Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 919 Instant Super Demon

(I finished working overtime in the middle of the night, please refresh and see again)

"Although there is no magic barrier, if we only consider the amount of work, even if Hellast's Earthline Maze City has many layers, compared with this place, it is still far behind!"

“It’s really not an accident that Mouisses and the others can’t win here!”

Always neither far nor near, hanging behind the gradually growing snake-man team.

I don't know how many forks I have passed along the way, but it still seems like this dark tunnel has no end.

At this time, Isaac also had a personal experience as to why after the two Naga lords of the Nagara Kingdom came out, Muvasis and the Red Dragon caused most of their "enterprising spirit" to suddenly disappear. .

Otherwise, this tunnel is too long!

If this tunnel really runs through the entire Viper Mountain Range, it is connected to the snake people in the Kingdom of Nagara.

At the same time, this endless tunnel is not just one line, but has too many branches, forming too many mazes.

Moreover, this kind of tunnel environment greatly limits the performance of the dragon, and it is suitable for snake people and even more suitable for shadow mages.

In addition, the ancient tribe has been operating here for who knows how long. Not only does it have a sufficient geographical advantage, but it also has many traps.

All of this combined...

Not to mention Mousis and the others, even if Isaac came by himself, it would not be easy to kill all the ancient tribe.

Finally, he has not yet held on to his plan to exterminate the entire Black Dragon clan in one fell swoop.

For the time being, he just wanted to catch all the core leaders of the ancient tribe.

Regarding this…

"These guys may not necessarily be retreating to their current home base, but it is obvious that they have the intention of targeting the raiding group!"

"If you want to deal with Mouisses and Wilder, and have such an elite team..."

"Maybe not all of them will arrive, but obviously, none of them will arrive!"

It is with this inference.

In the darkness, it was a full hour or two after walking.

Suddenly, some vague smell floated into his sensitive sense of smell.

Isaac's heart suddenly moved.

It's the smell of acid!

The black dragon's breath has strong acid properties, and it is immune to acid damage, and it likes to live in swamp environments.

With the lair effect of legendary creatures, when a powerful enough black dragon lives in a swamp for a long time, the environment of this swamp will naturally produce acidity.

You can directly smell the smell of acid here...

It should be, this is the lair with the black dragon right in front!

"It seems that this is where they will conduct real sniper attacks on the raiding group!"

"This time is also just right."

"At this time, the duration of the 'Summoning Tanar'ri' performed by Muvasis and the Vromons has ended!"

With this speculation in his mind, Isaac's footsteps did not pause at all.

As he walked, he took a closer look at the branching caves around him.

Thinking about it, since we are going to snipe from the front, when the time comes, we should be ready to cut off the necessary back roads, right?


"There must be some magic or a barrier to target it!"

As the footsteps deepened, the sour smell became stronger and stronger, even quickly surpassing the putrid poisonous gas in the muddy area.

However, the green dragon is naturally adaptable to such a smell, and it is far from unbearable.

Not much time.

When the eyes of "True Vision" once again found a hidden magic alarm, they continued to move forward and crossed a corner.

"There must be an anti-detection and anti-detection barrier!"

His gaze fell on a dark place where nothing unusual appeared.

An unexpected look appeared in Isaac's eyes.

The barrier is very secretive, and the magical aura is particularly subtle and dark, but naturally it cannot be hidden from him. The caster level has reached level 33 of "True Knowledge"!

The existence of this barrier should almost completely block the magical effects behind it.

Whether the black dragon or the mage advisors are preparing something behind, this is Isaac himself. Before he develops the perception of his spiritual will, they are also unaware of it.

In order not to alarm some people in advance, his spiritual perception has always been in a restrained state.

"With that person's magic alarm arrangement, this barrier should be lifted in advance before the raid group arrives here."

"In this way, even if the people in the raiding group will never be alert due to the acidic environment, at least they will not be able to accurately prepare for the magic over there!"

Always maintaining the status of "Hidden Legend", Isaac's figure passed through this barrier.

