Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 925 Black Dragon Transformation

Once Westrik is taken down, everything will be simple.

As Isaac sent messages to the surface, follow-up troops kept coming.

On the Black Dragon Clan's side, the better core and senior leaders were captured.

Most importantly, even the three major leaders have all failed.

Then Isaac showed a slight intention of surrender.

Following Westrick's example, the two adult black dragons soon chose to surrender.

These giant dragons are all kneeling. Naturally, how can those half-black dragons who have also been taken down still accept death?

From the acid swamp to the mausoleum hall connected by the magic door, it quickly spreads to the long tunnels and mazes...

Although sporadic resistance still occurs from time to time.

There were also a few black dragons with two or three heads who fled alone after learning that the situation was over.

But overall, the surrender of the ancient tribe has become a foregone conclusion.

Under such circumstances.

The clan's temporary headquarters is within the ancient ruins called "Foltami's Tomb".

"The core strength of the Nagara Kingdom is mainly composed of internal and external parts."

"On the periphery, the Hassatafi family, one of the seven major families of the snake people, constitutes the main regular army of the Nagara Kingdom. They swear allegiance to the snake king Abarnaj."

"In the inner layer, the ghost Naga group that follows Snake King Abarnaj and Naga Lord Yalant is the real soul of the Nagara Kingdom and possesses extremely powerful magical abilities."

"But apart from that, few people know that there is actually a secret guardian of the Kingdom of Nagara."

"The first snake king of the Nagara Kingdom. According to legend, the Naga Lord Tepenzi was killed by the 'King of Shadows' Velax more than a thousand years ago. He has transformed into a bone Naga. , possessing even more powerful power than before."

"Calls Noggs once had a conflict with him. According to his speculation, Tepenzi must have taken office as the 'Naga Overlord', and it is more likely that he has been promoted to the highest level!"

"In that conflict, even Kalsnogus failed to defeat him in the end. Therefore, the clan maintained a certain balance with the Kingdom of Nagara..."

The person who spoke was a black dragon lich.

Judging from the body shape, he seems to be between the very old age and the ancient dragon stage. This age group, after the civil war caused by the dragon madness, is the vacant layer of the Orogos family.

However, it is normal for such a person to step out at this time.

After all, after the death of Westrick's partner, without the resurrection of the dragon corpse from the ancient age, it would naturally be impossible to return to its full form in one step.

It was the ancient black dragon lich Verholin who was directly killed by Isaac's two spells before!

There is a summons from Westrik.

She also thought about the scene in which Cals Noggs was cursed to death in front of her, and even his life box was destroyed.

In addition, her corpse and the magic equipment integrated into her body also fell into the hands of the Green Dragon King. From the perspective of prophecy, this should be related to the "curse through the air".

In the end, Verholin also chose to surrender.

"Naga Overlord?"

Isaac's eyes lifted from a book of magic secrets, and another faint strange color flowed out.

Naga Overlord, just by the name, is obviously a unique advanced profession of the Naga clan.

However, he didn't understand.

Thinking about it, in the name of "overlord", this unique advancement should be inherited only among a very small number of rulers of the Naga clan, so it is rarely spread, right?

From Isaac's look, Verho Lin immediately understood what he meant, and then explained: "'Naga Overlord' should only be among the rulers of ghost Nagas and those Naga lords. It is possible."

"According to the observation and research of Kalsnogus, the 'Naga Overlord' is first of all a spellcaster profession. Its professional level can be added to the Naga's natural caster level, and the maximum should be 10 levels."

"Secondly, as the ruler of the Naga clan, the professional abilities corresponding to the 'Naga Overlord' are also related to dominance and command."

"Naga Overlord can transform single-target auxiliary spells into range-based spells and add them to groups. The higher the professional level, the wider the scope of effect."

"The Naga Overlord also has the ability to 'dominate' and can control the creatures in a certain area around him at will.

At low levels, it is similar to 'controlling humans' and can only control humanoid creatures.

But if it is raised to the highest level 10, it will be like the level 9 spell ‘Dominate Monsters’, which can exert control over all creatures! "

"The reason why Cals Noggs judged that Terpenzi has raised the level of 'Naga Overlord' to the limit is precisely because this Bone Naga Lord can 'control monsters' at will, and his secret The caster level of this technique has also reached around level 31!"

