was a bit far, with his eyesight, he could still see clearly.

This ancient green dragon has numerous runes engraved on its emerald green dragon scales.

However, Isaac could clearly discern at a glance that these runes were completely different from the rune technology mastered by giants and dwarves.

"The 'Blood Scale Fury' is just that, but this 'Skin-Carved Dragon' is quite interesting!"

"According to rumors, the 'Skin-Carved Dragon' has the ability to overcome the dragon's natural weaknesses, give the dragon more energy resistance, and even energy immunity, enhance the dragon's damage reduction, and strengthen the dragon's spell resistance. It also includes The enhancement of natural armor, the ability to resist temptation, the ability to self-heal, and a series of enhancements!"

"That's all. But if the improvement of energy resistance and the final energy immunity can be analyzed separately and integrated into the 'Wheel of Heaven'..."

Isaac knows, however, that in terms of energy immunity, even gods rarely have absolute immunity, especially "fire immunity", which is not in the category of natural immunity for most gods.

If he could understand the essence of "energy immunity" through the analysis of "Skin-Carving Dragon", and then use the "Wheel of Heaven" to embrace the myriad of things and unify them...

Undoubtedly, this will have a very obvious effect and improvement, both now and in the future!

"After the arrival of Dragon Madness, and when the real war breaks out, it is necessary to pay more attention to this person!"

Not long after, the ancient green dragon returned to Perelus Castle.

Isaac's gaze immediately retracted.

After that, no "legendary dragon seeds" appeared again.

There were not many dracolichs at all.

Gradually, the sun set in the west, and the sky quickly became dark.

When night fell, the moonlight, which was not bright in the first place, was still obscured by the endless black clouds in the dark realm.

Finally, Isaac walked out.

Walking in the air.

As if there is no one there, straight into the realm of darkness.

Until it was thirty or forty miles deep, it was roughly similar to his estimate last night.

Only then, his figure landed on a frozen rock.

But looking far away...

"As expected!"

Weiwei, Isaac shook his head slightly.

The overall environment of the Dark Realm is too dark.

In addition, there are no bright lights on the other side of Perelus Castle.

Under such an environment, no matter how powerful Isaac's dark vision was, it was impossible to directly see the legendary castle of darkness.

However, he was not disappointed, this was what he expected.

"Eagle Eye Technique!"

Using "Legendary Hidden" as a cover, without any clues being revealed, a spell was attached to Isaac's body.

And directly targeted Perrysburg, but...

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work!"

Once again, Isaac shook his head.

"Eagle Eye" can observe the designated target from a long distance, but when he targets Fort Perry...

In front of me, complete darkness!


"It not only has magical darkness that cannot be penetrated by the 'Eagle Eye Technique', but it also has extremely powerful anti-detection and anti-detection effects!"

There was still no disappointment, Isaac just took all chances and waited quietly.

Although it is difficult to see there directly with normal eyesight or with magic detection, but... this is only now!

"When his ritual begins, it is the best and perhaps the only time!"

The reason why it is the only one...

Isaac had no intention of forcing a breakthrough and confronting the dark archmage head-on!

At least, definitely not now!

Even in the future, it would be basically the same. It was unlikely that a situation would arise that required him to confront that person in person!

No matter how rampant that person is, the biggest headache is obviously the Good God Sect and those metal dragons!

Ignore the teams of monsters passing around you from time to time.

Isaac seemed to be integrated into the realm of darkness, completely integrated with the surrounding darkness, and even his eyes converged.

Wait quietly.

Even late at night, I haven't meditated yet, I'm just waiting.


It's the same time as last night.


Suddenly, Isaac's eyes opened.

The next moment, in the direction of Fort Perelus, the infinite raw magical energy began to surge.

Suddenly, in the darkest darkness, pieces of mysterious silver light spread out over Yayoi.

It is the radiance of these silver lights.

The center of the Dark Realm is like a dark city from the shadow world, a huge dark outline that has a demon-like shape but has expanded countless times. In Isaac's eyes, for the first time, There is manifestation.

Staring at this from a distance, it seems to be the core of the entire Dark Realm, or even the entire Dark Realm, just like the outline of the demon born from it...

Isaac's eyes suddenly narrowed at the highest peak of the dark outline.

Extreme vision.

But it's still vague and blurry to the extreme.



"That is……"

There was a moment of hesitation in my heart.

Almost without any hesitation, an almost imperceptible light flashed across Isaac's body.

The figure suddenly transformed into the dragon's true form.

However, the "Legendary Hidden" is still there, as is the "Advanced Invisibility". Even though his true form has been revealed, there is still no one on the side of Perelus Castle where Sammaster is presiding over the ceremony. , can sense his presence.

One reveals his true form.

Isaac's figure rose into the sky again, and even rushed into the depths of the Dark Realm.

In his eyes, the vertical pupils expanded to the extreme at this moment.

The eyesight is much stronger than that in human form.

At this moment, although it is still very blurry and vague, but...

"Similar... a stargazing tower?"

"Is this what he used to locate King Killer?"

"Or... is this the core of the operation of the 'Dragon Madness Lock' created by the Elf High Mage in ancient times?"

It was this look of surprise and suspicion that was reflected in Isaac's eyes.

On the side of Perelus Castle, the majestic primitive magical energy and primitive evil power also completely exploded.

For a moment, his observation of Fort Perelus was suddenly blocked.

At the same time, the magic field that is enough to affect or even destroy his "Legendary Hidden" effect is also spreading rapidly.

No hesitation.

With one stroke of "Swift - Any Door", Isaac's figure was still moving forward one moment, and was a mile behind him the next.

Without pausing, he flashed again and retreated some distance again.

Then, with a flutter of his wings, he turned around and left.

He didn't even stay here anymore. He left the realm of darkness with a "high-level teleportation technique" and reappeared as if he had appeared above a peak in the Eastern Lead Mountain Range.

"There should be nothing wrong!"

"That should be the core of the operation of 'Dragon Mad Lock'!"

"There was a legend that in the distant era, the Five-Colored Dragon Alliance launched an offensive against this core of operations. However, due to the overall sacrifice of the Winged Elf clan, this offensive was ultimately defeated."

"This legend, as of today, must be true!"

"Perhaps, that five-color dragon alliance is also because of the guidance of the Dragon Queen."

"Just as Sammaster is now..."

Once again, Isaac was more certain about last night's speculation.

There is no mistake, Sammaster wants to control the Dragon Madness Mystery Lock, and even transfer it from King Slayer to this side, so that this Dragon Madness can exist permanently, so that the dragon clan, no matter the five colors, can The dragon, or the metal dragon, will either be completely controlled by him, or it will eventually die in endless madness and rage!

This is clear...

"You can leave here!"

Isaac was not even prepared to explore the composition of Sammaster's ritual circle.

It's time to carry out, he has already planned, and the preparations to be carried out are over!

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