"call out……"

Roger's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye he was behind Sarath, and he raised his right foot and kicked upwards.


With an extremely violent sound, Sarath's body was kicked into the air like light.

Roger took this opportunity to quickly put his hands together and said

"Kamehameha Qigong wave!"

A deep blue Qigong wave quickly condensed from Roger's hands and hit Sarath.

Sarath saw this and quickly stopped and raised her hands to block the Kamehameha Qigong.


Sarath blocked Roger's Kamehameha Qigong with both hands.


Roger screamed loudly and pushed his hands upwards with all his strength. Sarath was immediately pushed upwards by the powerful Kamehameha wave.

But soon, she resisted the Kamehameha wave again.


Roger was shocked.


At this moment, Sarath screamed loudly, and a large amount of golden aura emanated from her body, forming a golden protective shield around her body to counter the Kamehameha Qigong. After a while, the Kamehameha Qigong wave ran out of energy and disappeared into the sky.


The Kaio-ken aura on Roger's body dissipated, and he half-crouched on the ground, gasping for breath.

""Roger, you are indeed very strong, but what you did just now should be your limit, right?"

Sarath said, standing in the air, looking down at Roger.

After hearing this, Roger slowly stood up from the ground and opened his hands to both sides.

"Still not admitting defeat?"

Sarath said with a smile.

After hearing this, Roger ignored her and began to absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars in the universe.

Sarath saw that Roger ignored her, but she stood there without getting angry. She wanted to see what Roger was going to do.

As a large amount of star power poured into Roger's body, Roger's whole body immediately became like white light.

After a while, Roger had absorbed almost all the star power, so he put down his open hands, and his whole body exuded an amazing fighting spirit.

This fighting spirit also contained the martial arts spirit that Roger had learned from Wu Taidou.

Seeing this, Sarath's face became serious.

Although she didn't know Roger Although she didn't know how much his strength had improved, she could still feel the terrifying fighting spirit from him.

At this moment, Roger opened his legs to both sides, and a huge dragon-shaped shadow immediately appeared behind Roger.

This dragon-shaped shadow is called Dragon Form, and it was created by Roger combining Ultra Instinct with the God of Destruction's Divine Control Technique.

Dragon Form has both the automatic dodge of Ultra Instinct and the God of Destruction's Divine Control Technique that as the user's fighting spirit increases, the user's strength increases infinitely through instinct.

However, although Dragon Form is powerful, it also consumes more physical strength.

This is why Roger didn't use Dragon Form at the beginning.


Sarath was shocked.


At this moment, Roger shouted loudly, and rushed to Sarath in the blink of an eye, and attacked Sarath with his fists at superluminal speed.

Sarath raised her hands to block Roger's attack while retreating.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

Because Roger's fists attacked so fast, from a distance it looked like dozens of hands.

When the two of them were fighting fiercely, the angels from all universes also sensed the fighting aura of the two.

However, the seventh universe was not their territory after all, so they could only look in the direction of the seventh universe.


After Sarath stepped back for a while, an extremely powerful aura suddenly burst out from her body, which pushed Roger back.

Roger clenched his fists tightly and soon stopped in the sky.

At this time, a large amount of energy waves appeared around Sarath's body in an instant.

Seeing this, Roger's eyes condensed slightly.

Sarath smiled, and the energy waves around her body immediately attacked Roger together.

Roger raised his right hand, and the energy waves attacked by Sarath immediately fell down.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, all the energy waves exploded under the two of them.

Sarath was startled, and her body immediately turned into a golden light and appeared in front of Roger.

Roger jumped with his feet, and flew out of the earth in the blink of an eye.

After watching, Sarath also flew out of the earth.

Son Gohan:"Luo Feng, your father has flown out of the earth!"

Luo Feng nodded.

Above the earth.

Sarath and Roger were standing less than a kilometer apart at this time, looking at each other

"call out……"

Suddenly, Sarath's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, she came in front of Roger, and her fists attacked Roger at superluminal speed.

Roger clenched his fists, and his fists also hit Sarath at superluminal speed.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

With earth-shaking sounds, the two men punched each other with their fists, and an extremely strong wind emanated from their hands, forming a huge tornado around their bodies.


After the two men fought for a while, they punched each other in the face with their right fists at the same time, and their faces immediately tilted back.

The two men quickly retracted their right fists and hit each other in other places.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!!

The two punched each other hard on the face and body.

Under the attack of each other, both of them soon had a lot of wounds on their bodies.


After a while, Sarath clenched her right fist and hit Roger hard on the face.

Roger screamed loudly, and his body flew backwards like light.

After Roger flew backwards for thousands of meters, he clenched his fists and slowed down in the universe.

At this time, the star power on Roger's body dissipated, and his body returned to normal from Ultra Instinct.

This time, Roger really used all his strength.

Sarath looked at Roger, whose body had returned to normal, and not only did she not feel happy, but she was a little shocked.

A human who was only in his thirties could force her to such a point.

"Um... can you tell me who you are now?"

Sarath immediately flashed behind Roger and pressed her right hand against Roger's shoulder.


Roger screamed loudly, and his body fell towards the earth like light.


Luo Feng was shocked to see Roger falling down like a flame, and he quickly flew towards the direction where Roger fell.

Just when Roger was about to fall to the ground, Roger used his last bit of strength to condense a blue protective shield outside his body.

With a loud bang, Roger's body fell heavily to the ground.

The ground was immediately stirred up by a huge dust.

After a while, when the dust dissipated, an extremely huge deep pit immediately appeared on the ground.

Roger's body was lying in this deep pit.

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