Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 982 It’s all under control

"Double ban!"

"Block teleportation!"

"Banning various prophecy effects!"

"Spellcaster level 27!"

"Among the Felin Demon Sunflowers, second only to those giant leaders, the Elder Demon Sunflowers are already in the legendary level and have entered the second extreme level!"

"Of these five, four are old Mo Kui and one is Elder Mo Kui."

"Time stands still!"

"Spellcasting level 24!"

"The arrangement of the double ban barrier has nothing to do with him!"

"So, there is still Elder Mo Kui behind who has not walked out yet!"

Although on Felin Mokui's side, as soon as the barrier was activated, Isaac suddenly began to explode, and a large amount of magic came out in close connection without any gaps.

But at the same time, he did not miss any details about everything around him, whether it was the barrier itself, or the Felin Demon Kui who had appeared or had not yet appeared.

Double sealing barrier, the caster level is "no more than" 27!

This is almost 400 years after being promoted to Elder Mo Kui. His life energy level has been raised to level 27. The comprehensive strength level is only one step away from 30+. It is the most powerful and extreme level among the leaders and giants of Felin Mo Kui. The creation made by Elder Mo Kui!

With this judgment, Isaac did not use the "Energy Storage Dragon Ball" and "Tekira Stone", both of which were used. He raised his legendary caster's scepter and fired a "Legendary Dispelling Technique". "!

Even if the "Energy Storage Dragon Ball" is not activated, his "Legendary Dispelling Technique" can absolutely dispel all magic for casters below level 34!

Against this barrier, there is no need for any temporary correction and increase.

And a legendary dispelling forcefully dispelled the powerful barrier that had just been activated. Almost the next moment, after a large wave of spells came in in conjunction with "Instant Cast - Time Stop".

Identify the opponent's counterattack and cast the spell.

In just a moment, he had a rough idea of ​​the five-headed Felin Demon Sunflower that had appeared.

The only elder Mo Kui, who is a level 24 caster, is obviously not the creator of the barrier.

And since he is not the creator of the barrier... there is a high probability that there is a more powerful elder Mo Kui who is manipulating the barrier and has not yet emerged!

However, just because it hasn’t been released yet, that doesn’t mean it won’t come out.

Considering that it was the 27th level Elder Mo Kui, I was even sure if this was the only one who had not appeared yet...

Immediately, Isaac made a decision to solve this side first, at least, solve this one first!

The "continuous flash" that has been cast is activated immediately.

It also has "Advanced Stealth" added to it.

In addition, the location is outside the "true vision" of Felin Mokui.

There is no hint of any prelude at all.

Taking one step forward, he appeared directly above the head of the elder Demon Kui Anax in the invisible state.

"Green Dragon!!??"

An angry roar suddenly sounded at this moment.

The Ferrin Demon Sunflower has global vision, combined with the elder Demon Sunflower's "True Sight" ability. This is the entire space within 120 feet around the body, all under the permanent observation of Anax's "True Sight" middle.

When Isaac's figure teleported to the top of his head.

The "Legendary Hidden" and "Advanced Stealth" were both broken through.

Without the cover of "Legendary Hidden", the "changing form" has also been seen through.

A green dragon!

It turned out to be a green dragon! ? ?

At this moment, Anax was in disbelief whether it was the power and mystery of this green dragon or its identity itself.

Although the Felin Demon Sunflowers have been sealed under the Enook Desert for more than a thousand years, the Wall of Saron seals them, but not all other creatures.

For more than a thousand years, Felin Demon Kui was not really isolated from the world.

They also have contact with the giant dragon clan.

There are quite a lot of blue dragons living in the Desert of Eno Oak.

The legendary blue dragon warlock Emeris, known as "Desert Doom" and "Blue Wizard", is also the mortal enemy of Felin Demon Kui!

The leader of the Aenook blue dragon clan, Maligris, who is closely related to the Dragon Witch Cult!

Even "Sharp Tooth" Ivycolan LS was born here!

Blue dragons naturally like to build nests under the desert. Once the nest is too deep and reaches the level of their burial place...

For a long time, there has never been any friendship between Felin Demon Kui and the Blue Dragon!

