Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 944: Qualitative Change

"This guy……"

Bandar couldn't help but slightly frowned at the actions of the green dragon.

Although he had Dumathoin's revelation, at least when the green dragon uttered that praise for "high magic", he was really wary of this person, whether he would suddenly do something strange.

Unexpectedly, the strange move really happened.

But this strange move...

It completely exceeded his expectations!

Bandar never thought that this green dragon would actually be in front of his eyes, and he was directly immersed in the perception of high magic.

Such a move...

"This guy actually exposed his back directly in front of my eyes!"

This is almost an act of defenselessness.

In particular, Bandar was very sure that he and the mithril golem followed closely, and the green dragon was definitely aware of his precautions.

Under such circumstances, how could it be so, dare to do so...

"It's no wonder that even His Majesty knows his name, and he even calls him the 'King of Dragons'!"

"Although he has a bad mouth, his demeanor is really extraordinary!"

Gradually, Bandar's frown also relaxed.

Although he had a judgment, the green dragon would expose his entire back in front of his eyes. This was largely due to the green dragon's conceit about its own abilities, especially the constant effects of numerous legendary spells.

However, Bandar can also feel from this move of the green dragon that this five-color dragon, which is supposed to be of the evil camp, has a long-standing trust in credibility for him, and even for the shield dwarves.

Such confidence...

The dwarves have never been a race that easily develops friendship with other races.

However, once the dwarf agrees with his friend, he can safely hand over his back to his friend!

Similarly, if there is a friend who can give his back to the dwarves...

This is the life and death of the dwarves!

Although at this moment, the green dragon is not Bandar's friend, naturally there is no idea of ​​a life-and-death friendship.


Bandar does not deny that since the green dragon can trust his virtue so much, he can give his back to him...

Undoubtedly, even if the green dragon is in the evil camp, and, even if the green dragon was really stinky before, but...

Bandar is still very interested in this dragon king, and even deep in his heart, a certain favor is born.

Of course, there is a bit of goodwill, but...

As far as the green dragon's bad mouth was before, Bandar would never show the slightest bit of it.

Isaac was in front, having entered a deep state of perception.

On Bandar's side, after gradually putting away the relevant thoughts, he didn't look back, but stretched out his hand backwards, and drew a rune in the void.

With a wave of holy light from the runes, the huge gate closed itself again.

Afterwards, Bandar and the Mithril Golem stepped aside temporarily and waited quietly.

"Divine interference!"

"It's time... not just a literal interference!"

"Is it an extraordinary divine ability?"

"Through high magic, through obscurity, and with extraordinary divine ability, to make permanent changes to the overall natural environment!"

I don't know how long it has passed, but Isaac's spiritual consciousness is gradually breaking away from the harmonious environment around him.

And just as his mind was recovering, in his slowly opened eyes, a color of enlightenment bloomed again.

Although this high level of magic omits the core of operation, it is far more difficult to grasp than the "enchantment of Hell Gate Fortress" and "enchantment of Fog Hall".

However, with his mastery of high magic, there is still a place to start and can be explored.

But it's this inquiry...

He soon realized that there were many things woven into this high magic that even he could hardly understand.

This is divine interference!

It's real divine interference!

What's more, the real intervention is through the channel of high magic!

Such a discovery...

"The core essence of the obsessive seeds can also be concluded!"

"This is the god of elven magic, who put a lot of his own divine power, and even the power of the priesthood, into it, and made an extraordinary creation!"

"Such magic divine power not only makes the 'twisted seeds' have a stronger effect than other legendary seeds, but also, because it is directly related to the 'elf magic priesthood', the gods of Selderine, especially the 'magic seeds' The gods related to the domain can also directly interfere with reality through it, and then through high magic!"

"Such interference is more unpredictable than the incarnation of gods!"

"Just like, the creation of Long Kuang's obsession!"

"And that, the creation of Yongju Island!"

"This should be the direct interference of these elf gods!"

One side is so conclusive.

On one side, another thought flashed across Isaac's eyes.

