Dr. Green Dragon

Chapter 983 Don’t talk about martial ethics

Standing at Isaac's level, there are no Felin Demon Kui who have legendary spellcasting abilities and no level 10 spell slots. It is naturally not a problem to solve this.

However, this is just a solution.

What he wants is an object that can be used for experimental research, and he wants something alive!

This restriction is not easy to overcome even if it is just the old Mo Kui.

Phaelings are immune to petrification and transformation, and are naturally capable of powerful mind manipulation. They also have extremely strong resistance to domination and charm.

At the same time, because all spell casting does not require any language or movement, nor does it require any casting materials, spells such as "Paralyzing Touch", even if they can put them into a state of paralysis and suspended animation, they still cannot restrain them. Even under paralysis, you can continue to perform "silent + fixed" spells!

Such abilities and attributes, coupled with the fact that they have formed a team at this time...

It is impossible for Isaac to seal everyone in an instant!

Therefore, he chose to use the "Advanced Roar Technique" first!

The eighth-level magic - Advanced Roaring, can cause a certain amount of sonic damage to a large fan-shaped area, and can also cause shock and deafness to creatures.

Because this "shock" does not target the will, but requires strength to resist...

This spell is not so friendly to most spellcasters.

The same goes for the phaerinn.

The Phaeling Demon Sunflower certainly has racial advantages in terms of will saves, especially its resistance to dominance and charm.

However, the shock of the advanced roaring technique is aimed at toughness.

With Isaac's extraordinary intelligence increase and the enhancement of level 12 "Spell Power", his advanced roaring technique came out...


"These two brats!"

But at this moment, Isaac suddenly moved again in his heart.

All spells are cast instantly.

But it changed temporarily.

"Shape Control!"

In the huge fan-shaped area, the roar of countless thunder explosions at the same time suddenly submerged all three Felin Demon Sunflowers in it.

But that's about it.

With a flash of teleportation light, the figure of the half-elf girl also appeared in this sound wave area.

Naturally, it was Danilo who used the "Advanced Any Door" to teleport her here at a precise location.

One appeared, her right hand was holding the Moon Blade, and her left hand was already activating the "anti-magic amulet", but it had not yet been activated.


No matter where she is, Aililin has entered a fighting state.

Danilo, who was still completing the transmission of the "Advanced Any Door", immediately pressed his hand on the "Gem of Shadow Knowledge" in front of his forehead.

Both of them were shocked and bewildered.

When Isaac once again entered the combined state of "Legendary Hidden" and "Advanced Stealth", the chaotic environment of the battlefield and Arilyn's Moon Blade ability made it impossible to accurately capture Isaac.

Not to mention, at this time, Isaac is still experiencing "time standing still" and "continuous flashes".

However, the two of them did not expect that besides taking care of the elder Mo Kui, he would also take care of these old Mo Kui.

Unexpectedly, this speed was even half a step faster than Danilo's "Advanced Any Door".

When Arilin teleported, she fell into an extremely strong sound wave field.

However, it is different from those Felin demons who were instantly deafened and their consciousness was blurred.

It was obviously a "safe space" specially left. There was actually a silent normal space around Arilyn. Not only did the advanced roaring technique not cause any harm to her, the "shock" and "deafness" effects were also completely Not a bit!

"The Archmage's 'Shaping Control'!"

"Too strong!"

"Uncle Lei's level of control over magic is simply unimaginable!"

"It's surprising that at this juncture, they can take care of us accurately!"

His hand was already placed on the "Gem of Shadow Knowledge". After putting away his surprise, Danilo couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration again.

He also has a pursuit of magic.

Uncle Lei's palace-level magic control has set a new benchmark for him.

But this time is not the time to be distracted after all.

When the "Time Stop" of the elder Mo Kui ended, he disappeared directly, but there were also two more Balor Fire Demons in the sky!

Not only that, but the telepathic connection from Eles's moon blade seemed to be activating from behind, and there were signs of an ambush surging out.

Without hesitation, the "Shadow Knowledge Gem" was activated.

The resonance effect between the soul and the gems, where Danilo was, countless streams of light suddenly started flying around him, and an extremely extraordinary special effect was quickly produced.

