Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 920 Starting is also the end

The acid swamp should be only a few thousand feet long and wide.

Although the ground is empty, there are acid swamps everywhere.

However, it is obvious that he is very familiar with the environment here, and the black dragon bloodline also has strong acid resistance properties, and even acid immunity properties. At this time, there are hundreds of dragon-born snakemen, commanding With a larger number of basilisks, they are preparing for defensive operations in this swamp area.

Among these dragon-born snake-men, there are twenty or thirty half-dragon snake-men who not only have dragon wings on their backs, but also have obvious black dragon characteristics on their heads.

The half-dragon mage who was injured by Muvasis and whose poisonous blood was collected by Isaac was one of the leaders of these half-black dragon snake people.

At this time, the half-black dragon mage's injuries were almost healed, and he must have been treated with spells.

Among the snake-men team, he hissed to the ground and kept issuing orders, obviously unwilling to do so and actively preparing for war.


"These guys, don't think they are the real key."

"More, I'm afraid they are used to seduce the raiding group!"

Isaac didn't pay too much attention to these snake people. He only looked at the mages who were summoning shadow creatures over there, and then focused on the acid swamp. Then he looked around the dark space and observed it carefully.

It is obvious that there is a black dragon lurking under this swamp, and perhaps there are more secrets hidden there.

And around the dark space, it can be seen that there are many caves or passages.

There are many of them, and there are human figures, and even summoned shadow creatures, sneaking into them.

This shouldn't be a backhand arrangement at a critical moment.

It’s even better to…

Isaac thought of some forks in the road.

Maybe Mouisses will investigate these side roads.

However, if there is an arrangement by someone like Archmage Du Bois, I am afraid that no matter how much investigation is carried out, they will be confused.

In this way, once the raiding group advances here.

Here we only need to carry out a key teleportation ban.

Then let the people lurking around use the secret passage to outflank the escape route.

That is, with Mouisses and Wilder here, it may not be that simple to get out!

"Perhaps Du Bois was making such preparations."

As he glanced around, the figure, Isaac, also walked in the air to the opposite side of the dark space.

There is also a dark and deep passage here.

Moreover, at the entrance of this passage, there is also an anti-detection and anti-detection magic barrier arranged.

Whenever there are mages around who have completed the "multiple upgrades" of the "Shadow Spell Summoning", a large part of those "real" summons that are fused with shadow matter will lurk in this passage.

Shielded by the magic barrier, the aura of these shadow creatures is quite concealed.

Without stopping, Isaac also walked into it.

The shielding detection of the magic barrier is equally effective even if he is in it.

Combined with the "Legend Hidden" effect.

There are also preconceived thinking habits.

The Lich Archmage is really capable and can see through his "Legendary Hidden". At this time, no one expected that he would come out from behind!

However, one side is walking into a dark passage.

On the other hand, Isaac looked at the mages closely with interest.

According to his speculation, mastering "shadow magic" will inevitably have some kind of impact.

Only those who believe in the Lady of the Dark Night, or the gods they believe in, and have an alliance with the Lady of the Dark Night, can it be possible to be immune to such an influence.

Since these mages are masters of shadow magic, they can naturally verify his speculation.

A closer look.

There are almost no pure human beings among the mages in this circle.

The most common one is that it also has obvious black dragon bloodline.

There are a few more who are half-black dragon humans.

In addition to the mages and warlocks employed by the dragon-veined snake-men, there are also two or three half-black dragon-snake-men spellcasters.

In addition, there are two lich mages.

At first glance, Isaac excluded the two lich mages.

The lich is immune to psychic effects and is not affected by forced transformation. In addition, it is an evil camp among evil camps. He can make a judgment even at a glance. The two lichs have not suffered any obvious backlash. , or influence.

However, except for these two lichs...

"There is something close to the weird existence quality of the shadow world. It seems to be signs of the essence of life transforming into shadow creatures. Perhaps the soul is also the same!"

With the "True Seeing Technique", Isaac glanced at it at a glance, and his eyes shrank slightly.

