Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 966 Felin Demon Sunflower (Part 2)

(That’s it for today. I can’t stand it anymore. I’ll make it up tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.)

Time is running out.

Since "Uncle Ray" agreed to his arrangement, Danilo Sann immediately arranged the action.

No surprise, the first target turned out to be the cave that the beholder had retreated into before.

Elves have always had a tradition of building tombs, and often, elves like to place their tombs underground.

Over thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, the underground of Efraska has long been a network of various tunnels, connecting an unknown number of mausoleum areas.

It is this network of tunnels.

Previously, it was the elves who used this to resist layer by layer.

But when the reinforcements from Waterdeep City and the City of Ghosts both arrived, the situation of the battle was reversed.

Whether within the shadow shield or in the outer areas, the Felin Demon Kui and the monster army they control use these tunnels to hide underground.

This is also the key to why, although the advantage now lies with Efraska, the elves always fail to win a decisive victory.

There was no surprise when the group entered the cave and followed the traces, quickly going deep.

"It's the mausoleum tunnel!"

Arilyn has lived in Efraska since she was a child and is extremely familiar with the relevant environment. With her rich experience during this period, she quickly made a judgment on the environment of the underground tunnel, and then...

"Be careful, this is another bait to lure us deeper!"

Even though there is an additional "Mr. Lei" in the team.

However, consider that every time you encounter such a trap, you will run into swarms of powerful aberrations, and even an army of monsters.

Aililin still issued a corresponding warning.

At this time, her moon blade had already been unsheathed.

From it, the silver brilliance radiates around like moonlight, but it is brighter than the immortal torch.

In such an area of ​​silver light, Isaac narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he did not look directly at the moon blade, he was already making this assessment secretly due to the induction of his mind and will.

"Just like the effect of 'early warning'!"

"Although it shouldn't be as powerful as the ninth-level spell of 'Early Warning', it is constant for a long time!"

"It's no wonder that they were able to warn me of my existence before!"

This moon blade inherited from the Yuehua family is really interesting.

Of course, this half-elf is also pretty good.

At this time, it was Eileen who seemed to be leading the way, leading the way.

The moon elf noble Elais Cronobber, who also held the moon blade, followed her closely, obviously with the intention of protecting, paying attention to all the movements in the darkness.

After knowing the name of this moon elf, Isaac also knew the identity of this person.

"The Viper" Elais-Cronob, a moon elf noble who was exiled from Evermeet Island and settled in Waterdeep City!

This exiled moon elf noble is known as a "venomous snake", so he is naturally of the good and evil camp.

But at this time, this guy who was supposed to be an evil elf actually supported Efraska, and...

Isaac could even see a little "fatherly" feeling from him.

What if... this evil moon elf actually seems to regard Arilyn as his daughter?

"It must be related to the Princess Anestria who was also exiled!"

However, Isaac didn't have much time to care about these gossips.

With his spiritual will, he just calmly grasped the special effects of the two moon blades.

After a while.

"It's a pity that the two of them definitely don't know the manufacturing technology of the moon blade. Otherwise, they can make some comparisons and references."

"However, Kelben is willing to use the 'film knowledge gem' production technology, which is a worthwhile trip!"

"As little as three days, and no more than seven days."

"Let's see what kind of damage they can cause to the City of Shadows in just a few days!"

As the thoughts in his heart circulated, Isaac gradually stopped paying attention to the Elf Moon Blade.

Danilo, who was accompanying him by his side, followed up on Aililin's warning and continued: "Uncle Lei, I would also like to ask you to pay more attention to your surroundings."

"Whenever you encounter the mausoleum trap that Eileen mentioned, there will definitely be an army of monsters led by beholders and illithids. Occasionally, you may even directly encounter a phaerinn demon!"

"If it's just beholders and illithids, that's it. It's nothing more than killing them all the way."

"But if the Felin Demon Kui really appears, it will be completely different."

"The Phaelings are really too powerful in the field of illusion and control. Whenever we encounter the Phaelings in their prime or even adulthood, the effect of their illusions will be the same as mine and Uncle Elis's. , and I have no confidence that I can see through it directly..."

Danilo Sann is not a reserved character.

Listening to Laila, since he has already called "Uncle Lei", of course he doesn't mind and makes good use of "Uncle Lei's" power!

After all, they were just guides, and "Uncle Lei" was the main force!

And this is also an opportunity for him to truly see what level "Uncle Lei" is.

Only when he has a rough grasp of this, can he know in his mind the extent to which the limits will be controlled when the real arrangements are made after today.

What he said at this big banquet...

Isaac's eyes fluctuated slightly.

Whether Danilo or Iles, these are all mages whose caster level has reached at least the second level.

Especially Eles, who also has part-time jobs in other professions, is a proper high-level professional.

It was an illusion that the two of them were not sure they could see through even if they were prepared...

"First of all, let me tell you what you know about the Felin Demon Sunflower that you need to pay special attention to."

Isaac is also well aware of the fact that Felin Demon Kui is good at illusions and enchantment spells.

However, if only the Felin Demon Sunflower in adulthood and prime of life can trap Danilo and Iles with illusions...

This even surprised him.

You must know that even giant dragons, especially giant dragons such as golden dragons and red dragons, in adulthood and prime of life, the caster levels of those warlocks are level 7 and level 9.

At this level, it is obviously not enough to trap Danilo and Danilo purely with illusions.

But Felin Demon Sunflower can!

At least, that's what Danilo thinks!

If this is true...these ancient evils are truly "high-demon" creatures!

Question for Isaac.

Danilo was already prepared.

Then he said: "Based on Uncle Kelben's information and our understanding of the battle during this period, Felin Demon Kui has four major abilities and is the one we need to be most wary of."

"The number one ranking is naturally their magic ability!"

"Each innate life energy level of Felin Demon Kui corresponds to a warlock level."

"In fact, even the newly born larvae Felin Demon Kui has a warlock level. It can be said to be a natural warlock."

"But at the same time, they are also naturally able to master many more spells than normal warlocks."

"To them, all spells are like similar spell abilities. They require neither language nor movement, nor even spell materials."

"What they are best at is illusion and control."

"The illusion and control spells performed by Elder Mo Kui are even comparable to legendary spells."

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