"Monster Holding Technique!"

Under the tacit protection of Elis and Otis, Danilo waved his staff, but the target was the two Balor Balrogs pointing at the sky.

At this time, the two Balor Fire Demons were actually confused and confused.

It was called when "time stood still".

But before the "time stopped" ended, the elder Mo Kui teleported and escaped.

Therefore, when they were called, the two Balor Fire Demons did not even see who called them.

Although I have an instinctive feeling in my heart, I know which side is the enemy, but...

Who called them?

What are the orders?

"Gate to Another World" can have two effects.

One, purely as a portal connecting different planes. During the duration of the spell, not only itself, but any creature can travel through this portal.

The other is to make a biological call!

There are two more subdivisions.

One is like the "Monster Summoning Spell", which is just a short-term call. Of course, the ninth-level spell also sacrifices "professional accumulation". The strength of the creatures that the "Gate to Another World" can summon is naturally required. It is much more powerful than the "ninth-level monster summoning technique".

The other is similar to the "Oath from Another World". You need to reach a transaction contract with the called creature before you can call the creature. And until the task is completed, the creature can stay in its place for a long time. .

In the state of "time stands still", it is certainly impossible for the Elder Demon Kui to convince the Balor Balrog, so Anax's choice was obviously the first method of calling.

Normally, this kind of call would definitely lead to a fierce battle.

However, due to the influence of "Time Stop", the two Balor Fire Demons did not receive direct combat orders.

Moreover, one was summoned, and in the surrounding space, the "Wither Technique", the "Advanced Roar Technique", the "Rainbow Wall", and those mysterious and powerful four-clawed windbag monsters...

An obvious high-level battle!

In particular, the Balor Fire Demon's natural "Eye of True Knowledge" fluttered its wings and flew into the sky, while looking around and observing. These two high-level demons coincided with each other, and their hearts sank again.

With a high degree of intelligence, they can naturally see which side has the advantage on the battlefield.

Those windbag monsters are already very powerful, but on the opposite side, with that dazzling aura... they are actually close to the standard holy weapons and legendary equipment in everyone's hands!

That's not all.

Obviously, there should be an "invisible" strong man who is directly suppressing all the windbag monsters.

However, their "true vision" and their perception ability were completely unable to capture this mysterious invisible man!

The observation and analysis of the battlefield was completed in the blink of an eye.

With the telekinesis between Tanar'ri and Tanar'ri that can be carried out at will, the two Balor Fire Demons once again communicated instantly.

next moment.


"Advanced teleportation!"

One summoned the violent flame energy, and the other performed the teleportation technique.

Above the sky, the roaring flames surged rapidly.

at the same time.

He rushed into the "Wither Technique" range. Although he suffered a wave of damage, he also completed the "Anti-Magic Field" and his body fell to the ground. Seeing the flame storm beginning to brew, the Demon Sun Knight They all had the intention to remove the "anti-magic field", but they finally put away this plan.

He glanced around and paraded like a snake, but instead of fighting towards the opposite side,... instead...with the cover of the "anti-magic field", this Demonic Sunflower Knight retreated to the fortress at the rear!

There is a feeling that Anax seems to be gone!

They are still fighting, but the elder has run away?

Of course, the Phaylings are not a selfless race.

With this suspicion, the Demon Sun Knight must be on the safe side.

Retreat to the fortress first, heal your wounds first, and then see if Anax is really gone, or even if there is a problem with Arabella and Hessandra...

It's not impossible!

Just as the barrier was about to be activated, it was immediately destroyed.

There is a big fight here, and even with such high intensity and high energy level, it has not been teleported yet.

I'm afraid there is a real problem or an accident!

With such a thought, the Demon Sun Knight, who had begun to retreat, became more and more afraid to remove the "anti-magic field".

The body was marching backwards as fast as possible.

"Overlimit-instant-finger of death!"

Isaac's movements were even one step ahead of Balor Balrog's "Fire Storm".

He was just casting it over there, but when he raised his scepter, a death ray was instantly shot out.

It was because of the "Advanced Roaring Technique" that these three Felin Demon Sunflowers naturally had no dodge reaction.

