Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 957 The eldest nephew

"Son of Cassandra?"

Isaac roughly knows the identity of this mage.

This should be the son of Kelben's granddaughter.

As for why this great-grandson calls Kelben his uncle...

Kelben had a son named "Selfa-Orosan", and Selfa-Orosan had another son and a daughter.

The daughter's name is "Cassandra", and the son has the same name as Kelben, so they are both called "Little Kelben-Orosan".

Very few people know that in an assassination decades ago, after Selfa Orosan was crushed to death using a force field spell, Old Kelben had already borrowed his grandson's weapon. identity.

However, even if his disguise was so good, even his granddaughter Cassandra thought that this was her brother for a long time.

But in the end, Kelben still failed to lead out the murderer behind the scenes.

And as he later saved Laila and rekindled his old relationship with Laila, naturally, his identity disguise was no longer a secret to many high-level people.

However, even now, Kelben has never made any public clarification on this matter, so his public identity is still "Little Kelben-Orosan".

Cassandra's children also called him "Uncle" in public.

Isaac has always paid close attention to Kelben and Laila.

At the same time, they also attach the same importance to the Shadow Thieves Guild and the Entangled Talisman.

Therefore, not to mention the secrets of Kelben, he even has a very deep understanding of the inside story of Selfa Orosan's death.

At this time, the special version of "Elf Knowledge Gem", the title of "Uncle Kelben", and the approximate age of this kid...

He already had a clear grasp of his identity.

But he didn't wait for him to continue asking questions.

The noble mage of the Sarn family was already greeting him elegantly: "Danilo Sarn, I have met the archmage!"

Ms. Cassandra has nine children. If Isaac remembers correctly, this "Danilo Sarn" should be her eighth child!

Moreover, this kid's reputation in Waterdeep City has always been that of a playboy of the Sarn family!

But looking at it now...

"Nice disguise!"

"The world only knows that the most powerful matriarch of the Sarn family, and her most successful son, is Zefa Sarn, who started a new line in Tethyr and was named a pioneering earl by the queen of Tethyr."

"But few people know that the dandy of the Sarn family is actually so deeply hidden."

Isaac looked at the noble mage with some interest.

Suddenly he said again: "If I read it correctly, your previous poetry ability must be closely related to elven magic. Is this also Kelben's teaching to you? Or is it because of your knowledge gem? "

Elves have always had a tradition of performing magic in an "artistic" way.

The "Sword Dancer", the "Swordsman", the "Magic Singer" and the "Magic Dancer" are further advanced expansions of these aspects.

Even many high-level mages are good at this, and can often perform more powerful high-level magic through relevant deductions.

In some ways, this kind of artistic interpretation is not something that cannot be seen as a special ritual.

And if Isaac's judgment is correct, Danilo Sann's previous "curse song" ability must be related to this.

However, this kid is obviously only involved in this step.

And I heard him mention the "Elf Knowledge Gem" again...

Danilo Sann had some doubts in his heart.

But at the same time, a decision was made to further delay time.

No matter where this person comes from or what his purpose is, I think that as long as the Council of Elders receives the warning and Kelben and Laila can arrive in time, everything will still be under control.

The spiritual consciousness quickly conveyed this meaning to the companions through the network of links.

At the same time, Danilo Sarn leaned forward and replied respectfully: "I don't deserve your praise, and I dare not hide it from you. Yes, my power of 'spell song' is indeed closely related to the magic of elves. relationship. However..."

The voice paused again, and his eyes raised. Although he could not see the figure in front of him, it did not prevent Danilo Sann from expressing his longing and admiration.

He is also a mage. This mysterious and unknown mage, who seems to be at the same level as Kelben and the others, must of course be respected!

At least, at this moment, such reverence is still necessary!

The voice then continued: "However, this has nothing to do with Uncle Kelben. The advancement of my 'Curse Poet' came from another elder's professor, an elder related to Aunt Laila. .”

The curse poet!

More, the professor of the person related to Leila!

There was only one thought in Isaac's mind, and he knew it. This was Danilo Sann, trying to use the information about the "Seven Sisters" to arouse more interest in him, and then...

As long as he becomes more interested and the conversation becomes more interesting, the kid's purpose of delaying time and waiting for rescue will naturally be achieved!

However, what counts is what counts...

He was actually really interested.

