Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 946 Coincidence, or not

At nightfall, I left Kui Lu's castle, and when I teleported back, it was already dawn.

However, he is no longer invisible, and has also put away the scope of "Legendary Hidden".

From the top of the castle, looking at the distant sky, the red clouds are spreading.


On Isaac's face, there was first a look of thoughtfulness, and then...a faint chuckle.

Even though it was just one night, there were quite a lot of coincidences!

Those steel dragons.

Relics from the Ilfaran era.

The shield dwarf archlich, and the dwarf god of exploration Dumason.

It is even very possible to find the "King Killer Shield".

So many coincidences gathered together...

"I'm afraid this may not all be a coincidence!"

And if some things are not coincidences...

"Elven Gods!"



"Goddess of Magic?"

"Or...the Great Dragon Father?"

Of course, this is just a suspicion. If it really involves these people, Isaac obviously can't ask directly.


Just when he had this thought.

A breath was approaching quickly.

Kui Lu!

The Dark Sisters had already returned from the Dark Maiden Corridor, and Isaac's return had put away the "Legendary Hidden", so naturally he couldn't hide it from her.

"Where have you been?"

"As soon as the incident at the temple was over, I came back here and waited for you for half the night, but no one was seen."

"I was wondering if you had already left."

The Dark Sisters came quickly.

When a figure saw Isaac, he showed a little anger.

Although she left everyone behind and went to the temple first, but...

Who told her to be pregnant?

Moreover, even though I came back in the middle of the night, I still haven't been summoned for questioning. To a certain extent, this is a sign of trust.

Isaac smiled, hugged her, and said: "The last time I came to Waterdeep City, I was a little pressed for time. Last night was just to prepare and visit a few famous places.

Unexpectedly, after seeing the 'Anti-Dragon Barrier', I unexpectedly met a rather interesting person, and time passed by unknowingly. "

Visit the "Dragon Defense Barrier"!

Kui Lu was not surprised at all.

She originally had a guess, and since she stayed away all night, Isaac should have gone to study the relevant magical mysteries.

She knew enough about Isaac's hobby, even his hobby.


"A rather interesting person?"

In her heart, Kui Lu moved unconsciously.

Although Isaac is quite approachable in daily life, at his level, he can give people a "quite interesting" evaluation...

A hint of curiosity emerged from her silver eyes, and Kui Lu asked, "What kind of person can actually communicate with you for a whole night?"

Most likely, she suspected that this was a legendary mage!

After all, the green dragon's biggest hobby is arcane knowledge. For this, he can even visit the Black Staff Tower.

Because of this, even the goddess of magic values ​​him extremely.

It was the fate between her and him that, to a large extent, originated from this.

But at this time, here in Waterdeep City, being able to communicate with him so emotionally...

Several names passed through my mind one by one, but none of them stayed.

According to Kui Lu's understanding, although there are still several powerful spellcasters in Waterdeep City at this time, this "power" is only relative.

Those who can communicate with green dragons like this must be at least at the level of Kelben and Laila!

Today's Waterdeep City really can't find such a level.


The one from Leyline Lost City?

Besides, where is Skull Harbor?

In the hearts of the dark sisters, all kinds of conjectures are constantly bursting out.

Isaac did not cover up or conceal it: "He is the supreme priest under the crown of Dumason, a legendary shield dwarf rune master, and... he is also a great lich!"

Supreme Priest!

Legendary Rune Master!

Great Lich!

No matter which one's identity, this is extraordinary, the combination of the three...

Even Kui Lu couldn't help but show some surprise on her face.

It was just a big lich, but with her status, she had dated several big lichs.

There are two hidden in Waterdeep City.

But the legendary rune master is really rare. In hundreds of years of experience, Kui Lu has never had direct contact with it.

Not to mention, the Supreme Priest is also the Supreme Priest of Dumazon...

This was the reason why Aoi showed a look of surprise on her face, which she couldn't help but express.

If it were any other god, that would be fine with her.

There are core temples of many sects in Waterdeep City. It is not unbelievable that a supreme priest would quietly visit.

But Dumasson is different!

Kuilu and Eilistraee have always been as close as sisters. At the same time, because of Laila's relationship, she has an extremely close relationship with Kelben, but it is very clear.

The purification ritual designed by Kelben for the return of Maiye Lita not only requires an extremely large number of powerful spellcasters to join the "infinite ritual", but also requires the support of five gods!

These five gods are exactly what Eilistraee invited.

Magic goddess!

The Lord of Elves!

God of knowledge!

Elf goddess of prophecy!

The Dwarven God of Exploration!

Three powerful divine powers and two medium divine powers, using the "Five Pillars of Gods" to support the "Infinite Ritual", can completely purify the dark and corrupt power of Maiyeli Tower, allowing Zhuo who follows Eilistraee to Er elves can return to the form of dark elves.

At this time, Isaac actually said that he unexpectedly encountered the supreme priest of Dumasson, a legendary rune master, and a great lich...

Kui Lu couldn't help but be surprised.

He immediately asked: "The contemporary supreme priest under the crown of Dumasong, I remember that he should be in Thunder Peak or the Stormhorn Mountains, and he is not a great lich.

The person you met is also a legendary rune master.

But I don’t know, which era does he come from? "

Kui Lu doesn’t know this person!

While Isaac had this judgment, he didn't stop talking about it because of this: "It's hard to say which era he came from, but...his name is 'Bandar-Melaire'!"



This name, this surname...

A look of surprise appeared in Kui Lu's eyes, and immediately, some thoughts of contemplation also emerged.

Both his surname is "Merel" and he is the supreme priest of Dumasson...

Not surprisingly, this must be related to the ancient dwarf kingdom "Merelbod" under the Deepwater Mountain!