"Crazy Mage Helast!"

"Baba Yaga, King of Witches!"

"Even the angry lord Kostchurch can be counted!"

Although Kostchurch's incarnation, in Isaac's view, is a little bit useless.

However, for this abyss lord, he still has some high regard for his "mythical spellcasting" ability in terms of spell ability.

Although spell-like abilities cannot be compared with real spells, this "mythical spellcasting" has a different meaning!

"Although the abyss lord is only a god-like power, it has not yet reached the level of a true god, where even the essence is a collection of concepts, but there is no doubt that this also corresponds to the end of the sublimation of destiny. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a quasi-divine power , and even some abyss lords are above quasi-divine power, which is perfectly normal."

"Furthermore, the abyss lords have authority over the abyss, and they are born to be controllers of chaos and evil concepts, or at least manipulators. This means that they are similar to true gods at their own level."

"The ability to cast spell-like abilities in the form of 'mythical ability' is a direct manifestation of the nature of their divine power."

"Such a mythical ability, appearing on Kostchurch, is actually more reasonable than the mastery of mad mages and witch kings..."

When the thought came to this point, Isaac paused for a moment, and then decided to exclude the "Witch King" first.

He has a feeling that compared to the mad mage, the "Witch King" is probably at a higher level, and it is not impossible to even say that it is a "complete form".

This "complete form" naturally corresponds to the "incomplete" of the mad mage!

In his long-standing judgment, Hailast is in the final sublimation of the field of destiny.

If this sublimation can be successful, this person may be a potential new god of the magic god system. His magic concept will be directly sublimated into a magic priesthood, corresponding to related fields, and directly interacting with the inner layer of the essence of magic, and then... If Hailast is willing to invest in divine power, he will also have the ability to create "exclusive legendary seeds".

It's a pity that this person's sublimation was not successful, and his essence has spread to the entire enchantment of the lost city of leylines.

This "incompleteness" is also the root of Hylast's madness, which cannot be cured at all.

But even so, this mad mage still mastered the ability of "mythical spellcasting".

Moreover, unlike Kostchurch's spell-like ability mythical casting, this is directly related to "magic power", and it is a mythical spellcasting directly applied to spells, which is even more inconceivable.

The Witch King also has the same ability!

Moreover, at least in Isaac's opinion, the Witch King is most likely still in "full form", having directly mastered the complete "magic power".

Which means...

"He should be the king of 'witches' in the true sense!"

Of course, this concept of "witch" should not correspond to the original plane!

By these three.

Then there is the final conclusion on the nature of the "obscure seeds".

In addition, Isaac also combined his access to and manipulation of legendary seeds through the two channels of "spell-like ability" and "mage profession"...

In the soul, where there are countless light wheels that day, countless auras of wisdom are endlessly bursting out and blooming.

The mage profession has not been promoted to the real destiny.

But at this moment, in Isaac's magic system, a route has been created, from the concept of destiny to the ultimate concept of sublimation.

Such bursts of wisdom and inspiration blossomed...

At the core of the heavenly light wheel, the colorful light bestowed by the great Dragon Father at the last contact, appeared again at this time and circulated.

What's more, with this flow...

"Absolutely neutral!"

"Nine camps!"

"The Wheel of Eternity!"

In the soul, an indescribable evolution.

Then, on the sky light wheel, the nine formations corresponding to the "Nine Great Camps" gradually appeared with colorful lights and began to flutter.

For a time, the origin of evil that was still constantly reflected by the "dark sky" had a sense of being integrated, rather than instilling, or even eroding, or covering.

Such an evolution...




Isaac raised his gaze suddenly, as if he was looking into the void somewhere.

A kind of induction...

"Is this what Father Long left for me!"

The great dragon father once said that after he possessed divinity and became a quasi-god, he would be able to obtain that gift from the origin of the dragon.

But at this time, Isaac clearly had a feeling for something deep in the origin of the dragon.

"It should be related to the essence He bestowed again!"

