Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 924 Domination


The fire explosion of the meteor burst had already been extinguished.

In the huge explosion area, the ancient black dragon lich Westrick's bones were all cracked and broken, and the soul flame was also dying. He had almost lost the ability to move, but he was still looking up at the sky. above.

And right next to him, within the explosion area of ​​the meteor explosion, the six-armed snake demon seemed not to have been affected at all. His usually cold eyes were now filled with unbelievable horror. He was even stunned.

Not just her.

Although they have retreated into the tunnel at this moment, due to the destruction of the "Power Wall Technique", Wilder and the Dragon Witch Cult mage are still within the scope of the "Withering Technique" and "Delayed Explosion Fireball", and they are also ordinary.

When the dark cloud of "Withering Technique" and the black flame of "Delayed Explosion Fireball" exploded right in front of their eyes, the ancient black dragon lich who was about to throw himself into the tunnel and the mature black dragon at the other end were thrown into the air. Swept into the terrifying evil energy of purgatory, and when this evil energy surged into the tunnel...

Even Wilder's expression suddenly changed before this evil force had even the slightest impact and was immediately fatal, with no possibility of survival.

Unexpectedly, the evil energy of purgatory swept over like a violent wave, and their location suddenly seemed to be separated from the material world.

The evil energy of purgatory swept past them. Their front and back, their left and right, were all submerged by the dark purgatory energy. However, their location was not affected at all, not to mention magic damage. , not even the breeze stirred up the air.

It is in this hollow interval.

Wilder and the others were at an extremely close distance, watching helplessly as the mature black dragon and the ancient black dragon lich first collided into a ball at the entrance of the tunnel, and then under the two successive waves of magic, they were suddenly thrown into the deepest of darkness, completely engulfed.

These two giant dragons completely lost all life breath in almost an instant.



Not to mention the Dragon Witch Cult mage who met the Green Dragon Envoy for the first time, even Wilder, like Mousis, had only one thought at this moment.

"The form of the Demon Flame King is actually only a small part of his power!"

"Now He has revealed his true level!"

This is the God of the Green Dragon who is as powerful as a god and controls the power of magic. Not to mention Lord Balor and the Six-armed Snake Demon, he is the real Lord of the Abyss. He is just like that, high and completely unreachable. powerful!

Seeing this Green Dragon God, exuding a majestic halo of sanctity and evil, he casually knocked down two ancient black dragon lichs, and soared in the sky again. All the people of the Black Dragon clan who passed by the halo, Everyone knelt down, even the two adult black dragons that were lucky enough to survive in the end. Then, they flew back to the Lich Archmage who was still kneeling on the ground... …

Wilder finally came to his senses, and immediately ordered the raiding party: "Get those half-dragon snakes and snake-man mages first!"

At the same time, he himself flew towards the two adult black dragons. Taking advantage of the two's lack of resistance, he quickly weakened them to the extreme with the combination of several powerful necromancy spells.

the other side.

Isaac, who was casting spells all the way, flew back to the Lich Archmage after almost destroying all the shadow creatures with several consecutive "wither spells".

He certainly has more experience in how to deal with lichs.

First, he hit the "Ultimate Effect - Ball of Dissociation", which directly decomposed the lich's material body into a wisp of smoke.

Then he used a dark sapphire as a carrier to perform the "Soul Binding Technique". In the blink of an eye, the lich's soul was imprisoned in the sapphire.

Ignoring the shadow mages who were still kneeling and not getting up, these dragonborns from the raiding group were swooping in to take down them first.

At this time, Isaac turned to the ancient black dragon lich, who was dying but had never fallen.

"Give you a chance to choose."

"Are you going to hand over your life box and be loyal to the Dragon Queen from now on?"

"Or are you going to follow Carnogus?"

In the faint voice, the "holy halo" finally dissipated, but the majestic aura was still pulsating. With a move of will, Isaac released the black dragon lich from being frightened again.

It is different from imprisoning the soul of the Lich Archmage.

Up to the ancient dragon, especially with professional advancement, the life energy level is too high. To imprison such a soul, the grade of sapphire is also too high.

Even in Isaac's hands, he couldn't directly take out such a sapphire.

