Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 945 Persuasion

Of course, it is impossible for Bandar to move to the Red Kingdom.

Isaac has judged that since this shield dwarf arch lich is living here in seclusion without being known to anyone, it is obvious that it will transform into a arch lich, most likely to protect this place.

This mission has been decided. It is impossible for Bandar to leave here, at least not for a long time!

However, Isaac still extended the invitation.

Although it is impossible for Bandar to move to the Red Kingdom, but...

But he still wanted to test whether this clan was really completely extinct!

Underwater City, there is no room for dwarves to dig mines.

Whether it's Leyline City or Skull Harbor, there are too many evil forces under the ground of Waterdeep City.

This is because Bandar committed suicide himself, and he was afraid that he would not end up well.

Under such circumstances, if there are any remaining tribesmen in Bandar, his invitation may not be able to make this person interested.


"Dark Maiden's Corridor?"

"Ms. Kuilu-Villazzo?"

Of course Bandar could hear the green dragon's invitation.

However, when he heard it, the shield dwarf arch lich frowned slightly in his heart.

Although the green dragon is talking about the drow elves of the good camp, but...

Drow is Drow!

Even though more than a thousand years have passed, he still has not forgotten who destroyed his Melair Bode!

Moreover, let’s not mention the drow…

Could he really safely lead the last survivors of the clan to seek refuge with the green dragon?

Ignoring the "Dark Maiden Corridor", let alone "Ms. Kuilu-Villazhu", Bandar said solemnly: "I understand the Dragon King's intention, but I think the Dragon King also knows that I have a mission. I can't leave here at all."

"This is a pity."

Isaac could not see anything unusual in Bandar's resoluteness. He could only shake his head regretfully and said: "I originally thought that if you could visit, you might be able to bring His Majesty Dumasson's blessings to everyone." The people of Shanatar even spread it to Mithril Hall, Sandaba Castle, Adebaba Castle and other places in the North.

Your Excellency has lived here for a long time, or you may not know that nowadays, not only the giant lords in the north are born one after another, but even the storm giants hidden deep under the ocean are also frequently moving.

Moreover, as far as I know, the fire giant family is also united with some evil forces in the bottomless abyss.

The mysterious power that the frost giants had sealed away in ancient times is also about to be unleashed.

But at the same time, the elves have retreated to the Island of Eternal Meeting, and the kingdoms and city-states in the north are also troubled by the resurgent ancient evil..."

Between the lines, under such a bad situation, if you were not born yet, what would be the fate of the shield dwarves...

Of course Bandar could understand what the green dragon meant.


Let’s not talk about whether all this is serious or the green dragon is exaggerating, just...

In Bandar's heart, some strange thoughts couldn't help but emerge.

He wouldn't think that if such a bad situation really happened, the five-color dragon would watch calmly and not move.

So, if this person wants to pull him out so much, does he really think that he will only target the giants and ignore the threat of the evil dragons?

Or, does this person really have plans to conquer him?

His eyes wrinkled slightly, and Bandar said solemnly: "So, what does the Dragon King mean?"

In his mind, Banda already had some thoughts on wanting to learn more about it.

However, he still wanted to see what the green dragon's intention was?

And for him to ask this question...

Isaac also knew that something was going on in this man's mind.

This is normal. The archlich is mainly from the good camp, and he will not be as indifferent as the lichs from the evil camp.

It is normal for this person to be concerned about matters related to the overall living space of the shield dwarf clan.

Sui, he is not secretive.

"Two things!"

"First of all, I have learned some key information from here, and I want to repay you. However, your Majesty himself is beyond my reach, so I can only start with the shield dwarves. . Come to think of it, now that you have some knowledge of this, many avoidable disasters can be avoided!"

In this aspect, just a little bit, but before Bandar could intervene, Isaac changed his voice and said again: "As for the second...

When it comes to certain giant lords and the secrets of ancient giants, I hope to maintain a certain degree of cooperation and alliance with you! "

Cooperation and alliances!

Compared with the so-called "one", this should be the real purpose of the green dragon!


Bandar's heart moved again.

What kind of giant lord is it, what kind of ancient giant secret is it, that even this green dragon, who has the power of the dragon king in ancient times, has to be so cautious?

