Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 914 Shadow Magic

With Isaac's personal message, Mouisses, whose life essence was bound to the "Demiplane of Hell Gate Castle", could only obey orders no matter how unwilling he was.

And with Mouisses’s “leading with one’s own body”...

Whether it is the Red Dragon Envoy or Claudia Mata, it is naturally impossible not to support them.

Then, in the name of Isaac, under the central auspices and coordination of Samuel.

Not even two hours after it became light, all the teams involved in the raid were formed and assembled again.

Seeing this, although there were only a few hundred in number, the assault group formed by aces and elites quickly entered the underground through the occupied valley lair of the ancient tribe.

There is also the logistics team of dragon-turned-kobolds, and various supplies are also being transported into the valley.

"Moisis actually took action himself!"

"It seems that as Dragon Madness approaches, he doesn't want to look here and continues to delay!"

The three dragon envoys all showed their true bodies at this time.

The one in the middle is naturally the Red Dragon Envoy.

The Red Dragon Envoy, who had completely "retired" since the position of leader of the Dragon Worship Cult was taken away by Isaac, has been promoted to the ancient age group this time.

In addition to being a priest and possessing the sacred weapon of the Red Dragon Crown, its power is by no means inferior to that of the ancient red dragon.

At this time, based on Moisis's "positive example", it was roughly judged that that person might be coming in person...

In the eyes that were like lava, as if there were flames burning in them, some strange colors began to flicker unconsciously.

Although over the years, Bias's ambition has been severely damaged by that "arrogance", but...

After all, I didn’t see it with my own eyes!

This time, he wanted to take the opportunity to see how "arrogant" that person was?

However, he seemed to be talking to himself, but the voices fell in the ears of the two dragon envoys on the left and right...

Whether it was the Blue Dragon Envoy or the Black Dragon Envoy, both of them had flashes of light in their eyes, but... neither of them spoke!

There is no way that a giant dragon would be deficient in intelligence.

They were not completely unaware of the hidden meaning in the Red Dragon Envoy's words.

It is precisely because of certain judgments...

These two giant dragons are simply not prepared to pay attention!

Today's Red Dragon Envoy is certainly much more powerful than it was back then, but even so, today's Red Dragon Envoy is no longer the leader of the five great Dragon Envoys back then!

Not to mention the Blue Dragon Envoy, because he has maintained a long-term cooperation with Isaac. In recent years, he has gained far greater influence within the Dragon Worship Cult than he did back then.

Even the Black Dragon Envoy has long since given up unwillingly.

Otherwise, he would not have been so cooperative with Isaac's call through the Five-Color Temple, leading his dragon-born servants to travel thousands of miles to participate in this operation.

If the red dragon envoy is targeting someone else, as a former loyal brother, the black dragon envoy may not mind continuing to follow him.

But if it's against the green dragon user...

Today's Green Dragon Envoys have long been regarded as the direct manifestation of the Dragon Queen's will in the material world.

He is qualified to be included in the ranks of the most legendary legendary dragons in the history of the dragon clan.

Let him target the green dragon user...

Once upon a time, he was the loyal younger brother of the Red Dragon Envoy, but... times have changed, this is already the past!

What he really follows is the Dragon Queen.

The green dragon envoy is the true spokesperson of the Dragon Queen.

If he hadn't offended the Green Dragon Envoy back then, he would have surrendered to him long ago.

Is it possible to go further and offend?

He didn't want to end up making trouble, and even a small chance of being safe would be ruined!

Naturally, it was impossible to talk to the red dragon envoy.

Even if the red dragon envoy's words were not too cryptic and the power gap between the two was quite large...

The black dragon envoy actually didn't mind at all, he had abandoned the darkness and turned to the bright side last time!


"Two lackeys who follow the trend of others!"

Not getting any response, the red dragon envoy snorted in his heart, but his expression did not change at all.

After living in seclusion for so many years, he still doesn't really understand the situation.

Although he was promoted to the ancient dragon and mastered the "anti-magic field", this was a significant improvement for him, especially when it happened again, especially when compared with the ordinary battles of the past.

However, he still knew very well that the current Green Dragon Envoy had already mastered the legendary magic. Even if he could entangle him in close combat and successfully completed the "Anti-Magic Field", he might still be unable to entangle him!