"Since Q specifically refers to 'related to Laila', I guess it means her sisters."

"First of all, we can rule out Silen. When Silen passed away, you were still just a little kid. If you had understood the advancement of the 'Spell Poet' at that time, you wouldn't have just started to get started now. "

When Isaac said this, Danilo Sann showed a hint of embarrassment at the right time.

It was completely seen through that his "Curse Poet" level was really just the first level for beginners, and all his abilities were still very shallow.

"Storm and Dove can also be ruled out."

"Both of them have never been interested in studying magic. Therefore, even if the storm has a legendary bard, it is obvious that he cannot teach you the knowledge related to curse songs."

"As for Alustriel, Xinbu, and Kuilu..."

There was a little bit of contemplation in Isaac's voice.

"It can't be Xinbu either."

"Alelas is crazy all day long, but she has no interest in studying any art. Using magic storms to destroy everything in front of her is her biggest hobby!"

"It is possible that Alustriel can create the 'Silver Moon City Guardian Barrier'. Her understanding and mastery of high-level magic fully possesses the qualifications to teach you the power of the 'Curse Song'."

"But...I still choose Kui Lu!"

At this time, Danilo is no longer "acting" and does not need to "act" anymore.

Of course, he had a plan to use information related to the "Seven Sisters" to attract the attention of the mysterious person and thereby delay time.


He didn't expect that this mysterious person would know the information about the "Seven Sisters" to such an extent.

Seeing the mysterious person, he was counting the "Seven Sisters" one by one, and he didn't avoid mentioning the names of the "Seven Sisters" at all...

Unable to help himself, the true surprise on Danilo's face was revealed without any need for interpretation.

It was guessed!

Both surprised and surprised.

However, Danilo Sarn couldn't help but asked back: "Arch Mage, why can't it be Aunt Alustriel?"

He is not the only one who has this suspicion.

Eles, Otis, and even Arilyn, who had a fiery temper and was prone to explosions, were knocked back by a slap, but they also suppressed the urge to continue fighting, and instead became curious about Danilo. doubt.

"You came into contact with the 'Curse Poet' only in the past few years."

"In recent years, there have been too many things going on at Alustriel."

"Of course, this is not the point. The point is..."

There was a strange tone in Isaac's voice: "You are from Waterdeep City, and your relationship with Kelben and Laila means that you will often encounter them in Waterdeep City.

However, there may not be only one Laila encountered in Waterdeep City..."

When Isaac's voice reached this point, he immediately stopped it.

There was no need for him to continue talking.

Danilo Sann's expression suddenly changed in such a strange tone.

The Dark Sisters have a habit of changing into Lyla's form and playing as Lyla.

Such a hobby... Naturally, there is not only one possibility for Laila's encounter in Waterdeep City!

Therefore, he completely understood what the mysterious man meant.

It's just that I understand, but I know that the Dark Sisters have this hobby...

For the first time, some uncertainty arose in Danilo's heart.

It may be possible to know that the Dark Sisters are so secretive. He was "suspected" by his "talk". It may not be impossible that this mysterious person has some relationship with his "Uncle Kelben", at least , it’s not impossible to interact with...

"The Archmage is really wise."

"I can't hide anything from you. This is indeed the knowledge Aunt Kuilu taught me in the 'Dark Maiden Corridor'."

Danilo admitted it directly, without any cover-up.

Just a few years ago, in order to track down the whereabouts of his friend "Lirael Baenre", he stole Aunt Lyra's token and then teleported it directly to the Corridor of the Dark Maiden. Only then did he discover for the first time that what he did every day There were actually two "Aunt Laila" that I met!

However, there was still some searching look on his face, and he continued: "It's just... is the Archmage familiar with Aunt Kui Lu? I wonder if I can ask the Archmage's name?"

When he directly mentioned the name "Kui Lu", there was no relevant obstruction. This mention immediately made people feel for Kwai Lu.

Isaac knew this.

However, it doesn't matter. When he came here, Kui Lu was already well-known. Even if his identity was known to these people, it would have no influence at all.

On the contrary, Danny's recognition is related to the "Dark Maiden Corridor"...

The Dark Maiden is in charge of the "poetry" and "dance" priesthoods of the drow.

As her chosen one and the supreme priest, Kui Lu possesses the advanced information of the "Curse Poet", which is nothing more than ordinary.


He actually became a nephew?

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