Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 969 The First Battle (Part 1)

Arilyn and Elise both moved, and Danilo and Otis naturally did not slow down at all.

From the other side of the fork in the road, the sound of Eileen fighting was heard.

The figures of Otis and Danilo had already rushed to the intersection.

One is a long bow shot, and the other is a staff swing.

Continuous arrows shot through the air fiercely.

A series of force missiles are also forming rapidly.

However, before Danilo's target-locked "missile storm" could actually be released...

"An enhanced version of 'Arrow Protection'!"

"Seems immune to all long-range shots!"

Isaac's footsteps also followed Danilo and Danilo slowly.

However, he did not look at these two people.

Taking the "Arcane Magic Eye" as the main perspective, at this time, his eyes were first looking at the half-elf girl. Of course, for the "father's love", he alone was to contain the moon elf who was facing the advanced beholder. Not that I ignored it.

This half-elf girl is indeed interesting.

Isaac roughly judged that her total professional level should be around level 12.

However, with the blessing of the power of the moon blade, whether it is burst speed or attack speed, it is even comparable to the legendary warrior who activates the legendary specialty "Lightning Speed".

And at such a speed...

All her movements were still clean and neat.

The movement of the footsteps, the swaying of the body, and the harvesting of the moon blade...

She was the first to charge into the monster group. She was like an extremely sophisticated fighting machine. Her body and the monsters on the battlefield were all her weapons and shield wall when needed.

Even with Isaac's vision, he could hardly see any unnecessary movements on her part.

Obviously, this person has definitely received the most elite training and has experienced countless actual combats.

However, this is normal.

Although she is a half-elf, she is also a member of the royal family of Yongju Island. Whether it is her mother or some other relationship, it is definitely not a problem to find such an instructor for her.

With such combat skills and combat experience, combined with the sacred weapon Moon Blade in his hand...

This half-elf girl is qualified to compete head-on even with a legendary warrior!


With the gaze of the "Arcane Magic Eye", Isaac took one more look, especially on her moon blade.

The mixed team of bugbears and jackals led by this advanced beholder had more than forty people.

The bugbear was carrying a hammer and a battle ax, and was as ferocious and violent as an ogre.

Gnolls carry scimitars and shields, and also carry javelins or bows and arrows.

When Ai Lin came to kill, a barrage of javelins and poisonous arrows shot at her from various angles.


Whether it was a javelin or a poisonous arrow, under the influence of a layer of invisible magic field, it was impossible to shoot at her body, and they all fell down powerlessly.

This kind of effect is much more powerful than the "protective arrow" that targets long-range shots and also has the upper limit of "damage reduction".

Isaac could naturally tell that this was another new effect of Arilyn's moon blade.

Ten "Moonlight Stones" have ten special effects. Especially, when necessary, they can also stimulate the essence of the souls of the moon elves in the "Moonlight Stones"...

This moon blade not only gives Arilyn the power to stand up to the legendary warriors head-on, but also has various magical effects and her adaptability to various environments. I am afraid it is also unusual for the legendary warriors. Professionals must become stronger and more comprehensive!

In other words, the terrain of the corridor restricted her performance to a certain extent. If it were a ground battlefield, this mixed team of bugbears and jackals would not be able to effectively block her advance.

Seeing this half-elf girl advancing forward like a fighting machine, she was shouting from time to time, and her passionate fighting spirit was surging...

"This little guy is really interesting!"

While shaking his head with a slight smile, Isaac finally turned to the side of the beholder and the moon elf from the perspective of the "Arcane Eye."

Unlike Aileen's strong sudden attack, it was not so smooth for Eles, who used the "Advanced Any Gate" to directly cross the monster team and kill the advanced beholder.

In front of this advanced beholder, there seems to be a bugbear leader guarding him.

In addition, behind Eles, there were jackals who also turned around and attacked.

Most importantly, the eye stalks and rays of the advanced beholder are also showing off their power.

"Dissociation ray!"

"Petrifying Ray!"