If he can't defeat them with his personal strength, with the huge army controlled by the Green Dragon Envoy, and even more suspiciously, the demons who are now in control of Hell Gate Castle, how can the Red Dragon Envoy really do anything rebellious?

At least, until there is no real assurance, these "disobediences" are just a move in the heart!

Cursing the two lackeys secretly, another sarcastic look appeared in the eyes of the red dragon envoy: "What? Are you not welcoming the arrival of the green dragon envoy? Or are you saying that after so many years, you don't want to see him again?" See the green dragon envoy’s overwhelming power?”

Although he rarely changes his face in battle, he doesn't really know how to do it!

As soon as these words came out.

The blue dragon envoy on the side showed some shame, and shook his head lightly: "It's not that I don't want to see you, but... I feel a little embarrassed to see you.

The Green Dragon Envoy launched such a coalition and first got rid of the 'Ancient God' Carnogus.

Not only did we fail to capture the Black Dragon Clan quickly, but now we have allowed most of their forces to safely retreat underground, and even remain in a stalemate here, forcing the Green Dragon Envoy to come over in person...

This is really shameful! "

He seems to have the guts. He is the leader of the Dragon Worshiping Army, but he feels ashamed that he failed to complete his mission.

But...the leader of the Dragon Worship Cult belongs to the Red Dragon Envoy!

The black dragon envoy, who was a little unhappy because of the red dragon envoy's secret ridicule, now also showed some sneer.

The red dragon's flame eyes flashed with cold light at this moment.

After climbing up to the green dragon, it was obvious that the green dragon was coming, and it actually dared to collide with him!

However, although Red Dragon has a violent nature, he still has enough power despite having been in charge of the Five Color Temple for many years.

Although his expression turned cold, it did not explode. On the contrary, it was...

Slightly, the red dragon envoy nodded and said calmly: "You are right, but we did a little bad.

Before the arrival of the Green Dragon Envoy, I think it is necessary for us to strengthen our offensive.

Regarding the shame you mentioned, I will communicate with Claudia Mata and those tanar'ri demons, and try my best to win some key victories in the near future.

Lest the shameless time comes to see the green dragon envoy again! "

What he said was a continuation of what the Blue Dragon Envoy meant.

It sounds like he has to fight hard to save his shame.


When the voice reached his ears, the blue dragon envoy's eyes shrank slightly.

He was secretly mocking the Red Dragon Envoy, but he was suddenly implicated by the Red Dragon Envoy, Claudia Mata, who was also the leader of the coalition, Muvasis, and the Fly Demon.

This was humiliating to many people at once.

Under such circumstances, if the Red Dragon Envoy really wants to "strengthen some offensives" and "win some key victories", how can those people not cooperate with the Red Dragon Envoy?

Although he has a special status in the Dragon Worship Cult camp, if he is targeted by everyone at the same time...

For a moment, even the Blue Dragon Envoy's city's expression turned cold.

The expression on the Black Dragon Envoy's side was also darkening.

It seems that although they have been forced to withdraw from the center of power for many years, without the green dragon envoy, at least in front of them, the red dragon envoy is still the red dragon envoy of the past, just like the red dragon has always been the head of the five-color evil dragon, and can steadily suppress it. A blue dragon, let alone a black dragon!

Right here in the Dragon Worship Cult camp, these three dragon envoys are secretly scheming.

On the Red Kingdom camp side.

Claudia Mata and her son Wogenthalex, whose one wing was obviously severely damaged, were also flying in the sky, communicating with each other.

The Red Dragon Envoy could tell that Isaac was coming. No matter how powerful or cunning she was, she was even more powerful than the Red Dragon Envoy. How could she not be aware of it?

"Salex, this is your most important opportunity!"

"I have discovered that one of his former Red Dragon allies was also injured by a disability. Now he has not only fully recovered, but his strength has also improved."

"You have been in contact with his dragon beast army for a long time, and you should have discovered that they have all been strengthened by legendary spells. Their power is not to say in groups, but individually. Before mastering advanced spell abilities, people in the same age group Even giant dragons may be inferior to them!"

"Moreover, he is still our reliable ally against Balagas..."

The two green dragons were in constant communication.

Although he was only an adult, his body shape was even greater than that of his prime, and his aura was also extremely powerful. He nodded from time to time.

And this time on the other side.


