Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 911 Slavery and Beginning

"I hope you can finally escape from that catastrophe!"

Alisa, who was given the legendary amulet, stayed in the Fire Castle for half a day longer, and then left in a hurry.

Behind him, immersed in the dark environment of the treasure house, after a while, Isaac let out a sigh.

He has long suspected that the magical disaster involved with Alissa is very likely to be related to, or even the same, the catastrophe directly related to the goddess of magic as mentioned by the great dragon father.

If that's the case...

Whether it's Alissa or Kenil Walker, it's hard for him, or even him, to decide what his final fate will be.

Even if he gave her "Tanaheim's Eternal Vigilance", it would still be difficult to say.

But even so, he still took out this legendary amulet.

Although the value of this legendary talisman should be hundreds of thousands of gold coins, such a value is a very considerable number even for him.


"With this amulet, if she can really escape from the disaster, it will be the best."

"Even if there are dissatisfactions..."

In the darkness, an arc of light flashed through Isaac's eyes: "Through it, it will be possible to explore the truth of this disaster!"

Hundreds of thousands of gold coins are certainly considerable.

But compared to the catastrophe that is likely to involve the goddess of magic, he still doesn't mind giving it at all. Even if the donation is in vain in the end, there is no hesitation!

In the darkness, after a period of dead silence.

Suddenly, Isaac raised his hand, and the magic crystal with "Shadow of Ghost" printed on it floated out again.

"Dosal, I ask you for the last time, are you willing to actively cooperate with Oath Binding, become my magic advisor, and gain the respect of everyone, including those high Tanari?

Or do you want me to use evil rituals to first transform you into a creature from the lower plane, and then use the 'Demon Binding Ritual' to completely enslave your soul. In the end, even the lich students of Urglas can do whatever they want. Drive you to do things? "

The will of the soul once again turned into a light of electricity, transmitting Isaac's voice directly to the consciousness of the "ghost shadow" sealed in the magic crystal.

This ghostly shadow was naturally the one who presided over the tanar'ri summoning ceremony in the last years of Cape Esko to expel the Baatezu demons. In the end, he not only defeated Ulglath, but also directly caused Cape Esko to be destroyed by the demon. Even the Kingdom of Yeerlan was destroyed by the Archmage Dosal-Manas!

Although there were demon elves behind everything like this, such "brilliant achievements" still made this archmage very famous.

It's a pity that no matter how famous his reputation is, his ending is obviously not satisfactory!

Not only was he personally killed by Greensack who was summoned by him, but his soul was also imprisoned in this magic crystal. After hundreds of years of solitary confinement, the soul of this former great mage had already been endlessly destroyed. Filled with resentment and hatred.

As a result, even though it had been in Isaac's hands for some time, he didn't recognize him at all. No matter he said good or bad words, his neck was as hard as iron, and he showed no intention of lowering his head.

Just like now, Isaac was sending the steps to his feet, but, as if he was pretending to be dumbfounded, there was no response at all.


"Seek your own death!"

With Dosal like this, Isaac didn't say much more. He snorted coldly in his heart, and the light of electricity disappeared in the air.

He did understand why Dosal reacted like this.

After the sealing crystal fell into his hands, he had many contacts with the Archmage, but he was still unable to capture him.

Naturally, this person had already adapted and grasped the "temptation" and "threat" to him.

It's a pity that what this person is accustomed to and has control over is nothing more than before.

With the successful creation of the "Eternal Wheel" and "Soul-Eating Poison", with the "Corruption Ritual" in hand, with the preliminary involvement of the "Dark Mystery Lock", and with his "Slave the Abyss Lord" "In terms of research, there are continuous and in-depth research progress...

Whether the Archmage is cooperating or not, he has the ability to grasp and even completely control this person!

At this time, since Dosal still wants to continue to be "arrogant"...

It's nothing more than that he just spent a little more effort!

No longer wasting words with this person, he waved his hand and put away the magic crystal again. Isaac sent out another message, and soon summoned the six-armed snake demon with some resentment.

Some more instructions were given.

