Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 942 Between tightness and tightness

"Since your Excellency knows that this ruins is related to Ilflan, you must also know that the Kingdom of Ilflan erased all things and existence related to them before withdrawing from Yongju Island."


Bandar's eyes met the green dragon. Although he felt that this five-color dragon would not stop after he had explained it, but out of instinct and being deeply wary of this dragon, he still said in a deep voice. Explained: "If I say that there is no treasure that you are interested in in this ruins, and there is no magic inheritance hidden, but I don't know if you would believe it?"

As he spoke, numerous high-level runes appeared on the legendary rune master's body, floating on the ground behind him.

The supreme priest of Dumazon, Bandar, was transformed into the archlich more than a thousand years ago.

And because of his vow to transform into a great lich, he wanted to protect the greatest founder of "Merel Bode" and the restless soul of his grandfather "Merel I".

For a long time, Bandar has been living in seclusion in the tomb of "Merel I".

After living in seclusion for more than a thousand years, apart from taking care of and accompanying "Merel I", his only "pastime" was probably carving runes.

At this time this one appeared.

It was so intense that even Isaac's true vision was actually a dazzling holy light that caused a stinging feeling...

"The result is extraordinary!"

Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly, but some secret admiration passed through his heart.

This is extraordinary, and it is a tribute to the profession of "rune master".

Similarly, it is also a tribute to the shield dwarf archlich.

However, praise is praise, but...

The shield dwarf ignored his inquiry and instead tried to convince him that he would not be led into the ditch, citing the incident with Ilflan.

Of course what the shield dwarf said was not unreasonable.

Since the Kingdom of Ilflan retreated to Yongju Island and wiped this former royal city to the ground, there would indeed be no treasures or inheritance left behind.

But...this does not mean that this relic is meaningless!

Otherwise... why would this great shield dwarf lich guard this place like this, or even stand in front of him?

Still maintaining a slight smile and nodding slightly, Isaac said: "Proud people never disdain to lie. I will not disbelieve what you said, but... I wonder if I am lucky enough to have you accompany me." , come and visit this place together?

I think you are not so overbearing as to think that the ruins of the Ilfaran people belong to you alone and cannot be interfered with by anyone else, right? "

There is a smile on the face.

In the words, there is a hidden meaning.

The elves of Ilflan are the elves of Ilflan.

Shield dwarves are shield dwarves.

You can't let the shield dwarves set up protection here, and this place belongs to you dwarves.

Even if we really want to talk about it...

The relationship between dwarves and elves has never been harmonious.

On the contrary, the green dragon is the real forest race!

However, Isaac's insinuation did not change Bandar's color at all.

With a solemn expression all the time, the Shield Dwarf Archlich said solemnly: "Your Excellency is wrong. This ruins naturally does not belong to me. I am guarding this place just to wait for the return of the Elfran Elf. By then, the ruins will be destroyed." Everything around them belongs to them."

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Isaac’s high-fives started to ring out, and the smile on his face deepened: “The character of the proud people is really convincing.

Your Excellency.

The same goes for the Shanatar people who started cooperating with me decades ago and still abide by their agreement to this day.


Previously, he was praising the dwarf's character, but here, his tone suddenly changed.

Staring into the eyes of the Shield Dwarf Archlich, Isaac continued calmly: "If I understand correctly... the Kingdom of Ilflan no longer exists!

But I don’t know who are you going to return it to?

Moreover, your words of ‘return’ are not appropriate words.

To ‘return’, doesn’t this imply that the ‘occupation’ has been completed first?

So, your Excellency simply ignored the Ilfran elves and took over this place by force? "

Although the Kingdom of Ilflan has completely withdrawn from Everjum Island.

However, as this ancient moon elf kingdom merged with those sun elf families that considered themselves older and more noble, the "Eternal Kingdom" was formed.

No matter in name or in reality, the Kingdom of Ilflan no longer exists.

