Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 913 Fate and Shadow

"First, Nagara's Spiral Crown!"

"This is the sacred weapon owned by the Snake King Abarnaj, and it is also the symbol of the throne of Nagara. Although the exact ability of this sacred weapon is not yet clear, it is obviously that in the fight against the 'ancient god' Karnogus During the long period of time, the Snake King Abarnaj once used the power of this sacred weapon and defeated Kalsnoggs!"

"Secondly, judging from the information currently available, the Kingdom of Nagara, which is supposed to believe in and has always believed in the 'Great Snake', has now transferred its main belief to a country called 'Zexi'. Your mysterious snake god is here!"

"In this regard, I have communicated with Lord Claugilia Mata, Lord Red Dragon Envoy Baias, and Lord Mouvasis, and the conjecture I got is that this mysterious snake god is most likely to be An incarnation of the 'Evil Lord' of the Mulhorand pantheon!"

"In other words, it is very likely that the Kingdom of Nagara should be supported by the 'Lord of Evil' sect!"

In front of Isaac, Samuel's report would naturally not matter.

However, with his full revelation...

Isaac, who was still invisible, had something strange in his eyes.

The Holy Artifact Crown is nothing more. After all, the Kingdom of Nagara is an ancient kingdom of snake people, so it is normal to have a Holy Artifact.

But the mysterious snake god Zehir is more likely to be the incarnation of the "Lord of Evil", or more likely to have a new appearance. This is...

"It's quite a fate!"

Silently, a sneer flashed across Isaac's face.

He did not deny the speculations of Claudelia Mata and others.

In fact, this corresponds exactly with the deep secrets he knows.

The Lord of Evil has been trying to usurp and even replace the clerical authority controlled by Seth, the "Great Serpent".

However, at least for now, the Snake People's main belief is still on the side of the "Great Snake".

Moreover, although the Lord of Evil wants to replace the "Great Snake" and become the true Lord God of Snake People, he is not without competitors.

On the other side of the bottomless abyss, there are at least two demon lords who are also constantly encroaching on the snake people's faith. It's just that the evil lord is a true god, and the priesthood really involves the "venomous snake" field. This is the one who is ahead of this. Two steps forward.

However, leading is leading, from the perspective of some deeper secrets that Isaac knows...

"If the snake god Zehir is really his new appearance..."

"That's right, the Dragon Queen's sneer back then was completely correct!"

"Whether it is the 'Great Snake' or the 'Snake of the World', there are indeed hidden dangers that cannot be solved. Even great beings like the 'Lord of Evil' are very close to powerful divine powers. , in the end we have to give up replacing, and instead use a new look to invade!"

"This Kingdom of Nagara must be His new appearance and the most important area of ​​belief at present!"

While thinking about this.

Isaac didn't ignore another aspect either.

"The evil master has been planning for many years and has never been aware of the hidden dangers of the Great Snake. It was only recently that he turned around again."

"However, both the great Dragon Father and the Dragon Queen have known about this for a long time..."

"Moreover, Father Long even has a deep understanding of the origin of the 'Snake of the World'..."

In his heart, Isaac was thinking deeply.

Perhaps, he should further study the oldest creation legends!

"After everything is over this time, before starting the exploration journey in the outer plane, it's time to take some time to visit the Candle Keep!"

Once again, the thought came to Isaac's mind.

But at this time, he didn't think too much about it.

After making some inquiries about the snake god Zehir's situation, such as the holy symbol and the teachings, it was confirmed that he and the "Lord of Evil" were indeed consistent in many aspects.

"According to what the Dragon Queen said, after that conflict, he and the Lord of Evil reached a certain alliance agreement in Baator Hell."

"In this case, it is difficult for the Kingdom of Nagara to be completely destroyed."

"However, even so, it is impossible to really cut off the Viper Mountain Range."

"Whether it is the promise to Claudia Mata or the future Maiyelita Kingdom, this requires in-depth arrangements here!"

While thinking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold color flashed through them.

