Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 936 Runes and Relics

In terms of body shape, Steel Dragon is indeed small.

Isaac looked up and down, and he was confident that the size of the mature steel dragon was roughly the same size as the adolescent green dragon.

If you compare red dragons and golden dragons, they can only be compared with young dragons.

Such a compact size, compared to a normal giant dragon...

It's almost like the contrast between the halfling and normal humans.

It is precisely because of the huge difference in size that the Steel Dragon has the most powerful spellcasting ability, but its overall strength is inferior to that of the White Dragon.

At this time, perched on the base of the obelisk, the steel dragon looked like a lazy large cat, but its head was surprisingly expressive, even with some human features.

Under the faint moonlight, her steel-like dragon scales were still shining brightly.

Isaac made some observations and completed the "modeling" of the general characteristics of the most famous hidden dragon in Waterdeep City.

"That's enough!"

"As long as she doesn't happen to be hiding in the Black Staff Tower, or in the core temples, with her own abilities, she can't escape my detection lock!"

He looked away from the steel dragon and looked at the obelisk again.

In itself, there is nothing unusual about this stone monument.

The emblem engraved on it looks like a normal noble family emblem.

However, considering that the previous walking golem stopped approaching because of the magical power of this emblem, and even ignored the magical fluctuations below...

"It seems to be the 'activation' runes engraved by the rune master!"

"Although the level is not too high, it can be seen from this level of concealment that this rune master is definitely extraordinary!"

"Is it from the dwarves, or...is this steel dragon the rune master who knocked down the giants?"

There was also a little strange color flowing out of Isaac's eyes.

When it comes to rune technology, the giant family is naturally the first choice.

However, with the decline of the giant clan as a whole, the dwarf rune masters were also latecomers to follow.

And with the openness and tolerance of Waterdeep City, it is not impossible to find a true rune master whether it is a giant or a dwarf.

What really made Isaac's emotions come out...

"It can affect the walking golem. The engraving of this rune obviously involves the participation of the Black Staff Tower."

"And let the Black Staff Tower acquiesce to her and use the rune master to engrave this rune that can affect the walking golem..."

It seems that the relationship between the "Dragon of Thousand Dharmas" and the Black Staff Tower is very likely to be much deeper than he expected!

After all, if the rune master can engrave one of these runes that can affect the walking golem, there is a possibility of engraving a second one.

The Black Staff Tower can allow it to carry out such engravings...

Obviously, apart from the Rune Master himself being a trustworthy person, the more important reason lies in Xia Lanwei Luosi!

"This must be...either directly related to the old thief of Kelburn, or, in other words, closely related to Ms. Leila!"

In his mind, Isaac was constantly reasoning deeply.

Waiting to come to this conclusion...

"To be able to place such runes here..."

"It seems that her tomb is also not simple!"

"It's no wonder, there are people down there who are stabilizing the 'Rainbow Magic Wall' and even the 'Rainbow Magic Ball'!"

In Isaac's heart, some additional interests were aroused unconsciously.

There is a feeling that this is not the secret lair of the Steel Dragon.

If it was just a nest, Xia Lanwei Luosi didn't need to place such a rune here.

With this rune... this is obviously a "long-term construction" posture!

"Could it be...the excavation of some kind of ruins?"

The first thought in Isaac's mind.

Although the planning of the City of Death should only be a matter of the past few hundred years.

However, considering the glorious history of Waterdeep City, and considering that too many powerful people, especially many legendary mages, all had their fate here.

There is no mystery buried deep here, it is completely impossible.

That's not all.

"The predecessor of Waterdeep City should be related to the legendary Moon Elf Kingdom 'Ilfaran'."

"Judging from the history of the elves, before the 'Great Retreat', the royal capital of Ilflan, 'Elinsada', should have been located in this area."

The Kingdom of Ilflan is one of the only two ancient elven kingdoms left after the end of the Five Crown Wars.

