Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 929 The Secret of Narfio

Zehir has long known about the conflicts between the Dragon Queen and the Dark King, and is also aware of the long-term hostility between the Dragon Worship Cult and the Dark King Sect.

Under such a premise, just increasing the intensity of the war between the two sides will obviously not be his main purpose.

What he really means is the God of Storms!

The God of Storms is in charge of "destruction" and "destruction", and this is also the core function of the Lord of Evil.

No matter how hard the God of Storms advances, it is impossible for him to make any concessions in this regard!

Isaac quickly realized this.


His eyes wrinkled slightly, but in his heart, he had another thought.

God of Storms!

Normally, he would not want to provoke such a powerful divine power, even if it was in the material world.


The goddess of magic gives him the qualification!

The Witch King who is seeking to become a god!

The God of Storms is secretly supporting the Witch King!

Combining these...

He must destroy the Witch King's conferment as a god!

With this, the plot of the Storm God was destroyed again. This was not just provoking, but directly offending him!

With such a premise in place, Zehir's transaction requirements...

Thoughts in his heart flashed again and again, and slowly, Isaac raised his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I want to know how useful the magic secrets of the Narfios can be to me!"

The implication is that no matter how little value there is, there will be much effort!

Yes, but it was abnormal. Isaac had originally thought that Tia Ochiszi would be a "self-serving" person.

The temptation came out, Tia Ochiszi refused to take action against the Church of the God of Storms, and that was enough for Isaac.

After all... what he can trade is the secret of Frazio's Magician!

"So, he is cheating now?"

Gao Zhiling made the first confirmation with a smile.

He, the god, does not care whether Theia Ochis will do anything to keep his promise before he succeeds.

Although the nature of the current world has changed, which has slightly limited the degree of interference of gods in the material world, but...

With the wisdom and humbleness of the gods, as long as they are willing to pay, they can still achieve incredible divine power!

Even though that kind of divine power may not be able to destroy Nadia Ochisko, it is impossible for it to bring me enough trouble, or even really plunge me into an abyss at a critical moment.

Isaac was very sure that as long as Theia Ochis accepted His transaction confirmation, he would really reach the point where they were incompatible with Him!

"My Majesty is willing to give me advice, how can you agree?"

Gao Zhiling smiled and leaned forward slightly.

The level of the gods is low, but I really think that what I see is deeper and further than the gods.

In particular, in my understanding, God itself is a collection of concepts and a manifestation. Therefore, in fields involving that level, I must be as thorough as the true God.

I took that "ask for advice" very seriously.

"So good!"

Isaac nodded slightly, and then said bluntly: "The Gao Zhilingou Empire is best known for its magic binders who have the ability to control demons. At that time, the leaders of those magic binders were also known as Be the 'Priest King', or 'Sri'!

Sri, that is naturally the magic binder who has been relegated from the sorcerer and mage.

The Priest King is the same, the Priest King of the Frazio Empire. After retiring from the rank of Demon Binder, they are all priests, and a very small number of them are priests of the Demon Lord! "

"Those demon lords, from the early 'Dead Lord' Gao Zhiling to the 'Bright Lord' Gemat, there are also the 'Prince of Fraud' Razte Erlu, and the 'Angry Lord' Kostchichi Both of them and the 'Secret Lord' Eltaba left a deep imprint on the Frazio Empire.

Among them, the semi-purgatory descendants of Sahir and Gego Zhiling were the rulers of the Frazio dynasty for two generations.

The descendants of Razte Erlu also interspersed in our rule. "

"Based on your attention to Gao Zhiling'ou, the reason why our ability to manipulate demons is so outstanding, and we finally completely bound the 'Secret Lord' Eltaba, lies in two points."

"First, this is also the reason why we fell into the abyss camp. We must have discovered the secret of the white darkness of the ancient Yili Witch King Empire..."

The ancient Yili Witch King Empire!

Gao Zhiling's eyes finally flickered.

Naturally, I knew nothing about the rumors that the Frazios had nothing to do with the demon lords. What Isaac said was just more detailed and made my perception more direct.

But the ancient Yili Witch King Empire...