"Let's deal with the remnants of the ancient tribe first, and then let's see if the evil lord can still show his will like Zeng Jin in front of me!"

If it can still come down...

Satan had sealed a ray of his will back then.

Would he still be inferior to Satan today?

Having made this decision, Isaac no longer continued to deliberate and hesitate in these aspects.

Still using telepathy, he asked again: "What is the current situation of the ancient tribe? Are you sure that we can lead out or find their core leaders?"

As soon as these words came out.

Samuel's heart moved.

To lead out, or find, the core leaders of the ancient tribe.

The meaning of this...

Obviously, His Majesty is going to personally take action and carry out the beheading operation!

Therefore, this arrival is always invisible. Except for him and Wilder, there is a high probability that no one will know about it!

Then he replied: "The valley lair of the ancient tribe has been completely destroyed by us. In addition to a large amount of materials seized, a considerable amount of magic information has also been searched. Currently, these resources are concentrated in The place where the three dragon envoys are."

"In addition, in many battles, we have killed and destroyed at least three black dragons and two black dragon lichs, and even more were seriously and slightly injured.

Even their mage group suffered a lot of casualties.

If they hadn't completely abandoned their nest in the valley at the last moment and all retreated into the maze-like underground tunnel, perhaps the Kingdom of Nagara would have been completely conquered by us before the future. "

After briefly summarizing the war situation.

Samuel then entered the real topic: "Currently, there are three people who can be called their core leaders."

"The two descendants of Cals Noggs are both black dragon lichs of the ancient age!"

"And the leader of the mage advisory group is the Lich Archmage who once appeared on the Blackwater River battlefield!"

"In addition to these three leaders, there are others who can be included in the core ranks..."

“First of all, it’s naturally those true dragons.

If the two destroyed black dragon lichs have not been resurrected, judging from what has appeared, they should still have at least eight black dragons and black dragon lichs.

The most powerful among them are the two old black dragon lichs. "

"In addition to these real dragons, some powerful half-dragons, and several powerful mages, they should also be included in the core ranks.

There are even two of them who possess powerful power that is close to the legendary level! "

After successive wars, Samuel was naturally very clear about the power of the ancient tribe.

Because of the numerous magical barriers in the valley's lair, although the damage suffered by the ancient tribe was considerable, it was not unbearable.

If Isaac really withdraws his troops, with their remaining strength, the Black Dragon clan will still be able to dominate the Viper Mountains. Even the Kingdom of Nagara will not be able to suppress them.


“The current situation, with the involvement of the Nagara Kingdom, they have almost put aside all counterattacks.

Instead, layers of defenses were laid out using the long tunnel, which was particularly suitable for fighting crawling creatures.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to bring their cores directly to the ground.

However, if you want to locate some of them underground, there should be some way..."

Samuel said, but his voice paused again, and some bloody red light was flashing in his huge compound eyes.

A tunnel environment suitable for crawling creature battles!

Isaac's heart moved, but he knew what he meant.

Reptiles, which are obviously headed by the six-armed snake demon Muvasis!

Only Mouisses' size can still exert his full power in the environment of the underground tunnel.

However, such as the Demon Slaughterer, the Three Great Dragon Envoys, and Claudia Mata, whose bodies are too large, will be difficult to fight without changing.

And once it changes, the combat power will inevitably drop, and the danger will greatly increase.

Therefore, Samuel naturally wanted to invite Mouisses as the vanguard to attack the underground.

Only if Muvasis personally led his troops to kill them, could he provoke the core members of the ancient tribe, especially those powerful spellcasters.


Isaac also knew why Samuel's voice paused.

Even for Muvasis, it was difficult to say that he could be absolutely safe in that unfamiliar tunnel environment.

After all, it is obvious that there are definitely magic traps arranged by the Archmage in those tunnels. Moreover, during the battle, they may be attacked by the Archmage at any time.

Even for Mousis, this is quite dangerous!

The reason why Samuel paused was because he had communicated with Mouisses a long time ago, and Mouisses might even have made some attempts.

