Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 943 Harmony

In Bandar's heart, he really hesitated.

This green dragon demoted him to the point of being selfish and evil at one moment, and at the same time wanted to join forces with the mad mage.

But when he was thinking about how to deal with it.

Another change of attitude.

Not only sent the steps and reasons, but also showed respect for His Majesty Dumasson.

"Either evil!"

Bandar's life experience, of course, clearly understands the intention of Green Dragon's first demotion and then promotion, but...

It is also too rich in life experience, but he has really considered this proposal of the green dragon!

Accompanied by him and under surveillance, let the green dragon visit here?

Or is it to continue to be tough to the end, to see if this green dragon will really call for an enemy like a mad mage?

And what are the consequences of these two situations?

Obviously, if it's the second case...

The reason why Bandar hesitated was because he knew that no matter how resolute he was, it was impossible for him to stop the combination of the green dragon and the mad mage at the same time.

This is definitely the worst case scenario!

And if the first case...

"The best situation is that he really just took a look around, and he can't understand the situation inside, so he won't make any changes inside."

"However, we have to guard against whether after he understands the situation inside, he will come up with something he shouldn't have!"

In his heart, it was difficult for the shield dwarf grand lich to make a decision all at once.

Isaac could even see his hesitation from the change in his expression.

Then, he smiled again: "If you are worried about whether I will go in, I will go back and repeat myself, but I want to say, there is no need for it!"

"It should be noted that I have always been friendly to the dwarves."

"And, for a long time, we still have a common enemy!"

"If your Excellency has lived in seclusion here for many years, you may not be clear, but in this era, those giant lords in the north have become restless again!"

"Having such a common enemy, how could I abandon my friendship with the shield dwarves and even offend His Majesty Dumathoin?"

When he was demoted, he was going to be demoted to such an extent that even the city of Bandar couldn't bear the nameless anger.

But after the relegation, it seemed like they hadn't said anything at all, and even formed an alliance.

However, the words of the green dragon...

Even though Bandar was hesitating, he couldn't help but wrinkled his eyes that were blazing with holy light.

Giants, this is not only the long-term enemy of the dragon family.

But also, this is the oldest enemy of their dwarves!

In the legends of the dwarves, it was these giants who enslaved them in ancient times.

Unyielding and strong, they finally overthrew the giant through struggle.

The giant lord is restless!

The most active area of ​​shield dwarves is in the north again!

Bandar frowned deeply.

Every time the green dragon speaks, it always hits his vitals, making him feel angry and hurt, but he still... insists on enduring it!

After all, I endured it again.

Bandar narrowed his gaze for a moment, then opened it again...

"How should I trust you?"

The heavy voice, however, revealed that Bandar finally chose to compromise!

Isaac smiled calmly: "First, the promise I made, whether it is the voters of the Goddess of Magic or the followers of the Lady of the Night, they all have faith."

"Secondly, since your Excellency is the Supreme Priest of His Majesty Dumathoin... Do you think that I will offend His Majesty Dumathoin and become enemies of all shield dwarves from then on?"

Such an answer...

Bandar's eyes moved, "I'm Bandar-Meller, I don't know how to address you, Your Excellency?"


It can be seen that the shield dwarf grand lich narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was silently praying for something.


And soon, when he looked at Isaac again, the seriousness on his face was hidden, and some respect was revealed: "It was the dragon king who came to visit, forgive me for living alone for a long time and being ignorant.

Since Your Majesty has this promise, I, and His Majesty Dumasson, are all willing to believe in your credibility. "

With divine powers, it is possible to get some key revelations from the gods.

Bandar is also the supreme priest of Dumathoin, and the response he can get with "spiritualism" is even more detailed than imagined.

As for the name of "Green Dragon Isaac"... Obviously, even the dwarf pantheon is gradually declining, at least, in the material world, it is the influence that is gradually declining, the dwarven god of exploration that Bandar is loyal to , but still know the name.

