Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 974 War Fortress (Part 2)

Individually, phaerimms are proud and solitary creatures.

Pride, that is, their power is extremely powerful. In terms of magic, almost no race can keep up with their overall level.

As for being lonely...

Phaelings do not differentiate between male and female. They only rely on themselves for reproduction and never have any partners. Therefore, under normal circumstances, Phaelings and Phaelings will never live together.

However, with a high degree of intelligence, even between individuals, there will be no feelings, including friendship and so on.

However, there will also be no serious conflict between the Phayling Demon Kui and the Phayling Mo Kui.

What's more, whenever they encounter a powerful enemy, Felin Mokui will spontaneously form a temporary group.

Groups of as few as three or five people formed a temporary war fortress.

If there are too many, the entire race may even start a "national war."

The war with the witch empire Istosefifer, the war with the Magic Dynasty, and the war with the Saren spirits that followed were all at the level of "national war".

This war with Efraska would have been at the same level as a "national war" if there was not another ethnic group that was still trapped in the northernmost part of the Saron Wall and had not yet been released.

In a war of this level, as long as they are not trapped, Felin Mokui's participation will naturally be extremely high.

Especially now, the situation facing the race as a whole is quite severe.

Not to mention the ones who escaped from the burial ground, it was the phaerim of Otu City and Myth Drannor, who were also doing their best to participate and support.


But precisely because of this, Otu City was quickly targeted by the City of Shadows. On Misdrannor's side, a hunting team of Shadow Souls also appeared!

These remnants of the arcane masters from the Magic Dynasty era hold a grudge against them too deeply.

Of course, the arcanists hold a grudge against them.

Felin Demon Kui also did not forget the arcanist!

Back then, if these arcane masters hadn't used spells indiscriminately, which directly destroyed the environment of the burial place and affected their survival, they might not have launched a war against those floating cities and those immortality spells, researching specialized spells. !

Of course, this is all old news and has little relevance to today.

The current goal of the Felin Demon Kui is to completely destroy the Wall of Saron and let all the tribesmen escape.


Rescuing the large troops trapped by the "shadow shield" is naturally the most important prerequisite!

At this time, in order to meet this large force, those who were lucky enough not to be trapped in the shadow shield came from Otto City, and there were also those who came from Myth Drannor. This was the temporary A team of magic sunflowers was gathered together, and in a state of war, they formed a traditional temporary war fortress in Felin.

Calculating the approximate time it will take for the large army to escape, this war fortress has been frequently launching various harassment attacks in recent times.

At this time, in the secret hall of the mausoleum, the old Felin Demon Sunflower "Cers Wenzel" was one of the main planners of various harassment and attacks.

The old-age Felin Demon Kui has a warlock level of at least level 16 and a comprehensive strength level of at least an 18th-level professional.

With such power, coupled with the enslaved monster army, at least a team with legendary professionals can solve it.

At the same time, Sirswenzel kept the secret of the "War Fortress" extremely cautiously.

Not to mention the monster army under his command, including the illithid generals and beholder generals, none of them knew that the tomb he occupied had quietly built a secret portal.

Through this secret portal, members of their group can provide support at any time.

If the situation goes wrong, he can retreat at any time.

It is precisely by strictly guarding this secret that Sir Wenzel can "safely" condemn various attack teams.

It would be best for these teams to be defeated, captured, and then manipulated to reveal information about the mausoleum base.

Neither he nor the rest of the team have been waiting for this for a long time.

Of course, due to the severe situation, they also remained as cautious as possible.

Although there is "only one old magic sunflower" here, normally it is enough to have a team led by a legendary professional to kill, but... still, Sirs Wenzel has considered whether the voters of the goddess of magic will Something unexpected happened!

In response to these unexpected situations, he teamed up with the two elders Mo Kui to make special secret arrangements.

At this time, it is through these secret arrangements.

On one side, Sirswenzel nonchalantly sent an army of monsters, including undead creatures he created himself, to kill on the other side of the battlefield.

On the other hand, from the perspective of some undead creatures, he was also secretly monitoring the general situation of the battlefield.

Albadra was captured.

However, from the time that the beholder held on, and the time that the teams of bugbears and jackals fought bravely.

In addition, I am always paying attention to the intensity of magic...

According to Sirswenzel's judgment, those chosen by the Goddess of Magic must not have committed suicide themselves.

in this way……

While continuing to monitor, Sirswenzel synchronized this information to other members of the "Temporary War Fortress".

Quickly, the voice of the old spiritual will came: "Yes, since everything is planned, then act according to the plan!"

This old consciousness was one of the two Mo Kui elders who helped Seswenzel complete the layout of the mausoleum.

I have known for a long time that Sirs Wenzel intends to use this mausoleum and layout to set up a trap for the legendary powerhouse of Efraska. Even if there is a chance, it would be best to kill a chosen one alone. .

At this time, he naturally wanted to support Seth Wenzel's plan!

"They are almost defeated over there."

"The escape route here has been prepared for a long time."

"Double sealing barrier, I personally inspected it earlier this morning."

"Everything is going according to plan, just waiting for their pursuit of victory to arrive!"

The huge mouth of Seswenzel's wind bag whirred out some wind sounds.

Felin Demon Kui, telepathy is the main method of communication, but it is not the only one.

The sound of wind is also the most important way of communication between the Flying Demon Kui and the Flying Mo Kui.

They can even blend the information they want to convey into the sound of the wind and send it to the ear of the designated target over a long distance.

At this time, Seswenzel was passing on the rumor to some tribesmen.

It’s almost time to wrap up!

It’s time to get ready!

In just a moment, there was telepathy and wind communication.

"Return to the mausoleum!"

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