Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 965 Felin Demon Sunflower (Part 1)

It was Isaac and Kelben who finally reached an agreement.

Not long after, Laila and Dove also returned with the team of four people.

After introducing both parties.

Soon, the three chosen people of the Goddess of Magic no longer interfered with Isaac's actions, and only asked Danilo to be his guide. The three of them then resigned.

And here.

"Uncle Lei, I heard from Aunt Laila that your main purpose is to come for the Felin Demon Sunflower? So, we are specifically targeting the places where they are most likely to be hiding?"

Danilo's mouth was as sweet as a real nephew.

However, this is normal.

Although he is a noble of Waterdeep City, he can pretend to be a playboy and ignore everyone's ridicule without any hesitation.

Called "uncle" a few times, this is something that is difficult for Danilo Sann to accept.

In fact, from the attitudes of Uncle Kelben and Aunt Laila, he even suspected that this "Uncle Lei" was even more powerful than them.

Such a strong man is willing to deal with Felin Mokui, but Danilo Sann feels that even if he says "uncle" a few times, he can still call him "uncle" in a friendly manner.

Of course, at this time, he was convinced that his previous suspicions were probably wrong. This "Uncle Lei" did not look like the drow archmage in disguise.

After all, although Lirael's archmage father is a legend, it is unlikely that he will be more powerful than Uncle Kelben and Aunt Laila.

and then……

Fully aware of the power of the Felin Demon Sun, Danilo Sarn didn't realize that just Grover Baenre could make Uncle Kelben lead them with such confidence.

Of course, with his keen sense of smell, although Danilo was sure that this "Uncle Ray" was basically not a change from Grover Banray, he was also convinced that there was definitely something hidden in this uncle. It was so secret that... even Aunt Laila was unwilling to mention the real name of "Uncle Lei" in front of him!

"Yes, I do have some interest in the Felin Demon Sunflower."

"However, Laila must have said that under certain circumstances, I won't stay here for too long."

"So, what do you think?"

Isaac looked at his cheap nephew with some interest.

Since Kelben asked his eldest nephew to be his guide, he obviously valued and trusted his eldest nephew and was convinced that he could make the best response to the current situation.

Although Isaac didn't like Kelben, he still believed in Kelben's vision.

I also want to see how this famous "dandy" in Waterdeep City can gain such trust from Kelben.

"Uncle, are you going to test me?"

"Then I'll tell you what I have!"

Danilo already considers himself a junior, so naturally there is nothing to avoid in front of his "uncle".

After only thinking about it for a moment, he asked: "First of all, I want to know, Uncle Lei, have you had any contact with Felin Demon Kui and the shadow shield? Or, do you have an understanding of it? And, have you already done this? Prepare accordingly?”

Danilo is a mage himself, so he naturally knows what a disadvantage it is to face an unfamiliar enemy in an unfamiliar environment without proper preparation.

In particular, the shadow shield interferes with magic, and the magical power of the Phayling Demon Sun is so powerful that even the reinforcements of Waterdeep City and the Efraska army are at a disadvantage...

In such an environment, facing such an enemy, without targeted preparations, this would definitely be a disaster scene.

Isaac agreed with what he meant and did not avoid anything at the moment: "I have some understanding and corresponding preparations, but I have not had direct contact. Therefore, whether the relevant understanding is accurate and whether the corresponding preparations are appropriate, this is It’s just hard to be sure.”

Sure enough!

Danilo was not surprised, and then said directly: "In this case, I think we should be more cautious.

It has been more than a thousand years since the Felin Demon Kui was sealed behind the Saron Wall.

These ancient evils are all long-lived species. After more than a thousand years, many Felin Demon Kui have been promoted to the level of elders.

Uncle Kelben has determined that a considerable number of the magic sunflower elders are generally above the legendary level as casters, and their Felin magic also has characteristics similar to spell-like abilities, not only does it not require any language or action , and even spell-casting materials and spell instruments are also not needed. This is not only difficult to guard against, but also difficult to counterattack.

If it weren't for the shadow shield that strongly interfered with their spell operations, especially by prohibiting their space spells, even if the City of Shadows came, there would be no way to stop their escape. "

In a few words, Danilo roughly summarized the center of gravity of the Felin Demon Sunflower and the effect of the shadow shield.

Without pausing, he continued: "So, I suggest that today, Uncle Lei, you make it your first goal to familiarize yourself with the two, and separate them separately.

In this way, after today is over, I believe you will have a way to adapt and the confidence to deal with it in a targeted manner. "

Danilo is still very patient.

Even if he knew that "Uncle Lei" would not stay here for long, he was still happy to spend today's time getting familiar with it and then make targeted preparations.

Isaac naturally agrees with this.

Although according to Kelben, the power of the Felin Demon Kui was not as powerful as he had expected, but Isaac would not underestimate the ancient evil that indirectly led to the demise of the two dynasties.

It is necessary to make accurate and targeted preparations in advance.

Nodding slightly, Isaac said: "You are the guide, and you are here to make arrangements. In addition, since you have been fighting here for a long time, you must have a sufficient understanding of the Felin Demon Kui, so let me share your understanding."

Danilo was happy and said casually: "I will tell you how to arrange it first. If Uncle Lei agrees, we will discuss the characteristics of the Felin Demon Sunflower on the way."

Seeing Isaac nodding in agreement, he continued: "Due to the strong interference of the shadow shield on magic, I suggest that today we start searching for the whereabouts of Felin Demon Kui in the wild. If everything goes well, , then after you take them down, Uncle Lei, then touch the shadow shield.

On the other hand, if there is really no trace of the Felin Demon Sunflower in the wild, then we will first set a time limit. Once the time limit is up, we will immediately return to the shadow shield to let Uncle Lei adapt accordingly and prepare.

As for the information about Felin Demon Sunflower, we will use the information in the database and the understanding of all of us to synthesize it..."

First search for the phaerim in the wild!

Isaac's heart moved, and he had a little idea of ​​his target.

Thinking about it, this was just to test whether there was any ambush waiting for them underground where the beholder fled.

However, there is a purpose, but Isaac does not deny that Danilo's arrangement is still very reasonable.

After thinking about it for a moment, he nodded: "Okay, as per your arrangement."

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