Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 928 Roots and Causes

The Snake God's skill was indeed beyond Isaac's expectations, and from this, he became more and more certain that something must have happened to the Snake God, especially in this material world.

Although I know that it is definitely not an ordinary thing for the snake god to be so agile.

He also knows that the person who holds the "conspiracy" priesthood and the snake god's active approach will inevitably have many plans afterwards.


Isaac always had a calm assurance in his heart.

There is always a trade-off.

The deeper the snake god's plan is, the more important things he will come up with.

If the Snake God could come up with the secrets that would make him excited, for example, he would try to get them from Graz'zt, or from the Winter Goddess, or from the "Book of Darkness". Come to explore the mystery...

In the material world, he is just impulsive, so why not?

Just like, the goddess of magic just promised a name, or a name for the future, for which he is willing to make an enemy of the Witch King, and will definitely offend the Storm King behind the Witch King!

If the things that the snake god can produce are of such value, it would be a good idea for him to have more enemies!

A decision was made in his heart almost instantly. However, facing Zehir's dark gaze, Isaac did not speak directly. He first turned his gaze away from the snake king Abarnaj on one side.

The next topic has nothing to do with people, so it’s better to know less about it!

Naturally understanding what Narfi meant, Wang reinsheng also looked at the Snake King: "Abarnaj, he is waiting inside."

The Serpent of Enlightenment has already responded to the believers.

The eight-headed Naga Lord of the Nagara Kingdom had received his sponsorship and was able to pass the evil rituals left behind by the ancient shamans and the promotion he had previously completed from the Ghost Naga.

Precisely because of this, those Naga lords are naturally His most reliable leaders.

The reincarnated king must be too concerned about whether the Snake King will be excluded, and whether there will be any rebellious psychology.


Abarnaj was actually very curious about the secrets that came up.

However, since Wang reinsheng no longer has the order, no matter how curious I am, I can only stop it.

With a command, the Snake King's small body immediately entered and exited the small hall of the mausoleum.

Seeing this, Xu Xueming didn't hesitate any longer. His eyes met with Wang Zhuansheng's. There was a hint of inquiry in my expression, and he asked: "According to legend, the God King sealed by Hadri was the one who defeated Passed a weak demon lord and learned from him?"

Demon Lord!

Wang Zhuansheng's heart moved, and all kinds of beliefs about Xu Xueming's intentions quickly emerged.

At the same time, he is also thinking about the mysteries related to the demon lord. What kind of reward can he get in exchange for the son of Tia Xuxue?

After thinking for a moment, Wang reinsheng said slowly: "Is he referring to Ba, the son of Te, the abyss lord of the hidden layer?"

Te's son Ba, a demon lord who has had a profound influence in the Eastern Region.

According to legend, he has nothing to do with the Altaou people, and also participated in the final battle between Xu Xuemingou and Zehir.

According to legend, He also conquered Leatherman, and launched an aggressive war against Unser and Hadri Xuexue.

But it's a pity that even the demon lord will suffer from hatred when encountering these god-kings.

Judging from Wang reinsheng's reaction in that blink of an eye and his clear-cut reaction...

Those legends must be considered to be a handful and they are all false!

Narfi nodded slightly: "We want to verify with Mian the relationship between the lord of the hidden layer."

"Xu Xuemingba was first summoned by Xu Xueming's Oufu magician. Before both Xu Xueming's Ou and Zehir empires were destroyed, he conquered Leatherman on his own. But in the end, he was summoned by Leatherman's wizard and Zehir Empire. The barbarians and the leading wizards of the Kingdom of Zehir joined forces to defeat them with the weak holy sword 'Lomansalis' that was left by the Zehir people, and they started to fight..."

Xu Xueming was very impatient and did not hesitate to ask Narfi's request. Did he care? Let the son of God of Ti Yaland pay attention.

Let’s briefly sort out the life of Te’s son Ba and wait for him to take the initiative to explore it!

Involving the Demon Lord…

Now he was eager to pull the green dragon into the water.

What's more, the green dragon is prepared to keep a very close distance from me!

It's Xu or Ji, Wang Zhuansheng's voice continued: "That Xu Xuexue didn't last long, it was very slow. Xu Xuemingba was released by some evil god priests, and also created a group called 'Special'." son of Balanna's empire.