"Fear Ray!"

"Slowness Ray!"

"Charm monster ray!"

Among the constant sounds of "biubiubiu", three rays intersected on Eles' body, and two more rays were pointed at Ai Lilin.

However, there are only these five rays.

Although the beholder has ten eye stalks, it can shoot ten rays at the same time.

However, "global field of vision", because the ten eye stalks are distributed in various directions of his spherical body, at the same time, it is impossible for his eyeball rays to intersect with the same target, or even in the same direction.

Generally speaking, the size of a beholder is about a sphere 8 to 10 feet in diameter.

Due to such size restrictions, often, only three of his eyeball rays can be focused on a humanoid creature at the same time.


Waves of rays are flying out, without even checking whether they hit or take effect.

The beholder's body was suspended in place and deflected.

Under the body, on the side of the body, there are two eye stalks exposing the eyes.

"Telekinesis ray!"

"Ray causing moderate damage!"

"Biubiu" was heard twice, and two more rays that had finished brewing were shot out directly.

And as the ray shot out, the body of the sphere reversed and returned to its original position again.

And at the same time, in the eyes that had just completed a volley, the evil magic power was rapidly condensing again.

Multiple eye stalks cannot be aimed at the same target at the same time, but the beholder also has the skill of "moving" and can continuously bombard with rays through the swing and rotation of its body!

In addition, Eles teleported over, and the bugbear leader roared, raised his battle ax, and faced him...

"Dissociation and petrification!"

With a highly concentrated mind, even before the beholder's first wave of rays had finished brewing, there was already a flash of coldness in Elais's shrinking eyes.

Although "father's love" is acting out, since he dares to single-handedly contain this beholder, he is certainly not doing it blindly.

He has been fighting in Efraska for a while, and his understanding of the beholders is already deep enough.

Combined with these understandings, he is a mage himself, and before being teleported, he had already concentrated all his thoughts...

Elais's discernment was able to penetrate the magical power concentrated in this beholder, and he grasped in advance the two most dangerous ones among the eye stalks that were most likely to shoot at him.

Seeing this ray is coming.

Moreover, there are elite bugbears roaring in front, and there are jackals roaring behind...

"Master initiative!"

Elise moved even faster.

He raised his hand, and a cloud of golden dust expanded in an instant, with light flashing rapidly in it. Everyone's eyes within the range of the smoke suddenly dazzled.

Glitter dust!

A powerful tool for interfering with the beholder's ray aiming!

In the Efraska battlefield, you will often encounter beholders. Iles has not only prepared spell slots, but also prepared magic scrolls.

Such preparation...

Long before performing the teleportation of "Advanced Any Door", he had already planned to use it.

The use at this time seems to be faster than the beholder's ray.

And at the same time.

"Master dodge!"

Glitter dust a diffuser.

Elise's figure flickered again in the diffuse smoke.

The beholder's ray is shooting out over there.

Here, the figure of Eles actually borrowed the "cover" from the bugbear leader.

The three rays pointed at him were blinded and dazzled by the "glitter dust" outside, and with the "coordination" of the bugbear leader inside, two of them missed directly, and only one "petrified" "Ray" hit him.

And it was because of this ray...

The moon blade held by Elais's right hand suddenly lit up with another moon-like silver light.

"Holy immunity!"

The inherited moon blade of the Cronobber family can provide additional "immunity" attributes to the owner.

Moreover, this extra saving throw is a "holy" effect, which can not only be applied to all aspects of "toughness", "reflection", and "will", but can also be used with various types of resistance equipment and most spell effects. Overlay.

At this time, he was hit by the "petrification ray".

This special attribute of the moon blade seems to be working.

In addition, Elise's "Elven Cloak" also incorporates the effect of the "Resistance Cloak", which has a +4 saving throw resistance enhancement.

And he is also a high-level professional, and his "Toughness Saving Throw" attribute is not bad.

The superposition of the three.

At the same time, the beholder's rays are supernatural abilities. Not only are they not amplified by related expertise, but all rays are actually only equivalent to the intensity of a level 5 spell.

