Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 910 I treat people with sincerity


On the front foot, Alyssa and Thalia had just been sent away.

The back foot was actually teleported directly into the Flame Castle. The leather armor highlighted the proud figure. The Al-Al Demon, who was both valiant and cool, soon appeared in front of Isaac again.

The beauty of Al-Aluminum is indistinguishable from that of the demon-born elves.

However, there is a clear difference in the temperament of the two people.

Thalia, that is extremely seductive. Even if she assumes the airs of a sun elf noble, Isaac can still see her inner seductive charm through her so-called "intelligence" and "dignity". With that...ambition!

For this demon-born elf, her beauty serves more of her ambitions!

The same goes for betraying the Frosin family!

She would shamelessly seduce him, and that's the same thing!

But Alyssa is different.

Although he is a genuine Al-Al Demon and has genuine succubus blood, Isaac thought that if he, a cheap student, had not been born in Hell Gate Castle by mistake, he would actually have a bottom line. In a different environment, That is definitely a good man.


Although like Thalia, they had coveted his beauty for a long time, Isaac still thought that his cheap student was much more pure than Thalia.

If he really wanted to ask him to choose the one who was most suitable to him rather than the most effective candidate at Hell Gate Castle, there was no doubt that Alyssa should be the only choice.

If not, how could he leave all the matters of close cooperation with Barrett in her hands?

This is what happened. It was obvious that both of them were sent away, but no one noticed that Alyssa returned here quietly.

More importantly, I think it was because he finally got what he wanted. He had competed with each other, and competed with each other. Although he was defeated and had nothing to say, when Al-Almo came to see him again, his respect was still there, but it was even more respectful. closeness.

"Do you know why I called you back alone again?"

In front of Isaac, a magic crystal was suspended.

It can be seen that there is a ghost-like shadow sealed within this crystal.

When Alyssa walked in, from the center of his eyebrows, connected to the magic crystal, there was a magic ray that looked like electric light, constantly flashing with blazing light.

This phenomenon made Alyssa's heart move unconsciously.

Is this communicating with the sealed person?

Being sealed, but still allowing the teacher to communicate, it can be seen that this person is valued by the teacher and has an extraordinary background!

At the same time as she realized this, Alyssa felt another wave in her heart.

The teacher communicates with such a person, but does not shy away from her. It can be seen that she still has a status in the teacher's heart after all!

It's obviously completely different from that coquettish thing!

At this time, Isaac's voice came.

After quickly gathering her thoughts, Alyssa said: "The teacher has something to tell me, and I also think that she is not very reliable?"

This she, of course, refers to Thalia.

Even though they were sent out in pairs, but she was asked to return alone, how could Alyssa not consider this?

"Yes, Thalia does have a lot on her mind."

"Also everyone in Hellgate Keep."

"Although I am here, they don't dare to openly have different intentions, but I believe that if something happens to my side, or I fall into a weak position, the only one who will not deviate from Hell Gate Castle is When I leave, you will be the only one left!"

In the sound, the light of electricity between Isaac and the magic crystal was disconnected, and his eyes turned to Alissa. In his eyes, the power that seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts shot directly into Alissa's eyes. .

He really wasn't using the green dragon's traditional "coaxing" skill.

Once upon a time, Alissa had an intuition for Kenil Walker's persistence.

If it weren't for the demon hag and the blue bear barbarian, who had been imprisoned with Kenil Walker for decades and still remained the same, I think Alisa wouldn't have finally abandoned Cambion.

And even though she later betrayed him, she never really stabbed Cambion in the back.

Precisely because of this, Isaac felt that the Al-Al Demon's bottom line was undoubtedly the highest among all the people in Hell Gate Castle.

Even if it were placed in the outside world, it would make many people in the so-called "good camp" feel ashamed of themselves.

Of course, he also has a preference for such people, and he is even more convinced that placing trust and respect in such people will never be a mistake!

Let him preside over the Battle of Blackwater River!

Let him cooperate with Barrett to explore the secret of the drow dragon!

It is precisely because of this trust and preference!

Before Isaac's gaze, Alyssa's heart started beating wildly.

