Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 941 The Great Lich (Part 2)

"Are you here again?"

On Isaac's side, the legendary sacred rune entered the second trigger mode.

Under Waterdeep City and above the Lost City of Earth, there is an ancient tomb that has long been lost and forgotten in everyone's memory.

His eyes were like dazzling gems, always blooming with dazzling brilliance, with a sense of sanctity like a celestial creature. An elder shield dwarf in robes, with a thoughtful look on his face, stopped his habit. The slate of sex is engraved with action.

Those steel dragons are really a bit too much.

Seeing that they came from the Cylderline Pantheon, he had already given them three chances, and now they wanted to disturb his peace again!

"If the moon elves of Ilfaran return, this relic can be left to you. But although you are related to the elves, you may not have the heart to protect it!"

The shield dwarf elder saw it clearly.

If the three-headed steel dragons were with the moon elves and explored the secret three times in a row, they wouldn't be the only three dragons.

And as long as there were moon elves with important status in their team, he might have let them go.

Now that Merelbold has long since declined, his only wish to protect him is now the only one left.

That book was a relic belonging to the moon elves. He no longer cared about the moon elves in Ilflan and took it back.

Of course, this presupposes that it must be the moon elf of Ilflan!

With a thought in his mind, the elder shield dwarf glanced at the corner of his studio.

I saw only one stone slab and then it bloomed with brilliance.

These brilliance quickly formed a curtain of light in the sky.

Within the light curtain, the rainbow light magic wall, the lightning smoke cloud, the mithril demon statue and the earth element elder...


"It's not them?"

"Also, this magic..."

With just one glance, the shield dwarf elder's gem eyes shrank involuntarily.

Although the lightning and smoke clouds blocked his vision, he could still see clearly that the two black iron golems guarding the gate of the ruins had been completely destroyed in the clouds.

Use magic to destroy the golem...

"It's a variant of Burning Cloud Technique, replaced by lightning!"

"This man fully understands the weakness of the Iron Golem!"

Not only that, whether it's Burning Cloud Technique or lightning energy, this means that he has an understanding of the Black Iron Golem, so he can prepare for it.

However, what makes the elder shield dwarf even more awe-inspiring...

"What a powerful spell!"

"This should be a 'double-effect super-magic' enhancement of Burning Cloud Technique!"

Such a strengthening increase...

The black iron golem could not last for half a minute inside, or to be more precise, it could not last for 20 seconds!

Therefore, when he noticed the abnormality and looked over immediately, the two black iron golems had been destroyed.

"The Mithril Golem can't even last 40 seconds!"

The Mithril Golem certainly has the ability to be immune to magic, and it is also immune to supernatural abilities.

However, conjuration-based cloud and mist techniques such as "Burning Cloud Technique" can ignore magic immunity.

Originally, even though "Burning Cloud Technique" was an eighth-level spell, as a continuously damaging cloud and mist technique, its power was actually only average.

The Mithril Golem can even wander inside for a minute or two.

However, the enhancement of the double-effect super magic, and the high enough spell level brought about a long enough duration...

The shield dwarf elder just had a thought in his heart, and he already had a precise grasp of the situation over there.

The person who came here must not only have similar spell abilities to the lunatic from Earthline Lost City, but also, he must have been prepared for it!

"It must be related to those steel dragons again!"

As the thought flashed through his mind, without any hesitation or hesitation, the elder shield dwarf waved his hand, and pieces of rune stones flew towards him densely.

The gem's eyes shone brightly again.

From one of the holy talismans, the teleportation aura immediately began to operate.

That's it for the black iron golem. After all, it has been destroyed. At most, he can use his remaining body to repair and restore it or create a new golem in the future.

But the Mithril Golem is different.

There were only two such legendary golems in Melairbod in its heyday.

So far, only this one remains.

It was naturally impossible for him to sit back and watch this mithril golem, rush into the lightning smoke, and be slowly grind to death in it!

Moreover, the magical power displayed by the visitor... there is no way he can stop it without taking action himself.

