Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 938 The Great Lich (Part 1)

Scanning the surroundings, some surprise appeared in Isaac's eyes.

This side of the phase gate seems to be the entrance to an ancient tomb, and the stone door at the entrance is still wide open.

And outside the stone gate, there are obvious signs of magical destruction.

What's more, these damages are only in the near future.

If nothing else, it is exactly what those singing dragons did.

However, these are nothing, at least, since it has been speculated for a long time, these alone will not surprise Isaac.

What really surprised him was...

"Traditional Moon Elf style!"

"This tomb is related to the moon elves!"

Originally, from the altar hall above, Isaac speculated that the secret here must be related to the dwarves.

Unexpectedly, the mausoleum on this side of the phase gate was actually in an elven style.

Now you can see the sense of age...

Not surprisingly, this tomb is most likely from the Kingdom of Nailfalan!

With this judgment, Isaac's interest in this area suddenly became stronger.

However, it's not just that.

He walked into the mausoleum gate in no hurry and looked around again.

From the signs of magic destruction, the locations, and heights...

"It is true that the mausoleum is an ancient tomb of the moon elves, but this protection, at least, is the protection outside the mausoleum..."

Isaac's eyes flashed slightly.

Although it has been basically destroyed, if his analysis is not wrong.

"The protection outside the tomb should be made by dwarves!"

"It has both triggering runes and mechanical structures."

"Anyone who travels down from above without a secret order will inevitably trigger these attacks directly."

However, although these protections are good, it is obvious that they cannot stop Xia Lanwei Luosi and the others, and they have been basically destroyed by the magic of the steel dragons.

Making such a judgment in his heart, Isaac's eyes moved again.

Outside the ancient tomb of the Moon Elf, there are dwarven runes and mechanisms for protection.

Such a phenomenon...

"Is there something secret here that even the dwarves think must be protected?"

Isaac recalled some of the history of Waterdeep City again.

According to legend, before Waterdeep City was built, and even before Halaster came to Waterdeep City, there should have been an ancient clan of shield dwarves here.

It is precisely because of the existence of this shield dwarf clan that there are various intricate tunnels under Deepwater Mountain.

The initial excavations of Hellast were largely based on the shield dwarf clan.

Of course, perhaps it is precisely because of Hellast that the shield dwarf clan disappeared and even died out at an alarming speed.

Up to now, Isaac is only vaguely aware of some such legends, and cannot even really confirm them, let alone name the dwarf clan.

But at this time, from this ancient mausoleum to the altar hall above...

"This clan of shield dwarves must definitely exist."

"It should have been after the Kingdom of Ilflan completed its 'Great Retreat' that we came here."

"Dwarves are good at digging. There is nothing unusual about excavating elven ruins underground."

"However, they do not destroy ordinary ruins. This is enough respect for the elves."

"In this way, it is a rune protection, a mechanism trap, and even a specially built phase gate..."

Isaac thought for a moment and got some numbers.

Of course, the shield dwarves also attach great importance to the secrets hidden in this tomb. Moreover, this emphasis is not only on plundering, but also on protecting!

"From the perspective of protection, this is only true on the outside. There are obviously defenses inside the mausoleum that are more difficult to break through!"

"So, even those three steel dragons, after discovering this side, can only plan for the long term."


Isaac's eyes wrinkled slightly again, a little suspicion flickering in them.

Why did those steel dragons build the Rainbow Magic Wall in the hall above instead of sealing the tomb door directly here?

Is there something else that exists here that doesn't allow them to offend like this?

However, the door of the mausoleum has been opened, and I haven't seen anything abnormal!

During this hesitation in my heart, my body was also returning from the spiritual form to the physical form.

And, immediately, another "Advanced Invisibility Technique" was added.

Then, continuing to fly in the air, Isaac finally walked towards the gate of the mausoleum.

The artistic pursuit of elves is still reflected even in the tomb.

As soon as he approached the gate, Isaac could already see that behind the gate, there was an ancient stone hall that should be the antechamber of the mausoleum.