In just one click, one of the demon sunflowers lost all life breath.

"Time stands still!"

Once again, the ninth-level spells from the Warlock profession were cast in succession.

His eyes were paying attention to everything around him.

Balor's "Fire Storm" has no effect.

Danilo and the others are protected by the "Rainbow Magic Wall".

Not only has Arilyn activated the "Anti-Magic Amulet", but even if she didn't use it and only used the ability of the moon blade, she would still be immune to fire damage.

As for himself...

Not to mention his spell resistance, all of Balor Balrog's spell-like abilities have only a 1/20 chance of being able to achieve a breakthrough and then have an effect.

Even if such a probability event really happened, his current fire resistance is as high as 75 points. Without the "strong" or "extremely effective" super magic enhancement of the fire storm, it would hardly cause any damage!

Therefore, compared to this "Fire Storm", it was the Balor Balrog who was performing advanced teleportation, and the sneaky Demon Sunflower Knight below who was supposed to be trying to escape, and it was Isaac who Looked at it a little more.

But... only two eyes!

After that, while maintaining the performance of "Standstill of Time", at the same time... his eyes suddenly looked in the direction of his origin.

"It has started!"



"There is another one...not Laila! Nor is it the Elf High Mage of that day!"

There was a slightly strange look in Isaac's eyes.

The matter here is the matter of the elves. If the chosen ones of the Magic Goddess have long hands, it can be regarded as their matter, but it is obviously not his matter.

It's not his business, so naturally he won't really try his best.

Otherwise, the previous elder Mo Kui would not have been able to escape so easily.

Similarly, after realizing that this was most likely the layout of Felin Demon Kui, he had no intention of taking over all this on his own.

As early as when he was "promoting science" and "advising" his eldest nephew, he calmly sent a summons to Kelburn.

And through "nagging", Kelben and the others were given time to arrive quietly.

From this moment on, Kelben personally took action, and Storm, as well as another legendary caster, also conducted a flanking attack...

Obviously, they attach great importance to the voters of Felin Demon Kui and the Goddess of Magic. Of course, they also attach great importance to people like the eldest nephew and Aililin.

Anyway, now that they are here...

"Two-headed Elder Demon Kui!"

"And they are all more powerful than the elder Mo Kui here!"

"There are only seven Felin Demon Sunflowers, three Elder Demon Sunflowers, and four Elder Demon Sunflowers... If these guys weren't blocked by the shadow shield, they would really be a big trouble.

It’s no wonder that before the City of Ghosts entered the war, Waterdeep City and Efraska joined forces and were always at a disadvantage. Not only did Efraska almost fall, but even Laila almost fell here! "

"However, at least now, here, they can't stand up!"

With the rapid perception and grasp, Isaac's "time stillness" was also completed quickly.

However, the movements of the two Balo flame demons were half a step faster.

The roaring flames swept across a huge area without distinguishing between friend and foe.

This violent flame did not hinder the "Advanced Teleportation Technique" of the other Balor Demon at all.

With a flash of lightning, the figure of the Barro Flame Demon disappeared into the sky.

But even at this moment, they didn't wait for his figure to appear again.

"Time stands still!"

Isaac's spell was also completed.

"Three rounds of time!"

Be sure of this.

First, the scepter waved.

"Power Wall Technique!"

A wall of force field blocks the entrance to the fortress and also blocks the approach of the "anti-magic field".


It was another projection technique, and it was accurately delivered to the area where the fire storm had just swept through.

"Dissociation Technique!"

The last spell was a ray that hit another Felin Demon Sunflower.

Then the pause ends,

The sky-wide fire storm also swept across, but the "Rainbow Magic Wall" created by Felin Mokui previously blocked a large area.

But even this "Fire Storm" did not cause any harm to the remaining two demon sunflowers.

The sonic damage from the "Advanced Roaring Technique" was first, and then it was hit by this "Dissociation Technique". The second Felin Demon Sunflower didn't even leave a body behind, and turned into a human body. A wisp of flying ash disappeared into the sky.

The scepter once again ended.

"Instant - anti-magic ray!"

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