With a flash of teleportation inspiration, a magical door opened in the sky.

Without using any spells, the shield dwarf elder walked in the air again and stepped toward the magic door.

But on his side, his movements and reactions were very fast.

On the other side, the mithril golem had already been killed.

Unlike the black iron golem, it will also be affected by the interactive influence of the "lightning layer" and "fire layer" of the rainbow light magic wall.

The mithril golem is completely immune to all the effect layers of the rainbow light magic wall.

With nimble steps and extremely fast speed, the huge body of the Mithril Golem flashed and turned into a ball of silver light, flying through the rainbow light magic wall and rushing into the lightning smoke cloud.

Isaac's projection was flying above the layer of smoke and clouds.

This demon statue came at once, its huge body lifted off the ground and leaped up. Its huge hands were like claws, and it slashed hard in the air.

Almost at the same moment.

The "ninth-level monster summoning technique" triggered by the holy symbol runes was also completely completed.

A giant elemental creature that was more than fifty feet tall, significantly larger than the normal earth elemental elder, and almost entirely made of rock, was summoned from before the holy symbol rune.

The size of the Mithril Golem suddenly turned into a dwarf in front of it.

An extremely powerful sense of power and oppression.

This is the advanced and enhanced version of the earth element elder!

Being able to summon such enhanced elements... Obviously, this "level nine monster summoning technique" is not an ordinary summoning technique!

However, after being summoned, this earth element elder did not kill directly towards the lightning smoke cloud like the Mithril Golem.

Elemental creatures have no magic immunity, but it is impossible for him to make direct contact with the rainbow magic wall erected in front.

The elders of the earth element are wise and fully understand this.

One was summoned and saw the rainbow wall in front of him, almost completely dividing the space into two.

The huge body of the earth element elder suddenly sank.

At this moment, the rocky ground seemed to have turned into a pool, and the body of the earth element elder was constantly sinking into it.

Special ability "escape"!

Earth elemental creatures can swim in water like fish and pass through any mud and rock environment.

Moreover, this action will not have any impact on the terrain, nor will it cause any movement.

More...this is a special ability!

The special ability cannot be restricted even by the anti-magic field.

Ordinary enchantments may be able to limit the "rock movement" of magic, but they cannot limit the "escape" of earth elemental creatures!

That's it at this point.

This elf relic, in this core area, has restrictions on "stone walkers" and "spirit bodies".

However, the earth element elder's ability to "escape from the earth" has not been hindered at all.

If you can't rush through the "Rainbow Wall" directly, then swim around it from the ground!

It was when his body was sinking into the ground.

Not from the runes of the Holy Emblem, a magical door suddenly opened in the sky at this time.

"Power Wall Technique!"

The projection is attracting everything from the front, while Isaac, who combines "Legendary Hidden" and "Advanced Stealth", is calmly behind, grasping everything on the battlefield.

The killing of the Mithril Golem...

There is no need for over-limit instantaneous casting, and the timing is extremely precise. At the moment when the Mithril Golem flies up, the projection only raises its hand.

An invisible force field wall rises from the ground, lying between the projection and the mithril golem.

Wall of Force is not affected by spell resistance, and is not affected by most magic, including anti-magic fields.

In this field filled with lightning and smoke, there is no simpler way to stop the Mithril Golem.

Only one force field wall completely blocked the entire space.

As long as the power of the Mithril Golem failed to destroy it.

Then, within the duration of this spell, the Mithril Golem can only accept the continuous damage from the lightning smoke cloud on the opposite side.

With Isaac's caster level of level 33, the duration of this wall of force technique is more than three minutes.

In such a time, even if they take turns one by one, they can kill several Mithril Golems alive!


However, this force field wall was formed, and the Mithril Golem slammed into it. Under the influence of the huge brute force, even the force field wall was shaking involuntarily.

At this moment, Isaac completely ignored the Mithril Golem, and instead stared at the runes of the Holy Emblem.

A magical door is opening!

From within, a dwarf figure in a robe who was not very stout and even had the temperament of a quiet scholar, abnormally, walked out.