The invasion he was talking about happened during that period.

But in the end, He still worshiped the sword of the reincarnation of the God of War. It is worth mentioning that the reincarnation of the God of War also defeated Him with the holy sword 'Xu Xueminglis'.

Yes, the demon lord could be defeated, but it would be easy to kill him completely. Hadri's sealed body of God Isaac finally chose to imitate him.

That land of Matt is exactly on the Ser Mountain Range in the present-day Torre Kingdom! "

“But even Matt, who is in the body of God Isaac, will never be destroyed.

The successor of the Red Robe Mages, Hadri sealed the former escaped slaves. During the war against the rule of the God King, some magicians used the magic of Xu Xuemingou discovered to re-release Te's son Ba.

The conjurers and Te's son Ba joined forces to defeat the god Isaac that time. Because of this, the Red Robe Mage Association was born and the Torre Kingdom was formed.

However, before discovering that there was a way to truly control the Abyss Lord, those red-robed mages chose to bind Alta'o's ancient oath to re-marry Te's son Ba..."

Wang Zhuansheng very concisely summarized all the deeds of Te's son Ba, and at the same time, it also completely involved the real secret of Te's son Ba.

Moreover, although in my summary, most of the things basically only ended with Te's son Ba, but in fact, there is no deeper hidden behind some things.

Just like this "Balanna, son of Te", although it is named after "Ba, son of Te", in fact, the main body of belief in that country is a god from the evil camp. The son of Te, Ba, who was released for us, is actually Subject to "oath binding", he needs to serve us for some years.

And it was precisely because the "effectiveness" of the demon lord was gone... that it was gone again, and the theocratic country was defeated faster than imagined!

As for the Red Robe Mages Association and the Torre Kingdom...

Although Te's son Ba Shi defeated the god Isaac that time, few people knew that there was actually no other abyss lord participating in this war.

It is even rarer, or even almost anyone knows, that the other Lord of the Abyss... is just his main form, borrowing the identity of an ancient demon lord to incarnate!

If there had been a stab in the back of his true form, these magicians back then, even without the help of Lute's son Ba, might not be able to defeat these god-kings like Xu Xueming and Xu Xue, and they might not be able to defeat them today without the help of Ba. Torre Kingdom!

Of course, there was no need for Xu Xueming to disclose those things to Xu Xueming.

The deeds of the Lords of the Hidden Layer are summarized in detail.

Wang Zhuansheng just suppressed his voice and waited patiently for the Green Dragon's aftertaste.

"The remaining holy sword of Zehir Kingdom - Lomansalis!"

"Ba, Te's son, has been defeated several times, but no matter who it is, there is no way to completely destroy him, and the only choice is Matt!"

"Not yet, the red-robed mage used Alta'o's magic to release him, and then used the same method to kill him again!"

In Narfi's mind, while extracting the snake god's words, there were no key points related to my purpose.

The first is the holy sword Lomansalis. Wang reinsheng mentioned it twice, which was supposed to be a hint from Asanga. The power of that holy sword must be quite restrained by Asanga against the demon lord, or at most, Xu Xuemingba!

That kind of holy weapon aimed at demon lords naturally has minimal research significance!

Yes, the real point lies in point seven.

"I have been defeated several times, but I have always been able to destroy them. But Matt, that...maybe it has something to do with the fact that the 'Hell Gate Castle Barrier' restrains these low-level towers, and it has nothing to do with it!"

Only the inanimate essence is bound to the material world. That is what makes anyone want to destroy it, lest it be destroyed over there and be reborn here. Soon it will continue to be small in the material world. Fight, even fight to the end!

Would Xu Xueming be interested in that kind of operation that binds the demon lord's life essence to the material world?

As expected, it must be the handiwork of Alta's magic-binder!

Those ancient wizards who specialized in manipulating demons were indeed professionals!

As for the red-robed mage at the front... What Wang reincarnated meant was to point out that the red-robed mage association, especially the Sazastan side, must have mastered countless legacies of the Altaou Empire!

After recollecting everything in his mind, Narfi finally raised his eyes.

Wang Zhuansheng was unaware and looked over.

When their eyes met, Narfi smiled slightly and said thanks: "Young Xie Mian's explanation of doubts has given you a comprehensive understanding of the secret lord."