That was the "protagonist" of the Crown War, and now it was the White Dark Elf Empire that could fully compete with the Kingdom of Arivanda!

Such as the "Eye of the Ancients", such as the "Masked King", such as "Dark Man", these gods who are now classified in the drow pantheon, all once had an important position in the Yili Witch King.

It's a pity that the one who ultimately leads the White Dark Elf Empire is the Spider God!

According to some knowledge of Narfi, the reason why the Spider God completed its final rule seems to be to cast the White Darkness Technique on the Witch King of Yili, so that those White Darkness elves can use evil rituals to summon the demons of the bottomed abyss.

When the time was right, He threw another Demon Lord Zehir into the past. In the end, it was the bloodline of Demon Lord Zehir that polluted the bloodline of the entire Yili Witch King Elf!

Of course, those are all important for now.

What matters is.

Being able to summon Demon Lord Zehir shows that the secret of the White Darkness of the Yili Witch King Empire is definitely the ordinary one.

The Frazios discovered such evil secrets, and naturally they were deeply connected with the demons of the bottomed abyss.

And in the constant contact with the devil, there are naturally no fewer evil secrets for us to grasp.

Especially, until the Lord of the Abyss responds to our call...

Just like the fall of the Irigozhi elves, it is natural for the Frazios to fall into the abyssal camp!

Moreover, it is an elf similar to the Yili Witch King.

Regardless of whether it is Spider Qian or the Masked King and others, they still value the faith of the White Dark Elves.

Without the presence of those gods, the fallen blood of Yili Gaozhi would only be corrupted by the demon lord Gaozhi Ling.

But Frazio was completely different.

Long term contact.

This is the birth of a group of abyss lords, a half-purgatory son of the Demon King's bloodline!

The Frazios may have come into contact with the Abyss because of the secrets of the Elves of the Witch-King of Ili, but the final level of darkness and evil was even deeper.

That is the root of Frazio's magic-binder, whose ability to control demons surpasses almost all people, and even all eras!

In his mind, Narfi recalled a lot of information in an instant.

Isaac's words continued in an orderly manner: "Seventh, the bloodline of the abyss lords, the competition between the abyss lords, and therefore the smaller investment!"

"Among the abyss lords that the Gao Zhiling'ou Empire came into contact with, Sahir, the 'Dead Lord', was the first to respond to our call.

Before that, Gao Zhiling Elu, who had no hostile relationship with Sahir, intervened and retreated, which directly led to the end of the dynasty of Gao Zhiling's descendants.

But Razte Erlu was also able to seize the victory. Gemat, who had no hostile relationship with him and Gao Zhiling, arrived quickly.

Eventually, it was the half-infernal son of Gemat who became the new ruler of the empire. "

"It was through the hostility and competition between those demon kings and the secret of the White Darkness of the Iri Witch King Empire that Frazio's Siri was created before receiving the weak support of a certain abyss lord. A weak sacred weapon, the 'Crown of Frazio', was revealed!"

"It may be that with this sacred weapon, and perhaps the top secrets leaked by these abyss lords, in a specially built white and dark castle, Frazio's Sris finally bound the 'Secret Lord' Ai Ertaba!”

Isaac was talking about the abilities of the Nar magicians, but he needed to say less. He suspected that since Gao Zhiling paid no attention to the matter of Eltaba, she must have understood the abilities of these magicians.

With only the ability of the magician, it is obviously enough to summon the abyss lord, let alone being directly bound to the material world.

He is pointing directly to the source.

"Crown of Frazio? He means, this sacred crown of the Kingdom of Imbutu?"

Narfi frowned slightly, and there was a little doubt in his eyes.

As far as I know, the Crown of Frazio should be a close neighbor of Damara, because it is the Crown of the King of Butu Kingdom.

That's still the point. The point is that that crown has nothing to do with the "Eight Gods Association" and is blessed by these eight evil camp gods!

Such a sacred crown should be related to the abyss lord, right?

"It's it, but it's also it!"

Isaac shook his head slightly and said: "Frazio Crown, the original sponsor, there is a very small chance that it should be the 'dead prince' Sahir.

The one who is one of the Eight Giants of the Abyss, dominates the realms of ‘Devil’ and ‘Death’.