Pieces of ancient murals are vivid and vivid, covering the walls of the hall, even on the circular columns and even on the ceiling.

The long period of time seems to have failed to cause any erosion to these murals.

Come to think of it, this must be a magical effect that incorporates magic.

As Isaac stepped through the door, his eyes were already looking around the ground, and he took a rough look at these murals.

"The new moon, this is the symbol of the elven god!"

"Full Moon, this is the daughter of the night sky, the goddess of prophecy of the elves!"

"And this sunset... this should refer to the elves' god of fate and history!"

"This city is bathed in the glory of these three..."

"And these should symbolize the figure of Master Gao, holding the earth with both hands..."

Isaac's extraordinary intelligence quickly deciphered some key information from the murals.

In his theory, elven high magic consists of two parts.

Part of it is the ritual, which is related to the "ethnic spirit" of the elves as a whole, and is the resonance between the individual and the whole.

Only those who can understand this part have the qualifications to become a high mage.

The other one, which is also the most glorious embodiment of the high magic of the elves, is "Mysterious Seed"!

The Mystic Seed should be created by an elven god, especially a god who possesses the "Elf Magic Priesthood", and invested huge amounts of magical power to complete the creation of the legendary seed.

There is no need for any other explanation. Just look at the high magic creation made with "Mysterious Seeds". This can exist permanently, just like a legendary spell with the "permanent persistence" modification, and you can see its extraordinary significance.

You know, the "permanent persistence" correction requires an additional four times investment in spell knowledge!

Such a legendary seed can be said to completely surpass all others, at least beyond all other seeds that Isaac has come into contact with and mastered.

To be able to create such a legendary seed...

This is the related god of elves and magic, who is truly noble and selfless.

Isaac has judged that such a creation will definitely cause the relevant gods and divine power levels to drop a lot, and it may even have a deeper impact.

Perhaps this is the reason why high mages of the elves often regard death dedicated to high magic as a symbol of the highest honor.

After all, even the gods are willing to be so dedicated, and they also understand the significance of the connection between individuals and ethnic groups, how can they not be willing to follow?

"Based on the relationship between high magic and gods, at some point, the God of Elves can directly intervene, or in other words, can directly sponsor the rituals of high mages!"

"These murals should be describing that the high mages of Ilfalan received the sponsorship of the three Hildarene gods and used high magic rituals to change the royal city of Irene Saada."

"This land has been blessed by the elves and is bathed in their glory."


His eyes turned over these murals one by one, and a thoughtful look slowly emerged on Isaac's face.

He somewhat understood why the shield dwarves wanted to guard this place after discovering this ruins.

Although there is no interference between the elves and the dwarves, the land under Waterdeep City is so different if it is really because of the blessings of the elves and gods.

Dwarves who regard mining as the meaning of their lives should be grateful enough.

And if this tomb is not just a mural record, but also contains secrets of deeper meaning, and even such secrets are related to the elves and gods...

"Perhaps, this may not be just a mausoleum!"

"It's not impossible, it's the secret place of the Elf Temple!"

"So, it is understandable that Xia Lanwei Luosi and the others do not seal the door directly, but indirectly, and create a rainbow magic wall and those barriers in the altar hall!"

The Steel Dragon has always been famous for its pursuit of magical knowledge. Xia Lanwei Luosi is also known as the "Dragon of Thousand Magics". She knew that the dragon was not suitable for the mage, but she still became a mage. After discovering such a secret, It is normal to be unable to control the desire to explore.

But at the same time, the steel dragons are all in the camp of lawful neutral and lawful good. If this is the elven temple, even if it has long been lost and has lost the attention of the gods, but... they still have to establish the necessary avoidance of suspicion. "Archive".

This can also be understood why they were creating various barriers in the dwarf hall above.

A mausoleum was even built to prevent others from excavating this area.

After roughly combining these findings into one in my mind.

Only then did Isaac look at other parts of the hall.

