Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 926 Please see

On the first day, we won the Big Three.

On the second day, the ancient black dragon lich couple, two of the three giants, were asked to participate in the meeting between Claudia Mata and Lord Naga.

It wasn't until the third day that Isaac finally walked out of Foltami's Tomb.

By this time, the Black Dragon Clan's piecemeal resistance had basically ended.

Although he was not very satisfied with the coalition's previous results, Isaac did not hesitate to reward him since he had captured the ancient tribe.

As soon as the statistics are complete, a reward will be given to those who should be captured.

A lot of magic information was also gathered together and arranged for transcription. The preparation is to copy it into several copies, so that all parties have access to it, so that the spellcasters participating in the battle, including the dragons, can have a way to study. At the same time, it can also provide Isaac with the counterattack on "shadow magic". research and provide corresponding materials.

In addition, there is also a preliminary consensus on the issue of the spread of the Dragon Worship Cult and the issue of coexistence between Claudia Marta and the Ancient Tribe in the Viper Mountains.

At this point, the war he launched against the ancient tribe was basically over, and the predetermined strategic goal was achieved.

However, it did not really end there, nor was an order to withdraw the troops issued.

Leaving aside Muisis, the Red Dragon Envoy and others, Isaac met with Claudia Mata alone, and the ancient green dragon also brought her son with broken wings.

"I have met His Majesty!"

"This battle is based on your trust. At the end of the day, I still have to take action personally to defeat them."

Although her son was right behind her, Claudia Mata still kept her posture very low.

With her power, if she is willing to transform into a dracolich, except for the legendary spells, everything else will not be inferior to KaLSnoggs.

Moreover, as far as the relationship between giant dragons is concerned, transforming into a dracolich does not mean an increase in power, and it may even be the opposite!

In other words, if the factors of legendary spells are excluded, in a relatively fair environment, Carnogus may not even be able to defeat her.

But that’s it…

She led the army and could not defeat the ancient tribe.

As soon as King Red arrived, he took down everything almost single-handedly.

Comparing the two...

Claudia Mata knew it very well. Although they were all green dragons, and although she was much older, no matter how powerful or accomplished she was, she could almost be said to be a member of the ancient dragon empire compared to the one in front of her. After that, compared with the greatest Green Dragon King...

The gap is indeed too big!

There is even no qualification to compare!

In fact, Claudia Mata had doubts that the original red dragon, her life-long enemy, might not be able to be as arrogant and tough as ever in front of this person!

In addition, this person always gave her enough respect.

It's completely different from some people or forces who approach her just to finally dominate her...

Of course, Claudia Marta will not take it seriously!

"The lady has spoken."

"The matter of the underground tunnel was beyond everyone's expectation. It's a deadlock. It's a crime other than war."

"It's enough to be able to break through their protective barrier and destroy their valley lair."

"On the contrary..."

Isaac's voice paused for a moment, and there was a slight strange look in his eyes, and he continued: "Before the war, I had intended to ask the lady to control this snake mountain range, but now I have to discount it."

This discount naturally refers to the surrender of the ancient tribe and the factors of the Nagara Kingdom in the south.

These two sides obviously would not be willing to be ruled by Claudia Mata.

Claudia Marta had no objection to this.

The greater the effort, the greater the reward.

What's more, compared to the efforts she has made, the reward she is receiving now is actually far beyond it.

Without moving her expression, Claudia Mata said: "It doesn't matter. The existence of the snake-man kingdom and the ancient tribe are still useful. But... we still need to ask your majesty for advice. Let's go later. How are we going to get along with the Snake Kingdom?"

Isaac has made no move to unite the remaining power of the Black Dragon clan, what will happen to the Kingdom of Nagara.

Vaguely, Claudia Mata also judged some of his meaning.

Therefore, her "go back"... refers to the "Dragon Madness Queen"!

"No need to ask for advice."

"Those two from the ancient tribe have their phylacteries in my hands. With my orders, they will cooperate with you.

As for you and the Snake Kingdom..."

Isaac smiled lightly: "We are allies, not masters and slaves, and I don't want the lady and I to end up falling apart.

Everything about a lady is up to you, the lady.