"I see!"

"No wonder Wilder wants to pay enough attention to these 'shadow magics'!"

Dark tunnel.

In front, Mouvasis led the raiding group, making breakthroughs at every level, and from time to time there were fluctuations in magic.

Here, Isaac did not follow him all the way.

Stopping at a corner, he was observing something thoughtfully.

This is a "magic alarm"!

However, it was too obscure. In the darkness, this "magic alarm" seemed to blend into the darkness.

Mousis, that is the one who has the permanent "true vision".

Wilder is also a high mage close to the legendary level.

The Dragon Worship Cult's mage team is also not bad.

However, the entire raiding group passed through here, but no one seemed to notice this "magic alarm"!

Shadow magic!


"It's not shadow magic in the usual sense!"

"Shadow magic in the usual sense is just a part of the illusion system. It is a series of spells composed of manipulating shadow energy through the essence of magic!"

"This 'magic alert' is completely different."

"This should be the same as the 'Book of Darkness' and the 'Shadow Magic' corresponding to the 'City of Ghosts', or at least have a very similar spellcasting essence!"

Isaac's eyes flickered slightly.

Before entering this underground tunnel, he also blessed himself with a "True Knowledge Technique".

With his caster level of 33, this "magic alarm" is extremely obscure and has a caster level of over 25. It is obviously arranged by the chief advisor, the Lich Archmage, but it is still Can't hide it from his eyes.

This "magic alarm" is not an illusion. It should have the same effect as a normal "magic alarm".

However, it is much harder to identify than a normal "magic alarm".

Especially, in this dark tunnel environment, even more so!

And the reason why...

"It is not a spell cast directly through the essence of magic!"

"It is through the essence of the shadow world..."

Isaac's eyes frowned slightly again.

For the time being, he didn't want to directly come into contact with this version of "Shadow Magic."

Therefore, it is difficult for him to be sure for the time being.

Is this "shadow magic" a spell cast purely through direct manipulation of magical energy through the essence of the shadow world?

Or should we say that the spell is first passed through the essence of the shadow world, and after this layer of "coverage" is connected to the essence of magic, the spell is then completed?

However, no matter which one it is, it is obvious that this method of casting spells has a naturally strong confrontation and hidden effect on traditional magic identification, including magic detection.


"From the perspective of spell casting principles, the normal dead magic area, including the frantic magic area, is completely unimpeded when it comes to the use of this 'shadow magic'."

"Perhaps, this is also an important reason why the shadow mages in the 'City of Ghosts' can restrain the Felin Demon Kui!"


Another thought suddenly flashed through Isaac's mind.

Based on the casting principle of shadow magic, it would be difficult for ordinary mages to adapt to it if they encounter it, making it difficult to resist and counterattack.

However, since the spell is cast through the essence of the shadow world...

Likewise, such a spell should have its inherent flaws.

"It should be, in terms of magic control, illusion, and the necromancy school, it has additional enhancement effects!"

"But correspondingly, spells that directly manipulate energy and matter, such as those of the Evocation School and the Transformation School, will be weakened to a certain extent!"

In his heart, Isaac has linked this "Talfel Magic" with the shadow magic of the City of Ghosts.

And according to his previous speculation, since the "Book of Darkness" "recommended" this magic to him...

"It's time to conduct some observation experiments!"

"Will they encounter any changes when they study this magic?"

"Look again, what will happen if you believe in that lady?"

"Perhaps, we can also conduct some experiments among the followers of the Masked King!"

"And then there's the lich!"

After studying and thinking about "Magic Alarm" for a while.

With the "Magic Secret Eye" left on the Lich's servant, Isaac, who has always remained invisible, floated deeper into the tunnel with a flash of his figure.

At this time, Mouisses was advancing at an unstoppable pace.

Although "shadow magic" is extremely difficult to see through, tanar'ri demons have their own unique abilities.

One six-armed snake demon can transform into two.

A group of vlo demons can also expand in size exponentially.

With the demons who accepted the summons as the vanguard, at least in the upper level of this tunnel, no matter the traps or defenses, they couldn't stop them at all.

(After I finished writing, I looked for information again, only to realize that I had remembered it wrong. Talfir magic is not the magic of the Shadow Web, but I have written about it, so let’s just treat it as it is. It’s not the real Faerûn anyway)

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