It's hard to say whether there was no magic barrier in this hall in the first place, or whether it was dispersed by the steel dragon or the dwarves from an earlier era. At least, in the hall at this time, Isaac did not find the barrier. Magical effects such as circles exist.

On the contrary...

He looked at the stone wall opposite, the two stone doors on the left and right edges.

In addition to the main gate, this hall also has four stone gates.

The stone wall opposite has one on each edge on the left and right.

There is also a stone wall on the left and right, front left and right.

These four stone gates are not very far apart from each other.

However, Isaac temporarily ignored the two doors on the left and right stone walls. He did not see anything unusual about these two stone doors.

But the two on the opposite stone wall are different.

Although at this time, these two stone gates have also lost their magical effect.

But it is clear that just like the magic destruction outside the main hall, from these two stone gates...

"Another magical rune that was recently destroyed!"

"On the contrary, since the dwarves are in this hall, they have also arranged rune protection..."

"It seems that there are probably more decorations inside!"

Isaac became curious again.

The three-headed steel dragon.

Xia Lanwei Luosi is a wealthy person and has no shortage of all kinds of magic resources.

The other two are at least capable of casting level eight magic.

To be able to block the three of them, we have to slowly discover it step by step...

He became curious, was this the reason for the dwarves, or was it that the elves of Ilflan were also inside, leaving some extraordinary protection?

"They are still here, and they should be behind these two 'rune' stone gates."

"Then let's take a look first to see what information there is behind these two ordinary stone gates."

With a flash of thought, Isaac walked in the air to the stone door on the left stone wall.

He stretched out his hand again, and the magical aura flickered within the range of "Legendary Hidden" without any leakage.


Although he judged that Steel Dragon and others were not included, Isaac still created a field of silence.

Only then, with a little force, pushed the stone door.

Without any sound, the stone door opened gently.

It seems to be just a lounge, with a stone platform in the middle and several stone seats around it. I don't know if it was left by the elves, or if it is related to the later dwarves.

However, even with these features, it does not resemble the style of a mausoleum. Of course, this must be confirmed, and it is not the later layout of the dwarves.

Isaac's eyes turned over these simple layouts, and suddenly, his eyes raised slightly.

Immediately, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Face to face, on the wall of the lounge, there is an exquisite carving, a full moon emblem with a foggy background that I have seen before!

This is the holy emblem of "Sehanni-Moonbow", the elven goddess of prophecies and illusions!

After the great retreat, this goddess was the most active god among the elves.

In the myths and legends of the elves, during the Spider Queen's rebellion, it was precisely because of this goddess that the main elven god woke up and defeated everything.

She is also Eilistraee's sister.

Of course, unlike the siblings Eilistraee and Velen, she was not born from the Elf God and the Spider Queen. She was the daughter of a single Elf God.

Once upon a time, under the Hell Gate Castle, in the inheritance mausoleum of the "Three Swords Family", Isaac had seen His Holy Emblem.

This is not only the goddess of prophecy, but also the most active elf god on the mainland. To a large extent, she has even replaced the power of the main elf god...

It was inevitable for Isaac to be jealous of this person.

At least, he was not willing to face this holy symbol head-on.

He quickly lowered his gaze and quickly glanced around the room.

It is determined that there are basically no abnormalities, and there are no further rooms or secret rooms.

The effect of the silence spell was still there, and Isaac silently closed the stone door again.

And flew to the stone wall on the right.

Once again, after another "silence spell".

Silently, the stone door was pushed open by him.

It is not much different from the rest room on the left. It is also a separate stone room with a similar layout. Even the position of the "Full Moon Holy Emblem" is basically the same.



His eyes swept across the room, and this time, Isaac's gaze was fixed on the "Full Moon Holy Emblem".

There is no magical aura.


"Magic Gate!"

"It's a closed magic door!"

His True Seeing Technique directly penetrated the secret of magic hidden on the surface of the Holy Emblem.

Unlike ordinary magic doors, this magic portal is not only closed, but also has some similarities with the structure of the "Phase Gate". It is directly attached to the wall in the shape of a holy emblem. !

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