Just like the shadow creatures summoned by them, he could clearly see that these shadow mages, even if they had dragon veins or even half-dragons, were still black dragon dragon veins that tended to be dark, but they should be regarded as the essence of the shadow world. Being constantly called, it seems that the starlight is constantly shaking, and their shadows are also squirming strangely, blending and related to the essence of the shadow world.

Even where shadows are connected to people, the legs and feet of these shadow mages are also divided into darkness.

Even if it is Isaac's "True Seeing Technique", the first thing I feel when I look at it is that the lower bodies of these people are obviously stepping on the ground, but they feel like they are rooted in the shadow world, it feels weird and twisted!

However, at the same time...

"The sanity is still there!"

Isaac can make judgments, and these mages still have enough clear sense.


Without more experimental data to support it, Isaac couldn't draw a conclusion directly.

This is "shadow magic" that only changes the essence of life, and only transforms normal creatures into shadow creatures.

Or, is this another special case, because of the special case of the last magic emperor of the Talfir people, or is it related to the inheritance of the ancient magic dynasty.

Therefore, on the one hand, he has the need to seize the magical information of the Talfir people.

On the other hand, there is still a need to conduct experiments that need to be carried out.

While thinking this, the figure, Isaac, walked through the air and retreated to the depths of the passage, hiding behind all the shadow creatures.

And just as his side was in place and ready.

It only takes about ten minutes.

Suddenly, a figure flew up directly from under the strong acid swamp, protected by a magic shield.

Almost at the same time, it was already deathly silent. Except for some acid water bubbles that rippled from time to time, there was nothing unusual under the swamp water.

A huge black shadow suddenly set off waves.

Finally, this black shadow just appeared and disappeared completely. Soon, the strong acid wave also subsided, restoring the tranquility of the water pool.

Then he heard an order from the Lich Archmage inside the magic shield.

Quickly, those who retreated into the back passage were retreating, those who sneaked into the surrounding tunnels were sneaking in, and some were moving forward. The ancient black dragon lich hiding among the snake-men team spread out its bone wings. , flew to the top of this dark space, and lurked in the deep darkness like a giant bat.

The Lich Archmage himself disappeared from the sight of most people with the use of an "Advanced Invisibility Technique".

"It's about to begin!"

Isaac's eyes also flashed at this time.

He can grasp the location of the Lich's servants.

From the Lich servants, it can be judged that the raiding group is approaching.

And at the moment when the raiding group is approaching, this reaction here...

Obviously, the Lich Archmage was indeed able to monitor the progress of the raiding group. This monitoring was even difficult for Wilder to detect!

However, this is just right.

In fact, Isaac still had doubts. Not only the underground tunnel, but also the location where the coalition forces were stationed was not impossible without the secret surveillance of Du Bois and the Black Dragon clan, or the lurking spies.

Precisely because of this, he came in an extremely secretive manner. Not to mention the ordinary army, even the three dragon envoys, Claudia Mata, and even Muvasis and Panrono were completely unaware of it.

Only if you can hide it from your own people can you hide it from your enemies!

Judging from the counterattack preparations of the Lich Archmage and the ancient black dragon lich, it is obvious that the ancient tribe is totally unwary about his arrival now!

And this, in turn, also shows that the ancient tribe has an understanding of the situation on the coalition side!

Isaac did not speculate whether this "understanding" was due to the secret agent, magic, or some insider.

As long as Du Bois and the ancient black dragon lich are captured this time, no matter how the Black Dragon Clan "understands" it, it will be meaningless!

"Wait a minute!"

"When he restrains Mouisses, that is, when he restrains his own feet, it's time for everything to start and end!"

The figure was hidden behind a corner of the passage. At some point, the "Legendary Spellcaster's Scepter" appeared in Isaac's hand, and the "Dark Techira Stone" also appeared in Isaac's hand. Floating in front of his forehead.

At this time, the "Legend Hidden" effect maintained its scope. Only then, no matter whether it was the legendary scepter or the corrupted elven holy object, there were no abnormal fluctuations.

Being immersed in this darkness, it is far more secretive than shadow creatures. As if it does not exist in the material world at all, Isaac is just waiting quietly.

