Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 972 The First Battle (Part 2)

Although he was caught off guard by Isaac's precise instant teleportation.

What he didn't expect was that this mysterious spell caster was so powerful that he was even comparable to a high-ranking giant.

However, the beholder is born with a global vision, and Albadla is always vigilant.

Isaac kicked him down, knocking his body down directly.

However, with two "biubiu" sounds, Alba pulled the two eye stalks above his head and behind him, but still two eyeball rays were shot out instantly.

Although the energy storage preparation of the eyeball ray often takes a few seconds, the release of the ray itself is an immediate action for the beholder, which is equivalent to an instantaneous action.

Although Isaac knocked him down with one kick, Albadela still had two eyeballs that locked onto Isaac instantly, and also completed the release of the ray instantly.

"Telekinesis ray!"

The powerful force directly impacted Isaac's right hand holding the "Higher Super Magic Scepter".

"Ray causing moderate damage!"

The strong negative energy impacted and offset Isaac's life energy.

And at the same time...

"Anti-magic field!"

Don't care about the release of other rays.

Just after closing it, Albadra's main eye immediately began to open again.

The effect of the anti-magic field suddenly began to be released again.

And with his release...

In front of him, it was Eles who had fallen into a "slow" state, and his body felt light again.

The bugbear leader rushed from behind, his battle ax violently smashing at him.

There was no time to complete an effective dodge. Iles, who had regained his sensitivity, raised his arm and blocked it with his arm armor.

At the same time, even within the area of ​​the anti-magic field, the moon blade still has a strong aura. Even if it is a backhand attack, it still has the speed of the blink of an eye and stabs out in a flash.

He had already seen it, and Mr. Lei finally took action.

With this person's action, he no longer needs to contain the beholder.

With most of his concentration, Eles finally returned to the bugbear leader's side!

This backhand sword was immediately followed by a furious roar.

But at the same time, Elise's calm gaze suddenly shrank.

His left arm was originally part of a high-quality magic armor. However, at this time, all magical effects were suppressed by the anti-magic field. After all, the arm armor could not withstand the brute force swing of the battle ax by the bugbear leader. .

The arm bone is broken!

The sharp pain pierced his heart, but his expression did not change. When Iles stabbed the bugbear leader with his backhand sword, his figure shrank and turned around.

The sword light was like a torrential rain, pouring down on the bugbears and the jackals behind them who were blinded due to the magical effect of the "Rainbow Shield".

Although the beholder's anti-magic field does indeed inhibit his magic ability.

However, Eles was never a pure mage.

The Elf Swordsman is a swordsman who not only has powerful magical abilities, but also extremely skilled swordsmanship.

Before he failed to inherit the Moon Blade for the first time and therefore self-exiled from Evermeet Island, Iles was one of the captains of the palace guards of the Evermeet Island royal family. Even in terms of pure sword skills, except for the colluding Spider Queen, Apart from the captain of the guard who initiated the rebellion, there are almost no other guard leaders at captain level or above who can surely defeat him.

At this time, he no longer paid attention to the beholder, and instead released all his anger on the bugbears and gnolls...

"Aren't you in a hurry to show up?"

Isaac hit by two rays.

The sudden force of the "telekinesis ray" only caused his body to sway.

The "moderate damage ray" was completely impossible to break through his immunity, and it only dealt half the damage.

Such damage may have some impact on Elis, but its impact on him even exceeds the vitality of the ancient golden dragon...

There is almost no impact at all!

He kicked the beholder and was hit by two eyeball rays from the beholder's quick reaction. Isaac's eyes did not pay any attention to the beholder. Instead, he glanced at the beholder and was preparing for the anti-magic site again. The shrouded battlefield.

Elise's injury suddenly broke out again!

Arilyn's powerful thrust, and the disappearance of the "Elf Shadow" reappeared, and then continued to disappear into the anti-magic field!

Furthermore, Danilo and Otis at the rear were still launching some attacks on the rear.

However, for such an attack, Isaac only narrowed his eyes and made a judgment in his heart.

"It's jackals and lizardmen, and a lot of undead..."

Just these, without the beholder and the illithid. Obviously, this is by no means the main army.

It's not the main army. Of course, it's very possible that it exists. It's even possible that the Felin Demon Kui is either an individual or planning something.

However, it is not the main army, but a large number of undead appear...

"Whether it's manipulating dead bodies or summoning undead spirits, these all require the consumption of precious materials such as black onyx."

"But, this is just a spell!"

"The magic of Felin Demon Kui is similar to the essence of spell-like abilities."

"With 'spell-like ability', no specific language or posture is required, and it can even avoid the nature of all spell-casting materials..."

The only thought in Isaac's mind was that he knew the reasons for the formation of these undead.

Since Felin Demon Sunflower's spellcasting avoids all casting materials, in terms of "manipulating the dead" and "evoking the undead", naturally there is no need to pay the price of materials such as "black onyx".

In this way, even if the total life energy level of the undead creatures that can be controlled by "Awakening the Undead" is within a certain limit, those that exceed this limit will no longer be controlled.

But at least, these undead souls that can be created without any cost actually exist.

If it exists, there is always a way to control it.

Apparently, that's the case now!

After reacting to this in his mind instantly, Isaac did not continue to think about it, but...

"Without the beholders and illithid, it's obvious that the phaerim is not ready to take action yet."

"Don't rush to take action at this time... This beholder, as well as the monster army inside and outside here, should be him, or even their bait!"

"Of course, it can also become a... touchstone!"

Test the gold content of the trespasser's stone!

With this experiment, Mo Kui, who was behind the scenes, would naturally know how to advance and retreat!

This judgment...

"It seems that after the joint attack by Efraska, Waterdeep City's reinforcements, and the City of Ghosts, these guys have become more cautious."

"If that's the case... then it will be your wish!"

The thought flashed across my mind.

Before the beholder could struggle up from the ground, Isaac's body suddenly fell.

Alba pulled the eyesore above his head and tried to entangle him.

But with a slap, Isaac hit the top eyeball directly.

His body is a legendary weapon comparable to +10 quality. No matter how tough the beholder's body is, how can it withstand his slap?

With just one slap, the eyeball was almost blown out.

Followed by another kick.

The beholder, which had not yet struggled, suddenly "lyed" on the ground with its huge body.

"Paralyzing Touch!"

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