After all, ancient Sun Elf families like Duro Hill, especially the main family line directly inherited from Prince Duro Hill, will never agree that they belong to the Kingdom of Ilflan.

And the Kingdom of Ilflan no longer exists...

The innuendo in Isaac's words was naturally aimed at the Shield Dwarf Archlich's "return" theory.

That's not all.

With this "return", he also satirized the "double standards" of the proud people.

On the one hand, it emphasizes how to be fair and trustworthy.

On the other hand, he is doing evil things such as seizing people's ancestral property and even occupying people's ancestral tombs.

At the same time, he also used this as an excuse to prevent others from approaching.

If this is not "double standards", what else can it be?

Such words were clearly meant to be compliments, but in contrast, they were harshly mocking words...

Even though Bandar is already a dwarf, his temper is gentle enough.

Moreover, he also knew that this green dragon was irritating him.

For a moment, there was a kind of nameless anger rising up, an irrepressible impulse.

His expression suddenly turned cold, and Bandar shouted: "That's enough. You should not use your own thoughts to speculate on other people's thoughts. Since I am here to protect you, I will never allow it. Elf Ilflan Anyone else can enter inside!"

Although the Melair clan has disappeared, Bandar still has his own persistence.

Not to mention anyone, but at least, he would never allow an evil creature like the green dragon to get close to the secrets of Ilfran's former royal city.

In the sound, from behind him, there was a rune, and the holy light shone.


Suddenly, not only himself, but also the Mithril Golem and the Earth Elemental Elder were blessed.

However, this blessing fell on the Mithril Golem...

It can be seen that the mithril golem recovered completely from the damage caused by the lightning and smoke clouds in a very short time.

Possessing the ability of "light sensitivity", for the mithril golem, the "acceleration spell" has the same effect as the healing spell, and it will not be rejected by its "magic immunity" ability.

The dwarf archlich is angry.

The slight smile on Isaac's face deepened, and he did not hinder the activation of the runes on the opposite side. He said in a calm tone: "So, your Excellency represents all the Ilfarans on your own. Added to yourself the mission of protecting the ruins for the Ilfran people?

If so...

To be honest, I have some connections with several ancient families in Ilflan.

I came here because I had received some guidance from somewhere, and I wanted to restart this ruins on their behalf.

I'm afraid your interference is not very appropriate.

I advise you not to be so selfish or to act casually on behalf of others.

After all, they may not want you as a representative.

More importantly, as a follower of His Majesty Dumason, you'd better pay more attention to the shield dwarves! "

The tone was calm, without any hint of fireworks.

But the connotation...

Bandar's eyes shining with holy light couldn't help but beat.

The green dragon's mouth smelled like his poisonous breath.


When the green dragon's words came to the end...

A clan of shield dwarves!

In his heart, Bandar suddenly jumped again.

He understood the potential "threat" in it!

In the front, I deliberately said "Shanar".

Let him pay more attention to the shield dwarves here.

Could this be the shield dwarves of Ishanar, quietly threatening him?


This threat may be feasible for others.

But to them dwarves...

"Moradin taught us that if we do the right thing, we must stick to it!"

"The people of Dumazon will never bow to threats!"

"With your status as your Excellency, to frame him like this is nothing but contempt."

"No need to talk nonsense. As long as I am still standing here, I will never allow anyone other than the Elfalan Elf to enter!"

In Bandar's voice, his firm determination to have no hesitation was revealed.

This will has only one meaning!

If you want to get through here, then work hard!

In response to this, there is no hesitation.

One after another, runes flew out of the ground and were attached to the surrounding stone walls.

What is shot out are all "triggering" runes, targeting the triggering of the "evil camp" and "conditional" triggering.

There were more, flying behind him and in front of Bandar.

These are all "enabling" runes.

Among them, there are ones similar to "magic wands" that store multiple magical spells.

There is also a certain number of times per day, and after use, it can be restored the next day.

What's more, there is another one among them. Just like the legendary sacred rune engraved on the gate behind him, the rune is engraved in the holy symbol of "battle ax and gems". It is clearly visible and also Legendary level sacred runes.