Almost immediately, his eyes wrinkled.

Shadow energy!

It is extremely pure, as if it has directly pulled some of the constituent essences of the shadow world here.

Moreover, it is extremely strong!

What’s more, it’s not just one or two sources of fluctuation!

This should be...

"As speculated, their shadow spells are integrated into the real shadow material. They are no longer pure illusions, but have real authenticity!"

"Not only that, but also this..."

We could already see the patrolling figure of a dragon-born snake man ahead, but Isaac did not stop at all. He walked in the air and continued to move towards the fluctuation of shadow energy. With his eyes, he He squinted slightly again, as if he was feeling something attentively or meditating on something.

When the tunnel reaches here, it suddenly becomes clear again.

Keep going.

Soon, under the illumination of some fluorescent fungi, like dots of stars, a dark space that was far from huge, but seemed quite spacious because it was open enough, fell into Isa. Ke is in sight.

In this dark space, there are no buildings, not even towering strange rocks and strange cliffs. There are dead pools of acid everywhere.

However, Isaac was not observing the environment of this space at this time.

On the contrary, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he had closed his eyes and listened attentively.

Mixed in the waves of shadow energy.

He is not disturbed by the movements of snake people.

That strange but not unfamiliar fluctuation.

And it was accompanied by that weird murmur that sounded like a song...

"Super magic spell?!"

"It's not an orthodox super-demon, this should be... an instant super-demon!"

"Instant super magic using this song?"

The slightly squinted eyes now glowed with a bright color.

Having mastered the ability of "over-limit spellcasting", Isaac was no stranger to such fluctuations.

If his judgment is correct...

"This is an instant metamagic with an ability similar to that of a 'bard'!"

In addition to being able to cast spells through music and dance, bards also have unique magical abilities through music and dance. The most common ones are to boost morale, such as songs to break curses, That’s all the ability.

And if you further advance to special professions on the basis of bards, especially professions related to magic.

Naturally, its unique deduction ability will also be turned to spellcasting.

Isaac's understanding is that there are bard advancements such as "Magic Singer" and "Magic Dancer", especially the "Magic Dancer", which is extremely powerful in terms of team spell cooperation. auxiliary effect.

And if his perception and judgment are correct.

At this time, the people in front who were casting shadow spells were clearly using "auxiliary metamagic abilities" like this to cast temporary metamagic enhancements.

Moreover, based on his mastery of "unlimited spellcasting", he can judge the "instant super magic" in front of him...

"The essence is to use special professional abilities to perform temporary super magic by extending the casting time!"

"This super demon seems to be a 'spell upgrade', and it should not exceed the intensity of a level 9 spell!"

"In addition, they are both of the 'Shadow Curse' category, this..."

Isaac's eyes suddenly flashed.

If you really only focus on the "Shadow Curse", or add the "Shadow Shaping Technique".

This enhanced spellcasting ability, which can be temporarily implemented by "spell upgrade", is related to...

"The magical achievements of the Talfir people?"

According to rumors, the long-extinct Talfir people, especially the "King of Shadows", were the magic emperor who was famous for his powerful and terrifying summoning of shadow creatures.

Even the founder of the Nagara Kingdom fell under his shadow spell.

If he also possesses such "unlimited spell casting" ability, he can directly upgrade the ordinary level of "Shadow Curse" to a certain limit to directly create shadow creatures that far exceed normal strength. This is It's obviously not something unacceptable.

"The essence of shadow magic!"

"The reality of matter in the Shadow Realm!"

"The enhancement of 'instant upgrade'!"

"Another defensive side, with plenty of preparation time for casting spells!"

"In addition, there are also factors such as the dark environment underground!"

"That alone is difficult enough."

"Not to mention, this is just one side of Talfir's magic. These guys have also inherited the legacy of the arcanist family of the Magic Dynasty..."

For a time, even Isaac became very interested in the magic system mastered by the Black Dragon Clan.

Whether it is the transformation of dragonborn through magic, especially the abnormal birth rate of half-dragons.