Compared with the sixth-level spell "Petrification", although the effect is the same, the intensity is actually one level lower.

Following the flash of silver light from the moon blade, Erath's body was so strong that he directly withstood the petrification effect.

"Skillful hands!"

"Two-weapon attack!"

One withstood the petrification effect, the "Blade of Winter" in his left hand, and the inherited moon blade in his right hand. Iles blocked the battle ax slash of the bugbear leader with one sword. Under the huge impact, his body shrunk again. From then on, Above the legendary dagger, an extremely intense dark blue cold light suddenly flashed.

However, he did not wait for his ground attack to release the power of winter onto the Bugbear.

The beholder's two rays, which were almost completely connected, were coming.

The glitter dust can certainly block the beholder's eyes in front of him.

However, due to the scope, the eye stalks peeking out from behind the beholder cannot be covered.

"Telekinesis ray!"

"Ray causing moderate damage!"

It was Eles who blocked the bugbear leader's ax and shrank down to withstand and offset the impact. After all, at this moment, he was unable to reflect and dodge the two sudden rays.

As soon as the telekinesis ray hit, a sudden impact was completely concentrated on his left hand that was trying to wield the "Blade of Winter". His left hand suddenly lost its stability, and not only was the ice power unable to be released at all, , the legendary dagger was almost about to drop.

The first ray that caused moderate injury, the direct damage of the negative energy, although the intensity was the same as the petrification ray, was forcefully withstood by his willpower, but still, the negative energy still caused half of his damage. harm.

Elf's physique is inherently weak. Elise's main profession is still a mage, and he is naturally deficient in vitality.

Even though the "moderate injury" damage was not very strong, this half of the damage still caused his life strength to suddenly drop significantly.

Moreover, due to the strong impact of "telekinesis", he was unable to attack the bugbear leader by taking the opportunity to attack first.

On the other hand, even though his vision was temporarily blurred, the battle ax swept forward violently amidst the furious roar of the bugbear leader.

at the same time……

"Blind battle!"

With keen hearing and sensitive reflexes of the body, Iles also had senses. The jackals behind him were also charging towards him.

Not only that.

Still maintaining enough calmness, the moon elf noble still has sense, and the beholder's second wave of ray power is also rapidly condensing!


Big disadvantage!


Just when the bugbear's battle ax was slashing down, Eles's heart suddenly jumped again.

The sad and familiar sound of arrows piercing the sky!

Otis's cooperation finally caught up.

Moreover, it is clear that this sound of breaking through the sky is coming here!

Although there are many monsters in the corridor, bugbears are particularly tall.

However, compared with the advanced beholder that floats in the sky and is a sphere with a diameter close to 10 feet, this is far behind.

Otis's archery skills can easily target the beholder without aiming at all.

And it's not just Otis.

Danilo's iconic "Missile Storm" is also getting ready!

Missile Storm has a locking effect, a 10-shot force missile. Even for the beholder, this is a heavy blow that cannot be ignored.

Thinking about it again, the beholder is not a real spellcaster and cannot counter this "missile storm" in a normal way...

"It's time to open the anti-magic field!"

The beholder's anti-magic field is opened and closed by the main eye. It is not like a real "anti-magic field" spell. The anti-magic field released by the beholder's main eye is a cone-shaped area with a length of 150 feet.

Such an area, in this corridor environment, almost covers everything in front of the beholder.

and then……

There is no need to perform any more spellcasting.

Use the moon blade to resolve the battle!

The inherited moon blade is a sacred weapon and has the characteristic of having normal effects within the anti-magic field area.

On the contrary, the anti-magic field released by the beholder's main eye will hinder the ray abilities of the beholder itself.

As long as it really releases the anti-magic field to counter Danilo's "missile storm", it is possible to take the opportunity to solve this beholder's hope!

As this thought flashed across his mind, Elise let out a cold voice, and his figure stood up violently while swinging his sword.

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