Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 909 Both Killed

Thalia quickly walked in as Salien exited.

When the Sun Elf nobles are not showing off, their temperament is undoubtedly quite outstanding.

That peerless appearance adds a lot of charm to this outstanding appearance.

And the natural secretive temperament that comes from the blood of demons makes this charm become intellectual and pure desire.

As for what it would be like to have a meeting with full bloom...

Isaac has not seen it personally, but he is not sure. But thinking about it, this bloodline is born with the essence of "charm". If he really stops being subtle, even compared with those succubi, he should be able to do so. Generally fiery and charming, right?

Watching this demon elf swaying towards him, intelligence and pure desire are blending and blooming.

Isaac's eyes did not hide the "appreciation".

With the enlightenment of Eilistraee and Kuilu, he is no longer the otaku that he was before, who only focused on research.

Of course, "appreciation" is "appreciation", but the hidden charm of the demon elves...

"Could the source of her bloodline be related to the succubus queen or those succubus lords?"

There was an uncertain suspicion in Isaac's heart.

When it comes to the "Charm Domain", the first thing that people associate with the bottomless abyss is naturally the famous "Succubus Queen".

However, he also knew that under the "Succubus Queen", there were actually better first-generation succubi, which also involved the level of "Charm Domain".

There are even people among them who have control over the power of the abyss. Even if they are slightly inferior to the "Succubus Queen", they are all qualified to challenge the "Succubus Queen" for the racial throne.

Thalia's "charming" bloodline comes from the bottomless abyss, and its source is most likely to be these first-generation succubi!

"His Majesty!"

On the throne, Thalia could certainly feel the heat in Isaac's eyes.

This fiery heat is not the form of Barlow's Fire Demon. The fiery heat of flames and lava is pure. This is... I want to eat her!

Thalia certainly wouldn't resist the possession.

On the contrary, she had already been tempted when she left everything behind and joined the Demon Flame King.

It's just that the Demon Flame King has never paid attention to her "dedication".

Unexpectedly, this meeting alone brought her into such unexpected "good luck"!

Under Isaac's gaze, the demon elf breathed out slightly, and his eyes were twitching. From his wine-red eyes, he wanted to resist but also welcomed him, with a look of shame and joy flowing out.

Although I know that this demon-born elf is just trying to seduce, but with such a charming appearance and the peerless appearance like an elf goddess...

Isaac, who had been separated from Kui Lu for several months, still couldn't help but move his eyes.


"Let's get down to business first."

"What did you find out about Drazojis?"

Physical desires have no influence on Isaac's order of things.

In the calm voice, Balor's flame demon shape changed, but it turned into the form of the original Cambion Archmage.

Let’s get down to business first!

This "first"...

Thalia naturally understood the meaning. Farewell Isaac no longer took the huge form of Balor Balrog, but transformed into Cambion of a similar size.

In her heart, Thalia knew that today, she could finally get what she wanted!

Whether she can have greater power in the future, or even influence the King of Demonic Flames, depends on whether she can seize this opportunity today!

Such a thought flashed in his mind, and was quickly suppressed by Thalia.

Let’s get down to business first.

Obviously, business is the most important thing right now.

The first thing the Demon Flame King wants is someone who can do the right thing, at least for now!

"It is certain that Lesaris still survived the 'big explosion' that day."

"Through the secret attention to him, it can be confirmed that the demon elves who are scattered and living in seclusion are gathering in secret, and they are led by a demon elf named 'Hals' who has the power of a six-armed snake demon. headed by."

"I investigated the family secrets and found information that can be matched with him from the materials from the Siruvanad period..."

As Thalia spoke, there was admiration and admiration flowing out of her eyes, and she continued: "Everything is just as your Majesty instructed, Hals Drastrogis, a German with the title of Baron. He is a direct descendant of the Radrogis family and the nephew of Countess Salia.

Now that he has appeared, it can be seen that the Dladrogis family is indeed about to reappear! "


The demon elven royal family possesses the power of the six-armed snake demon!

This is almost only inferior to the countess who possesses the power of Barlow's Fire Demon!

Since his identity can be determined...

Isaac also felt certain.

That day, after the "big explosion", the one who fought against him across the earth was indeed Countess Salia!

That fight, even though they were separated by the earth, and it was just a few tests between each other, but...

There is no doubt that Isaac is absolutely certain that the countess's attainments in the field of high magic are much better than those of the two Beren Liches in the Hall of Mist.

Reminiscing about the fight that day.

Judging, that is to use one's own power to directly perform a spell similar to the "Multiple Ceremony".

And the reason why this is possible is probably related to the demonic nature of the "Barlow Fire Demon".

If you think about the nature of the six-armed snake demon of Baron Hals, it is not much inferior to the Balor Fire Demon.

With such a high-level demonic nature, it is not impossible that this baron also has such abilities...

After pondering for a moment, there was a slight twinkle in Isaac's eyes, and he asked in a deep voice: "Tell me about the situation of Baron Hals. In addition, is there any direct information about Countess Salia?" discovery?"

Of course, the demon elves, especially the Dradogis family, are not on his direct enemy list.

However, he will naturally not be unprepared for this kind of demon spirit that can perform "numerous rituals" with its own strength.

Thalia shook her head at first: "The information about the countess has not been directly discovered. She seems to have never appeared in public among the demon elves. However, at least in name, neither Baron Hals nor the Lysaris is the demon elves who use her as their banner and respect her as their queen.

As for Baron Hals..."

As he spoke, another look of solemnity appeared in Thalia's eyes: "Baron Hals is a powerful barbarian warrior with the power of a six-armed snake demon.

Born with six arms, he was already the chief martial arts master of the Drazogis family as early as the Siruvanad period.