I only have two things for the alliance, let’s just call them requests…”

Dragons are already arrogant, let alone a powerful ancient dragon like Claudia Marta.

Even Balagos never made her give in.

Isaac didn't think that he could use this person at will.

I don't even want to control this person easily with magic.

Today he can control this person, but in the future, how can his allies have nothing to fear?

This is not like the people of the ancient tribe, nor is it like the ghost archmage.

When he said this...

Whether it was Claugilia Mata or her son Wogenthalex with the Broken Wings, their expressions had changed, especially Woganthalex, whose eyes even showed some admiration. .

This Green Dragon King can be followed by countless people. Among the five-color evil dragons, there are many followers of him, but he really has his extraordinary personal charm.

Claudia Mata also smiled slightly: "Your Majesty, please tell me."

Isaac nodded: "First, I hope that the alliances can be as consistent as possible, both in terms of camp positions and business and trade. Even if there are special circumstances and it is impossible to take care of each other, at least they can maintain the same The most basic neutrality!”

Claudia and Marta both nodded.

This can't even be called a "request".

If even this is not possible, there is no need for any alliance.

Isaac continued: "Second, the belief in the Dragon Queen. We are all real dragons, and we all have our own independent dragons. Therefore, I will not force you to follow the Dragon Queen, but at least, I hope that you can have the most basic respect for the Dragon Queen, and that you will not reject the Dragon Queen's belief and develop it among your subordinates and slaves.

The dragon god system has been in decline for too long!

Whether it is for ourselves or for the long-term future of the dragon clan, it is an inevitable step to reshape the faith in the dragon gods so that the dragon god system can be revived!

Otherwise, if this continues..."

Isaac looked at the two of them with some seriousness in his eyes: "The existence of the Dragon Witch Cult is our biggest warning. Those people are already reaching into the Dragon Clan!"

The Dragon Witch Sect is actually controlled by the Dark King Sect, and the Lady of Dark Night Sect is also reaching out to it, and at the same time it is also reaching out to the Dragon Worship Sect.

If the dragon god line cannot be revived, the revival of the dragon clan in the future will probably result in these people grabbing the greatest benefits!

This is just a five-color dragon.

The same goes for the metal dragon.

The King of the North Wind is the dragon god, so the five-color dragon will also give him the most basic respect. However, from Isaac's personal perspective...

This King of Good Dragons may have overestimated "goodness", but instead suppressed his basic stance of "Dragon God"!

If the True Dragon King returns and starts an eternal war against the Dragon Queen in the "Dragon's Nest" and even in the wider outer planes...

I'm afraid this will be welcomed by many people!

Whether it's a good god, an evil god, or a god from the neutral camp!

"Revival of the Dragon God System?"

Isaac said it in a very high tone, but the five-color dragon was selfish by nature, and Claudia Mata and her son would not become passionate because of this.

Of course, since Isaac still has no intention of forcing himself on them, at most he just hopes that they will not reject the subordinates' belief in the Dragon Queen. They still will not refuse this request.

Claudia Mata nodded solemnly and said: "I admire your majesty's ambition very much. Although my vision is not as far as your majesty's, but, just as your majesty said, for the long-term development of our dragon clan, In the future, I will also volunteer to help the development of Dragon Queen’s faith!”

Not just her.

Wogan Zalex on one side also interjected for the first time: "Yes, for the revival of the dragon clan and for your majesty's long-term vision, I am also willing to follow your majesty, be loyal to your majesty, and be loyal to the great dragon queen. Please give me this opportunity, Your Majesty!"

Before this trip, Claudia Mata had given him instructions. Whether it was to recover from the disability caused by his youth or for a greater future, Wogenthalex had already taken refuge in King Red. the meaning of!

Moreover, personally, he has a deep admiration for the legend of King Red, and he does not reject this offer of refuge at all!


"On behalf of the Dragon Queen, I will keep your kindness in mind together!"

"Salex, since you are willing to be loyal to the Dragon Queen, you will become a core member of my Dragon Worship Cult in the future.

It goes without saying that there should be cooperation.

In front of your mother, I only give you one promise.

