Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 964 Persuasion Conditions

"You go and tell Danilo and the others first, and give them some guidance."

After reaching an agreement with Isaac on stopping the Felin Demon Sunflower, Kelben signaled to Laila and Dove.

Being connected to him, Laila certainly understood what he meant.

This is to let Danilo's clever guy seize the opportunity and carry out targeted attacks on the Felin Demon Kui as much as possible within the limited time.

Of course, Efraska's side will also have corresponding cooperation to keep up.

In this way, it will not only cause a heavier blow to the Felin Demon Kui, but more importantly, such an action will also confuse the City of Shadows, making their plan more secretive, and thus making their plans more secretive. more smoothly.

In addition... she also knew clearly that Kelben was "dismissing" them at this time, and there was still something to do, and he had to negotiate with King Red, or in other words, persuade!

Although there was no prior communication, Laila even knew in her heart what Kelben was going to say.

At that moment, she first apologized to Isaac with a smile, then took Dove's hand and flew forward together.

And this time they left.

"Your Majesty has been studying advanced magic for a long time, and the results must be remarkable. I wonder if you are interested in participating in an 'Infinite Ceremony' personally?"

Kyle just took out something again.

"Infinite Ritual?"

Although Isaac had known for a long time that Kelben, an old thief, would often use any means to achieve his goals. There was a precedent of trading the holy artifacts from the Harper's treasure house to the Zhentarim. But at this time, he heard that Kelben Erben took out this condition, but his eyes still narrowed unconsciously.

He asked himself that his understanding of high magic was very deep. Naturally, he also had an understanding of "infinite rituals".

Kelben invited him to join in the ritual...

"One, many, and infinite, the three major components of high magic rituals!"

"If we say a unique ceremony, it is the resonance of the individual and the collective spirit of the group!"

"Those numerous rituals should be carried out by three high mages respectively, and further, through the spirit of the group, they are united into a whole. Among them, perhaps each high mage, in addition to the individual resonance of the whole In addition to the unique ritual, it can also be combined with ordinary spell rituals to gain the support of more spell-casting assistants.”

"Based on this idea, normally speaking, the infinite ceremony is to continue to expand the number of high mages..."

This is also Isaac's consistent thinking.

But at this time, when Kelben suddenly issued this invitation to him...

In his heart, he suddenly felt some denial.

If the difference between "Plural Ritual" and "Infinite Ritual" is only the difference between "maximum of three people" and "at least five people"... perhaps, there is no need to divide it into two categories at all!

Wouldn't it be more accurate to classify "numerous rituals" into "infinite rituals", with at least three, and up to infinite, high mages performing a joint ceremony?

"Therefore, there must be an inherent difference between the 'Plural Ritual' and the 'Infinite Ritual'."

"Only in this way will Kelben feel that personally participating in such a ceremony is attractive enough for me."

After the formation of this idea, Isaac did not deny that he had indeed become more interested in "infinite rituals".


However, he slowly shook his head and said in a deep voice: "The Archmage must be numbered. No matter what, my stay here will not be long."

He had doubts, was Kelben's infinite ritual directed at the "City of Ghosts"?

After all, at least for now, it is only the Felin Demon Sunflower and the City of Shadows that can make Kelben so solemn, right?

"Your Majesty has misunderstood. What I want to say is that the Supreme Wasteland will be purified in two years..."

Kelben shook his head slightly.

The High Wasteland!

Dark natural disaster!

Again, the return of Mayelita!

Among them, it not only has the effect of clearing the "Killing Storm", but may also involve the purification of the blood of the drow elves!

Isaac's heart immediately reflected this information.

He has also been paying attention to the matter of Mayelita for a long time.

But he knows that related to this matter, there are also those great mages who were said to have transformed into Saren spirits during the Maierita period. Similarly, there is also the figure of Eilistraee behind them!

"Two years from now!"

After some pondering, Isaac frowned slightly.

In terms of time, since this is two years later, he has enough room to make arrangements.

In a sense, whether it was his personal participation in the "Infinite Ritual", his relationship with Mayelita, or the opportunity to communicate with those ancient masters, he did not deny that this was indeed of extraordinary significance, and he was very interested.

But at the same time……

"But this old thief is also hinting that only if things go smoothly here, and neither the City of Shadows nor the Flying Demonic Sunflower can pose a long-term threat, all the preparations there will be in vain!"

Isaac frowned slightly at this suspicion.

He knew that Kelben's hint was not a threat.

Although he had a positive attitude towards Mayelita's return due to some reasons.

But Kelben and Laila are obviously more concerned about this.

Kelben's wisdom and reason would naturally not threaten him with this kind of thing.

This must be, on the one hand, a transaction to him through the "infinite ritual", and on the other hand, it also implies that there is a common position between them.


Kelben was trying to convince him that he could carry out a higher-intensity attack on the Felin Demon Kui, and then cooperate with their actions against the City of Shadows. In particular, he hoped that his attack could last until the action started. !

After making this judgment and changing his eyes several times, Isaac said in a deep voice: "I have heard for a long time that the Archmage has made extraordinary achievements in the field of research on the Stone of Techira. I don't know how lucky I am to be able to ask the Archmage for advice. One or two?”

He did not express any position on the "Infinite Ritual" and "Maiyeli Tower" at all. On the contrary, when the topic changed, Isaac actually talked about the "Stone of Tekila".

However, Kelben knew what he meant.

His great-grandson has a "Gem of Shadow Knowledge" that he personally created.

Thinking about it, in the previous "contact", the situation of this gem was noticed by this person.

Although the creation of the "Shadow Knowledge Gem" is not like the "Tekira Stone" and "Selukira Stone", it needs to be bound to the divine power of the Elf God in order to be completed.

However, this creation, which was based on the "Stone of Techira" and was carefully improved by him, also has extraordinary significance.

To a large extent, the "Gem of Shadow Knowledge" has been determined by him, and all future "Black Staffs" will definitely accept the inheritance.

At this time, King Red clearly took a fancy to it!

With the "Infinite Ritual" and "Shadow Knowledge Gem", it is possible for King Red to break his "normal" "three-day time" limit!

"Your Majesty is interested, how can I not be willing?"

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