Ignoring the little thoughts of the six-armed snake demon, Isaac's figure disappeared into the Flame Castle with one teleportation.

Three days later.

The demiplane of Hellgate Castle.

With the completion of another grand ceremony.

He looked at Dosal Manas, who was floating in the sky in an incorporeal form. Although he was a vicious spirit, he still exuded a strong aura of purgatory.

Isaac's eyes showed some satisfaction.

"This is quite good. It allowed me to get familiar with the 'Demon Binding Ritual' in practice!"

These three days.

Except for a few original demons who died in the fierce war and were reborn here, they directly used the "blasphemous ritual" to return to the High Tanari in one step and sent them to Saleen.

Isaac focused all his energy on the ghost archmage.

First, the "Purgatory Template" is given to this ghost mage, so that he has the essence of a creature from the lower plane.

Combined with the "Dark Mystery Lock" integrated into the "Hell Gate Castle Demiplane", this purgatory ghost that already possesses the "Tanar'ri Essence" is uniquely summoned and bound.

Then he used an enhanced version of the "Corruption Ritual", and performed three consecutive superimpositions, completely depriving the purgatory ghost of its psychic immunity and also depriving it of its will to resist.

Finally, the "legendary enslavement technique" with a "permanent persistence" correction and a high-intensity "resistance to dispel" was used to completely enslave this stiff-necked ghost archmage.

After this process...

"It is enough to use it on ordinary people, even on creatures with psychic immunity. However... there are still two shortcomings and shortcomings!"

Although he was satisfied with the enslavement of this ghost archmage, at the same time, Isaac did not overlook the shortcomings.

"First, this deprivation of psychic immunity and will resistance is still difficult to completely overcome the level of destiny, let alone the quasi-divine power of the abyss lord, or even a real god!"

"Secondly, although after being deprived of psychic immunity and will resistance, this 'Legendary Slavery' can have the maximum 'resistance to dispel', but this is only stronger, not indispersible. After all, this is There are hidden dangers!”

After all, "Permanent Continuation" is five times more difficult. Correspondingly, "Confrontation and Dispersion" also requires a five-fold increase in investment!

At five times the difficulty factor, even with ritual casting, the "maximum" is still very limited!

With such thoughts, Isaac put away the magic crystal suspended in front of him.

Within the crystal, there is surprisingly still a little remnant of the soul essence of the Ghost Archmage.

With such soul essence in hand, it means that at some point, his enslavement to Dosal Manas was forcibly expelled by someone.

With this soul essence, he was sure enough to figure it out, even to poison him directly from the air!

"However, even if such slavery can one day break through Kostchichi's psychic immunity, it is still not suitable for use on his abyss lord body!"

"We still need to consider the ultimate slavery without hidden dangers from a deeper level!"

However, at this time, Isaac did not continue to think deeply.

In the blink of an eye, five or six days have passed since I returned from the freezing cold place.

After the daily number of legendary spells is restored, it will be time to solve the problem in the Viper Mountains!

No longer staying in the "Hell Gate Castle Demiplane".

After first collecting the Ghost Archmage in a gem container, Isaac directly led his assistant team through the magic door and returned to the kingdom.

The gem container was left in the brain-shaped castle in the Tower of Ghosts dungeon, and some modifications were made to the castle boundary.

Only then, after giving some orders to Dosal Manas.

Instead of meeting Eugene, he just used an "advanced teleportation technique" and Isaac quickly disappeared into the dungeon.

Continuous transmission all the way.

It didn't take long before he came to the long-lost Five-Color Temple again.

Needless to say, I asked Mrs. Miranda to prepare everything in advance so that at the right time, she could send a warning to all allies of the Dragon Worship Cult at the same time, and also send a summons at the same time.

Inevitably, in the altar hall of the Five Color Temple, through the Green Dragon Crown, he also had some communication with the Dragon Queen's hidden will.

In particular, the trade of Kelben to those "Lords of Symbols" was also the first time the goddess of magic revealed the secret to him, and it was directly known to the Dragon Queen.