The Dragon Cult will not force any dragon to transform into a dracolich, but if one day you have a need, your phylactery will always be in your own control! "

Whether it is the Dragon Witch Cult or the Dragon Worship Cult, the main purpose of assisting the dragon in transforming into a dracolich is naturally to control the dracolich through the phylactery.

This is also the main reason why many Dracolichs immediately fall out with the sect once they are successfully transformed.

Although Isaac's promise at this time will not be very attractive to the current adult green dragon, at least the green dragon mother and son can understand his sincerity.

However, they did not wait for anything to be said.

Isaac took another step forward. No spellcasting action was seen, but the strong holy energy manifested into white light, which quickly flowed and flickered in front of him.


There was no reaching out or any contact. The white light flashed, as if it was being cast by an invisible hand. Isaac's figure was still dozens of feet away. This "regeneration technique" had already been pressed. On Wogenthalex's body.

Immediately, the adult green dragon's long broken and damaged wings immediately regained their activity, with fleshy buds squirming and growing, and they quickly regenerated.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Even though he had the natural palace of the green dragon, Wogenthalex thanked him with joy at this moment.

After communicating some more things with the green dragon mother and son, Isaac ended the meeting.

Soon he returned to the tomb and once again studied the mystery of the "black dragon transformation".

In the past two days, he has read through the most exquisite parts of "Talfiel Magic" and "Orogos Family Heritage".

It must be said that the "Talfiel Magic" is indeed extremely extraordinary.

Although it is mainly aimed at the illusion system, whether it is the improvement of the realism of "Shadow Evocation" and "Shadow Curse", or the effect of "Talfel's Song" on all illusion spells, it transcends the spell slot limit. Upgrading to a super-demon reflects a very powerful and extremely practical secret.

Mastering such a secret, it may even be developed by him. It is also possible that this is far from all... It is no wonder that the last king of Talfir was even able to kill people from the Kingdom of Nagara. The first snake king.

But it's a pity that although "Talfiel Magic" has extremely extraordinary achievements, even Isaac has turned his attention to it, but... after all, it is still not as good as his own magic system!

What's more, the most essential one, "Talfir's Song", is somewhat similar to his "Exceeding Limits of Spellcasting", but it's far inferior!

When "Shadow Magic" is shared with some people and all research needs long-term observation, naturally, "Talfield Magic" is not on Isaac's current most important research list.

The "black dragon transformation" of the Orogos family, and the "dragon transformation" that should be branched from it, are his primary research objects.


"That's not right!"

"There must be something wrong with this experimental data!"

"If it's just like this... no matter how strong the bloodline is, it will be impossible to transform into a black dragon perfectly!"

Frowning slightly, Isaac shook his head slightly.

The Orogos family's research is to first give birth to "half-black dragon" offspring, and then conduct transformation experiments with "half-black dragons".

From this perspective, it is obviously much less difficult than directly transforming from a human race into a black dragon.

Moreover, these ancient arcanists did not use ordinary methods to give birth to "half-black dragons".

Those "half-black dragons" are all descendants of arcane masters who mastered "dragon transformation", who first transformed into black dragons, and then continuously combined with the real black dragons they enslaved, and finally were born.

That is to say, the black dragon transformed by arcanists does not have the natural magician-like spellcasting ability of a true dragon, cannot break through the restrictions of its true name, cannot be related to the origin of the dragon, and cannot be included in the ranks of "true dragons". Only then was it born. Yes, still half-dragon.

Theoretically speaking, the purity of the dragon veins of these "half-black dragons" is extremely high.

But that’s it…

Read through a lot of research information.

Based on Isaac's attainments and depth in dragon vein research, combined with his own scientific and magic system, he still made a judgment.

In addition to the difficulty, these studies of the Orogos family should still have shortcomings.

Even if such research involves the participation of real black dragons and can indirectly connect to the origin of dragons, the same is true!

after all……

"The level 10 arcana of this ancient magic system is just an ordinary legendary spell with difficulty!"

At least, to him, it is really just ordinary!

It was when Isaac was immersed in constant research and thinking.

"Your Majesty, the snake king of Nagara, requests your summons!"

A request to meet him was also sent.

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