Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 948 First Meeting

Even here in the cloister, it's at the back of the church.

Isaac's ability to perceive the mind and will has already made a judgment.

Not only does this ancient temple still exude a sacred aura, but there are obviously still people worshiping it, and more...

Based on his familiarity with beliefs and concepts, the most important thing worshiped here is still the "Elf Goddess of Prophecy"!

This goddess is truly the most active deity in the Hildarene pantheon.

There was almost no elven ruins Isaac had ever explored that lacked His presence.

"However, this should still be a secret place!"

Isaac could sense that the breath of life existing here was extremely rare.

Come to think of it, not many elves know the existence of this ruin.

And this is normal!

Since there is a mystery here, and it is quite possible, it should be the "King Slayer Shield".

Once such a secret is spread, there will be many dragons who will target this place and then Waterdeep City.

It's so secretive that the less people know about it, the better!

And precisely because there are few people... those steel dragons can find something here, and can pass through the magic door from time to time to go to the ruins of another temple. This is a normal possibility.

Of course, Isaac would not arbitrarily assume that everything was really like that.

Deep down in his heart, he actually had other thoughts.

For example... are there some people who are providing some secret guidance that is unknown to the public?

"It's not impossible!"

"Since this dragon madness is certain, it will be the last one."

"From now on, the 'King Killer Shield' will be completely useless."

"This spell was cracked by me, and the impact it can have is to allow more five-color dragons to maintain their sanity during this dragon madness."

"in this way……"

Isaac's eyes flashed.

On the Dragon Worship Cult side, more five-color dragons can maintain sanity.

This not only means that many places will be spared from destruction.

It also means...

"There are just a few dragons missing on Sammaster's side!"

And Sammaster's power has been weakened, which is a good thing for most aspects!

"So, even if He acquiesces to this matter, it is not impossible!"

At the end of the corridor is a wide passage.

The intersection between the passage and the corridor is still very dark.

But heading towards the church, which is also the direction of the mysterious barrier, there is reflected light that gradually lights up.

These lights are both bright and cold, just like the silver light cast by the bright moon in the night sky.

As Isaac's figure gradually approached the "direct" area.

"The 'detection' and 'revelation' of divine magic!"

"There is also a 'rejection' of evil creatures!"

Isaac's mind, while having this assurance, did not stop.

Although this "moonlight" contains several levels of spell effects, but...

This is not a "mystical barrier" after all!

Nor are they high-level runes engraved by legendary rune masters like Bandar!

With such an effect, even the Steel Dragon can travel "quietly", so it is naturally impossible to stop him!

Under the influence of "Legendary Hidden", Isaac walked in the air and silently walked into the direct area of ​​​​"Moonlight".

Suddenly, the source of "moonlight" was also projected into his eyes.

This is a silver wheel like a full moon, filled with sacred aura, and continuously released into the brilliance of the silver moon, illuminating a huge space like a square or a domed hall.

Isaac glanced over and could see that under the silver wheel, on one left and one on the right, there were two statues of majestic and lifelike moon elf guards stationed with giant swords.

Of course they are all golem constructs!

And can let the two demon statues guard together below...

"Sacred Emblem of the Goddess!"

"Not only does it have multiple functions, but it is also related to the power of faith in this temple!"

Isaac's eyes narrowed slightly.

He had a feeling that at this time, the power of faith in this temple ruins was extremely limited.

Relatedly, the effectiveness of this silver wheel is far from being fully activated.


"In its complete form, I'm afraid it won't be inferior to the legendary level!"

In his heart, while Isaac had this judgment, he also had some certainty.

Even his "Legendary Hidden", I'm afraid there is no absolute certainty that it can come out quietly and freely under the complete form of this "Sacred Emblem of the Goddess".

And from this...

There is no doubt that this temple ruins is an extremely important core temple in the Ilfran era!

Just like the major temples at the core of Waterdeep City above the surface!

The pace is slowing down.

His eyes flickered slightly.

In his heart, Isaac felt a little more Zheng Ran again.

From this "Sacred Emblem of the Goddess", his spiritual consciousness was vaguely touched by some instincts.

This line……

I'm afraid this is just like the Earthline Lost City group last time, with the possibility of being "drawn" by others!

If that's the case...

"Is it the extraordinary divine induction of the gods?"

Although he got up with some seriousness, Isaac's footsteps did not stop.

Whether it was someone "pulling" her or it was a coincidence, he didn't think what the goddess would do to him in the current situation!

Moreover, it was this goddess who brought down the wrath of God...

Due to the nature of the world today, he may have the respect he deserves for the gods, and there is also the inevitable fear, but if you want to say that you are afraid, that you are helpless... this is not necessarily the case!

While maintaining Zheng Ran's attitude, Isaac still had lingering thoughts in his mind, thinking about the origin and inner nature of the gods' extraordinary induction.

"The gods are the direct embodiment of concepts and a collection of concepts, which are closely related to faith!"

"Analysed from this perspective, the extraordinary induction of gods is mainly related to these two."

"The essence of the concept is that all events related to His 'clergy' and 'power', including the 'domain', can be remotely sensed as long as He wants!"

The priesthood and power of the goddess of elf prophecy should be related to the "moon", "stars", "sky", "elves", as well as "mystery" and "prophecy".

Isaac pondered for a moment, but he was not sure what he had, which fell into the goddess's remote sensing through this way.

Compared to this goddess, he actually believes that the possibility of the magic goddess remote sensing him through this method is greater.

"As for faith..."

"The extraordinary induction related to faith is nothing more than remote sensing through 'believers', 'holy symbols', 'temples', or related events."

Isaac was also very cautious about this.

First of all, he has not had any substantial contact with the believers of the Elven Goddess of Prophecy.