She never expected that Teacher Angus, no, it should be Teacher Isaac, would treat her like this... She took it as a "confession".

This kind of impact...

The white face could not help but be filled with a flush of red.

Amid the aloofness, there was a rare hint of shyness.

Alyssa took a breath, and then she lightly approached Isaac and said, "Teacher, as long as you don't abandon me, as long as you still need me, I will follow you wholeheartedly no matter what, no matter what." By your side."

As she spoke, her eyes were always facing Isaac.

Isaac's gaze had powerful penetrating power.

She responded with a sincerity that is impossible for a demon descendant to possess.

Just like Thalia, Samuel, Mouvasis and Salien, Alissa has never been very keen on the pursuit of power.

In the living environment of Hell Gate Castle, what she has pursued most for a long time has always been true trust!

Isaac hugged this cold and charming witch who did not look like a demon, and lowered his head again.

Fortunately, after a while, they separated again.

Looking at the gasping Aalum Mo, he smiled softly: "Most things have a price, but there are also some people and things that are truly priceless. Of course I will always keep priceless treasures. In my heart, as long as my heart doesn't fall, it will never fall..."

Alyssa never expected that the teacher would actually talk about love, which made her heart beat wildly again.

He couldn't help but wrap his arms around the teacher's neck. He was still breathing quickly, and he stood on tiptoes and raised his head, blocking the teacher's unfinished words directly.

But after all, the previous fierce battle had just passed.

Although the atmosphere was fiery and beautiful, it still did not ignite another war.

After a long exchange of breaths, the two finally separated again.

Wait until the passion gradually calms down.

Isaac entered another topic and asked: "What is the situation in the north now?"

His question was inconsistent with Salien's report the day before yesterday.

Although Alyssa also had information, it was passed to the six-armed snake demon who was in charge of the overall situation of Hell Gate Castle.

However, apart from Barrett, she was the only one who could secretly observe drow dragons.

This question is naturally exactly what happened to Drow Dragon!

"There are three things you need to pay attention to most!"

Taking a deep breath to calm down the ups and downs in her heart, Alyssa said: "First, Mr. Barrett is certain that the drow elves from Dragon Shadow City are some drow named 'Guardian Elders' Dragon is the leader, and he is doing whatever it takes to instigate internal strife and civil war in various drow cities, and also provoke invasion by foreign enemies.

At this time, in the Northland, almost most of the drow cities were on the verge of war, and had even started a war.

This further caused commotion in those gray dwarf cities and some illithid forces, including Amarinda's side. "

Amarinda, this is the current main ruling place of "Hell Gate Castle". It is not only occupied by Tanar'ri giants, but also has a large number of demonic orc tribes.

However, Isaac had already given them enough autonomy in non-war situations.

Naturally, it was already expected that he would be affected by the commotion in the Northern Dark Region, or even be seduced by some people.

Nodding slightly, Isaac did not ask further. He had expected or knew about these things, including those "guardian elders".

"Second, someone has colluded with Walker!"

Speaking of Kenil Walker, Alyssa raised her eyes again and looked at Isaac.

"It was already expected."

Isaac smiled lightly and did not hide anything: "With the two major tribes of 'Flaming Horns' and 'Blood Hand' in hand, the force he controls is even better than that of Vikas and Givox.

In addition, I promised that when the Northern Expedition is over, I will give him true freedom in return.

Whether he believes it or not, since he has such power and has moved north, he will naturally attract the attention of those people!

It just depends on whether he believed in my promise in the end.

I will still believe the temptation of those drow dragons! "

Sure enough, it was part of the teacher's plan!

A look of admiration appeared on Alyssa's face, and she said: "The teacher's budget is completely correct, and the drow who colluded with Walker is a powerful assassin named 'Nemo-Inferizel'.

Mr. Barrett judged that the strength of this assassin must be such that it is possible to fight with him. It must be only under the drow dragons of those "guardian elders" and is the core of the Jezlade-Charlson family. The assassin leader!

Judging from the current intelligence, Walker must have been persuaded by him to launch an attack on Menzoberranzan.