King of Dragons!

It seems that during the ancient dragon empire period, those who ruled the dragon empire, the most powerful legendary dragons, are the titles they can have!

commensurate with this...

According to Dumathoin's revelation to the shield dwarf grand lich, this green dragon Isaac has a powerful essence that is exactly in line with the dragon king of the ancient dragon empire!

so powerful...

Today, when it is more and more difficult for the gods to interfere with reality, whether it is Bandar or the shield dwarves, they are all truly powerful that are difficult to confront head-on!

Corresponding to this...

With the enlightenment given by Dumathoin to Bandar, it is possible to trust the dragon king once!

Just like that, Shanata's shield dwarves have believed in this dragon king for decades and have never been betrayed.

The dwarven god of exploration who is absolutely neutral, doesn't mind followers, and cooperates with the evil camp once under the right circumstances!

While speaking, the runes in front of Bandar turned back again.

At the same time, the "trigger" runes that had been absorbed to the surrounding stone walls also began to release their status, and flew back one by one.

It seems that he is putting away his hostility.

And on his side, he was storing all kinds of runes.

Isaac's gaze, however, was also observing them one by one with great interest.

Moreover, there is no intention to hide this interest at all.

According to the legends he knew, the rune technique mastered by the dwarves was said to have come from the giant family.

In ancient times, dwarves were enslaved by a family of giants.

However, as the giant empires were defeated by giant dragons one after another, and finally retreated to the extreme north, the dwarves were freed from the enslavement of the giants, and inherited and developed them from the giants' remains. The rune technology!

Although this legend may not be absolutely correct, it is clear that the rune technology between the two has a lot in common, but there is no doubt about it.

Among the people Isaac has ever met, this shield dwarf archlich is obviously the most powerful rune master.

But...he was not sure that these high-level runes created by this legendary rune master, and even two of them, were really the most powerful runes he had ever seen, or at least approached. arts!

"If the Ice Demon on the other side of the Nuofralong Mountains is really the relic of the ancient ice giant, the Yuetong Empire..."

"What is hidden there must be the power of runes!"

"Legends say that the rune technology of the giant empire came from the Modron family, and it is the most direct manifestation of the power of order!"

"If you can pass this person and gain some understanding of rune technology, or simply drag this person over there..."

On one side is an unabashed interest in these runes.

On the one hand, in Isaac's heart, various thoughts were spinning rapidly.

How to get these rune skills?

Also, if it is really necessary, how can I convince this person?

Bandar Meller!

Clan Melelle?

Not in a hurry, patiently waited until all the runes were put away, then, with a wave of Isaac's hand, he also canceled the "Advanced Invisibility", and then canceled the "Rainbow Wall" and "Force wall technique".

While walking forward slowly, he said: "I am very pleased with the trust of Your Majesty Dumasson. Please also pay tribute to Your Majesty on my behalf. I will always respect all the gods who are in charge of the realm of knowledge!"

Dumathoin is the god of dwarf exploration, and he is also in charge of the field of "knowledge". In fact, he is the main god of faith for dwarven runemasters.

When Isaac said this, he was not flattering. He really had a natural respect for the gods of the "Knowledge Department".

"Dragon King's intention, I will convey it to His Majesty."

Although Bandar put away all the runes and temporarily deactivated the trigger status of the legendary runes on the gate behind him, he was still vigilant about the recent approach of the green dragon.

The figure moved slightly to the side, as if to allow Isaac to walk directly to the gate, while he accompanied him from the side.

The mithril golem also moved sideways, and the position was corrected. When necessary, it can block it and cooperate with him.

At the same time, the elder of the earth element sank completely into the ground, completely disappearing from view.

Such a move.

Isaac is near.

Bandar stretched out his hand again, and pressed against the void over the giant stone gate.

In a burst of white light, the power of magic immediately began to operate.

Just heard a rattling sound.

