Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 947 Summary

The drow's photophobia doesn't matter in the dark areas where there is no difference between day and night.

However, Eilistraee's followers all yearn for life on the surface.

Due to the existence of photophobia, it is natural that their active time is synchronized with the night on the surface.

The Dark Maiden Corridor is no exception to this habit.

Generally speaking, it is not a sudden emergency. Otherwise, after nightfall, it is time to arrange and decorate the daily affairs of the temple.

That's why.

Kavatina rushed to the Supreme Forest, and Irilin also quietly went to Shamas.

Kui Lu, who came back to control the overall situation of the temple, decisively abandoned Isaac last night and teleported to the Dark Maiden Corridor.

So last night.

Today will be no exception.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Kui Lu neatly ended the game.

However, I didn't "leave without telling you" like yesterday.

They had been together for two days and had already formed a bond, but the relationship between the two was actually heating up.

Therefore, after finishing the tour and returning to the castle, Kui Lu calmly explained to Isaac.

"Go ahead and don't pay any attention to me."

"Later, I will visit some more places, and maybe even go to Leyline Maze City and Skull Port."

"So, after the temple affairs are over, if you come back and I'm not here, you don't have to wait for me any longer."

"Also, today is not the past. When it's time to rest, you still need to rest more."

Isaac would never let go of the Dark Sisters.

He had judged that Steel Dragon would only take action at night.

And now that the black iron golem has been destroyed by him, if the three-headed steel dragon does not continue to arrange magic, but breaks through again, obviously some doubts will definitely arise.

Isaac didn't want to think that because of this suspicion, the secret portal would be blocked or even directly destroyed by them.

At least, before he explored the past, he never wanted to see something like this happen.

Otherwise, even if he is sure that he can grasp the "Dragon of Thousand Dharmas", he will inevitably have to spend a lot of effort.

That's why.

Kui Lu has to work at night, but he is also about to go out at night again.

Nature will not stop Kui Lu.

But when she heard that Isaac had plans to visit Earthline Maze City and Skull Harbor, Kui Lu felt something in her heart.

That's it for Earthline Maze. After all, the mad mage can't leave here at will, and he also has some agreements with Kelben and Laila.

But over at Skull Harbor...

But then, after Isaac's other words, she still stopped asking or persuading.

Isaac had the restraint and rationality that ordinary five-color dragons did not have, otherwise his Red Kingdom would not have gained the trust of all parties, and it quickly became prosperous.

In addition to his care for the child and her, there are even more other aspects...

At this time, Kui Lu felt that maybe she should give him more trust instead of interfering!


When the words came to her lips, Kui Lu took them back, then nodded slightly and said: "Okay, I know. You should also pay more attention. Earthline Maze City and Skull Port are both unusual places. If there is any unexpected situation, first Time to send a message to inform me. After all, I have been here for many years, and I know more about the situation over there than you do."

This rare concern from the Dark Sisters.

In particular, Isaac could vaguely experience some deeper emotional fluctuations from it.

Unconsciously, he smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry, I know it in my heart. If anything happens, I won't be polite to you."

Although I don’t think those at Skull Port, including Halaster, can do anything to get him.

However, he accepted Kui Lu's concern without hesitation.

After a while of tenderness.

Kui Lu changed her clothes, changed her form again, and hurriedly teleported to the temple.

Isaac, on the other hand, was in no hurry.

Still staying in the castle, he first reflected on his interactions with the Dark Sisters for a while. Gradually, his mind turned to the field of research, especially the field related to the breakthrough in understanding last night.

"The Eternal Wheel!"

"Alignment and physiognomy!"

"Destiny, realm, and legendary seeds!"

"And the origin of the dragon and that sacred weapon!"

"In addition... it also includes all aspects related to the dragon!"

His eyes were slightly narrowed and his expression was calm, but in his heart, Isaac's thoughts were already like streams of light, constantly bursting out with bright brilliance of wisdom.

Just a moment.

Mind, he has completed a summary of related fields.

And from the summary of these...

"Absorbing the last gift from the Dragon Father, the conceptual breakthrough of the 'Eternal Wheel' is no longer limited to 'reflection' and 'projection'. This... can also be combined with the camp. When needed, Can be expanded to have more functions!”

Of course, for more extensions...

"Alignment and physiognomy!"

"Although the true physiognomy can at least be touched by gods or quasi-divine powers."

"But...simplify the idea, refer to the reincarnations of the god kings in the ancient kingdom, and temporarily think from the perspective of avatars, this is not out of reach at all."

"Not only that, if we further develop this idea, the progress of the 'professional data card' that has been suspended for a long time will also be realized."

Whether it's a clone or a "professional data card", once such research has a breakthrough and is realized...

"Further, refer to the principle of 'High Magic Ritual', and use the resonance between the common souls connected by the 'Legendary Connection Seed'..."

"It is not impossible to combine two heavenly magic arrays, or even more magic circles, into a whole in a way similar to the 'numerous rituals' or even the 'infinite rituals'!"

The thought came here.

Even Isaac's depth made his soul surge.

If only he could realize the "Plural-like Ritual" and the "Infinity-like Ritual" through his avatars...

Sammaster's evil ritual in Vasa was just that!

Not only that.

"It's just the green dragon crown. If I call the sacred weapon of the origin of the dragon sometime, and use it to combine it with multiple rituals..."

Isaac's eyes opened at some point.

In his eyes, he shone like stars, and a strange look flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Not surprisingly, Father Long will also retire from this world by that time.

In other words, by that time, this holy weapon should no longer be subject to any restrictions and constraints!

From this, using it as a medium, using the combination of multiple rituals and legendary spells as a way, and using his wisdom and creation as a manifestation...

"It's not just the granting of 'mythical abilities'!"