Wang reinsheng also smiled: "It's a problem. Although there are very few deeds in it and they are only in some top secret records, but with your ability, as long as you want to understand, there is always no way to understand."

He was fully prepared to exchange for any conditions.

That information, even less, is the opening brick, the opening brick for the son of Tiarande to retreat on his own initiative!

Narfi really retreated, and continued to influence others. His goal was very clear: "According to the Crown, the reincarnation of the military god wielding the holy sword 'Loman Salis' can also completely destroy Te's son." Damn it, you can only use it as a mat.

You have no idea that the demons in these towers of Hell Gate Castle were once elves with low magic, binding the essence of life to the human world, and they could be completely destroyed in a short time.

If Zhi Mian Shang may give you advice, is it similar to the situation where Xu Xuemingba was manipulated by the Eltao Fu magician?

And the God of War can completely destroy him when he holds the holy sword. Is that binding of him involving a lower level, or is it woven together with some power or some essence? "

Xu Xueming did not hide his judgment at all.

I am still making judgments, combining my research findings over the years.

And that’s what I’ve always been straightforward about…

Wang reinsheng, who had always been waiting fiercely and calmly, felt his heart wrinkle involuntarily.

One can imagine the small purpose of the son of Tiarande.

However, the depth of research in that area by the son of Tiarand clearly exceeded his expectations.

However, under his expression, naturally there would be no trouble. Wang Zhuansheng only smiled faintly: "Xu Xueming'ou's magic binders are indeed the place where Asanga and our Dharma were formed. Although you can directly clear up all doubts for him, But come to think of it, some key secret information should have a significant boost to his research!"

Just like the appearance of Yongqian in Ense, he is the enemy of the gods.

The evil lord sealed the divine system in Xu Xueming, and there was hostility everywhere.

Because of this, before he broke out of that world, He took on various appearances and cast nets everywhere.

In that process, the secrets he came into contact with were naturally far more extensive than those of Hadri's sealed gods.

Xu Xuemingou's Demon Binder system, especially the root behind it, is also the object that he has never had contact with.

It's just that the contact was so friendly in the end.

But at this time, those can be used in the transaction with the son of Tia Xuxue.

Narfi naturally understood what he meant, and he was hesitant at that time: "What does the Crown need you to do?"

I am so sensible, and the reincarnation of the king will also control others, and said lightly: "Tiyalande and the King of White Darkness have always been at peace. Do you think, the war between the Dragon Worshiping Sect and the King of White Darkness sect will be more... Be calmer, that's what He wants to see."

Sure enough, he was targeted!

Moreover, he is also the King of White Darkness!

Yes, that's reasonable.

The King of White and Darkness is the most active weak divine power.

The "hatred", "strength", "white darkness", and even the "conspiracy" priesthood controlled by the evil lord are all related to Asanga, the king of white darkness.

Coupled with the entry and exit of Hadri's sealing system, it is completely conceivable that the evil lord will be targeted by him.

However, Xu Xueming had no intention of doing anything about it.

Let's talk about the mystery of demon binding that has nothing to do with "Ba, the Son of Te", but that means very little to me.

Even with or without those, the various things that the Dragon Witch Cult has done in the cold land, and the conflicts between the Dragon Warrior Sect and the King of White Darkness, I would still be willing to attack the King of White Darkness sect.

It’s just that the intensity is a little smaller than it is now!


"Do you think that God would be happy to cooperate closely with you in this regard?"

Xu Xueming nodded slightly.

Naturally, I was vague. I was once dominated by the King of White Darkness for a period of time, and I hated that weak divine power.

Not to mention that now, it also involves the "dracolich", the concept of "dead dragon" and the competition for the priesthood.

That is to say, the real fight was over, but the dragon was already about to attack.

Xu Xueming smiled slightly, but did not respond. Instead, he continued: "There is no Storm God sect here!"

The God of Storms is in charge of "destruction" and "destruction", and is also related to the priesthood of the Lord of Evil.

Does that mean that the two weak divine powers of Asagi are trying to encroach on His territory? ! !

Although the Lord of Evil is also the pinnacle of medium divine power and is not even qualified to attack weak divine powers, he is notoriously violent when facing the retreat of two weak divine powers at the same time...

It’s no wonder that at that time, the reincarnation of the Snake God King was all about sitting still and trying to get down by himself!

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