As for the moon elves, they have a long tradition of friendship with metal dragons, especially silver dragons.

Isaac would not doubt that within such an ancient kingdom, there existed the "King Slayer Shield" created by the Moon Elf High Mage for their Metal Dragon allies.

In fact, the reason why he visited Waterdeep City was because he believed that there was a high probability of the existence of the "King Killer Star Shield" in Waterdeep City. This was precisely related to this.

At this time, due to the abnormal behavior of this Dragon of Thousand Dharmas...

Isaac also thought of the Moon Elf Kingdom.

"It would be normal to say that relics related to the 'Kingdom of Ilflan' have been excavated here."

"And it is equally reasonable for the Steel Dragon to pursue magic and become interested in the ancient ruins of the Moon Elf Kingdom."

"Furthermore, the engraving of runes, and the creation and stability of various magical barriers below, can all be matched. This is because we don't want to make too much noise, which will be noticed and detected by outsiders!"

Isaac's eyes flickered again and again without realizing it.

According to legend, the Kingdom of Nailfalan was the Yongju Island that responded to the call for "Great Retreat" and took the initiative to retreat.

It is also a legend that before retreating to Evermeet Island, these moon elves used high magic to wipe "Irene Sada" to the ground, almost erasing all traces of its existence.

However, everything above the ground can naturally be easily erased.

But if you want to say that even the underground, especially the deep underground, has been completely wiped out...

"I'm afraid that's not necessarily the case!"

"It's not even impossible that the Earthline Maze City of Halast was formed because of the excavation of ruins related to them!"

"At least at the beginning, this reason was related to them. This should be very possible."

"Helast's side can find something, and it's not impossible for Xia Lanweilosi to find anything!"

This Dragon of Thousand Dharmas is a wealthy man who can stop the Dragon Worship Cult and Dragon Witch Cult from establishing a secret stronghold in Deepwater City with his own wealth.

For such a rich man, no matter how special he is, it is normal.

Of course, all this is just speculation.

Ultimately it is or is not...

"Just wait!"

"Let's see what's going on with them first, and then decide whether we want to go down and take a look!"

After changing his mind, Isaac walked silently to the back of the tomb.

Soon he sat down on the mat leaning against a piece of stone forest.

Instead of staring at Steel Dragon, he even narrowed his gaze, as if he was sleeping, and his mind soon became quiet.

This tranquility...

"Two enchantments, and then... the rainbow light magic wall!"

"However, it is not a rainbow light magic wall. This should be a combination of multiple magic walls to create a rainbow light secret chamber!"


In a state of tranquility, the mind's will reaches a level of perception beyond imagination.

Even though his true vision was closed at this moment, Isaac had a more precise grasp of everything under the tomb from the most microscopic perspective.


"Not one person!"

"There are two casters!"

"Furthermore, Judu has the ability to cast at least level eight magic!"

"Are they the other two steel dragons?"

I had this judgment in my heart, but my spiritual will did not force it down.

He just continued to maintain tranquility, and only felt the magic fluctuations around him from the smallest angle, which were faintly pulsating under the ground.

Isaac's patience was always excellent.

Sitting still, the whole person seems to have turned into a stone statue, which is more real than the statue disguised as the steel dragon with magic.

After all, despite Xia Lanwei Luosi's laziness, she still had to yawn or adjust her posture from time to time.

Moreover, when the walking golem patrols here again, the steel dragon will activate the stone tablet runes in advance and send a message to the people below.

As for Isaac, sitting on the floor, he was really sitting still.

This time I arrived more than two hours later.

It should be that the two people below have used high-level magic in vain, or they have invested too much in the "Magic Constancy".

Then, both of them stopped their hands at the same time.

Isaac sensed it again, and from below, he thought someone had performed a "message technique."

Finally, Xia Lanwei Luosi lazily stood up from the base of the stone tablet, stretching her body.

Another magical aura of "any door" flashed on her.

