Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 937 Mausoleum

From enchantments, to magic alarms, to magical runes.

Take a look around.

Isaac already has a pretty good idea of ​​Steel Dragon's arrangement here.

Barrier, hindering transmission.

Magic alarm is also an "advanced magic alarm". It not only detects the situation in the material world, but also detects transitional planes such as the star world, the shadow world, and the spiritual world. If you try to use the spirit form, from If you pass here, the chance of triggering this alarm is still quite high.

As for the magical runes, they are actually similar to the triggering of magic alarms.

If Isaac's analysis is correct, there should be an exclusive secret order to pass through this tunnel without restriction.

With this secret command, both magical runes and magic alarms will not be triggered.

Such a secret order...

Isaac is still confident. As long as he is given enough time to reversely decode the corresponding secret order, this is not a big problem.


"It doesn't need to be so complicated!"

"Xia Lanwei Luosi's arrangement here should be a recent matter. Everything is far from mature and thorough."

"Except for these magic arrangements, there are no even the most basic traps."

As his thoughts turned around, the magic aura flickered on Isaac.

Level 7 magic - Delayed bursting fireball!

However, it is not performed directly.

Isaac first traced this spell back into the original magical energy, and with a high enough intelligence, as well as a high degree of familiarity and mastery of magic, he temporarily constructed the spell based on the original magical energy.

Just a moment.

Seventh level magic-transformation into a spirit body!

The body, once again, transformed into a spiritual form for Isaac.

And it sank directly into the tunnel stairs.

Of course, the "Advanced Magic Alarm" can detect the spiritual plane.

Of course, the detection effect of "divine runes" is even more powerful.

However, with his spell identification, he easily and accurately grasped the detection range of the two.

It transforms into a spirit form, turns from beneath the ground, and crosses their detection range.

But there is no need to perform any reverse interpretation of the secret order at all.

One minute later.

The figure reappeared, already under the magic barrier.

Continuing down, walking in the air to a depth of nearly a hundred feet.

Suddenly, from the corner in front, a colorful dazzling light came into Isaac's eyes like a reflection.

Nature is the brilliant light of the Rainbow Dharma Wall.

Isaac can even sense that even if it is just these reflected lights, they also have magical effects. Creatures with insufficient life energy levels will be blinded immediately as long as they are close to these colorful lights. state.

But it's not just this feeling.

When these colorful lights reflected into Isaac's eyes.

He narrowed his eyes slightly again, as if he was sensing something...

"Magical constancy!"

"Deeply close to the essence of magic!"

"To this extent...this should be a rainbow light wall that has stabilized at least five rays!"

Rainbow Light Wall is an eighth-level spell.

To maintain such a level of high-level spells, the professional accumulation required has to directly catch up with the conditions for the "Prayer".

There are a total of five rainbow light magic walls here...

Isaac's slightly narrowed eyes couldn't help but have a strange color shining.

How much price did Xia Lanwei Luosi pay to allow such a spell caster to make such a large investment?

At the same time, even if she paid such a high price, what exactly is involved in the mystery hidden below?

Despite the curiosity in his heart, the figure did not stop.

A few steps passed in the air.

The place connected to the corner fell into Isaac's eyes.

This should be an underground hall, and it doesn't look like a staircase tunnel.

Isaac could clearly see the tunnel coming down, which was recently shaped by magic.

But this underground hall seems to have a sense of age.


He didn't look at those rainbow light magic walls for the first time.

Isaac first looked at one of the four huge square-shaped pillars in the hall, and stared at the ground and glanced up and down for a while.

Then, his eyes wrinkled slightly again.

"Not like an elf!"

"It seems to have the 'artistic' nature of a dwarf!"

Dwarves like roughness and squareness the most.

Amarinda's side, which is governed by the Soul-Calling Demon, has this kind of "artistic" style, whether it's the architecture or the supporting pillars.

Recognizing that this must be related to the dwarves.

Isaac felt a little disappointed in his heart.

The dwarf's blacksmithing and rune skills can impress him, but in terms of magic, his achievements are limited.

He doesn't have time to slowly study the secrets of the dwarves here.

Of course, disappointment is inevitable, but since we have arrived here, Xia Lanwei Luosi is still willing to make such an investment...

Isaac wouldn't just turn around and leave without looking at anything.

He turned his eyes away from the pillar and looked around the underground hall.

I don't know if it has been emptied by the steel dragon, but the hall is very empty.

In addition to the four pillars scattered in all directions, there is only the central area, which is directly surrounded by pieces of rainbow-colored magic walls in the shape of five sides, which looks like an altar-like building.

Come to think of it, that's where Xia Lanwei Luosi's goal is.

Due to the obstruction of the rainbow light wall, Isaac could not directly see the situation over there.

Then, while the figure flew over, the induction of spiritual will also unfolded again.

But he didn't wait until he got close to the rainbow light magic wall...


Suddenly, with a movement of his heart, Isaac's figure stopped in the sky.

He raised his eyes again and looked at the ceiling above the hall.

Observe and ponder for a moment.

After another turn, he assessed the size of the hall and the four pillars one by one.


"It doesn't seem reasonable!"

Slightly, he shook his head.

The soil environment here, the depth of the underground hall, and the scale.

This should not be able to be stably supported by just four pillars.

Not to mention, the age of this hall is probably more than a thousand years old.

This also means that it has been stably supported for more than a thousand years!

Such stability, at least in this environment, must be achieved through magic.


"But I ignored it!"

"This way..."

"No, maybe it's not just here..."

Isaac's eyes suddenly shone.

Some things were recalled in his mind again and associated with them.

The prosperity of Waterdeep City almost surpasses the entire Northland.

Similarly, almost no other city can compare to the complexity of Waterdeep.