His strength is probably inferior to that of even Lord Mouvasis.

But how powerful it is specifically is not something I can accurately judge. "

Barbarian warrior!

Isaac put away a lot of scruples.

Although they possess the power of the six-armed snake demon, the power of this demon elven royal family is obvious.

But... no matter what melee profession, if you really encounter him, it will be almost like encountering a nightmare!

Even if the demon elven royal family could possess the various spell-like abilities of the six-armed snake demon, they were still not in his eyes.

Compared to a high mage like Countess Salia, this so-called chief martial artist poses no real threat to him at all!

Ignoring Thalia's solemnity, Isaac said calmly: "You don't have to keep an eye on Baron Hals. Countess Salia is still the primary target of investigation. In addition, you should also pay attention to their movements. , to see if it has something to do with Efraska, or with Myth Drannor?"


Myth Drannor!

Thalia's heart moved unconsciously at the Demon Flame King's command.

There is doubt that the Drarogis family will join forces with Myth Drannor, especially those Yugoroth demons, to target Efraska, who is already in embarrassment?

"I see."

However, she didn't ask, she just nodded in agreement, with a thoughtful look on her face, and said: "Your Majesty, the Countess has never shown up, so I have some suspicions, and that's why , I have just come to Flame Castle a few times, trying to see you and get your advice..."

Isaac nodded slightly: "Say!"

"Do you think it is possible that she went to open up the Drazogis family, or even the Kingdom of Arivanda, the hidden ancient ruins, or even the ancient fortress?"

"Given the antiquity and nobility of the Dradogis family, and the Countess being the most orthodox head of the family, she must have a lot of secrets like this!"

"Baron Hals was asked to call for the demon elves, but she never showed up. This is obviously because she is busy with more important things or something that she doesn't want outsiders to know about..."

Among Thalia's words.

Isaac couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

I have to say that her suspicion and judgment are quite possible.

After being sealed and imprisoned for so many years, although the countess escaped, she should have come out with almost nothing.

If we want to achieve something big, we need to revive the Drazogis family, open some inheritance bases, and excavate some ancient ruins. This is more than reasonable!

As for what will be in such bases and ruins...

Isaac didn't care too much.

What he cares more about is...Countess Salia's position!

If this countess takes the elves, Efraska, and Everlasting Island as her most direct goal, then the more information she has, the better!

Even if, through her, we can bring out the person who is directly related to the "Dark Sky" and may also be related to Arivanda's fall, that would be the best!

With the thoughts in his mind turned like this, Isaac nodded slightly: "Yes, your suspicion must be in the right direction, but..."

A faint smile appeared on his face and he continued: "There is no need to stop her.

Let's switch gears a little bit.

You still pay attention to them, but you no longer need to take a direct hostile stance.

It's up to you to decide, whether indirectly or directly, at the right time, you can convey the message of contact in my name!

It is not realistic for you to replace her now and become the queen of the demon elves.

But I support you in gaining a more important position among more demon elves, not just in Port Aven..."

You can decide by yourself how to contact that side in the name of the "Lord of Demon Flame"!

No need to be hostile anymore!

Isaac's words made Thalia relax in her heart from the fear and pressure she had always had due to her long-standing awe of "Dra Drogis".

She would take the initiative to find the Flame Castle several times. In fact, she was afraid of the huge gap between the power of Port Aven and Baron Hals.

In particular, Lesaris, who served under Baron Hals, was almost tricked to death by her!

Now that we have the direct support of the Demon Flame King, we can make some overtures to that side in the name of the Demon Flame King...

Could it be that Countess Salia and Baron Hals would ignore such overtures and insist on becoming enemies of Hellgate Castle?

"Your Majesty, I understand."

"With your support, I will definitely take root in the countess and keep an eye on all her movements for you."

“The Frosin family and I will always be yours first, and then part of Siluvanad.”

"As long as it is what you want, no matter when, no matter what, I am willing to dedicate everything..."

While Thalia was swearing allegiance, at the same time, from those beautiful and seductive eyes, the fiery and urgent aura was projected directly as if being ignited.

As long as she is the Demon Flame King, she can't wait to dedicate everything she has!

Even if it’s a moth flying into the flame!

In fact, it is indeed a moth to the flame.

Compared with the constitution of the chosen people like Kui Lu, the demon elves are very different.

The atmosphere from the castle hall was instantly ignited.

to fight all the way to the interior of the castle.

Isaac finally gained enough confidence in his dragon's fighting power for the first time.

It's nothing, being pressed down and beaten, I feel happy at the same time, but I have to support my waist at the same time, and I even feel sad.

Crushing along the way, he first killed the Sun Elf, who was known as the "Elven Goddess of Love", and when he was still rising, he also killed the Al-Al Demon student who had also been coveting his beauty for a long time. He was summoned and teleported to the ground, and then he rose up and struck hard, but also fell to the ground.

However, in the end, the six-armed snake demon was not summoned again.

Unlike the devil-born elves and Al-Aluminum demons, the six-armed snake demon's physique is probably even better than that of a chosen one like Kui Lu. Of course, his reason will not be the same here. Although he still has some courage, he is obviously not at his peak. At this time of the year, self-confidence is misjudged as arrogance!

The fighting gradually subsided.

But that's all.

In just half a day, Isaac quickly understood why many mages, and perhaps many dragons, were undergoing "Lich Ritual" transformations.

Some things are just a waste of time.

This is especially true if these things involve more than one object.

If you don't transform the lich, how can you have so much time and energy to waste?

However, as the leader of the five-color dragon, he could not "set an example" in the transformation of the "dracolich".

They can only start the second round of war again.

And with the power of the dragon, he defeated the two demons again.

Taking advantage of the victory, he quickly dispatched them.

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