
Seeing this, Luo Feng immediately flew to Roger's side.

"Are you okay, Dad?"

"I'm fine!"

Roger said weakly.

At this moment, Salama flew down from midair and landed in front of Roger.

Seeing this, Luo Feng immediately looked at Salama with hostility.

After seeing this, Roger propped himself up with his right hand and sat on the ground.

"Can you tell me who you are now?"

Roger asked Sarath.

"I am Sarath, the daughter of the dragon god Sarama!"

"The daughter of the Dragon God...?"


Sarath nodded.

"Then... why did you come to fight me today?"

Sarath looked at Luo Feng and said

"You will know this later!"


"Then we'll meet again!"

Sarath said, and her body immediately turned into a golden light and flew into the sky.

"Dad, who is the Dragon God Sarama?"

Luo Feng asked Roger as soon as he saw Sarath

"Dragon God Sarama is the creator of Super Dragon Balls!"

"So is he very powerful?"

"I don't know. I've only heard of him but never met him. But his daughter is so powerful, so he must be even more powerful!"

Luo Feng nodded.

At this time, Son Gohan also flew over from not far away.

Seeing this, Roger immediately took out a Senzu Bean from his body and swallowed it.

After taking the Senzu Bean, Roger's injuries and physical strength recovered immediately. Roger also stood up from the ground and took a long breath.

Roger could have continued to fight with her just now, but she knew that Sarath was holding back, so it would be meaningless to continue fighting, so she didn't take the Senzu Bean to fight with her.


Dragon God Realm.

After Sarath left the Earth, she quickly flew back to the Dragon God Realm.

Sarama smiled and looked at Sarath who had returned.

"How is it? My junior fellow apprentice is not as simple as you think, right?"

Sarath snorted coldly after hearing this.

"So what? Didn't he lose to me in the end?"

"Yes, he lost, but do you know how old he is now?"

"I know, but he already has a wife!"

"The life span of ordinary people is only a hundred years, which is just a blink of an eye for us!"

Sarath remained silent after hearing this.


The sixth universe, the realm of destruction.

After talking with Luo Feng and the others for a while, Roger came to the planet Xiangpa.

"You are here, Roger. I thought you were not coming today!"

Bardos said to Roger with a smile on his face.

"Without sister Bados, I would have been late because I suddenly ran into some trouble today!"

"Do you mean Sarath?"

"Sister Bardos, do you know Sarath?"

"Of course I know him, my father has a good relationship with Sarath’s father!"

"You said that the High Priest has a good relationship with the Dragon God Salama?"

"Yeah, any questions?"


After hearing this, Roger shook his head.

He had watched too many Dragon Ball fan animations in his previous life. In the fan animations, the High Priest and Salama were basically enemies.


After hearing this, Bardos was half-believing and half-doubting.

"However, judging from your fight with her this time, your strength is indeed much better than before, but you still have to practice hard to defeat her in the future!"

Roger nodded.


Time flies, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

Everything was very peaceful during this year.

But at noon today,

Son Goku suffered a viral heart attack. Son Gohan originally wanted to cure Son Goku's viral heart disease through the dragon balls on Earth.

However, the Earth Dragon said that birth, aging, illness and death are natural phenomena, and he could not cure Son Goku.

Son Gohan had no choice but to ask Luo Feng to ask Whis for help.

Whis was also helpless.

In the evening, Roger came back from Earth and learned about this, so he gave the viral heart disease medicine he developed to Son Goku.

After taking the medicine, Son Gokong immediately felt better.

Then in the next three days, with the help of the medicine, Son Gokong successfully defeated the disease.

Everyone was happy for Son Gokong, especially Chi-Chi.

Not long after Son Gokong recovered, he continued to practice.


Time flies, and two months have passed in a blink of an eye.

After two months of training, Sun Wukong's strength has reached the limit of Super Saiyan 2.

At this time, Sun Wukong was standing on the grass of North Kai King's planet with a serious face.

Suddenly, Sun Wukong clenched his hands, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his body, and he quickly rose up.


With an extremely amazing momentum, Sun Wukong's hair and eyebrows turned golden and stood up, his eyes turned light green, and a golden aura rose from his body.

This is the Super Saiyan


Sun Wukong roared loudly, and his whole body's energy surged upwards



With an extremely amazing momentum, Sun Wukong's hair stood up even more, and his body was surrounded by lightning as he emitted energy. The flame-like aura on his body turned into a flame-spraying aura.

This was exactly what Super Saiyan 2 was like.

The surrounding grass was blown everywhere by the powerful aura emitted by Sun Wukong's body.

Even the North Kai King and Babrus who were standing on the North Kai King's planet were blown away by the powerful aura emitted by Sun Wukong.


Just at this moment, Sun Wukong roared downwards, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from him again.

The yellow clouds that were originally moving slowly above the North Kai King Planet moved rapidly under the influence of Sun Wukong's aura.

The ground of the entire North Kai King Planet was shaking violently.

A large deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground under Sun Wukong's feet.


Seeing this, the North King Kai shouted at Sun Wukong.

If Sun Wukong continued on this trend, his North King Planet would most likely be demolished.

After hearing this, Sun Wukong still did not stop increasing his aura.

Because the aura emitted by Sun Wukong was too strong, Guregli was blown directly into the sky.

At this moment, Sun Wukong's hair grew to his waist, his eyebrows disappeared and his brow bones were close to his eye sockets. Dark green pupils appeared in the originally single light green eyeballs, and the golden flames on his body turned into light and fixed, and a large amount of golden lightning emanated from his body.

This is exactly the third stage of Super Saiyan


After Sun Wukong completed his transformation, he immediately released the energy gathered outside his body.

An extremely huge gust of wind appeared and swept around.

Even though North Kai and Babrus hid behind the house, their bodies were still blown up like clothes.

Fortunately, the gust of wind did not last long, otherwise they would have been blown out of North Kai's planet like Guregli.

When the gust of wind stopped, North Kai immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said,

"Phew…it finally stopped!"

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