In addition to the Jezlade-Charlson family and Walker, it is also certain that the gray dwarves of Glextu City have also joined this war! "

Grextu City is the most powerful gray dwarf city in the entire Northland.

Moreover, according to Isaac's understanding, the gray dwarves in Glextu City generally believe in a "gray dwarf patron saint" named "Radug", rather than the more common gray dwarves in this plane, then The greatest gray dwarf queen in history, Ms. "Deepland-Dura" who achieved divine ascension on her own!

Dragon Cinema!

Kenil Walker and two demonic orc tribes!

The gray dwarves of Gleixtu City!

But at this time, the Spider Queen was still in silence, and the great matrons of the drow elves had lost their magical abilities one after another!

Isaac is also curious. If the Spider Queen is silent this time, she is really silent. Can the darkness and evil in Menzoberranzan continue?

However, he didn’t ask any more questions and nodded again, signaling Alyssa to continue.

"Third, I received news from the spies I planted in Menzoberranzan. It seems that Matron Baenre has raised a magic ship and sent an envoy to the Demon Web Pit to explore the Silence of the Spider Queen. the intention of the cause.”

"However, we can't be sure whether this kind of news was released deliberately, or whether there are other people planning it.

Such as some people within Menzoberranzan, or... from the Jezlade-Charlson family! "

While reporting, there was some uncertainty on Alyssa's face.

The Devil's Web Pit is not only the legendary territory of the Spider Queen's Kingdom of God, but it is also one of the most dangerous aspects of the Bottomless Abyss.

Matron Baenre will send messengers to raise the magic ship and sail to such a place...

She really couldn't be sure.

This is the conspiracy of Mistress Banrei. Who is she trying to lure out? That's why this news is spread?

Or is it that someone wants to destroy the intention of the Banreh family, so they send this secret message to all the forces targeting the Banrei family?

"Going to the Demon Network Pit?"

Isaac's eyes finally wrinkled at this moment.

Some things from his early years resurfaced in his mind.

Once, that person had given him a revelation. Once the Spider Queen's silence was successfully completed, it would most likely be an extraordinary sublimation!

You know, the Spider Queen is already moderately powerful, and with an extraordinary sublimation...

Isaac naturally knew what this was referring to.

Come to think of it, the Masked King sect, and almost all other drow sects, launched a war against the Spider Queen sect at this time. This all has its roots.

At this time, it suddenly appeared that a magic ship was about to sail to the Demon Web Pit to explore the reason for the Spider Queen's silence...

"Is it possible that the magical catastrophe related to Alyssa and Kenil Walker is also related to this, or... caused by it?"

His eyes were slightly wrinkled, but for a while, Isaac still found it difficult to truly associate the Spider Queen with the magical catastrophe.

The Spider Queen is able to complete the final sublimation, that is, she can be promoted to powerful divine power.

Not to mention the powerful Seldarine gods, who are his eternal enemies.

The goddess of magic alone is so powerful that she can't even fight against it.

How could Alisa and Walker cause a magical catastrophe because of Him?

I was shaking my head slowly in my heart, but...

After pondering for a moment, Isaac stretched out his hand and waved it in the sky, and in his palm, a silver glow shone.

Alyssa’s eyes were immediately attracted.

Just when he saw it, in the palm of his hand, a silver amulet shaped like a badge was floating in the void, blooming with brilliant aura.

On top of this talisman, there is another eye symbol that appears in azure color.

With just one glance, Alyssa's heart suddenly moved.

Is this the mark of the beholder's eye?

"The drow in Dragon Shadow City, especially the guardian elders, are the most powerful assassins."

"There is something wrong with Menzoberranzan as well."

"Although you don't need to step forward in person, you still need to take necessary precautions."

Isaac put the talisman on Alissa's chest and said, "This 'Tanaheim's Eternal Vigilance' talisman can strengthen your 'insight' and 'reflection' abilities. With your alertness, even if Barrett were to take action, it would be difficult for you to be caught off guard!"

Isaac originally planned to keep this legendary talisman to be worn by his future "clone". However, now that "Issac's original true body" has undergone extraordinary improvements, the role of this talisman will have a profound impact on the future. As far as the avatar is concerned, it's not that important.

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