Group assistance!

Take control as you wish!

It is also a spellcaster profession, and the professional level can be superimposed on the Naga Lord's natural warlock-like level!

After Isaac thought about it for a moment, he had to admit that the first snake king of the snake-man kingdom was indeed extraordinary.

Although the spell ability is similar to that of a dragon, it belongs to the "warlock type", so the number of spells it can master is very limited.

And unlike red dragons, blue dragons, and those metal dragons, they can cast magical spells in arcane ways.

However, considering that he is born with legendary spellcasting ability, and with these 10 professional level improvements, he has directly reached the level of a 31st level warlock...

"I'm afraid Cals Noggs is still a little inferior to him!"

In his heart, Isaac made this judgment.

Judging from the fact that Cals Noggs had the legendary spellcasting ability at his peak, but when he returned to the ancient black dragon lich, he was unable to cast legendary spells. At his peak, the warlock level should be around level 6 and 7. Therefore, its strength level should be around the professional strength of level 31 or 32.

The first-generation Snake King, a level 10 Naga Overlord, transformed into a Bone Naga Lord, which should be around level 32 to 33.

Normally, it is slightly stronger than KaLS Noggs.

However, it is only slightly stronger. Under certain circumstances, it is normal for them to be equally matched or even inferior.

Coupled with the numerous black dragons and dracolichs of the Black Dragon Clan...

The ancient tribe has always been more dominant in the Viper Mountains than the Kingdom of Nagara, which is also normal.

"Two-headed Naga Lord!"

"And this Bone Naga Lord!"

After learning the true heritage of the Kingdom of Nagara, Isaac began to ponder in his heart.

Although with the "ancient tribe" surrendering to him, with the current strength here, it is not impossible to take over the snake-man kingdom and even completely kill the first-generation snake king. If there is no Special defense, even the difficulty is not too high.


First, he asked himself that he was not an unreasonable person and would not slap people without any reason.

Secondly, and most importantly...

"Zehir, God of Serpents!"

"The new look of the Lord of Evil?"

After pondering for a moment, Isaac suddenly asked: "Do you know what the situation of the snake god Zehir's sect is in the Kingdom of Nagara?"

Jose Hill is really an aspect of the Lord of Evil, and is even the key to his winning the title of "Great Serpent".

The Kingdom of Ruonagala is really the most important religious area in Zehir.

Based on his previous "communication" with the Lord of Evil, the Lord of Evil and the Dragon Queen not only turned their hostility into friendship, but also secretly entered into an alliance...

This time, if it was not necessary, he would not be able to attack the Snake Kingdom casually.

"Zehir, the god of poisonous snakes?"

The Green Dragon King suddenly asked. Not only Verholin, but also Westrick, who was still in a weakened state and lying weakly on the ground, couldn't help but raise his eyes.

The eyes of the dracolich couple met for a moment, and then Verholin still shook his head and said: "I have never paid any special attention to this sect, but the snake people of the Hassatafi family should be There is universal belief in Him.

Among the snake-men, there is an organization of spellcasters called the 'Coiled Conspiracy', which is also suspected to be composed of his followers.

Beyond that, there is no understanding. "

"A conspiracy?"

Isaac's heart moved again.

Although this is just the name of a spellcasting organization,...

"The snake king that coils the world!"

He thought of one of the names the Lord of Evil had given him when he tried to replace the "Great Serpent".

Circling, this is related to the world!

The conspiracy is related to part of the clergy of the Lord of Evil!

Doesn't the combination of these two correspond to the Lord of Evil?

"After going round and round, at the end, we are still old acquaintances!"

"Forget it, let them talk on their own, and see if these snake people really don't know how to advance or retreat?"

In his heart, Isaac gradually put away some of his intentions towards the snake-man kingdom.

Moreover, it might not be a bad thing to let these snake people continue to stay there.

"Tomorrow, you two can participate in negotiations with the Kingdom of Nagara together with Claudia Mata."

"Let's see how prepared the snake king is?"

"Secondly, before this war, I promised Claudia Mata that after taking over your ancient tribe, the Viper Mountain Range will be led by her.

My promise will definitely come true.

How you want to get along with her depends on the discussion between you! "

"In addition, there is one more thing. No matter what you have done before, or what you will do in the future, I want to see that at least the Dragon Queen's belief appears in your clan!"

