Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 971 First Battle (3)

(This chapter is made up for last night. It became more and more difficult to code at night, and I was too sleepy)

The situation behind!

What Uncle Lei means...

Danilo thought for a moment that he knew what was going on behind him. What he meant by "the back" was by no means the way they came.

It’s even better to…

"It must be that those 'Peeping Demonic Eyes' created by Uncle Lei before have noticed something abnormal in the other two passages!"

Of course, the illusion of Felin Demon Sunflower can hide an ambush without being noticed by others.

However, the secret of Uncle Lei is that even Aunt Laila feels that she is inferior. No matter how much illusion there is, it is very unlikely to hide it from him.

As the thought flashed through his mind, Danilo nodded in agreement, and at the same time, his gaze also retracted from the side of the "Colorful Shield" with reluctance.

He was a student taught by Uncle Kelben, and he often received guidance from Aunt Laila. When it came to spell recognition, he thought he still had enough vision.

If he read it correctly, Uncle Lei's "Colorful Shield" was definitely a modified version of the "Rainbow Sphere".

The rainbow light magic ball and the rainbow light magic wall have the characteristics of blocking the anti-magic field effect.

This "Colorful Shield" is based on them and has the same attributes.

Because of this, when the shield was erected in front of them, the anti-magic field spreading from the beholder was immediately blocked from an empty area.

What's more, such an empty area is also advancing simultaneously with Uncle Lei's footsteps.

This is……

"A greatly reduced version of the rainbow light sphere's range, but the fixed protective barrier has been modified into a portable protection similar to the 'shield technique'!"

Danilo felt a little greedy at this recognition.

Although this kind of "Rainbow Shield" does not have all-round protection like the "Rainbow Sphere".

However, just in terms of mobility, this is too convenient.

Moreover, it is not a full range of shield protection, which is actually also a convenience.

If it were really like the "Rainbow Spell", it would not be convenient to move around and cast the spell at the same time.

But at this time, Danilo still didn't have the heart to think too much.

After Uncle Lei pointed at the beholder, his eyes suddenly turned away from there. Danilo and Otis immediately turned most of their vigilance to the back.

And at this moment...


Albadra's eyeball ray has been prepared.

It is necessary to temporarily close the main eye, close the anti-magic field, give the enemy two or three waves of rays, and then reopen the anti-magic field.

Suddenly, at the end of his field of vision, the magic shield that was still shining with colorful light even within the anti-magic field area suddenly squeezed into his eyes.

"Rainbow Spell!"

"The Archmage again?"

Unconsciously, Albadra's heart wrinkled.

Possessing the ability to open and close at any time and with a larger range of anti-magic fields, beholders can be said to be the natural nemesis of spellcasters.

This is especially true in an environment similar to the Underdark.

However, with a high enough intelligence, Albadla would not think that spell casters, especially high-level spell casters, would have no choice but to be captured once they encountered them.

In fact, there are quite a few ways to prevent anti-magic fields.

Not to mention legendary spells and the like.

Such as "evoking the undead", such as "foreign oath binding", such as "golem creation", etc., these can all be used to enter the anti-demon field.

And things like "Power Wall Technique" and "Rainbow Light Magic Wall" can directly block the anti-magic field.

Having been at war with Efraska for such a long time, Albadra was already familiar with it.

As soon as the "colorful light" over there came into his field of vision, Albad immediately reacted in his heart. Another high-level mage had arrived!

Moreover...there is obviously something wrong with that "colorful light"!

Within the area of ​​the anti-magic field, the rainbow light is still moving and advancing! ? ?

For a moment, Albadla had some doubts in his heart, but he also understood...

"it's time!"

The main eye is still closed.

In an instant, all the anti-magic fields in front of them dissipated.

It's completely connected, with almost no gaps.

"biu! biu! biu!"

Locked in front of the charging Moon Elf, three eyeball rays intersected in an instant.

Dissociation ray!

Petrifying ray!

Slow ray!

At the same time as these three rays were shot out, Albadla's spherical body was recharging energy while volleying and inverting.

Quickly, two more eye stalks emerged from the bottom and sides of the body, twisting their eyes and looking towards this side.

"Death finger ray!"

"Charm monster ray!"

It is also an eyeball ray that has been fully charged. As long as the body position is adjusted correctly, it can be fired directly and instantly.

However, the body position was quickly adjusted, but before the eyes at the top of the two eye stalks locked onto the moon elf's body...

Suddenly, Albadlan's eye, which was always observing and monitoring the rainbow light, suddenly shrank at this moment.

An arc-like teleportation light!

"Isaac's continuous flashes!"

It was traveling slowly and slowly in the anti-magic field, but at the moment when the beholder temporarily closed the anti-magic field, the "high-level super-magic instant scepter" in Isaac's hand was almost the same. Lifted up momentarily.

In the strong supernatural light.

His figure, together with the "Rainbow Shield", disappeared in an instant.

Just in front.

Iles reacted quickly enough to avoid the "Petrification Ray", but was hit by both the "Dissociation Ray" and the "Slowness Ray".

Although he had the "sacred immunity" granted by the moon blade, his body's toughness could resist the dissociation of the "dissociation ray", but the destructive energy of the ray itself still caused considerable damage to him. .

In particular, the "Slowness Technique" acting at the same time made all his movements suddenly seem to be stuck in the mud.

Standing up, the bugbears and jackals chasing after them took the opportunity to roar and pounce on...

In the sky, a rainbow of light suddenly shone and appeared.

In a moment, most of the jackals chasing here screamed.

"Rainbow Shield" is similar to "Rainbow Wall", it can blind creatures in the nearby area with a life energy level lower than level 8 for a certain period of time!

And it’s this rainbow light that accompanies it.

Isaac jumped directly above the beholder, and Isaac's figure appeared.

One appeared, and with one kick, he kicked the beholder directly on the head!

With the physical changes made by the "Green Dragon Crown", he can maintain his own characteristics and attributes.

Although he is still an old green dragon, but with the improvement of "full attribute grant", even in terms of strength attributes, he is comparable to the ancient green dragon.

At this moment, this kick...

Even though Albadla was an advanced beholder, with good physique and toughness, he still felt like he was being hammered by a giant, unable to control his stability at all, and his huge body was slammed to the ground.

"Telekinesis ray!"

"Ray causing moderate damage!"

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