Therefore, it is impossible to imprison the soul of this dracolich.

To completely eradicate it, only the combination of "Eternal Wheel" and "Soul-Eating Poison" can be achieved.

And today, after two legendary spells have been cast, it is necessary to completely annihilate this Dracolich, as well as the other one that has fallen and has begun to be reborn. Obviously, this will definitely have to be put to tomorrow. .

Simply, Isaac gave the Black Dragon Lich a chance to choose.

Master the phylactery first!

Then they enslave their souls with the same evil ritual as enslaving the ghost archmage!

This double guarantee is more reliable than enslaving the Ghost Archmage!

Moreover, if this black dragon lich surrenders, then the ancient black dragon lich on the other side will also be wiser!

Under Isaac's indifferent gaze.

Westrick's spiritual consciousness finally recovered, and the eyes of his soul suddenly showed extreme horror and fear.

The terror of the Green Dragon King far exceeded their expectations, and Du Bois's judgments could not describe its general outline.

Even though the three of them were present at the same time, they still couldn't stop even one wave, and fell completely right in front of that terrifying level of spell storm.

If they had known that the Green Dragon King was at such a level, they would have left the tribesmen behind and escaped on their own even if they had not moved closer to the City of Shadows.

How could it end up like this?

But now, it's too late to regret.

Once again recalling the scene before my grandfather’s tragic death...

Westrick's soul trembled slightly, and his voice came out from his telepathy: "Successful kings and defeated bandits, defeated by Your Majesty, we have no unwillingness, and it is natural to obey His Majesty's orders, but... To be honest with Your Majesty, Prior to this, we had made an agreement with the deputy city lord Hajhorna of the City of Ghosts. The ancient tribe would withdraw as a whole into Ainook, and from then on they would be attached to the command of the supreme city lord Telamante.

In exchange, the City of Shadows will mediate the feud between us and the Dragon Cult.

Before His Majesty's great power, we dare not have any more luck.

Whether loyal to His Majesty or attached to the City of Shadows, the tribe will never have the slightest opposition to the Dragon Worship Cult. "

On the other hand, they pulled out the City of Ghosts, trying to find the last bit of luck.

On the other hand, the ancient black dragon lich did not dare to seriously refuse the choice opportunity given to him by Isaac.

Is it an attempt to let Isaac make the decision, is it more important to conquer them, or is it more serious to conflict with the City of Ghosts?

Of course, he brought out the city of ghosts...

Although it is true that the ancient tribe had contact with Hajerhorna, this contact had already occurred before the City of Shadows returned and before the fall of Kalsnogos.

However, all along, the two sides have only tested each other.

In fact, they have not decided to join the city of ghosts!

Others don't know it, but he, as the grandson of Carnogos, knows that although the current Orogos family is a Black Dragon family, his grandfather came from the Magic Dynasty era, and that expert The only survivor of the "Dragon Transformation" arcanist family, the Orogos family, is also the only winner!

Coming from Cals Norgos, they still hold on to the pride of the ancient Orogos family.

It is precisely for this reason that after using the Dragon Cult and transforming into a dragon lich, Carnogus did not hesitate to turn his back on others and kill the Dragon Cult mages who tried to manipulate his phylactery. , killing all of them.

Because of this, he and the Dragon Worship Cult formed a long-standing feud.

Back then, he was unwilling to be controlled by the Dragon Worship Cult. How could he be willing to succumb to the City of Ghosts today?

Whether it's the Westricks or the Archmage Du Bois, if they can't defeat these two sides, they will have to escape to some hidden place, or even leave their own plane.

With their power, even if they go to the lower evil plane, they can gain a foothold on one side, so why should they listen to others everywhere?

The reason why I have persisted until now and have never left is because the people of the clan all have their blood.

Until the last moment, they were still thinking about the possibility of evacuating as a whole, or even holding on as a whole.

Just now...

Realizing that neither his wife nor Archmage Du Bois had any chance of survival under the clutches of the Green Dragon King, Westrick looked for the last bit of luck at the same time. , are all very cautious, not daring to go overboard even a little bit.

The pride of the ancient Orogos family can no longer be revealed at this time.

"Hajhorna of the City of Ghosts?"

