Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 967 Power and Flaws


The Warlock profession does not need to spend time preparing spells every day like the Mage. Moreover, the number of spells that can be cast per day is much more than that of the Mage. However, one of the biggest weaknesses has caused the Warlock, in a general sense, to It's better to be a mage.

The number of spells that a warlock can master is too limited, and once mastered, there is only a chance to change them when the professional level is improved.

The limited amount of spells to master leads to a huge shortcoming in the warlock's adaptability.

What's more, once the spells you master are discovered by others, they will be targeted until death.

However, although Felin Mokui is a natural warlock, he is also born with the ability to master spells far beyond those of normal warlocks. To a certain extent, this is the biggest shortcoming of the warlock profession.

However, Isaac has already known this.

Not only that, including the areas in which Phaeling is best at, including the particularity of Phaeling's spells, and the warlock-like level of Phaeling, which is as capable of growth as a giant dragon...

He understood everything Danilo said.

But that's it, even Danilo's words have not yet finished.

Isaac's voice suddenly intervened: "Do you know the classification of their age groups and the corresponding life energy levels?"

Although he already knew that the caster level of Felin Demon Sunflower was similar to that of a dragon, with the ability to grow, but...

If according to what Danilo said at this time, the Felin Demon Kui has a warlock level since birth, and the warlock level is equivalent to their racial life energy level...

This was Isaac, and he felt his expression become serious.

You must know that the dragon's caster level often cannot be awakened until teenagers and adolescents, and some dragons may even have to wait until adolescence or even adulthood.

However, Felin Demon Kui possesses it as soon as he is born, which directly surpasses the giant dragon by two age groups!

Not only that, the dragon has a caster level. For each age group, the improvement of three life energy levels only brings two caster levels.

As for Felin Demon Sunflower, each life energy level can correspond to the previous caster level.

Such a comparison...

Even if you don't take into account the various advantages of Felin Demon Kui's spell-casting characteristics, just the sharp contrast in the caster level, its spell ability is undoubtedly far superior to the dragon!

Even though Isaac had already attached great importance to these ancient evils, he couldn't help but raise their danger level once again in his heart.

No wonder Kyle was so generous and even willing to share the secret of the production of the "Shadow Knowledge Gem".

No wonder Efraska teamed up with Waterdeep's reinforcements and the City of Shadows, but they couldn't quickly bulldoze them.

It's no wonder that these guys have overturned the ancient Wu Hui Empire and the ancient Magic Dynasty.

Such growth in terms of warlock level, and overall racial growth...

These guys do have such qualifications!

But when he heard the solemnity in "Uncle Lei's" voice, Danilo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Uncle Kelben and Aunt Laila believed in this person's power, so naturally he would not doubt anything.

The only thing he was worried about was whether this person would be too "confident"!

He immediately said: "According to the statistics compiled by Uncle Kelben, the age group of Felin Demon Kui can be roughly divided into seven levels."

"When they are young, their life energy levels are between 1 and 3."

"The juvenile stage is level 4-6!"

"Youth, level 7-9!"

"Adulthood, level 10-12!"

"Prime period, level 13-15!"

"Old age, level 16-18!"

"The last age group is called 'elder'. Even if Elder Mo Kui has just been promoted and his life energy level has just reached level 19, he still has legendary power."

"The most important point is that based on Uncle Kelben's observations and analysis of these ancient evils over the years, Elder Mo Kui still has huge room for growth."

"Before their life energy level reaches level 27, Elder Mo Kui's life energy level will increase by one level almost every 50 years."

"But this is still not their limit. After level 27, although their improvement speed will be slower, the three giants of Felin Demon Sunflower from Otto City and the two ancient Demon Sunflower Elders from the underground of Myth Drannor , and several Mo Kui leaders trapped under the shadow shield, the highest known level of these guys is between level 30 and level 40!"

This means...

It only takes 400 years for an Elder Felin Demon Kui to be promoted from level 19 to level 27!

This time is not long at all for a long-lived species like Felin Mo Kui.

Thinking about it again, they have been sealed behind the Saron Wall by the Saron spirits for thousands of years...

This is, even if the Felin Demon Sunflowers were born after being sealed, at least the first batch, at this time, are all genuine Elder Demon Sunflowers, with truly legendary spellcasting abilities!

This kind of information corresponds to the level of the elders of the Demon Kui that Isaac understands.

From this, Ziye in turn verified that these research data of Kelben were definitely not compiled randomly!

"Level 19 has legendary level combat power!"

"It is universal before level 27!"

"After level 28, you have a strength of 30+, and you become a true giant and leader!"

Combining what Danilo said, Isaac quickly classified the information about Elder Felin Mokui accordingly.


"If the five-color dragons cannot unite, they really can't compete with these guys!"

"The Golden Dragon King's side is the one qualified to fight with them!"

"The year of the dragon's revival is approaching. It is necessary to carry out severe sniping against such a guy!"

"If we can take this opportunity and use the power of Waterdeep City and City of Shadows to completely wipe out their clan... that would be the best!"

After a few flashes of thought, Isaac nodded slightly, looked at his eldest nephew, and said: "This is one of the four major abilities. What are the other three abilities that we need to be extra careful about?"

Danilo then replied: "The second one is that Felin Demon Sunflower has 'global vision', and, just like the ability to cast spells, this 'global vision' also has the ability to grow."

“Uncle Kelben’s judgment.

In its infancy, the Phayling Demon Sunflower's "global vision" is able to see through invisibility and see spiritual creatures.

After reaching adulthood, one has the effect of 'secret vision' and can directly see all magical auras.

And when they are promoted to 'Elders', this 'global vision' has the effect of 'True Knowledge', and the caster level of this 'True Knowledge' is always the same as their warlock level.