Having fully absorbed this essence, Isaac not only has a more thorough grasp of the various promotions of the dragon, but also has a deep understanding of the Eternal Wheel and the Nine Palaces faction that is the origin of the dragon. .

Moreover, if his judgment is not wrong, the things left by Father Long should also be directly related to this essence. The greatest possibility is some kind of sacred artifact directly created by Father Long!

It was all of this, due to the nature of the "Conferred God Dragon", that he exceeded Father Long's expectations and sensed that place in advance.

"As long as you give me some time, with the current number of days and the potential interaction between the light wheel and it, I should be able to call it into my hand in advance through a special ritual design!"

"Compared to the Dragon Queen's green dragon crown, this holy artifact is truly the treasure that perfectly suits me!"

His eyes pierced through the void, and after a little interaction with a certain place.

Gradually, Isaac was putting away related thoughts again, and some satisfaction was revealed in his eyes.

Regardless of the nature of the trifling seeds, or the relationship between the elf power and it, if it is purely from the perspective of power, it will not push him much.

However, everything about a mage lies in knowledge and wisdom.

When he has a clear path to the ultimate sublimation of the mage's destiny.

This is directly manifested in his own magic system.

This appearance is a real qualitative change!

It even pushed the "heavenly light wheel" to absorb the colorful light.

And when the colorful light is absorbed, when the relevant "information" of the Great Dragon Father is integrated into his essence...

"The destiny advancement of the 'Wheel of the Numbers' is not far away!"

"The unity of the 'Dragon of the Conferred Gods' and the 'Wheel of the Number of Heavens' has a direction!"

"Not only that……"

The appearance of some pieces of information in the soul, the many dragons, the abilities of the dragons, the advancement of the dragons, and the relationship with the original dragon...

"Maybe I can make some changes to the design of 'Shanglong Transformation III'!"

For a long time, his "Long Transformation" has been the pursuit of transforming the present self into the future form, so as to complete the age transition.

There is nothing wrong with this design itself. As long as the resources are sufficient, as long as he can absorb power from the source of the dragon, even if he advances all the way to the original dragon form of the green dragon, Isaac has sufficient resources. grasp.

But at this time, after absorbing the relevant information of the great dragon father, he has more and a deeper grasp of the nature of the dragon.

And at the same time, he also has relevant speculations about the evolution of the origin of the dragon after the great dragon father leaves...

"Perhaps, I can invest more resources and greater difficulty during the ceremony to endow myself step by step with the mythic power that belongs to the dragon!"

"The sacred artifact left to me by Father Long is the best medium for bestowing it!"

"With this medium, even the Dragon Queen and the King of the North Wind will not be able to interfere with my ceremony easily!"

In his heart, Isaac has always been inspired, and he burst out again.

In the end, no matter how fast the "Longlong Transformation III" unfolds, it will take two to three years after the precipitation period.

He didn't think about it all the time.

Well, after a while.

Finally, the mind completely recovered.

Finally, his eyes turned to the shield dwarf great lich, and he smiled and said: "This trip has gained a lot, but I am accompanied by Your Excellency Lao, and I also guarded it!"

"Dragon King, is this ready to leave?"

Bandar would not admit that he had any intention of protecting it. He was completely threatened by the green dragon, so he had no choice but to let him visit this place.

Of course, he didn't deny that the green dragon was surprisingly trustworthy, not to mention that he didn't overdo it, and even showed respect for the dwarves.

"It's time to leave."

Isaac nodded slightly, but he didn't hide it, and said: "This trip to Waterdeep City actually has something to do with the 'Dark Maiden's Corridor'.

Just like Shanata, I have cooperated with these dark elves of the good camp for a period of time.

This time I came here to discuss some things with Ms. Kuilu-Villajo.

Unexpectedly, the relationship with her was not over yet, but it was here first, and met Your Excellency.

If you are interested, you may wish to come to my Red Kingdom for a while in the future.

I have always had respect and admiration for His Majesty Dumathoin, and I also welcome his followers to come to the Clefttooth Mountains to explore mineral deposits! "

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