This time on the other side.

"Get ready to fight!"

"Those snake people are already waiting for us, and your old friend is also here!"

The advanced voyeuristic eye can monitor places up to one mile away.

When you walk into the place where the sour smell is, it soon becomes faster and more accurate than the kobold's detection. When the first magic eye sticks to the darkness at the top of the tunnel, it explores the darkness of the strong acid swamp. space time.

Wilder's soul flame suddenly vibrated.

The advanced voyeuristic eye has a constant effect of "true seeing" and can see through darkness and magical effects within a certain range.

This global vision is even sharper than Wilder's own "True Seeing Technique".

It is precisely because of this, through the little bits of fluorescence at the top of the dark space.

This magic eye only has one global observation.

Immediately, both the snake and basilisk armies that had opened their camps, and even the ancient black dragon lich hidden in the darkness at the top of the dark space, fell into its sight.

Being able to share the vision of all advanced voyeuristic eyes, this observation also entered Wilder's vision simultaneously.

Without thinking, he controlled the majority of advanced voyeuristic eyes and quickly flew to the dark space to explore more detailed situations.

On the other hand, Wilder also immediately prepared to fight against Mouisses!

Old friend!

Mouisses naturally knew what this meant.

The only ones from the ancient tribe who are qualified to be her old friends are the two ancient black dragon lichs!

However, since there is an ancient black dragon lich waiting...

Is the other end still far away?

What about the Lich Archmage?

These were not explored in depth. Wilder was telling her to "prepare for battle". In this, or in other words, behind this...

Although Mouvasis had already had some doubts about certain phenomena before, at this time, she couldn't help but glance at the lich again with her cold eyes.

Meet her gaze.

Wilder's eyes, as cold as lightning, were always as calm as an abyss.

Then, Mouisses slowly put away his gaze and said in a deep voice: "First make sure there are no ambush around and rule out any abnormalities, then take their heads to ask for credit from His Majesty!"

She decided to be a little more cautious. At least, if her suspicions were wrong, she wouldn't be directly forced to retreat!

Wilder fully agreed with this, and nodded directly: "My magic eyes are already conducting detection, and I will ask the shadow guards to also investigate together. Since they are waiting for us over there, it is not bad to continue waiting for a while longer. !”

"That's it."

With the Lich's approval, Mouvasis immediately ordered the kobold shadow guards.

The Shadow Guard also heard her order.

However, no matter whether it was the detection of the shadow guards or Wilder's magic eyes, no abnormal findings were found in all the surrounding forks, except for some traps that were checked out in advance, or at least, no reports were made.

in this way.

Finally, Mouvasis could not hesitate any longer.

"Everyone, acid protection!"

"Prepare everything before we go to kill you!"

With this order, the Dragon Worship Cult's mage team began to add various status spells.

The Dragon Worship Cult's magic prop resources have always been abundant, and for this war, they have mobilized them vigorously.

In a short time, with the use of magic scrolls one after another, a large amount of "protection from strong acid damage" was attached to most people.

These mages themselves have superimposed multiple effects, including "false life", "armor technique" and "shield technique", as well as various "protective arrows" due to the previous poison arrow attack. , and because they had already been wary of the dragon power of the ancient black dragon lich, they all strengthened their "will save" in advance, and even a few high-level mages directly gave themselves a "high-level save". "Heroic spirit" not only strengthens various statuses, but also becomes immune to all fear effects.

Mouisses gave himself a "freedom of movement".

The most troublesome thing about fighting the dracolich is that the paralyzing touch will be triggered if you lean against it casually.

Even she dare not say that she can definitely resist the paralyzing touch of the ancient black dragon lich, especially if there are multiple contacts or constant contacts.

Of course, it is impossible not to prepare in advance.

Move freely, even if you are paralyzed, you can still move freely during the duration of the spell.

As for after the spell ends... it's just a matter of adding another "paralysis removal".

It's all ready.

Finally, Moisis also put aside the vague hesitation.

A cold shout.

Again, the troll army was the vanguard.

The assault group said it was about to start and immediately launched a charge.

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