Although Melair Bod had been destroyed by the drow attacks for more than a thousand years.

However, Kui Lu knew that there were still some surviving shield dwarves in the Melair family.

Moreover, these survivors seem to have the intention of returning to the Lost City of Earth and retaking the Temple of Faith.


Kui Lu's heart moved again.

If her understanding is correct, the target temple of the survivors of the Melair clan seems to be related to a god of war in the dwarf pantheon, not Dumasson!

Of course, this is not important.

The dwarf pantheon is still united enough. Dumasson and the dwarf war god have always been tightly united around the main dwarf god.

Moreover, if the declining Melair clan wanted to rebuild the kingdom under the Deepwater Mountains, this would have to be achieved step by step through fighting.

It is also reasonable to regard the dwarf war god as the first belief.

Quickly making a relevant judgment in her mind, Kui Lu nodded slightly and said, "I think I know which era he comes from.

Unsurprisingly, he must be related to the long-lost dwarf kingdom Melelbord, so he must have been the supreme priest at least more than a thousand years ago.

At that time, the secrets of the shield dwarves' runes had not been lost too much, and it was indeed possible to give birth to truly legendary rune masters.


As she said that, Kui Lu's beautiful silver eyes looked at Isaac with a slightly different color: "The secret of the shield dwarf's runes should be closely related to divine magic and the realm. In terms of arcane magic, it is almost not involved.

Dwarves are all stubborn and straightforward.

How could you and him be so involved in the conversation? "

As the supreme bishop of Eilistraee, Kui Lu naturally knows a lot about many secrets.

Dwarf rune masters basically have the same origin as giant rune masters, and are closely related to divine magic and fields.

What Isaac is most interested in is the arcane!

"Whether it's divine magic or arcane magic, in many cases, it's not impossible to learn from each other."

"Furthermore, I have gained some insights in recent times. At the end of the road to destiny, in order to successfully complete the final sublimation, in-depth research in divine arts is indispensable!"


Isaac explained something solemnly at first, and then changed his mind: "My communication with him is not all about these aspects.

In recent years, the Giants have been making frequent moves.

I have a lot of consensus with him when it comes to the giant lord and even the more ancient giant secrets! "

Isaac knew it well.

Bandar will eventually be convinced by him, except that the conflicts between the giants and the dwarves cannot be reconciled at all.

The secret of the ancient runes directly related to the original Frost Giant Empire is also a crucial reason.

The Shield Dwarf Archlich is extremely interested in the secrets of ancient runes like this!

Kui Lu nodded slightly.

Of course, she also knew a lot about the strange movements of the giant lords. In particular, the half of the purgatory fire giant lords controlled by Isaac in the Blackwater River battlefield in the Supreme Forest was responsible for destroying the "Ancient God" card LS. One of Noggoth's most important powers.

From this one to more other giant lords.

Kui Lu is very aware of the great power shown by the giant lords in this storm.

Especially at this juncture, Felin Demon Kui and the City of Shadows are the first things they have to deal with. They don't have much strength to deal with these giant lords!

Under such circumstances, it would be great if Isaac and Bandar Melair could stand up, contain, or even defeat those giant lords.

He nodded slightly, as if he agreed with Isaac's words, but...

As if he thought of something again, Kui Lu showed some Zheng Ran in his expression and said: "I can't give you any hints when it comes to the final sublimation after destiny, but if you really want to get close to this First step, there is a precedent, you must observe and study more.


I agree with Laila that he failed at this step and fell into incurable madness!

What's more, this madness also led to him being tricked by some bitches.

Just like last time, when we first met in the Lost City of Earth, the accident he encountered was due to the interference of the Lady of the Night behind the scenes! "

This is naturally referring to the incident where the mad mage kidnapped the talisman masters!

Isaac didn’t know that there might be something to do with the Lady of the Night behind this!


He actually agreed with Kui Lu's solemn reminder.

The final sublimation does require enough solemnity.

Even though he had actually experienced a lot from Halast.

Even in his field, he has extremely in-depth research.

What's more, because this time there is a breakthrough determination of the relationship between "Mysterious Seeds" and "Divine Interference", and there is also a substantial breakthrough in the theoretical system.

This further led to him absorbing all the gifts from the great Dragon Father in advance.

In a sense, he has a clear enough idea of ​​the sublimation route of the "Wheel of Heaven".

But even so, he would never be negligent in the final step.

It is too rare for mortals to be promoted to gods.

Especially, in the absence of divine intervention, such as directly granting a priesthood, or even directly transferring a divine title, there is almost no absolute precedent.


How could he accept the temptation of the goddess of magic and stop the red-robed former chief's ceremony of enthroning the gods!

"rest assured!"

"Of course I won't be careless about such a thing!"

"Unlike those others, I don't need to transform into a lich. I have enough time in terms of time!"

Isaac smiled slightly.

Five-color dragons, even if they only have a normal natural lifespan, they have at least two thousand years.

If you advance to the original dragon, you will have huge room for improvement.

Not to mention, he also took up the position of "Dragon of Conferred Gods" and had the idea of ​​integrating "Dragon of Conferred Gods" into "Wheel of Heaven".

Once you succeed and get the "Dragon of the Gods" profession, if you upgrade to level 12...

This is to directly obtain "immortality". Not only will your life be unlimited, but you will also never age!

Therefore, like some people, he does not need to transform into a lich first to extend his life, and then to complete the final promotion, he needs to consider more!

After some exchanges with Kui Lu.

Inevitably, the two of them were tired of each other for a while.

Having already arranged the actions at the temple, Kui Lu could temporarily let go of her thoughts.

He held Isaac's arm again and walked around the bustling streets of Waterdeep City.

Of course, it is inevitable that she has changed and concealed her original identity.

Back and forth...

Soon, the sky was getting dark.

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