Then, gradually, his spiritual consciousness began to escape from the Green Dragon Crown, and finally separated from the Dragon Queen's will.

His eyes had already been narrowed, as if he was resting in meditation.

But in the soul...

"Dragon Magic Priesthood!"

"It depends on whether the blue dragon lich and the master of those talismans will take the bait!"

"Unfortunately, there is no specific environment. Such a secret cannot be spread easily. Otherwise, people will be suspicious of whether there is an ulterior design!"

"For the time being, we can only trick the Lord of Talisman, but it will not affect the Dragon Witch Sect."

After this little bit of regret.

Isaac's mind soon became peaceful.

He is already preparing to send a warning and call to all the dragon allies, including the Dragon Witch Cult allies, at the right time.

No matter how many allies this call can eventually summon.

There is one thing that needs to be really considered!

"The legendary enchantment against Dragon Madness Lock!"

"Or, directly send allies who are willing to leave temporarily out of this plane!"

Such considerations.

In his mind, Isaac reversed the operational design of the "Dragon Madness Mystery Lock" based on his understanding of the many "Dragon Madness" events in history, combined with his knowledge of the "Mystery Lock".

Moreover, this time's "Dragon Madness" also needs to be considered. This kind of operation will be repeated for a long time and continue to strengthen!

"If we use 'Mystery Lock' to target 'Mystery Lock', we can easily complete the design."

"The 'King Slayer Shield' designed by the Elf High Mage for their metal dragon allies is exactly like this!"

"But with the legendary protective barrier..."

"With the 'protective seeds' as the core, it is necessary to make permanent and continuous corrections!"

"This is not suitable for considering all-round protection according to the spell level!"

"It should be more about targeting specific spells or targeting specific effects..."

Designated spell, this is naturally "Dragon Madness Lock"!

Unfortunately, Isaac is not an elf and cannot really directly master the "Mystery Lock Seed". Naturally, he cannot master the "Dragon Madness Mystery Lock" either.

Without direct control, there was no threshold for him to enter this design for "designated spells".

Just like, since the creation of "Dragon Madness Lock", there are too many strong men with legendary spellcasting abilities in the dragon clan who have been unable to completely solve such problems.

Even the most powerful warlocks among the golden dragons can only consider using targeted "magic sleep" to reduce the progress of the dragons' loss of sanity as much as possible, so as to delay the end of dragon madness.

Unfortunately, this dragon madness is destined to last far longer than any other time in history. It is worth considering how useful such "magic sleep" can be.


"Although this 'magic sleep' cannot completely resist the influence of Dragon Madness, there is nothing wrong with the idea!"

"The design of the legendary protective barrier should be based on the protection of 'sanity damage'!"

"It just needs to be considered that this kind of 'sanity damage' will continue to increase as the dragon madness continues..."

Thinking quietly.

In the blink of an eye, it was late at night.

After the daily number of legendary spells has been restored, and the corresponding spells in the spell slot have been adjusted and prepared.

With a rumor from Mrs. Miranda, Isaacton disappeared into the temple.

The Viper Mountains are in the east of the High Wasteland and slightly to the south.

The war over there has been going on for several months now,

Although Isaac has not been there personally, he still has a lot of understanding of its general location and general area of ​​influence.

"The ancient tribe's old nest is in the northwest of the Viper Mountains, directly bordering the Supreme Wasteland."

"The Kingdom of Nagara is located in the southeast of the Viper Mountains, and it also includes a considerable range of forests and swamps outside the mountains. However, although it is named after the kingdom, there are too many monsters in it, and it is not accepted by those at all. Plus the rule of the serpent people.”

"The inextricable feud between the ancient tribe and the Kingdom of Nagara lies in the black dragons who are constantly plundering, dominating, and transforming the snake people!"

"The reason why the three parties have been unable to take down the ancient tribe together is because these black dragons and their descendants of the dragon-veined snake people have dug countless underground holes for more than a thousand years. The channel network, there are even many channels, penetrates the Viper Mountain Range and can be connected to the Kingdom of Nagara!"

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