"It's not just the creation of legendary spells like 'Absolute Dominance after Darkness'!"

"This may be... a step further!"

Isaac has not yet obtained the holy instrument, so it is difficult for Isaac to say to what extent this is a further step.

However, normally speaking, a sacred weapon is an essence directly related to "divine power" and "divine-like power", or to some "source of concepts".

If the holy weapon left by the Dragon Father is related to the Dragon Father himself...

And by that time, Father Long had already resigned and left...

At the same time, he also absorbed that ray of colorful light and had a deep understanding of the nature of the "Eternal Wheel"...

He can expand further, which is too broad!

In contrast to this.

Even the breakthrough in the "Ascended Dragon Transformation" and the more comprehensive understanding of the "God-conferring Dragon" and the "Original Dragon" are all inferior to them, or even inferior by a lot.


"This is also closely related to the final sublimation of the Road to Destiny."

"If you can understand some key points from it..."


It is to combine these summaries and analyze the relevant deep development directions.

Suddenly, Isaac's heart moved.

Looking at the darkness of the night, all kinds of thinking suddenly stopped.

"Sure enough, I went anyway!"

"As expected, that's where it went!"

Before leaving the elven temple, he left some hands and feet there.

At this point, this is triggered.

In other words, the door to the stone chamber with the teleportation gate was opened.

The steel dragons had naturally explored that stone chamber before.

Open it again at this time...

This should be opened from the inside out!

Those steel dragons, after all, came through the portal!

That is to say...

The possibilities of his various judgments yesterday have been greatly improved!

"Kingslayer Shield!"


Isaac looked towards an area of ​​Waterdeep City.

Although night has fallen long ago, under the lights of Waterdeep, that city still shines like day.

In such a glow.

A group of magnificent and magnificent temples were clearly reflected in Isaac's eyes.

The Cyldelin Pantheon!

The elves of Waterdeep, including many half-elves, are the holy place where they worship the Syldarene gods!

There are rumors that underneath this group of temples, there are remains of the elven temples from the Ilfaran period.

Although the reason for the "big retreat" was that the Elfalan elves had erased all signs of the existence of "Irene Saada", however, since the ruins of the previous temple are already there, it can be seen that this "all" statement, It also has a "narrowness".

More likely, all signs of existence that have nothing to do with gods have been erased.

As for places such as temples and churches, it is more likely that in order not to offend the majesty of the gods, the Ilflan elves chose to "hide" or even "bury"!

in this way.

Under today's Sylderin Temple, there are ruins of the temple of the past, so it is reasonable.


It can also explain the existence of the "King Slayer Shield" and why the steel dragons always move at night, and they don't go directly from the tomb.

Come to think of it, at least until the end of "Dragon Madness", Xia Lanwei Luosi and the others will not go down from the mausoleum!

One side speculated like this.

On the other hand, Isaac was not in a hurry at all.

After waiting for nearly ten minutes, first "Legendary Concealment" was revised to a range effect, and then "Advanced Invisibility" was added.

After Kudu is completed.

One note of "Advanced Teleportation Technique".

His figure suddenly appeared outside the temple gate.

The door is still open at this time.

Looking inside and outside, Isaac stepped in and walked straight to the stone room of the portal.

Another "Analysis Portal".

It was confirmed that the portal had not been destroyed, and the secret command to open it had not changed, and the blurry picture on the opposite side was normal. Obviously, the Steel Dragon side had not noticed anything strange yet, and they probably went above through the "phase gate" After the Dwarf Hall.

A secret command was whispered out.

At the same time, the portal was triggered and activated.

The aura of magic quickly lit up, combined with each other, and continued to merge.

In just ten seconds, a magic gate like a light curtain appeared on the stone wall in a form similar to a "phase gate".

Soaring into the air, Isaac stepped in.

The figure immediately disappeared into the stone room.

Soon, the light curtain was lifted and reappeared as the holy symbol of the Elf Goddess.

Within the stone chamber, there was no longer any magic fluctuation.

Everything was over in just ten to twenty seconds, and there was almost no abnormal perception in any aspect.

And the other side.

"Sure enough, it is also the ruins of a temple!"

We are already in a dim underground environment.

Isaac's eyes only took a brief look at the surrounding situation.

The style of the building and the sense of age.

From that faint, sacred aura is still coming out.

This is even if he hasn't gone out yet and hasn't seen clearly what this underground environment is like.

In his heart, Isaac already had a judgment.

Just like the ones behind it, this is also the elven temple that remains from the Ilflan period!

Moreover, there are some differences from the latter.

At the back, it was completely lost, and there was no longer any attention from the gods.

But here...

With his telepathy ability, he can still feel the existence of a certain amount of faith.

Obviously, there are still elves in this underground temple, worshiping the God of Sylderin!

With such thoughts in his mind, Isaac walked out of the room silently.

Outside the door is a long corridor. It can also be seen that there are several rooms similar to this side on the side of the corridor.

However, Isaac's eyes never paid much attention to these houses.

Just walked out of the room.

In his heart, he suddenly moved.

A vague feeling that is looming.

There seems to be something obstructing and interfering.


"It's Misuo!"

"But... it may be even lower in difficulty than the 'Anti-Dragon Barrier' on Deepwater Mountain!"

"As for this hindrance..."

“Is it church and faith?”

Isaac's eyes narrowed first, and then quickly, a strange color flashed in them.

His gaze was directed towards a certain location in the darkness, at the back of the corridor.

Although there is a building between them, you can't directly see what's going on over there.


One side was moving in that direction silently.

On the other side, Isaac was constructing the situation over there again in his mind.

Elf Church!


"Is it that goddess again?"

Is it true that as the legend says, the influence of this goddess has covered all aspects of the elves, and has even replaced the role of the main god of the elves?

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