With his patronage, every owner of Frazio's Crown will have his soul absorbed by the crown before death.

A very small number of those souls are the emperors of the Frazio Empire, and among them there are many Serui and Priest King.

The souls of those people were absorbed by Duan, and the power of the holy weapon was getting weaker and weaker.

In the end, it was this holy weapon, combined with the specially built 'Conjurer's Castle', and the impossible secrets of the Demon King, and Frazio's Seri who summoned and bound Eltaba to the material world. . "

"Yes, that Frazio crown is essentially the same as the current Gao Zhilingou crown."

"Eight hundred years later, in a battle called the 'Evil War' and the 'Eight Saints' Eastern Expedition,' Gao Zhiling-Eleslin, the legendary paladin of the Eight Gods Church, destroyed Fraula in the Conjurer's Castle. Ziou Crown, and before it, with the power of the Eight Gods, completely purified the evil power of the crown fragments, and recast it into the new Gao Zhilingou Crown.

With this crown, Baloyan-Eleslin was crowned the new king of Imbutu..."

So, that evil holy weapon has been destroyed? ?

Although Narfi thought that Isaac would send me away with those pure news, but...

There was still a little bit of inquiry in my eyes.

Is it true that I respect gods, but the snake god can always use that bit of information to try to get me to attack the King of White Darkness Sect and the God of Storm Sect at the same time, right?

I have been speechless for a long time. Only when there is no small harvest, can I make a small effort!

Isaac naturally understood the meaning in my eyes, and he was flustered and hurried, and then smiled: "If the sacred artifact is so difficult, it can be completely destroyed.

With Sahir's investment, he absorbed the souls of many powerful Sree and the Priest King, and this was still in the Conjurer's Castle, an evil realm closely related to the abyss.

Although Gao Zhiling-Eleslin had the support of Iori and destroyed the material composition of Gao Zhilingou's crown, but as far as you know, the protagonist of the 'Evil War' and the leader of the demon army, the weak Zehir Moenduru, Before being defeated by Baloyan, he re-collected the evil power of Gao Zhilingou's crown, as well as the few Sri souls, and re-binded them into a sacred artifact called the 'Nduru Shadow Crown' ! "

"To explore Frazio's ultimate secret, the Shadow Crown is the most critical factor."

"And to explore the whereabouts of the Shadow Crown, the Conjurer's Castle is the first place to explore."

"If your judgment is correct, Eltaba's final binding should also be closely related to those two Asangas!"

"The location of the Conjurer's Castle is in today's Imbutu territory. I think these paladins of Imbutu have prevented you from exploring this place..."

One piece is directly related to Sri and the Priest King, and it is extremely likely that it is an evil holy weapon created to control demons!

An evil magical castle built to bind the demon lord!

News like that is truly meaningless!



While Narfi nodded slightly, some thoughts were passing through his mind.

Since Butu is adjacent to Damara, and there are no mountainous areas intersecting with Vaasa, I was going to a cold place, so it was convenient.

It's just that news like that...

If I can find nothing and achieve nothing, it will be of great value. For this reason, it is not an exaggeration to start a war with the Church of the God of Storms.

However, since these paladins of Butu and the bishops of the Eight Gods Church are already so young, it is hard to say that they will leave a little uncleared land here.

After pondering for a moment, Narfi nodded and said: "In the near future, you will make a special trip here. No matter what you gain, you will first start a confrontation with the King of White Darkness sect.

If I could really find out the whereabouts of the Shadow Crown, or discover the secrets of the Conjurer's Castle, I would definitely do my best for the Crown on the side of the Storm God Sect. "

The time when Dragon Madness comes is getting closer and closer.

Regarding the White Dark King's sect's weakening confrontation, Narfi had already made a plan.

It is quite appropriate to use this as an advance payment for "news".

"Of course you can!"

"Your relationship with Tiamat is based on your trust in his promise."

Isaac smiled and nodded, not minding Narfi's installment payment, but...

"In addition to the secret of Frazio, you also have some secrets that have nothing to do with the Lomansa Empire, and there are also some secrets that have nothing to do with the ancient sorcerer, the Mershok Empire..."

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