Dragon Ball World.

In the year 737 of the Age of Ages, Planet Vegeta.

A child wearing a Saiyan combat uniform, who looked no more than three or four years old, was sitting on a large rock with a sad face.

His name was Roger, and he was the son of a lower-level Saiyan warrior.

However, he was not an ordinary Saiyan, but a time traveler.

Not long ago, Roger was playing King at home, and somehow he traveled to the body of a Saiyan with the same name as him.

After traveling here, Roger quickly gained the original owner's memory and knew that this was the Dragon Ball World.

Vegeta is now five years old, and Planet Vegeta will probably be destroyed by Frieza soon.

""Shit, this is hell from the beginning. Is God playing tricks on me and letting me come here to die?"

Roger cursed at the sky.

As soon as he finished speaking, an old voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Welcome to the world of Dragon Ball. In order to welcome you, you will gain extraordinary enlightenment!"

"A supernatural enlightenment?"


"So what is this specifically used for?"

Roger asked

"You figure it out yourself!"

"How do you understand it?"

The old voice did not answer.


Roger shouted again.

After making sure that the voice would not answer him again, Roger thought quietly.

""Incredible understanding? Could it be that you can master it as soon as you learn it?"

As Roger said this, he couldn't help but think of Li Xiaoyao in the first version of The Legend of Sword and Fairy. He could learn the opponent's swordsmanship immediately after just one glance, which was considered a martial arts genius.

Incredible understanding should be better than a martial arts genius, right?

Thinking of this, Roger immediately looked up at the sky.

He looked up and found that his eyes could see the wind, the white wind, and the trajectory of the wind in the sky.

"This is……"

Roger looked at the howling wind in the sky and immediately watched it intently.

After a long time, Roger waved his right hand upwards, and a small whirlwind immediately appeared in his hand.

This was the wind control technique that Roger had just learned through observing the wind.

Roger looked at the whirlwind in his hand, raised his right hand upwards, and the whirlwind in his hand immediately disappeared.

"Is this the enlightenment that defies heaven?"

Roger muttered to himself.

Then, Roger observed the sun and condensed a fiery red fireball in his right hand.

The fireball in Roger's hand was different from ordinary energy. The fireball in his hand was formed by absorbing the surrounding heat and sunlight.

Therefore, the temperature of the fireball in his hand was very high.

""Huh... It's so hot!"

Roger threw the fireball in his hand onto the ground.

"If I really have a supernatural comprehension, then I should be able to create teleportation, right?"

Roger's current combat power is only over 300. If he wants to leave Planet Vegeta without being noticed, he has to find a way to control teleportation.

Thinking of this, Roger immediately tried to see if he could create teleportation.

After a long time, Roger learned to control the energy, but he did not create teleportation.

Although Roger has watched the Dragon Ball anime, teleportation is not as easy to control as he imagined.

Sun Wukong spent nearly a year to learn how to teleport.

""It seems that I have oversimplified things!"

Roger said, and immediately used the Air Dance Technique to fly towards the Saiyan main city.

Ten minutes later, Roger arrived at the Saiyan main city.

The Saiyan main city is the most prosperous city on Planet Vegeta, and King Vegeta's palace is in this main city.

Because most Saiyans are sent to other planets to perform missions, there are not many Saiyans living here.

After arriving at the main city, Roger bought some food with the currency of Planet Vegeta and came to the Saiyan spaceship launch room.

""Who are you?" a thin man asked Roger.

His name was Bass, and he was a staff member here.

"Hello, my name is Roger!"


Roger nodded.

"I want to carry out a mission. I wonder if there are any planets that need to be conquered recently?"

Bass looked at Roger and said

"Roger, how strong are you?"


"305 is a bit low!"

"It doesn’t matter even if it’s a more remote planet!"

"I'm afraid this won't work. King Frieza recently asked all Saiyans fighting outside to return to Planet Vegeta!"

Roger:"Return to Planet Vegeta?"

"Yes, maybe there are some instructions!"

"So you can only team up with others and see what missions are available recently. It's a pity that your combat power is a bit low, otherwise you can join Prince Vegeta's team."

"Prince Vegeta!"

"Yes, Prince Vegeta is a genius of the Saiyan race. Although he is only five years old now, his combat power is already eight thousand!"

"In that case, I'll continue to stay on Planet Vegeta!"

Roger said, and turned to leave the Saiyan spaceship launch room.

Bass was not surprised by this.

Roger is now four years old and his combat power is only 305. There is limited room for improvement. In the future, he will definitely be sent by King Vegeta to some planets that are more difficult to conquer.

But if he takes the initiative to send him, he can choose some planets that are less difficult to conquer.

Back in the main city, Roger asked some Saiyans he knew about Frieza's call for the Saiyans to come back.

After asking, Frieza wanted all the Saiyans who were fighting outside to return to Planet Vegeta within two months.

"There are still two months left!"

Roger muttered to himself, looking up at the sky.

Originally, Roger wanted to leave Planet Vegeta and go to Planet Yadrat in the name of a mission.

Now it seems that his plan is not feasible.

He now has two choices. One is to follow Vegeta.

Vegeta can escape the destruction of Planet Vegeta this time.

The second choice is to steal the Saiyan spaceship and leave Planet Vegeta.

Neither of these two choices is so easy.

The first one, if you want to follow Vegeta, you must first join his team.

As the prince of the Saiyans, how can Vegeta join his team?

For example, Raditz, the brother of Sun Wukong, although Raditz only has a combat power of 1500 when he appears, he is a Saiyan.���He is a senior warrior in the Dragon Ball.

Even the current Raditz has a combat power of 800.

The reason why he seems weak in Dragon Ball is that his teammates are too strong.

After careful consideration, Roger finally decided to steal the universe to leave Planet Vegeta.

Although the second one is a bit risky, the future prospects are greater.

However, Roger's combat power is too weak now, and he has to improve his strength before stealing the spaceship.

After thinking about it, Roger immediately went to the commander to buy some iron tools for training.

The gravity of Planet Vegeta is ten times that of the earth, so even if there is no gravity room, with the gravity of Planet Vegeta, it should be faster than ordinary training.

In addition, every time a Saiyan survives the brink of death, his combat power will double.

So he can make good use of this to further improve his strength.

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