Above the ground, this is the glorious city.

Below the Glory City, there are countless underground buildings.

Almost every family in Waterdeep City may have a private underground secret room.

Not to mention the uncountable buildings related to dark forces deeper in the sewer system.

However, this is nothing.

Further down...

That Skull Harbor is called the dark side of the City of Glory!

It’s unknown how many layers have been excavated. It’s a terrestrial maze that’s much more complicated than any dark space or any underground city!

The complexity of the underground of Waterdeep City is definitely not comparable to that of any other city.

At this time, Isaac was reminded of the overly complicated structure underground in Waterdeep City from the underground hall here!

Such a structure is not a naturally dark space.

Most of these were dug out by force.

What's more, a lot of excavations have continued for more than a thousand years.

However, there has never been any news of collapse in Waterdeep City.

"There should be something abnormal about this land itself!"

"Could it be..."

With a thought in his heart, Isaac once again thought of the ancient moon elf kingdom.

The ancient Kingdom of Ilflan is basically at the same time as the Kingdom of Anrefanda and the Ilysri Empire.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Ilflan has continued until modern times, and can even be said to be the only ancient elven kingdom that has continued to this day.

The reason why I say this...

The Kingdom of Ilflan took the initiative to evacuate Yongju Island.

Yongju Island now respects the Moon Elf family "Moonflower Family" as the ruler of the Eternal City. This cannot be said, not because of the entire withdrawal of the Kingdom of Ilflan.

The current Yongju Island is largely composed of the people of the former Kingdom of Ilflan.

Such an ancient kingdom has never cut off the inheritance of high magic. No matter what unbelievable things happen to them, it is normal.

Especially before Waterdeep City was built, this area should have been the royal capital of the Kingdom of Ilflan, the location of the glorious city called "Irene Saada"!

"The dwarves' magic cannot reach this level, unless the dwarf god intervenes."


Isaac would naturally not think that a dwarf god would invest huge divine power in transforming a place that was not an important dwarf city.


"It should be due to high magic again!"

"It's the high mage of Ilflan who has made changes to this area!"


Maybe over the years, whether it is Halaster or the mage lords of Waterdeep City, they will stop here, which is related to these discoveries!

"Such an idea does have a lot of research significance."

"It's a pity that I don't have time this time, so I will study it slowly here."

"The primary goal of investigation is still the existence of the 'King Killer Shield'."

Keep relevant thoughts in your heart for the time being.

While Isaac continued to walk towards the rainbow light wall, he also looked at the altar building inside through the dazzling colored light.

This Rainbow Light Dharma Wall is connected and surrounded by a pentagon, and the altar inside it is naturally also a pentagonal structure.

The will of the soul cannot penetrate the rainbow light magic wall. However, after observing the regular pentagonal altar for a moment, he followed it with his eyes.

"Not like an altar!"

"It seems...teleportation trigger? Also, phase gate?"

This judgment made Isaac's heart move again.

When the teleportation is triggered, let’s not talk about where it will go.

The essence of the phase gate is a connection similar to the "spiritual world channel".

By walking into it, you can overcome obstacles and reach the other side.

However, due to the length of the spiritual world passage, the distance between this obstacle is not too long.

That is to say...

"It's just a phase gate. It doesn't need to be isolated with a rainbow light wall."

"The significance of these rainbow magic walls is to hinder the spread of magic waves during excavations on the other side of the phase gate!"

make such a judgment.

Isaac's gaze turned to the ground again.

After a while, he lifted it up again and looked at the ceiling that was almost connected to the rainbow light wall.

Then, the figure flew up.

Even though it was blocked by a rainbow magic wall, he could see that the building with the "teleport trigger" and "phase gate" was not an ordinary structure.

Whether it is a stone traveling technique or a transformed spirit body, it may not be able to pass through it, and it may even cause unnecessary triggers.

On the contrary, there is no magic on the ceiling above.

It is not difficult for him to bypass the Rainbow Light Magic Wall from above.

One flew up.

Once again, it is a temporary construction of the "transformation spirit body" that goes back to the seventh level of magic.

Isaac's figure made a U-turn and entered the surroundings of the rainbow light magic wall.

For his caster level, the transformed spirit body has a duration of several minutes.

Naturally, it still maintained its spiritual form and floated down to the altar.

Without the direct obstruction of the rainbow magic wall, at this time, Isaac's true vision has a more intuitive grasp of the magical effects existing on the altar.

This pentagonal altar is surrounded by a series of teleportation triggers.

If you walk up the steps of the altar, there is almost no doubt that you will be teleported directly.

But if you don't take the steps, jump directly from the top, and then walk straight to the center of the altar, there will be no hindrance.

Needless to say, in the center of the altar, in the spirit form, he could directly see a vague downward passage to the spirit world.

At this time, Isaac floated directly down from the sky, and naturally fell directly to the center of the altar.


Of course, it can be seen that this "phase gate" should also be activated with a secret command.


Spirit world creatures like phase spiders can break into phase gates at will.

In the spirit form, he also does not need to activate the "door", he can directly enter the spirit world channel!

"The role of the Rainbow Light Magic Wall is to hinder the magic fluctuations during excavation."

"Now, since there is no abnormality down here, it can be seen that those steel dragons are not excavating."

"Since we are no longer excavating and more than half an hour has passed, we should probably think of it as leaving."

With this thought, the figure directly passed through the spiritual world passage.


When entering the material world again.


(In preparation for the new book, I have scrapped several manuscripts. I am distracted by two things, and I am still annoyed and bored. I have really been out of shape recently.)

(Also, after much discussion with the editor, I am still planning to write about Ci Long in the new book. I will not include these game data, and I am going to prepare a cool article)

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