Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 958 Hesitation

"You don't need to inquire more about my identity."

Isaac gradually released his "hint" control over his eldest nephew.

With this "pressure" relieved, Danilo Sané's uncontrollable left hand finally returned to his own.

There was no rush, he just calmly put down his hand and put away the "Gem of Knowledge" in his hand without any rush.

Isaac's voice continued: "I don't care, but Laila and Kyle don't necessarily want you to know my identity, let alone anyone knowing that I'm here!"

What this means...

Unconsciously, both Danilo and Elis were suspicious.

Does this mean that he will come to Efraska, is it related to Lyra and Kelben?

And if they really have a date with Laila, but at the same time, Laila and Kelben don't want anyone to contact them...

"Either this is someone from the evil camp!"

Danilo doesn't rule it out.

He knew that Uncle Kelben really had some connections with many people from the evil camp, and even had some cooperation.

If this time, under what conditions, a certain legendary mage was invited, this is definitely not impossible!

"Either there is some grudge against Efraska or even the elves, so it is inconvenient to have anything to do with the elves!"

"But...he and Aunt Kui Lu must have a close relationship!"

Combine these information together.

Danilo Sarn's first reaction was, was this the arrival of a certain archmage from the drow?

But let’s not talk about whether Aunt Kui Lu has such a great mage friend.

There is just...

"I'm afraid only Lirael's father has this possibility."

"Although Shamas City is known as the wizarding city of drow elves, it's hard to say whether a great mage of this level can be found!"

Danilo himself is a genius mage, and he has been taught by Kelben and Leila, and has also participated in the war on Evermeet Island. In terms of relevant judgment, he still has some vision.

This mysterious visitor is definitely a great mage on the same level as Uncle Kelben and Aunt Laila!

Even replacing "absolutely" with "at least" is not impossible!

Basically, according to such standards, at least Danilo Sarn knows only Lirael's father, Grover, who is recognized as the most powerful archmage in the history of Menzoberranzan. -Ban Rui, it is possible!


Could Grover-Banry have a secret connection with Auntie Kwai-lu?


As a servant of the Spider Queen, will this drow archmage be invited to Efraska by Aunt Lyla and Uncle Kelben at this time?

Danilo Sann usually has an extraordinary ability to observe words and emotions, but at this time, he is a little hesitant and doesn't know whether he should continue to test.

Although he personally absolutely trusts Uncle Kelben and Aunt Laila, but...

Just before that, Uncle Kelben was tried by Arilyn's father for the "Warlock King's Scepter". He initiated a Harper Conference trial. In the end, he broke with the Harpers and turned around to establish the "Moonstar" organization.

Danilo's hesitation and hesitation are just concerns. If he continues to ask and test again, and this person really says something... will this put Uncle Kelben into another dilemma? Will it even directly affect the relationship between the Black Stick Tower and the elves?

"Well, for the sake of your relationship with Laila and the others, I won't argue with you about the offense this time."


Sound, Isaac was obviously flying into the sky again.

And, a kind of induction, Aililin's intuition, the eyes of this mysterious person looked towards her again.

The sound that followed also proved that her intuition was correct.

"Little girl, do you have 'Moonflower' as your surname? Or 'Skelsson'?"

Moonflower, this naturally refers to Princess Anestria-Moonflower of Evermeet Island!

Skolson is the leader of the Harpers, Bran Skolson!

Based on Danilo Sarn's identity, Isaac was able to think of some rumors related to the invasion of Yongju Island by the Spider Queen and the Beast King, as well as the "Fairy Devouring Monster".

Although it is not possible to really determine the degree of truth of this rumor, but... as long as it is not completely fictitious, there is a high possibility that this half-elf girl is related to the exiled princess Anie of Yongju Island. Stelia related!

She should be the daughter of Anestria and Bran Skolsson!

Accordingly, the moon blade in her hand should be inherited from Anestria, and is one of the inherited moon blades of the Moon Flower family of the Royal Family of Yongju Island!

Only the Yuehua family, especially the queen, has the background to allow her "half-elf" granddaughter to be in charge of the inherited moon blade.

As for why the "half-elf" can be recognized by Moon Blade... I think it has something to do with Princess Anestria or the interference of Queen Amlariel!

The former is none other than Princess Anestria. After being assassinated, her soul essence was integrated into the Moon Blade.

the latter……

Various legends show that Queen Amlariel's status in the elven clan is second only to the gods Sylderin.

With such a status, if she goes to the capital of Afand, she may have the possibility of being directly promoted to a god by the main god of elves!

It is also a legend that the Spider Queen and the Beast King invaded the Evermeet Island and released the "Fairy Devouring Monster" to the Evermeet Island. However, they were eventually defeated and expelled. The main factor was Queen Amlariel. !

According to the legend within the elves, this queen has reached unimaginable, even unprecedented, heights in the field of high magic that no high mage has ever reached!

With such a legend, if she intervened personally, not to mention a half-elf with a blood relationship, I'm afraid that a human would also be able to control the moon blade!

As long as such a legend is half true...Issac will have the idea of ​​​​"knowing this queen for a long time".



"My last name is 'Moon Blade'!"


Arilyn flatly denied it.

Although she, the Queen, and her uncle Lanriel had already known each other after the battle on Everjum Island, she had never given up on the surname "Moonblade" that her mother had given her after she was exiled. idea.

As for "Skolsson"...

That man was just her nominal father.

Uncle Eles is more qualified than that man!

"Moon Blade?"


Although the half-elf girl did not recognize the surnames "Moonflower" and "Scholes", Isaac was sure from her tone that she was the granddaughter of the queen of Evermeet Island!

Then, for a moment, he was a little unsure.

The relationship between this half-elf girl and the Queen of Everjum Island certainly has its own significance.

But... at least for now, Isaac has no idea of ​​spending time with the queen!

And just at this time.

In his heart, he suddenly moved again, and then turned his eyes to look at the eastern sky.

(3K yesterday, this chapter makes up for yesterday’s, and there is another 2K chapter tonight, and then another chapter tomorrow)

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