That's why...

Anax knows very well what it means to be a giant dragon whose caster level alone reaches level 30+!

This green dragon was so numerous and powerful that it even dazzled his eyes. The effects of legendary spells also confirmed his "knowledge".


"Why does the green dragon side with the elves??"

Shocked and angry!

However, Anax was not at a point where he could not react yet.

Global vision!

Lightning reflex!

The green dragon's figure teleported and appeared, and the two sharp claws above the elder Mo Kui's body immediately clawed at it.

And at the same time, his performance of "Standing Time" is still continuing.

Felin's magic is like a spell-like ability that does not require any language or movement. Therefore, even during an attack, Anax can still maintain the casting of this spell.

However, the next moment...

"The power of the ancient dragon!!"

"Far beyond the ancient dragon, a body like a legendary weapon!!!"

"There is also this spell..."

The green dragon's unparalleled power instantly crushed all his resistance.

With just a slap, his claws were almost broken.

With just a flying kick, his huge body was kicked directly from the sky by the green dragon and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Anax kept his mind as calm as possible and clearly sensed that the green dragon's spell was still continuing!

No incantatory language required!

No casting action is required either!

What’s more, there’s also such a high level of concentration in spellcasting!

This green dragon, by itself, has already reached or even surpassed the innate talent of casting of the Felin Demon Kui clan!

"I'm afraid the Big Three are not as good as him!"

"If Arabella and the others can't come over immediately... there's no way they can survive 20 seconds!"

"Furthermore, since such a green dragon appears here... I'm afraid it's more than just what's in front of me!"


As the figure flew down, Anax tried his best to resist, while also doing his best to maintain the spell.

But at the same time... another decision passed through his mind.

But it was in sync with his shock and anger.

"Is this Felin's magic!"

"It's indeed interesting!"

Although Isaac focused most of his attention on the elder Mo Kui at his feet.

However, his perception and will are too high.

Still, he was quite sure of every move of the elderly Mo Kui behind him.

The four old demon sunflowers are all casting spells, and their spell abilities are all good.

However, as long as he has not mastered legendary spellcasting, has not acquired a tenth-level spell slot, and uses the spontaneous spellcasting of a Felin magician, it would normally be difficult for Isaac to look at him with suspicion.

But at this time...he really looked a little sideways!

What’s more, it’s not even a goal!

On the other hand, the natural ability of "silent hair" is used to maintain the performance of "fixed hair-withering technique".

On one side, while Isaac kicked the elder Mo Kui, he glanced behind him.

Immediately, there was a flash of strange color in his eyes.

Two-headed philim magic sunflower!

One of them is performing an illusion.

And as he cast the spell, Isaac could clearly sense that the essence of his spell was actually interacting with the deeper nature of magic.

and then……

"It's just like a legendary illusion!"

"This must be the reason why Felin Demon Kui's illusion has a degree of reality similar to that of 'shadow magic'!"

"Similarly, this must be the reason why the Eno Oak Desert was formed. The environment here in Efraska has quickly become remote, and it must be related to this!"

Isaac could clearly sense the extraordinary nature of this illusion.

He also sensed that with the use of this illusion, the moisture in the surrounding environment was quickly drained out.

But at this time, he didn't keep staring at this person.

He glanced at another Mo Kui again.

This Felin Demon Kui is different from Chang Kui. Each of its four claws holds a scimitar,

At this time, Geng was flying in pursuit, and at the same time, there was also a spell that should be an "anti-magic field", which was being quickly cast.

Phae Lin Mo Kui is naturally addicted to law. Normally speaking, although his natural melee strength is not bad, but... This style of fighting purely with the body has always been shameful for Phae Lin Mo Kui. In childhood and adolescence, it was possible to take advantage of it due to lack of magical abilities.

But at this time, this "scimitar man"...

"It's time for an inauguration similar to the 'Arcane Knight'!"

"Although it still satisfies Felin Mokui's natural addiction to law, it also has more powerful fighting power. In this way, just because of the lack of 'instant spellcasting', it can bully people close by. Fight with your sword while continuing to cast spells!"