Of course, there are differences between these two legendary sacred runes.

Unlike the multi-trigger runes behind him, the one suspended in front of Bandar is still an activated legendary rune.

In the blink of an eye, all these runes were put into a state of challenge.

Bandar's gaze was extremely strong, and the green dragon's gaze intersected in the sky.

If you want to fight, then fight!

The people of Dumazon will never retreat in the face of a battle!

"They really are all bad-tempered!"

Of course Isaac could see that the Shield Dwarf Archlich was serious. Likewise, being so serious and desperate was the tradition of the dwarves, a reflection of their reputation for iron-bloodedness and stubbornness, and furthermore, it was also This is why they can often make their enemies worry and hesitate before fighting.

But...here today, he has really entered concentration!


Bandar's side was very aggressive.

On Isaac's side, he was still calm and calm. Facing Bandar's strong-willed gaze, the smile on his face didn't even have any waves at all.

"The more Your Excellency acts like this, the more curious I become."

"It just so happened that those from the Black Staff Tower mobilized the elites in the city and all went to Efraska's side."

"That's not it. I do have some friendship with the guy from Earthline Maze City. Let's see if he is also interested in this side?"

"It's better to share it with him than to risk your life with Your Excellency, right?"

There was something like a smile but not a smile in Isaac's eyes.

According to his speculation, there is a high probability that the secrets hidden here are related to the anomalies in this land.

The possibility that the mad mage, who has been digging deep into the Mysterious City of Earth Lines, would be interested in such anomalies is obviously not small.

And... according to his speculation, there is such a supreme priest, and the shield dwarf clan has perished. This is probably also related to the mad mage.

Even if this is related, it may not be because of the mad mage himself.

However, it definitely has a lot to do with his Lost City of Earth Lines.

He is here, and if the mad mage also comes, no matter how extraordinary this shield dwarf lich is, and there is Dumason behind him, there is no chance of any luck.

In fact...

Isaac just wasn't ready to really go to war.

This is Waterdeep after all.

If he can be persuaded, he is still more willing to persuade people with reason!

Otherwise, no matter how extraordinary this great lich is, how can he really not be able to suppress it?

After all, a rune master is still a priest, and he understands the limitations of priests all too well.

Only Dumason's possible interference can make him respond solemnly!


With Isaac's words, although Bandar showed a tough attitude of fighting to the end, he still shrank in his heart.

In the name of death, he transformed into a great lich and guarded the tomb of "Merel I" ever since. This was of course before the mad mage came to Mount Waterdeep.

However, it is certainly impossible for him not to know about this crazy and dangerous archmage.

If the green dragon really summoned this crazy mage, it would be great.

With the mad mage's excavation and development of this land, here...

Once again, Bandar felt the green dragon's deep malice.

But this time, faced with this threat...

With a frown in his heart, Bandar failed to take a strong stance again immediately!

According to what Green Dragon said, at this time, if the strong men from Waterdeep City really went somewhere...

I'm afraid that even if there is a big fight here, there may not be anyone who can intervene.

Moreover, someone intervened, just to intimidate him as the Green Dragon said...

It's hard for Bandar to say, when the secret here is known to more outsiders, will there be no peace from now on!

For a moment, the shield dwarf Archlich was a bit difficult to break.

And just his hesitation...

Isaac knew it all.

Still indifferent voice.

“Choose one of two evils, whichever is the lesser.”

"In fact, rather than sharing the secrets here with Halaster, I would rather visit this place alone with your company and without disturbing any outsiders."

"His Majesty Dumason is the dwarf god of knowledge, and I have always respected knowledge."

"You are His supreme pastor, and I don't want to fall out with you."

"For your sake, I will only visit and not do anything."

"Come to think of it, since Your Excellency is personally accompanying you throughout the whole process, it's easy to confirm this, right?"

This tightens and then loosens, then tightens and loosens again...

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