After pondering for a moment, Bandar said: "I am aware of the Dragon King's warning, and I have thanked the Dragon King, but... I don't know how the cooperation and alliance mentioned by the Dragon King should be carried out, and whether it is more accurate. Information?"

Even this green dragon has taboo existences or secrets. Regardless of whether Bandar will agree to the cooperation agreement, at least, he will not take it to heart.

"We have two goals for the time being!"

Isaac said: "The first one is a fire giant lord who is the descendant of the abyss lord, and at the same time, he is also a powerful dark guard of the fire giant god. At this time, this man is already leading the giant army and the demon army. , are invading the Northern Dark Territory!"

The descendant of the demon lord!

Fire giant lord!

Another powerful dark guard!

With only these three pieces of information, Bandar's heart was neutral and he had a relevant power level judgment regarding the first goal.

Fire Giant Lord, even without any advancement, is an extraordinary creature equivalent to the legendary level!

The descendant of the demon lord, this is another increase in strength of almost four professional levels.

Then add the "powerful dark guard"...

This is probably at least level 30, and may even be more powerful!

Not only that, this is just the fire giant lord himself.

Bandar did not ignore what the green dragon said. He also had giant soldiers and demon armies under his command.

There is a giant army, which is most likely supported by the giant clan.

And the devil has become an army... This is even more serious.

I'm afraid that this is the demon lord who is also trying to reach out to the material plane through his descendants.

With the combination of the two, it's no wonder that the green dragon also has some taboos, and is even preparing to rope him in and form an alliance to deal with it.

Thinking again, what the green dragon said is that the fire giant lord has led his army to invade the northern dark region...

After pondering for a while, Bandar nodded slowly, although he did not speak, showing some signs of approval for joining forces.

Isaac took it in his eyes, but his voice did not stop: "The second one is perhaps more serious. I wonder if you have ever heard of the 'Joint Empire'?"

About the Empire?

Bandar's heart moved, his eyes suddenly jumped, and he blurted out: "Dragon King, could it be the ancient Frost Giant Empire founded by the descendant of the Giant Father, the original Frost Giant King?"

According to ancient legends, the original giant empire was founded by Annan Quanfu and his descendants.

The dwarves were once enslaved by the giants, so they knew the myths and legends of the giants very well.

As the supreme priest of Dumazon, Bandar knew that the first frost giant empire should be named "Yotong"!

"Yes, it should be them!"

"I'm vaguely aware that there are still lives from ancient times lurking in the Yuetong Empire. Moreover, it seems to be echoing the emergence of those giant lords one after another. I have also noticed that they are ready to make a move!"


Looking at the Shield Dwarf Archlich, Isaac paused slightly.

Learn about ancient life in the imperial era!

Bandar's expression couldn't help but show some solemnity.

In a sense, the original King of Frost Giants was almost a being of divine power.

After all, in essence, the original King of Frost Giants and the God of Frost Giants are the sons of Annan Quan's father!

The only difference is.

The original king of frost giants was born from Annan's father and a goddess in his native world.

The God of Frost Giants is the descendant of Annan who was born before his father came to this world. He has already become the God of Giants who controls the "Frost Giant Domain".

If the Frost Giant God hadn't been there first, the original Frost Giant King might have ascended the throne long ago.

Similarly, if the Giant Empire had not been defeated by the Dragon Empire, even if the Frost Giant God was there, the original Frost Giant King would still have a chance to ascend to the throne of God.

It's a pity...this is just "if not" after all!

After all, those giant gods and sons of Annan's father in this plane have long since disappeared.

Even the Giant God System is the same!

But just thinking about it...

Suddenly, Bandar's heart skipped a beat again.

No, if the giant god system had really disappeared, how could those giant lords mentioned by the green dragon be so abnormal?

Could it be that the giant pantheon has the intention to come back again?

Is it taking advantage of the current chaotic situation?

Therefore, the ancient beings from the Yuetong Empire era, and maybe other ancient giant empires also have some secrets to seal up, and they are beginning to make plans at this time?

With this thought in his mind, Bandar suddenly understood why the Green Dragon King had to be so cautious.