Just like this old demon, the Arcane Knight's close combat ability, coupled with the advantage of four arms and multi-weapon combat, and his innate spell-casting ability, he can fight and cast spells at the same time. When necessary, he even dares to open an "anti-magic field" "Come and fight...

Isaac also had to admit that advanced professions such as "Arcane Knight" were indeed suitable for the Felin Demon Kui.

So much so... At this time, this old Mo Kui should obviously be unable to see his figure, but he actually dared to pursue him and wanted to meet this elder Mo Kui!

However, this Demon Sunflower Knight was "confident", but Isaac's gaze was immediately withdrawn after one glance.

Other mages may be afraid of being so close to such an arcane knight, especially being restricted by the "anti-magic field", but he never cares about this!

"Customized Hair - Withering Technique!"

“Plastic Control!”

Among all the spells, he was still the one who completed it first.

With a wave of the scepter, the withering technique swept up endless death energy, directly centered on himself, covering the elder Mo Kui and the Mo Kui Knight chasing after him. within it.

But at the same time, with advanced arcane abilities, another safe space was reserved in this huge area where death energy was raging.

Naturally, this safe space is exactly where he is.

And it was almost at the same moment.

"Time stands still!"

It was precisely because of the "Withering Technique" that Anax's spell was finally completed.

With the instantaneous switching of the time flow level, everything in front of Elder Mo Kui's eyes suddenly came to a standstill.

"Three rounds of time!"

At the first moment, Anax breathed a sigh of relief.

Chasing the green dragon like a shadow, he also knew before that the green dragon could perform instant spellcasting twice in a row. In addition, he also sacrificed the "Instant-Legendary Dispelling Technique" cast. Quite a lot of vitality... Although he tried his best to stay calm, the pressure he was under was actually quite great!

Fortunately, it finally came to an end!

At least, this "time stop" was displayed and was not dispelled or counterattacked!

"They should also be on guard against Arabella and the others. Otherwise, given that this green dragon has at least four or five times, and possibly even more, daily legendary spells, after the 'Wither Technique', he is fully capable. Counter my 'Time Stop'!"

"In addition, if the voters of the Goddess of Magic also participated in this action..."

Once again, Arabella confirmed her previous thoughts.

There is no time to delay.

"Gate to the Otherworld - Call the Balor Demon!"

"Gate to the Otherworld - Call the Balor Demon!"

It is two consecutive rounds of the ninth-level spell "Gate to Another World", and it is also a monster call performed by sacrificing "professional accumulation".

The Balor Fire Demons at both ends were directly summoned by him in the sky.

The next moment.

"Instant - Advanced Teleportation!"

There was no thought of waiting for the time stop to end before teleporting again.

Fearing that the green dragon would take aim, Anax used a "quick teleportation" during the time stop, and his figure disappeared directly into the underground tomb.

After a few seconds, wait for all time velocity layers to return to the same level.

As if, this elder Mo Kui had been teleported back to their lair of "War Fortress".

The thought in his mind flashed, and immediately, a "SMS" was cast: "There is an ambush, evacuate quickly!"

Immediately, Anax felt at ease.

Whenever he encountered an enemy that was difficult to resist, he would always sacrifice his career accumulation, summon two Balor Fire Demons to help him fight, and immediately notify his unsuspecting teammates...

He is truly benevolent and righteous!

"He actually slipped away!"

On the other side, Isaac chuckled.

Of course he has a judgment about Elder Mo Kui's "time is still".

However, judging from this, he was more preparing to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, after the two Balo Flame Demons were summoned, the Elder Demon Kui actually ran away!

Fortunately, he had no intention of cleaning up Felin Mokui.

If you run away, run away. As long as you can continue to be the enemy of the elves in the future, this is the best elder Mo Kui!

"Continuous flashes!"

With the "teleportation distance" that the spell had not yet used up, Isaac's figure disappeared instantly again.

next moment.

It directly bypassed the "Rainbow Light Magic Wall" that was being completed.

Directly from behind the three-headed old demon sunflower.

The "Higher Super Magic Scepter" was waved for the third time today.

In the extremely powerful purple light.

"Instant - Advanced Roaring Technique!"

A huge roar that shook the sky!

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