Isaac's eyes moved slightly.

Although he had thought of some rumors about the "City of Shadows" from "Talfel Magic", he really had not expected the connection between the ancient tribe and the Shadows.

However, even so...

With a calm expression on his face, Isaac said calmly: "What happens between you and the city of ghosts? It has nothing to do with me. I only care about how you choose? There is no need to talk about other things. Make your choice, Haji Honaro If you have any objections, wait until he invites Telamante and then come and talk to me."

Two ancient black dragon lichs!

A Lich Archmage!

Moreover, the dual control of phylactery and slavery is almost impossible to escape from control.

Coupled with the magical achievements and magical heritage of the ancient tribe.

This is when "City of Ghosts" really pops up, and Isaac won't stop either!

Although the power currently displayed by the "City of Shadows" has exceeded a certain limit, almost no kingdoms or forces can compare with them.


Controlled the ancient tribe!

He also controls the Red Kingdom, Hell Gate Castle, and the Dragon Worship Cult!

Let’s call on the broad alliance of the “Covenant of Thousand Dragons” again!

As well as powerful allies such as "Sharp Tooth" Ivy Coglan, "Great Bone Dragon" Alex Le, and "Old Bone Eater" Claudia Marta.

At the same time, when necessary, Isaac is confident that he can invite a group of allies to the "Place of Eternal Life".

The power of "City of Shadows" is certainly beyond its limits.

He was fully activated here, but he could also hit it hard and even knock it down!

Telamante has just returned, and everyone from all directions, including the Silver Moon Alliance and the Moon Sea, including Cormyr and Sembia, are wary of him.

And at the same time, there is also a real mortal enemy like Felin Demon Kui.

Isaac didn't believe it. Under such circumstances, would he still start a full-scale war with him because of the ancient tribe?

If you don’t surrender, you will die!

Looking at the Black Dragon Lich indifferently, Isaac only had this meaning in his eyes.

Westrick naturally heard what he meant and felt his will.

His soul froze for a moment, and then it seemed as if he was taking a long breath. Finally, the black dragon lich finally spoke out: "I am willing to obey your majesty!"

The Black Dragon Lich certainly had hatred in his heart for the fall of Cals Noggs, but due to the nature of the black dragon, he would not ignore his own life for this.

Westrick has never forgotten that in the great dragon madness hundreds of years ago, a large number of his brothers, sisters, and descendants died in the family melee.

Many of them died under the claws of his grandfather.

It is true that he and Verholin had respect for their grandfather, but at the same time, some hatred was not hidden deep inside.

"very good!"

"So, Verholin, I think you know how to persuade her?"

"You don't want to see your thousand-year partner abandon you and follow Carnogus, right?"

"Also, you and these heirs of hers!"

Isaac raised his gaze from the black dragon lich and looked at the two adult black dragons over there, as well as the fallen black dragon and the ancient black dragon lich.

"I also ask Your Majesty to accept Chelin's soul. I think she will choose to transform into a dracolich and serve Your Majesty."

"On Verholin's side, I will also use summons to persuade him."

Having already surrendered himself, Westrick would not think of letting his children die in vain again.

Chelin, this is the young black dragon who died with Verholin, and she is also the eldest daughter of him and Verholin.

The time of death is still short. If her soul can be imprisoned with the "Soul Binding Technique", there is still a chance to transform her into a dracolich through evil rituals.

Given the choice between complete death and transformation into a dracolich, his daughter would naturally not choose the former.


The black dragon in its prime has a racial life energy level of only level 22. Even with professional advancement, it will not surpass the Lich Archmage.

The sapphire in Isaac's hand can still imprison his soul.

As for the "Soul Binding Technique"...

Although he only prepared one "Soul Binding Technique", which was specifically used to imprison the Lich Archmage, it had already exceeded the limit of spell slots. As long as he wanted to, it was just to spend more time to convert the existing spells. The ninth-level spell is first traced back to the original magic energy, and then the "soul binding technique" is temporarily constructed.

With his extraordinary intelligence and high degree of control over magic, there is almost no possibility of failure.

He glanced at Muvasis and signaled him to pay attention to the Black Dragon Lich.

The figure then flew to the body of the mature black dragon.

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