The two huge stone gates opened from left to right.

"The Dragon King invites you!"

Bandar stretched out his hand and made a gesture of accompanying him.

At this time, Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly, showing a little intoxicated look on his face, and took a deep breath.

"It really is the breath of high magic!"

"I smell the perfect harmony of wisdom and art!"

When the door was opening, it was closed by the enchantment, and it was a sufficiently restrained magic wave, it immediately fell into his perception.

With his familiarity with elf high magic.

What's more, he also personally manipulated the corruption of elf high magic, and used it to corrupt, and also corrected the "evil high magic" to a certain extent.

How could he fail to notice that what is concealed in this hall is the unique "harmony" atmosphere of the elf high magic?

This kind of "harmony" is not only the harmony with nature, but also corresponds to the social harmony of the elves!


"Waterdeep City already has a large number of elves living here, even the temples of the gods of Seldarine exist. From the perspective of high magic theory, the 'harmony' hidden here 'The effect, of course, is constantly strengthening and stabilizing!"

Staring into the hall, Isaac's thoughts surfaced a step earlier.

"It really is high magic!"

At this moment, Bandar felt a sudden jump in his heart.

The Green Dragon seems to be involuntarily admiring...

After all, has he already noticed and judged this side?

Involuntarily, the vigilance and vigilance in the shield dwarf grand lich's heart has been raised several levels.

However, since there is an agreement, since an agreement has been reached...

After all, Bandar still didn't stop the green dragon from walking in, but immediately accompanied him on the right side, and the Mithril Golem followed closely behind.

Isaac didn't care about the dwarf's precautions.

Dwarves are famous for keeping their promises.

Although this observance does not mean that all dwarves are like this.

However, for Bandar, who can transform into a shield dwarf runemaster of the Grand Lich, although Isaac is only in contact with it for the first time, he already believes that as long as he does not take the initiative to break his promise, this man will never do anything redundant action.

He completely ignored Bandar's precautions.

Walking into the hall, Isaac only glanced at it, and immediately, several statues first attracted his attention.

These statues.

In the middle is an elf holding a longbow and a long sword, and wearing a sky blue cloak, giving people a sense of agility and elegance, nobility and greatness.

The first feeling at a glance does not require any thinking at all.

Corellon-Larethian, the lord of the elves!

Facing such a great divine power, Isaac didn't dare to look presumptuously. He only glanced, and then turned left and right.

On the left of the main elf god, there is a goddess holding a long wooden staff. Its mystery, elegance, and beauty are naturally "Sahani-Moonbow"!

The one on the right of the elf god is also holding a long wooden staff, and has an extraordinary sense of erudition and knowledge.

This is the elf god of destiny, the sage of the setting sun, Labelas-Irenos!

All three gods are in place...

While Isaac closed his eyes, he also recalled the meaning expressed by those murals in the hall of the temple.

"This high magic is due to the interference of three gods!"

His gaze was withdrawn from the statue, but he was staring at it again, as if it was the place where the eyes of the three gods met.

His eyes flickered first, then turned...


"It seems..."

One hand was stretched out, as if cautiously touching something.

In just a few breaths, Isaac's face, a little contemplative color, emerged.

"It's not the core of operation!"

"This high level of magic should be more difficult, and the core of the operation is forcibly omitted!"

"In this way, to destroy the effect of this high magic, the only way is to completely disperse and remove it, and not to destroy its stability by destroying the core of operation!"

From this point alone, it is deeper and more subtle than the "enchantment of Hell Gate Fortress" and "enchantment of Fog Hall".

Of course, it is normal for the three elf gods to interfere.


Although this omits the core of operation, it makes it more difficult for people to grasp the essence of this high magic.


"Its key is still here!"

"Bandar's protection of this side is not bad!"

Such thoughts flashed.

Isaac's eyes simply closed.

With the strength of his mind, he quietly sank into the harmonious atmosphere of the temple.

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