In the current situation, Samuel is unable to stop Mouvasis from taking another risk!


"I will summon Mousis to cooperate with you!"

"A raid will be launched today."

"Lead by Mouisses."

"Here at Hell Gate Castle, mobilize the most elite Vromo fighting brigade and send a Tanarok team."

"Dragon Worship Cult, order the three dragon envoys to send out a team of direct descendants of dragons, and then mobilize a team of spellcasters to join them."

"Claudia Mata, on the other hand, asked the chief shadow guards to cooperate with the troll army, and then sent a logistics team to coordinate."

"In addition, Wilder, you will also join in and cooperate with the mages of the Dragon Worship Cult to clear magic traps along the way and also deal with the ordinary magic power on the opposite side!"

Isaac's telepathic voice reached the hearts of both the fly demon and the lich at the same time this time.

In pairs, the two of them took orders at the same time.

But then, Lich Wilder flashed the flame of his soul. He seemed to ponder and hesitate. After thinking about it for a moment, he continued: "Your Majesty, although you are here, everything will obviously not go wrong. Possibly, but for those mage advisors from the ancient tribe...

I think maybe you need to pay more attention to them! "

He said it implicitly.

But how could Isaac not hear the solemnity in it? He was also moved in his heart and said: "Do you want to say that they are also inherited from the magic dynasty like your teacher Urglas and the immortal Ovo? "

The ancient tribe has always been the enemy of the Dragon Worshiping Sect. As the leader of the Dragon Worshiping Sect, he has launched a war against them. How could he not know the origin of this advisory mage group of the Black Dragon Clan?

"Your Majesty does know, but it's not just that!"

Wilder nodded first, then shook his head, and continued: "Lord Samuel has already mentioned that we searched a lot of magic information from the Black Dragon Clan's valley home.

Although these magical information are temporarily in the possession of the Red Dragon Envoy, these days, I have also conducted a lot of research on this with the mages of the Dragon Worship Sect.

However, it has been discovered that a considerable part of these magic materials are closely related to the inheritance of the magic dynasty.

But there is just as much, and equally important, information related to 'shadow magic', which is not the style of the Magic Dynasty at all.

We've sorted out some clues about these 'shadow magics'.

It is suspected that the ancient tribe has discovered the magical relics of the 'Talfir people' who disappeared thousands of years ago.

And it also integrated its most powerful "shadow magic" research with the inheritance of the magic dynasty.

These shadow spells are much more powerful and insidious in the dark environment underground than they are here in their valley lair! "

The long-extinct Talfir people!

More, shadow magic!

Isaac began to think deeply in his heart.

Talfir, it's not like he has never heard of this name before.

A thousand or two thousand years ago, whether it was Lei Loren and Karinsei in the south, Narfio and Lomantha in the northeast, or even the Elf Royal Court, all were inferior to the brilliance of magical civilization. That magical dynasty in the north.

With dozens of floating cities and dozens of great arcanists, the brilliance of that magic dynasty is almost the pinnacle of human civilization.

However, even in that glorious period, the Magic Dynasty was not completely without enemies.

It is almost adjacent to the Magic Dynasty, and the Talfir people are one of their enemies.

Moreover, the Talfir people also possess powerful magic!

If Isaac's memory is correct...

With a thought in his heart, he looked at the Fly Demon: "Is the Shadow King who killed the first Snake King of Nagara related to the Talfir people?"

Samuel was stunned for a moment and looked at the lich.

Wilder nodded: "He should be the last magic emperor before the extinction of the Talfir people. Perhaps the incompatibility between the Nagara Kingdom and the ancient tribe has a lot to do with this!"

The King of Shadows!

Shadow magic!

Talfir people!

Isaac also had some interest.

But he was curious whether the shadow magic of the Talfir people was directly related to the "shadow magic" in the traditional sense, or to the "shadow magic" revealed in the "Book of Darkness", or was it that , is it another system?

But no matter what...

The attack that should be carried out must still be carried out!

The "SMS Technique" was immediately transmitted to the six-armed snake demon!

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