Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 970 The First Battle (Part 2)

"Holy Cure!"

Now that we are ready, we will cooperate with Danilo and Otis to see if there is a chance to completely eliminate this beholder.

Elise doesn’t have anything to hide.

It’s the moment to stand up with your sword and face the bugbears.

On the inheritance moon blade, a faint white light of life energy spread quickly to his body from a moonstone.

The life force damage caused by the beholder's "moderate injury ray" was immediately completely restored to this life energy.

Inherit the ability of Moon Blade "Holy Healing"!

A few years ago, he suffered a fatal injury and was on the verge of death. Because of his longing and concern for his daughter "Azalea", he finally gained the recognition of the inherited moon blade.

At that time, it was this "holy healing" ability that saved him from the end of his life.

At this time, not only was he prepared to fight the beholder, but he also wanted to restore his life state to its optimal state.

And it was almost at the same time as him.

Otis's arrows were also coming.

Further behind, there was a series of magic light bullets that also cut through the sky.

The beholder Albadla watched all this coldly.

Seeing that the magic arrow was about to hit him...

The huge main eye had already been prepared, and an invisible anti-magic field spread out immediately, completely covering the corridor 150 feet in front of it.


Otis's magic arrows simply lost their magic properties.

Then cum on the beholder...

The beholder's natural armor is even comparable to the dragon scales of the young dragon.

This advanced beholder's natural armor is even harder and thicker.

No matter how superb Otis's archery skills are, when the magic properties of the arrows disappear, it is almost impossible to break through the natural armor of this advanced beholder.

Not just him.

The "missile storm" that Danilo had just shot seemed to have sunk into the abyss, completely disappearing into the sky without any sound.

Even the "Arcane Eye" released by Isaac.

Golden smoke clouds of "glitter dust".

And the magic equipment and magic effects on everyone.

At this moment, it was also because of this "anti-magic field" that it was completely suppressed.


"Kill them all!"

Albadla stared with cold eyes. One was not far in front, and the other was on the side of the puppet team, but the sword in his hand and the powerful magic effect continued to take effect.

There was no look of surprise in his eyes, but a strong command came from the fanged mouth.

Beholders, of course, have a tradition of arrogance, but this never includes the beholders of Otto City.

They have been enslaved by the Phayling Demon Kui for more than a thousand years. Except for a few ancient and powerful Elder Eyes, the beholders in Otto City have basically accepted the reality of being enslaved.

This arrogance is missing.

Also, the battle has been going on in Efraska for a long time.

Albadra will not take these two-legged monsters lightly.

In fact, the fact that he will appear here means that he has already prepared to kill the two-legged monsters.

Even the presence of sacred weapons on these two-legged monsters is not an accident.

Once the anti-magic field was opened, it was immediately recognized that it was indeed the active team holding the sacred weapon Elf Moon Blade...

While Albadra was ordering the puppets to fight to the death, his huge body was rapidly retreating.

The order given to him by Master Mo Kui was to station him here, but...

After all, he is also the beholder of Master Mo Kui, but he himself is not on the list that Master Mo Kui will abandon at will.

However, while retreating, Albadra's eyesores and the brewing and gathering of magical energy did not stop at all.

The anti-magic field released by the main eye only covers the area in front of the beholder, but has no effect on the beholder itself.

This means that all eye stalks of the beholder can still release eyeball rays. However, all eyeball rays cannot take effect within the "anti-magic field", but they can still shoot in other directions. Or, if necessary, close the main eye and directly turn off the anti-magic field. The eyeball rays that have been brewing will inevitably lead to another wave of intersection.

Albadela's sudden move.

"not good!"

It was a sword that blocked the bugbear's battle ax blow, and Elais's expression suddenly changed as he was about to rush towards the beholder.

Unexpectedly, this beholder would retreat so abruptly.

However, due to the eye-catching movements of the beholder...Eles' rich experience suddenly gave him a sense of something bad.

This time, it may be a little difficult to capture this strange creature.


"It just depends on whether he will take action?"

Thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and finally, Elise chased the beholder.

At this time, chasing the beholder is his most reasonable choice.

Otherwise, if he really wants to get entangled with the bugbear leader, and then get entangled with the gnolls rushing behind him, before the beholder's ray abilities, I'm afraid he may really be angry.


"This feeling..."

At this time, Isaac finally reached a fork in the road.

The anti-magic field effect is covered.

In front of him, an arc-shaped colorful shield was opened in advance.

It has the same magical properties as the "Rainbow Wall" and the "Rainbow Sphere". The protection of this colorful shield, whether it is Isaac, Danilo or Otis behind it, will not be protected due to the reaction. The depressing effect from the magic field was completely blocked by this colorful shield.

He looked at the bewitched side with interest, and also at Eles's moon blade.

Although at this time, the "Arcane Magic Eye" in the passage here has completely disappeared into the anti-magic field.

However, Isaac's dark vision could still directly see the situation over there.

However, while seeing the situation clearly...

In Isaac's expression, there was suddenly some strange color flowing out.

The passage in front of him, his "Arcane Magic Eye", was completely suppressed by the anti-magic field.


There are three forks in the road here!

Of course, he would not focus all of his "arcane magic eyes" into this passage.

Therefore, his eyes were looking forward. In the other two passages, there were also his "arcane magic eyes".

At this time, these "arcane eyes" combined with the induction of his spiritual will...

"It is indeed a bit extraordinary!"

"But if that's the case...is there more than one?"

Isaac's eyes were always staring at the beholder, but in the depths of his eyes, some flickering colors were flowing.

Seeing this, the beholder was retreating and put away the anti-demon field, and immediately, a series of rays flew out...

"Danilo, pay attention to what's going on behind you."

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