The figure, the strong man Gang Long suddenly disappeared from the ground.

at the same time.

"The first layer of barrier does not hinder the transmission. It mainly prevents outside detection and hides internal signs."

"The second layer of barrier can hinder the entry of teleportation."

Isaac felt in his heart that Xia Lanwei Luosi's presence teleported under the mausoleum, between the first layer of enchantment and the second layer of enchantment.

Then he walked directly across the past.

And that's it for her.

There is also some faint aura, which came out after the "Rainbow Light Magic Wall".

Naturally it should be those two.

It is impossible to determine what exchanges the three men had.

However, not long after...


"Did you leave?"

"Or is it hidden in the secret room of the 'Rainbow Wall'?"

Isaac's eyes opened at some point.

A slight hint of contemplation flowed through it.

He lost touch with the three people below.

Not sure either.

These three people had finished their work for today, so they left directly.

Or maybe they had entered the core of the tomb, and his perception was blocked by the "rainbow wall", so he lost his perception.

However, no matter which case it is...

Isaac didn't have any impatience.

Still sitting quietly, until nearly half an hour had passed, there was still no sign of any movement below.

That's it.

"Advanced Flash Technique!"

His body suddenly transformed into a spirit form.

Unlike the "Flash Technique", the body will continue to interact uncontrollably between the spiritual form and the physical form.

"Advanced Flash Technique", within the duration, can "flash" at will in the spiritual plane and the material plane under independent control.

That is, you can always maintain a spiritual form, or you can always maintain a physical form.

If the spirit form is targeted and attacked, it can directly transform into the physical form and flash to the material plane.

If the physical form is attacked, it can transform into the spiritual form and hide in the spiritual plane.

Of course, Isaac is not trying to dodge any attacks now.

He just wanted to pass through the surface of the tomb and enter it.

It means that it remains in the spiritual form.

Moreover, even if he maintains his spiritual form, the constant "legendary concealment" and "legendary confusion" provided by the "protection card" are always there.

This change in form did not trigger the walking golem's protective measures.

Transformed into a spirit body, Isaac's figure floated and sank directly into the ground of the mausoleum.

After a while, it sank to a depth of ten or twenty feet.

His eyes suddenly opened up again.

In the spiritual world, one can vaguely see the situation in the material world.

Under the sealed granite layer of the mausoleum, there was a staircase tunnel going downwards.

On both sides of the tunnel, there are several immortal torches, emitting cold light.

The environment is not too dark.

Isaac looked over there for a moment.

As soon as the figure moved, it transformed back into the material form and appeared directly in the tunnel.

However, his feet never touched the ground.

Still maintaining the ability to fly in the air, he walked straight down.

After a while.

Although the first magic barrier was almost invisible, it was clearly visible before his "True Knowledge".

"The force field prevents both physical and spiritual forms from passing through, and also blocks most magical attacks."

"Anti-detection and concealment effects are also woven in."

"The creator does have some standards."

After a moment's comment, Isaac's figure flashed and he was on the other side of the barrier.

Although it can prevent the crossing of physical and spiritual forms, the force field does not hinder the teleportation of teleportation spells.

Continuing down, we soon reached the second magic barrier.

As judged earlier, this second magic barrier has the effect of hindering teleportation.

Without in-depth research on such obstacles, and without seizing the relevant "authority", it would be impossible for Isaac to teleport through directly.

As for Xia Lanwei Luosi, just walk over...

"Magic alarm triggered!"

"And this...another rune!"

His eyes only briefly analyzed the magic barrier, and Isaac suddenly raised his head and looked above the barrier.

Divine runes!

Moreover, just looking at the carving style, it should be the same person as the one on the stone tablet outside.


"These two runes should be of different types."

"The ones outside are activated, and they can be activated a certain number of times every day."

"This rune is triggering!"

"It should trigger... a divine spell that combines flame energy and sacred energy!"

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