Even after entering the temple and coming into contact with the Holy Emblem, he would always give up at the touch of a button.

Normally, as long as the goddess is not staring at him all the time, there will be basically no reaction.

As for the incident...

Walking slowly, Isaac was about to step onto the square in front of the church.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, and a sudden spiritual sensation appeared.

"It should have nothing to do with the war in the Supreme Forest!"

"Could it be... Long Kuang Mi Suo?"

The creation of Long Kuang Mi Suo happened in a long time ago, and it has long been impossible to study it.

However, judging from the ancient times, the dragon kings of the dragon empire were not immune to its "dementia" and "violence"...

"The possibility of direct intervention by the Elf God is quite high!"

Based on Isaac's understanding of "Mysterious Seeds", it is easy to make this judgment.

And if "Dragon Madness Mystery" has the interference of the god of elves, for the upcoming last Dragon Madness incident, without the interference of similar levels of divine power or quasi-divine power, he, who has been deeply involved in it, can only I'm afraid that I may not be able to escape the extraordinary remote sensing of some elven gods.


"Could it really be you?"

Stepping onto the square, Isaac raised his eyes slightly and glanced at the silver wheel again.

However, there was no abnormal reaction there.

Slowly, he withdrew his gaze and glanced around the square.

This square is like a huge dome hall, with a beautiful fountain pool in the center.

It is surrounded by buildings, especially the cathedral and the ring palace facing east and west, which are particularly grand and spectacular.

Needless to say about the cathedral, Isaac was not prepared to step into it easily.

But the ring-shaped palace...

The telepathy, the mysterious barrier exists right there!

He glanced around this circle.

Avoiding the "Sacred Emblem of the Goddess", Isaac walked from the edge of the square to the circular palace on the opposite side.

But none of them crossed the center line of the square.


Zheng Ran, who had always held it, suddenly moved in Isaac's heart.

His footsteps immediately stopped, and he turned half-step, looking back towards the direction of the cathedral.

Suddenly, from inside the cathedral, a figure in a gorgeous deep purple robe, whose face was already withered, but still had an elegance and dignity, was walking out.

Isaac's eyes turned back there.

The purple-robed man's lightning-like eyes also stared at Isaac.

As if they had seen through his "hidden legend", their eyes met in the sky at this moment.

"The distinguished guest has come from afar, why don't you come up and say something to me? Do you think I'm being negligent in welcoming you?"

The melodious voice was a little astringent, as if it had not been spoken for a long time.

However, when the voice reached his ears, Isaac could still tell that it was a woman.

The female moon elf Beren Lich!

As he spoke, multiple "Ioun Stones" could be seen on the head of the Beren Lich at the same height as his forehead. They were rotating in circles in different orbits, shining with auras like stars.

"That's true!"

Looking at the Beren Lich from a distance, the previous touch in Isaac's heart was completely settled at this moment.

The formation of the Beren Lich is often due to the elf mages, especially the elf high mages, who prolong the stay of the soul in the material world due to certain responsibilities and pursuits.

Most commonly, the Beren Lich will guard certain ruins, guard certain ancient evils, and become the secret guard of certain magical holy places.

For example, "Irene Sadda" was the former capital of the Kingdom of Ilflan. Since there is an Elf Temple left, it is no surprise that the Lich of Beren is hidden here.

However, with the Lich of Beren hiding, this is certainly not a surprise, but...

Isaac is confident that perhaps this Beren Lich has the ability to see through his "Legendary Hidden", but this undoubtedly requires special preparation.

But he didn't think that the Beren Lich's preparations could be concealed from his observations along the way.


The greatest possibility is that there is someone else behind this person!

And if so...

"The actions of Xia Lanwei Luosi and the others are no coincidence!"


With this certainty, another thought flashed through Isaac's mind.

Originally, in his expectation, even if all this was related to the goddess, there was a high possibility that it would only be related to Vasa, or at most to those metal dragons.

But now, with the emergence of this Beren Lich...

"Not acquiescence!"

"What other conditions and requirements does this person have that he can't meet?"

With this thought in his mind, a faint smile appeared on Isaac's face: "I was presumptuous. I never thought that there is a lady guarding such a relic. I don't know how to call her lady?"

As he spoke, he slowly walked toward the church.

In contrast, the Beren Lich is also coming out.

However, the figure did not completely leave the cathedral.

In front of the steps of the church door, which is also the critical area of ​​the church's sacred aura, Beren Lich stopped and leaned slightly: "Elena Liel has seen your Excellency!"

The name is quite unfamiliar, but that's normal.

The Kingdom of Ilflan was already undergoing a "great retreat" a thousand or two thousand years ago.

Moreover, unlike the Elf Royal Court, the retreat of this ancient Moon Elf Kingdom was caused by the entire kingdom evacuating Yongju Island together, and even the royal city was wiped out by itself.

Such a disappearance...

If this Beren Lich was from that period, Isaac would certainly not have heard anything about it.

"Ma'am, you're polite!"

"I am Isaac. Since the lady has been waiting here for a long time, she probably doesn't need any more introduction from me."

When the figure of Beren Lich stopped at the top of the steps.

Isaac's figure also stopped a hundred feet away from the steps.

Another hint of a chuckle appeared on his face.

Seeing this, Belen Lich also showed a stiff smile on his face: "What the lady said is true. Your Majesty has indeed realized it a long time ago. In this case, I will not have any other influence with Your Majesty."

After hearing the voice, she paused for a moment, and a look of solemnity appeared in her electric eyes: "In a blink of an eye, the Elf Holy Sword has been held by Your Majesty for three full years. Change, it is the Holy Sword that is needed to restore the war situation. I wonder if Your Majesty can return the sword to the lady?"

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