Although in ancient times, the Dragon Empire completely defeated the Giant Empire, but...

The five-color dragon and the metal dragon have been enemies of each other for a long time!

The decline of the dragon god system!

The most important thing is that every few decades, or at most hundreds of years, there will be another dragon madness!

Today's dragons are obviously far less powerful than they were in ancient times.

It is simply impossible for any real dragon empire to exist anymore.

Also in decline, and even less united, the Green Dragon King is as powerful as the ancient dragon king. How can he still fight against the giants on his own?

Especially, there may even be giant gods interfering behind this...

After completing this kind of thinking, Bandar finally understood why the Green Dragon King tried to pull him in.

"Dragon King's intention is to connect the empire's ancient runes?"

Being able to block this Dragon King, he can only be described as "faintly aware" and "ready to make a move"...

Bandar has judged that this is only possible with the rune technique mastered by giants!

He did not deny that the dwarves' rune skills came from the giant civilization.

Moreover, even at his current level, he still has to admit that the dwarf's rune skills are huge compared to the giant's rune skills. At least, compared with the giant's rune skills in ancient times before their decline. of the gap.

In ancient times, the giant kings and giant lords, especially the rulers of the cloud giants, could even use runes to raise huge cities in the clouds.

This kind of achievement is even better than that of the later Magic Dynasty.

But it is a pity that the peak period of the giant civilization also encountered the rise of the dragon empire.

In an era when there was no civil war between five-color dragons and metal dragons, no dragon madness incidents, and there was still the leadership of the Dragon God, the power of giant dragons was simply unimaginable in the material plane.

The first giant empire, which was so powerful and had a group of giant gods and sons, was killed by giant dragons in a thousand-year war and was almost annihilated.

Of course, being able to engage in a thousand-year battle with the giant dragon empire also reflects the power of the giant civilization at its peak.

Among this civilization, the most brilliant thing is the art of runes!

The Green Dragon not only mentioned the "Yotong Empire", the original giant empire, but also mentioned the "preservation of ancient times".

What Bandar can think of is naturally the "technique of ancient runes"!

Although among the giant empires, those who master the most profound "art of ancient runes" should be the storm giants and cloud giants.

However, many giant empires were directly defeated and fled to the far north.

The Yotong Empire, which is located in the far north, is obviously the most likely to be well-preserved among all the ancient giant empires.

Come to think of it, the "ancient seal" that the Green Dragon King noticed came from the far north!


"Your Excellency guessed it right, but..."

Isaac nodded first, but then quickly said with a more serious look: "From my observation and judgment, it is not a small probability. I'm afraid it is not just that, there must be some other existences, too. Got involved.

Therefore, in order not to arouse alert over there without being hasty, I have never forced a breakthrough.

This chance encounter with Your Excellency may be due to certain factors.

But I was about to ask you about the secrets related to the ancient rune technique.

Of course, if you are willing, at the right time, you can join hands with me to explore the remains of the ancient giant that is stored in this letter, that would be great! "

Isaac finally told what he was planning.

Being able to create legendary sacred runes, the supreme priest of Dumasson is undoubtedly qualified to explore the ruins of the ancient giant.

Isaac is also interested in learning more about the secrets of runes from him.

Rune master, this is a magical profession!

As for him, he still focused more on the arcane field, and it was impossible for him to analyze the mysteries of the runes with just a little exposure.

But he does not reject it at all and has a deep understanding of this magical profession.

Although the Wheel of Heaven currently focuses on arcane magic, Isaac has an "all-inclusive" concept in terms of meaning. The magical professions are also unified in the Wheel of Heaven.

If he could fully analyze the mystery of the Rune Art, he would also be able to embody it in the advancement of the "Wheel of Heaven"!


Bandar did not directly agree, or declined.

On the contrary, after a little pondering.

"Other existence?"

In the eyes of the shield dwarf archlich, some inquisitiveness was revealed.

Isaac was not secretive, or in other words, this was what he said intentionally: "The Goddess of Winter, and her most powerful chosen one, the 'Snow Queen' Eleklia!"

"Not only the phenomenon of this plane reveals the connection between them."

"There are also rumors in the outer plane that the Winter Goddess and the Frost Giant God have a long-term relationship."

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