Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 973 War Fortress (Part 1)

"Paralyzing Touch!"

Coming from the Warlock profession, he is not affected by "Mana Empowerment". However, with the "Spell Assimilation" feat, Isaac's Intelligence attribute of up to 49 points can replace the Charisma attribute after suffering a "-4" penalty. , as the main spellcasting attribute of the Warlock profession.

In other words, even if it is not affected by "Mana Enhancement", only the increase in the main spellcasting attribute under the effect of "Spell Assimilation" can still bring about a full 17-level increase in spell strength.

Such strength... is completely enough to deal with this beholder!

On one side, there were two consecutive kicks, and the huge force of the meteor bombardment trampled the beholder until it was completely unable to get up.

On one side, there was no spellcasting action or even the chanting of incantations, but the cold and dark negative energy quickly condensed into a death claw directly behind the beholder.

"Spell setting-Paralyzing Touch!"

"Arcane Hand!"

Arcane Hand, with the advanced arcane ability acquired by giving up the seventh-level spell slot, Isaac can conduct direct contact attacks with contact spells at will within 30 feet of him.

Originally, the use of paralyzing touch must be combined with effective attacks from both hands to be effective, similar to the lich's paralyzing touch ability.

But combined with the "Arcane Hand", once the spell is completed, as long as any target enters within 30 feet of him, it is equivalent to being sent directly to his claws!

Once the claws of darkness appeared, it was impossible for Albadra's full field of vision not to notice it.

However, being trampled by Isaac's ancient green dragon-like power, no matter how angry the beholder was, it could only fight back with one or two eyeball rays, but it was unable to struggle at all.

And this eyeball ray...

One is Isaac's "Rainbow Shield", which blocks him halfway.

The other one was even caught by Isaac with a wave of his hand, and disappeared into the palm of his hand without any reaction.

His all-round immunity attributes are too strong, especially in terms of "toughness" and "will", the Ancient Golden Dragon is far behind him.

As for the beholder's ray, in terms of intensity, normally it is slightly inferior to the spell of the same name, so naturally it is impossible to break through his immunity attribute!

After the struggle of these last two rays.

Isaac's paralyzing touch was also completed.

The dark and cold claws of negative energy then touched the beholder's body from behind.

Suddenly, the beholder's huge body froze, and all its eyes, including the main eye that was releasing the anti-magic field, lost all activity for a moment. In this instant, this progress The vitality of the beholder demon has completely disappeared.

The anti-magic field also disappeared.

And as soon as the anti-magic field disappears...

A moment ago, he was showing off his power despite his broken arm. At this moment, Elais's body suddenly fell into the mud again.

At the same time, on Arilyn's side, the "elf shadow" that disappeared due to the suppression of the anti-magic field also appeared again.

"Shape Control - Fireball!"

Isaac waved his scepter again.

“Not those voters!”

"It's just that Albadela's team was able to fight with them for a while and even injured some of them... Those voters must not have been lurking in the dark."

"You can try it once."

"Beware of those elects and the teleportation of those shadow mages, or lead them deeper into the fortress."

"Actually... is it possible that we can use these people as bait to set up a trap? With two moon blades, the identities of these people are not simple!"

Dark underground tomb.

The deepest part of the tomb.

There was no fire, no sound, just... some mental thoughts, communicating silently.

At this time, if there is a creature with strong dark vision here, it will be found that in the secret palace with a sarcophagus, there is a "wind bag"-like, hollow creature suspended.

This "wind bag" is conical in shape.

The head is a big mouth full of spike-like teeth, like a giant chrysanthemum.

Going slightly back, there are four arms, all with sharp claws.

The further back the body is, the smaller it gets. At the end of the tail, there is a scorpion-like barb.

This creature is green overall and covered with a rough and tough skin. It looks like a special magical plant life.

Suspended in the air, there were multiple mental powers of different frequencies, which were pulsating silently around him.

However, there are many ways of spiritual power, but he is the only figure in this secret palace.

It was as if all the mental powers except his were directly extended from the void.

"No, it's better to be cautious first. After capturing them first, we can then consider whether and how to set up traps!"

"Today is different from the past. Before the shadow shield was resolved, Otto City was attacked by the City of Shadows again. The three giants joined forces, but they were still defeated by that one...

Therefore, before we reach a formal alliance with the Zhentarim, and before we release the group from the Northern Burial Ground, we must be cautious! "

A spiritual fluctuation that can make people directly feel the feeling of aging, even if it is spiritual consciousness, is transmitted here silently from the void.

"Has the Zhentarim agreed to reveal the secret to creating the Dead Eye Tyrant?"

Another mental fluctuation came from the void, and there was some surprise in the "voice".

Since we have already mentioned a "formal covenant", the implication is that there is already a preliminary consensus, right?

The Zhentarim have a long-standing alliance with the beholder tribe.

And they are famous for controlling beholders, including illithids.

In addition, whether it is the elves or the city of ghosts, Judu is their enemy, and they are also taboo and wary of Zhentarin Hui...

This does have the premise of an alliance!

Moreover, behind the Zhentarim stands a powerful being.

Although they do not believe in any gods, they at least have some respect for the Lord of Darkness!

Especially, in the current situation, this respect is available and necessary!

"That person is only willing to help us make it, not take it out directly."

"However, the Big Three are already inclined to agree with him."

"Otu City is no longer able to stop it, and Myth Drannor is also being hunted..."

"We need this ally!"

The old consciousness came again, and some helplessness was faintly revealed.

In the past, they never cared about allies or not. If necessary, they would just enslave and dominate.

but now……

"Just be cautious first!"

"Does Albadla know that this place has become the gateway to our war fortress?"

Another different spiritual consciousness intervened at this time.

Suspended in the secret palace, the windbag-like Felin Demon Kui finally spoke: "Don't worry, everyone, including Albadra, doesn't know this. This book is specially prepared for those people! "

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