Two days later, on a mountain outside the Saiyan main city.

Roger was sweating profusely as he did one-finger push-ups.

Although his comprehension was incredibly strong, his strength still needed to be cultivated through sweat.

During these two days, Roger created the Super Saiyan training method through his insights into the Saiyans surviving the brink of death.

The Super Saiyan training method is for Saiyans to burst out their potential under certain circumstances.

Just like Son Gohan, after being washed to the cliff waterfall, his instinct for survival unleashed the power hidden in his body.

The Super Saiyan training method created by Roger allows Roger to draw out the power in his body when he has a huge instinct for survival.

In addition to the instinct for survival, Saiyans can also burst out with super strength when they are angry.

So based on this, Roger created the emotional training method.

"Nine... Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine, Ten Thousand!"

After Roger finished speaking, he immediately lay on the ground.

When he watched Dragon Ball anime before, he always thought that Sun Wukong was very powerful because he could easily explode stars.

But now that he is practicing, he has experienced their lives and feels that their practice is not easy either.


After a brief sigh in his heart, Roger's hungry stomach sounded immediately.

"Forget it, I'll go eat first and come back to practice after dinner."


Time flies, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

After a month of training, Roger's combat power has reached 2,000, and his strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

If it weren't for the limited training conditions, his combat power could be improved even more.

"It's time to leave!"

Roger glanced at the red sky.

Although he was a time traveler, he had already accepted his identity as a Saiyan in this month.

Planet Vegeta was his home planet. Unfortunately

, in more than a month, Planet Vegeta would be destroyed by Frieza.

At night, the sky above Planet Vegeta was very dark, with no stars.

Roger, wearing a Saiyan combat suit and covering his face with a red scarf, secretly came to the Saiyan spaceship launch site. The

Saiyan spaceship launch site is where spaceships are launched, and there are a large number of Saiyan spaceships here.

Roger was in this In the past month, he has come here to scout several times and has already selected the Saiyan spaceship to steal.

Although the Saiyan spaceship launch site is full of spaceships, there are also some spaceships that need to be repaired and have not been repaired in time.

After finding the spaceship to be stolen, Roger immediately lifted it up and quickly left the Saiyan spaceship launch site.

More than ten minutes later, Roger came to a mountain outside the main city and put down the spaceship in his hands.

Roger took a deep breath, opened the spaceship, and sat in.

Then, the spaceship slowly rose, and with a whoosh, it left Planet Vegeta at a speed faster than the speed of light.


Although Roger left Planet Vegeta very carefully, he was still discovered by the staff of the Saiyan spaceship launch room.

They immediately passed the news to Frieza.

Frieza's spaceship.

Frieza was holding a glass of red wine that was one-third full, sitting on a flying chair, looking at the beauty of the universe.

Next to him stood Dodoria and Sabo.

A soldier hurriedly ran in from outside.

"Meet King Frieza!"

"What's up?"

"Back to King Frieza, a message just came from Planet Vegeta, saying that a Saiyan stole the spaceship and left Planet Vegeta."


"Yes, and...that spaceship has just broken through our defense line and is flying towards the North Milky Way!"

"What did you say?"

After hearing this, Dodoria immediately became furious.

"Mr. Dodoria, don't get angry so easily!"

Frieza said gently.

""It's... King Frieza!"

Dodoria said with a trace of cold sweat on his forehead.

If he hadn't been following Frieza all the time, he would have thought that Frieza was a gentle person.

But in fact, Frieza was a moody person, and... many soldiers were often killed by Frieza because of saying the wrong thing.

The reason why Dodoria had been following Frieza for so many years without any problems was because of Dodoria's high combat power.

You know, the combat power of the Saiyan King Vegeta is only more than 10,000 points now, but Dodoria's combat power is twice his.

This is why Dodoria can follow Frieza.

"Then how could he break through our defenses?"

Frieza asked the soldier.

"This... is because his combat power is too low, and our combat power detectors did not detect his combat power!"

Sabo:"Did not detect it?"


The soldier nodded.

Dodoria and Sabo looked at Frieza at the same time.

"Since he is just a Saiyan with little fighting power, let it go this time, but there must not be a next time!"

"It's King Frieza!"

"So, King Frieza, should we send someone to chase after this Saiyan?"

Sabo asked Frieza.

"No need, he's just a Saiyan with no fighting power anyway."


Roger was relieved when he saw his spaceship break through Frieza's defenses and no one was chasing him.

"It seems that their combat power detector should not have detected me, but I can't relax now, in case Frieza sends people to chase me.

However... I don't know if my escape this time will affect Son Goku's trip to Earth. Never mind, as long as I can stay alive, even if Son Goku dies, I can help him resurrect.""

A friend dies, but I'm not dead."

The next morning.

The news that Roger stole the spaceship and left Planet Vegeta quickly spread throughout Planet Vegeta.

Everyone talked about it, and most people thought that Roger was a traitor and betrayed the Saiyans.

Of course, there were also a few people who sensed the crisis.

For example, Son Goku's father, Bardock, felt that Frieza had no good intentions in summoning all the Saiyans back to Planet Vegeta this time.


Time flies, and a month has passed in a blink of an eye.

Bardock was worried that Frieza would attack all Saiyans, so he stole a spaceship from the Saiyan spaceship launch site at night and sent Son Goku to Earth.

Originally, Frieza's army strengthened their vigilance that night, and it would be difficult for Son Goku's spaceship to break through Frieza's army's defense line.

But that night, King Vegeta suddenly led many Saiyans to rebel against Frieza. Frieza's army was busy dealing with King Vegeta and his men, and once again did not notice the spaceship, allowing Son Goku's spaceship to break through the defense line.

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