It's the unexpectedness of Talfir's magic.

This is comparable to many of his research results!

But interest is interest...

"Since these guys can shrink into the ground, as expected, the magic information collected by the Red Dragon Envoy should not be their core technology."

"Most likely, this most core technology is still in the hands of the two ancient black dragon lichs and the lich archmage!"

The swamp-like acid quagmire ahead is obviously not the current home base of the Black Dragon Clan.

Therefore, those core information will obviously not be here.

If you want to get these, you need to do a lot more tricks.


"And the 'shadow energy core' of Cals Noggs!"

There was one other thing that Isaac didn't forget.

That has now fallen into the hands of "Immortal" Ovo. Although it is incomplete, to Ovo, it is a treasure that makes the fat lich even more excited than the holy artifact!

Although various aspects show that the "shadow energy core" should be a symbol of the ancient magic dynasty, it is just biased towards the essence of the shadow world rather than the essence of magic, which can be regarded as a variant.

However, the ancient tribe had inherited the inheritance of the arcanist family of the magic dynasty, and also absorbed the magical achievements of the Talfir people.

From the perspective of possibility, it cannot be absolutely ruled out that the "shadow energy core" is their creation!

As for why it's incomplete... My skills haven't been mastered yet, and my level is still lacking. It's normal for it to be incomplete!

"Talfel Magic, let me refer to it, at most as an experimental method to test the shortcomings of 'Shadow Magic', or, rather, its dangers."

"The transformation of the Dragonborn is similar. It does not exceed my Dragon Vein Granting Ceremony. It is also based on reference and absorption."

"But if there is really any creation data for the 'Shadow Energy Core', even if it is just an 'unfinished version', it would be of great significance to my research, especially the research on 'making legendary equipment' and even 'making holy weapons' Got it!"

Isaac has always been thinking about upgrading his regular "talisman of health and intelligence" to a true legendary level, and then having his intelligence exceed the limit of 50.

Not to mention, he judged that in order to truly enslave the quasi-divine power of the Abyss Lord, before there is an absolutely powerful magic ritual, a targeted holy weapon should be indispensable.

No matter which one, if he can obtain the creation data of the "Shadow Energy Core", it would be of absolutely extraordinary significance to him.

But that’s it…

At this time, Isaac became less anxious.

People in the passage scan a small half circle of the dark space.

Those who could see it all exuded an evil and strange aura. In the darkness, the shadows of the mage group seemed to be crawling by themselves. On the opposite side of the dark space, they were constantly casting shadow spells.

You can also see signs that the black dragon is sinking in some places in the acid quagmire.


"Hasn't Du Bois arrived yet?"

"There should be two ancient black dragon lichs, is this the only one here?"

After secretly scanning half a circle, Isaac stared at a giant black dragon lich that was also on the other side of the mage group!

Naturally, it should be one of the two ancient black dragon lichs.

At this time, the Black Dragon Lich is actually performing shadow spells. Judging from its spellcasting, it is also integrated into the shadow world material, making the shadow spells more realistic, and the intensity of all effects has been significantly improved.

However, without "singing", let alone "dancing", this black dragon lich does not seem to have the ability to master "instant super magic".

However, this is normal.

It is extremely difficult for a giant dragon to gain employment. This ancient black dragon lich has absorbed the essence of Talfir's magic, and its advancement difficulty is obviously much higher than that of the mages of the advisory group.

The advisory group can master "Singing Super Magic". This ancient black dragon lich has insufficient accumulation, and thus the professional level is not enough, and cannot meet the requirements for mastering. It is normal but not enough.

Isaac's figure then flew into the dark space.

The only person who can make him wary of whether the "Legendary Hidden" will be seen through is the Lich Archmage.

Moreover, now that the strength of the "protection card" has increased, the probability of seeing through it is still quite small.

Since the Lich Archmage is not here...

He has no scruples about whether this ancient black dragon lich has the ability to see through his whereabouts.

The figure flew into the dark space, and Isaac flew directly into the air and walked to the opposite passage.

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