Isaac gave the orders one by one.

There is no need to say more about the Kingdom of Nagara.

Claudia Mata, although he has never been able to win the final victory, Isaac will not deny his promise even if it is a slight discount.

At least the Dragon Queen's faith...

Since the Dragon Worship Cult has contributed a lot, there will naturally be corresponding rewards.

In fact, not only the ancient tribe, but Isaac also had the same attitude towards his five-color dragon allies.

He would not require all the five-color dragon allies to believe in the Dragon Queen, but at least, it would be enough to give the Dragon Queen basic respect, not exclude the Dragon Queen's belief, and appear among their followers.

Of course, it would be great if the five-colored dragon allies could believe in the Dragon Queen themselves.

According to his many years of research, combined with his own understanding of the nature of the world, especially the nature of the outer plane, the reason why the dragon god system has declined, and even quite a few dragon gods have disappeared, is largely due to It has something to do with the dragon clan's lack of basic belief in the dragon god.

Seeing that dragon madness will become a thing of the past, the revival of the dragon clan in the material world will also become inevitable.

But unfortunately, the great Dragon Father of the upper realm is about to withdraw from this world.

The material world can be revived, but the upper realm is insufficient. This is not without hidden dangers!

Under such circumstances, if the tide of faith in the dragon gods can be led again within the dragon clan, the dragon god system can also be revived.

The combination of the above and below is the real revival!

"Of course we must obey His Majesty's orders!"

Hearing that it was okay not to force themselves, the two ancient black dragon lichs all accepted the order in unison.

After a while, Verholin showed a little bit of expectation and continued: "Your Majesty, I will discuss with the snake king tomorrow. I wonder if you can please give me another phylactery so that I can recover more power as soon as possible?"

Her phylactery had been handed over to Isaac on her own initiative before.

Without the help of the phylactery, although it is possible to return to the form of the ancient black dragon lich step by step, it is obvious that this time will be much longer.

"Just recover here."

Isaac didn't make things difficult for her.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the Black Dragon Lich's phylactery and allowed it to be restored in the main hall.

Another "Severe Injury Technique" was pressed onto Westrick's body from the air with the "Arcane Hand".

For undead creatures, this has the same effect as "healing".

Immediately, this ancient black dragon lich seemed to be on steroids, and its weak state disappeared directly.

But he no longer paid attention to them. Isaac's attention then fell on the magic secret book in his hand.


"Change Dragon!"

Although this secret book was recorded in the writings of the ancient magic dynasty, he would not fail to recognize it.

Similarly, although the arcane secrets of the ancient magic dynasty are completely different from the current magic system, he does not want to use them directly. More, he still likes to absorb the essence and transform it into own understanding.

At this time, he was analyzing and understanding the core secret of the Orogos family!

And from this understanding...

"Is it possible that the ancient Orogos Arcanist Family and today's Orogos Black Dragon Clan are the same family?"

"If you put it this way...isn't this black dragon transformation of the Orogos family similar to the secret of the formation of the drow dragon?"

Of course, the drow dragon can freely transform between the two forms of drow and shadow dragon, and possesses all the characteristics of both at the same time, which is stronger than the real shadow dragon.

And even the shadow dragon is at least two levels more powerful than the black dragon.

In addition, just from understanding, those drow dragons are far more powerful in professional level than ordinary dragons.

Naturally, the gap between the two clans is still huge.

However, at least from a principle point of view, the significance of this secret code inherited by the ancient arcanist family is extraordinary.

With such a heritage, they have also discovered the secrets of Talfir people's magic. However, these black dragons seem to be a little unwilling to make progress. Compared with the drow dragons, they seem to only think about reproduction. This...

"Is it really the remnant of the Arcanist family?"

"Or is it that the Arcanist family has actually died out a long time ago, and it was Nakalanogs who seized the secrets of the Arcanist family and put it in their name?"

According to the records in the secret book, the arcanists of the ancient Orogos family were famous for enslaving black dragons.

Moreover, at least judging from the sidenotes in this secret book, the Ancient Orogos family is not a "warlock" family, unlike Cars Nogos and these two ancient black dragon lichs!

In Isaac's heart, doubts inevitably arose.

Of course, none of this matters.

What happened to the Orogos family had nothing to do with him.

More, what he cares about is...

"Dragon Transformation!"

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