With this 'global vision', they will almost never be attacked by surprise! "

Global vision means being able to see everything in all directions.

Then add "True Knowledge".

Even though "true knowledge" has a limited scope.

However, considering the common legendary spellcasting level of Elder Felin Demon Kui... it is indeed unlikely that he will be attacked by surprise.

Isaac nodded slightly to this.

Even his "legendary concealment" is absolutely impossible. Within the scope of "true knowledge", it is impossible to hide it from those Mo Kui giants, or even from those Mo Kui elders who have exceeded level 26. Too likely.

If you really face such a giant, grasping and controlling the distance between them is undoubtedly an extremely important thing!

Seeing that he didn't ask questions, Danilo continued: "The third type, Felin's Demon Sunflower, has extremely special spell resistance. With this spell resistance, they can even decide whether to use this spell for all resisted spells. The spell is reflected back to the caster, and the energy of the spell is absorbed and converted into medical treatment for oneself!"

Such ability...

Obviously, it is one of the symbols closely related to the essence of magic!

Isaac pondered for a moment, and without asking any further questions, he nodded again and motioned for Danilo to continue.

"The fourth type, the poisonous sting of the Felin Demon Sunflower!"

"The Felin Demon Sunflower can inject a supernatural poison into the target's body through its tail spine."

"This toxin has three levels of effects, and each level of effect needs to be resisted individually."

"The first level is a powerful paralyzing poison that can paralyze the target for tens of seconds."

"The second level is also a paralyzing poison. The paralysis lasts for as little as one hour and up to three hours."

"The third level is the supernatural sustained poison injury. Once unable to resist, the target will first fall into a state of paralysis, and then continue to float in the air and be continuously damaged by the poison."

"In addition, the stinger of the Felin Demon Sunflower also has another vicious function."

“Adult and mature phaerimms can implant their eggs into paralyzed organisms through their poisonous stings.

If the victim cannot get rid of these eggs, about 90 days later, pharynx larvae will be produced and devour the host from the body.

This is also how the phaerinns reproduce! "

Paralyzing poison!

Even if it is triple paralysis, each level needs to be resisted individually!

This is directly ineffective for the dragon who is naturally immune to all sleep and paralysis effects.

On the contrary, this reproduction method of implanting eggs...

Isaac's heart moved, and his first thought was thinking of those slaadi.

In the same way, eggs are implanted into the living body, and the host is also devoured from the body. This method...

"It's not bad. It seems that as long as I can get one, there will be enough experimental subjects without me trying the cloning technique!"

Of course, these are not urgent.

The relevant thought was once again taken into Isaac's heart.


"No language is required to cast a spell, it is equivalent to unlimited 'silent spell casting'!"

"No action is required, it corresponds to 'spell setting'!"

"It doesn't require any materials... This is 'casting without materials', plus the legendary expertise of 'ignoring spell materials'!"

"Coupled with extraordinary expertise in illusions and enchantment spells..."

On the other hand, he followed Ai Lilin's path slowly and quickly.

On the other hand, Isaac was also thinking about the best way to deal with the Phaeling Demon Kui, especially the Phae Lin Demon Kui team.

These guys, even if they are just born with characteristics, can be linked to his "over-limit spellcasting".

With characteristics like this, combined with their legendary spell-casting abilities, it could even be a team...

It is indeed something not to be underestimated!

After a few flashes of thoughts in his mind, Isaac suddenly asked: "The two major flaws of warlocks are the limited number of spells they can master, and their spontaneous spell casting, so they cannot super-magic instantaneously. In the former, they are born with non-existence, or they are It is said that it has been compensated and improved. Do you know about the latter?"

The magician's spellcasting is "spontaneous spellcasting", which is equivalent to an innate ability. Therefore, unlike the mage's "preparation to cast", it is not possible to directly use metamagic expertise to achieve instantaneous spellcasting.

Normally, such flaws, or weaknesses, are bound to exist for any warlock.

However, considering the characteristics of the Felin Demon Sunflower, Isaac asked again.

Danilo's knowledge still understood the meaning of "Uncle Lei", and he had asked Uncle Kelben for advice on this.

Therefore, there was no need to think about it, and he quickly replied: "Although there are few, among some elders of Mo Kui, there are indeed instant spells.

According to Uncle Kelben's speculation, these Elder Demon Sunflowers are most likely instant preparations for level 10 or even higher level spell slots obtained by 'improving spell slots'.

However, he could not absolutely rule out whether this would be some special ability of Elder Mo Kui, or a special expertise similar to 'spell-like ability-quick cast'. "

The Warlock profession can also obtain level 10 and higher spell slots through the legendary feat "Improve Spell Slots".

Even so, normally there is only one special spell slot obtained through legendary expertise, but there is no doubt that this does allow a warlock with the "spell prompt" expertise to cast spells instantly.

However, Kelben was not limited to this possibility.

Considering that the spells of Felin Demon Kui have an essence similar to "spell-like abilities", Kelben also considered special expertise or special abilities similar to "spell-like abilities-instant".

No matter what the method is...

Undoubtedly, the actual combat ability of Elder Mo Kui, who has the ability of "instant spell casting", will be improved again.

Of course, judging from the fact that it is only the elders of the Demon Kui, not all the Felin Demon Kui...

Obviously, these guys are still "spontaneous casting"!

It is "spontaneous casting of spells", and its limitations still exist. At least it is impossible for a profession like "preparing to cast spells", which can achieve a large number of high-level spells instantly through "advanced metamagic staffs" and the like.

Furthermore, everything is still within control!

As the information passed through his mind, a faint smile appeared on Isaac's face: "After all, it is evil that has existed in ancient times. These philim magic sunflowers do have some meanings. I’m looking forward to it more and more.”

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