Just as this figure appeared...

"The nature of 'death'!"

"But it is also 'kind' and 'holy'!"


"Among the shield dwarves, such a being can actually be born!"

When Isaac's eyes were staring at the shield dwarf elder, there was a bright holy light shining in his eyes...

The obvious interest even made his pupils glow brightly.

In the eyes of the True Seeer, this shield dwarf elder is a contradictory body, but at the same time, he is also a harmonious body.

The paradox is...

If his analysis is correct, although this shield dwarf still maintains a normal body,...


This is a shield dwarf lich!

However, this lich not only has no evil nature at all, but what is even more abnormal is...

"Not just the good camp!"

"There is also a divine essence that is similar to that of heavenly creatures!"

"This is a great lich, but it's not just a great lich!"

The Arch Lich is a rare lich that belongs to the good camp, or at least the neutral camp, just like the Beren Lich of the elves.

It is often the legendary spell caster who has to stay in the human world because of some wishes that he cannot let go, and then carries out the ritual transformation.

However, a normal great lich, even one from the good camp, would never exude a divine aura like the one in front of him.

The person in front of me...

"Although he is not a chosen one, he should be the supreme priest of the 'Dwarf God of Exploration' Dumason!"

"Being able to transform into a great lich as a priest, instead of going to the Kingdom of Dumason at the end of life..."

"This transformation must have been approved and even supported by Du Mason. It is entirely possible that Du Mason even personally sent down his divine power and directly participated in the ceremony!"

"It is precisely because of this that he is able to reveal the true sacred field with the essence of the undead!"

For such a person, even among the rare archliches, he is the Supreme Priest of the Shield Dwarf with a unique holy form.

Isaac glanced at it and roughly made a judgment about its nature, and at the same time he also had a strong interest in it.

Similarly, he also mentioned a lot of solemnity.

Not surprisingly, be it the Mithril Golem or the legendary sacred runes, they must have all come from this person.

This supreme priest of Dumason is obviously an extremely powerful legendary rune master who has exceeded level 25!

Moreover, since this person transformed into a great lich, it is very likely that he has the support of Dumasson, or even the direct participation and help...

Naturally, behind this one, the patron saint of the shield dwarves pays great attention and attention to him!

At any time, Isaac would never look down upon any god, even if he had weak divine power, even if he was still in the material world.

And this dwarf god of exploration has medium power!

Seeing this person, a teleportation came.

Immediately, the Mithril Golem failed to hit it and retreated towards him.

The elder of the earth element who was sinking into the ground had not completely sunk yet. He left a head on the ground, as if waiting for new orders.

"I never thought that among the proud people, a divine being like you would be born."

“So, Your Excellency’s oath is to protect this relic of Ilflan?”

It did not prevent the Mithril Golem from retreating.

The mithril golem may be quite a threat to others, and even the damage reduction of the ancient dragon is completely useless to it.

But... Isaac actually didn't care about the threat it posed.

Using the projection as the starting point, he just smiled and greeted the shield dwarf elder.

Proud People, this is an honorific title for dwarves.

Dwarves are stubborn by nature and will not bow down even if they die in battle. This is completely normal for them.

It is a tribute to them that they should be proud of their stubbornness.

However, facing this agreement with the projection...

The elder shield dwarf didn't look at him.

Dignified and solemn, the shield dwarf elder's eyes shining with holy light looked directly at Isaac's body!

Born with "true vision", he saw through Isaac's "legendary hiddenness"!

And when the "Legend Hidden" is no longer there...

Not to mention "high-level invisibility", even the "changing form" of the "Green Dragon Crown" has been seen through by him.

And precisely because of this insight...

Green Dragon!

What's more, a green dragon whose caster level exceeds level 30!

On this green dragon's body, the aura of the legendary magic, even his gem eyes, were illuminated...

It was far more solemn and solemn than before it was teleported.

Bandar is already in a state of combat readiness.

Since the visitor is a five-color dragon, it is probably impossible for him to retreat without a fight!

And this green dragon is obviously powerful...

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