Roger dodged, raised his hands to block Sarath's attack, and retreated.

Suddenly, Sarath raised her foot and kicked forward, hitting Roger hard.

Roger was immediately kicked out.

Roger stomped his feet hard on the ground and soon stopped on the ground.

"Who on earth is this guy?"

Roger thought to himself as he looked at Sarath in front of him.

At this moment, Sarath's figure suddenly disappeared from where she was and appeared behind Roger.

Roger moved to the left, half turned around, and saw that his right fist missed Sarath.

""Damn it!"

Sarath yelled in anger, and her fists were like a storm, attacking Roger.

Roger stepped back, and his body turned into a silver light, flying into the sky.

Sarath saw this and immediately turned into a golden light, chasing after him.

"call out……"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of extremely violent sounds, the two people's bodies turned into gold and silver lights, fighting each other in the sky.

Because the two people moved too fast, from a distance, it seemed that there were countless gold and silver flashes in the sky.


After fighting for a while, the two people hit each other with their right fists, and invisible ripples emanated from their hands, spreading into the universe.

Some uninhabited planets around the earth, after being spread to the cosmic ripples, immediately turned into dust and disappeared into the universe.


Roger shouted, and his right fist suddenly burst out with an extremely powerful force, knocking Sarath back.

Sarath was startled, and her body quickly stopped in the air.

"Could it be that you are still hiding your strength?"


Roger laughed.

Sarath snorted coldly.

"Roger, you are indeed very strong, but even if you hide your strength, you cannot defeat me!"

"Really? Now can you tell me who you are?"

"Wait until you defeat me!"

""Okay then!"

Roger said, and his body immediately turned into a silver light and rushed towards Sarath.

Sarath's figure flashed and came behind Roger in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Roger used the flash time skill, turned around quickly, and hit Sarath's abdomen with his right fist as fast as a flash of light.

Sarath screamed loudly, and her body flew backwards like light.

Roger took this opportunity to quickly put his hands together and said,


A deep blue wave condensed from Roger's hands and hit Sarath.

Sarath, who was still flying backwards, saw it and immediately stopped and dodged.


With an extremely loud explosion, Kamehameha-pai-ki-gong-wave exploded in the sky behind Sarath.

An extremely huge blue storm appeared and swept around.

Then, a lot of smoke from the explosion appeared in the sky.

Seeing this, Roger's face became serious.

Sarath's strength was much stronger than he imagined.

"Roger, was that a time trick?"

Although Sarath didn't know about the Flash Time Technique, she could feel that the time had obviously slowed down.

""Yes, that was called Flash Time Gong!"

Roger said, taking a deep breath, and a huge silver-white figure emerged from Roger.

The figure looked exactly like Roger.

And this was the external incarnation of Ultra Instinct.

Sarath was shocked.

At this time, Roger's external incarnation rushed towards Sarath under Roger's control.

Sarath snorted coldly, and both hands simultaneously fired a golden energy wave, attacking Roger's external clone.

Roger clapped his hands and slapped the two attacking energy waves to the ground.

Boom! Boom!!

With two huge explosions, the energy waves that fell on the ground exploded on the ground, producing two huge smoke and flames on the ground.

""Get bigger? I can do it too!"

Sarath said, and her body immediately became the same size as Roger's clone.

Roger swung his right fist forward, and Roger's clone followed Roger's movement and attacked Sarath.

Sarath raised her left hand and grabbed Roger's clone's right fist.

Seeing this, Roger swung his left fist forward.

Sarath raised her right hand and grabbed the left fist.

Roger gritted his teeth and pushed forward with both fists.

Sarath saw it and pushed forward with both hands.


The ground around them shook violently under the powerful force of the two.

At this moment, two figures flew over from a distance.

These two people were Luo Feng and Son Gohan.

"It's Daddy!"

Luo Feng said excitedly when he saw Roger.

Son Gohan nodded.

"Then Luo Feng, who is the person fighting with Uncle Roger now?"

"have no idea!"

"call out……"


As they spoke, they immediately landed on the ground.

"Luo Feng!"

Roger was distracted when he saw the two.

Sarath took advantage of Roger's distraction and pushed forward with both hands, sending Roger flying hundreds of meters away.

Roger stomped his feet hard on the ground and soon stopped.


Roger gasped and dispersed his clone.

Sarath saw this and immediately changed her body back.


At this moment, Roger clenched his hands tightly, and a silver flame rose from his body, and outside the silver flame was a red aura.

Sarath smiled.


Roger screamed loudly, and his whole body's energy surged upwards.

On the North Kai King's planet, the North Kai King, who had been watching the two fight, was shocked when he saw Roger use the Kaio-ken.

"What's wrong, King Kai?" asked Sun Wukong standing nearby.

"Roger is fighting someone now!"

"Fight with people?"


"Then why didn’t I feel it?"

"Maybe it's because mortals can't feel the breath of God��"

"Oh, so who is he fighting now?"

"I don’t know, but it’s a woman!"

"Is it amazing?"

"Of course, Roger has now used the Kaio-ken that I taught him!"




At this time, East Kai and Jepitel had already sensed the powerful aura generated by the battle between Roger and Sarath.

"Lord Kaioshin, who is Roger fighting with now?

"I don't know, but judging from his aura, his strength should be about the same as Roger's!"

On Earth.

Roger has increased his aura by twenty times.

""Twenty times Kaio-ken!"

Roger shouted, and his body turned into a red flash, appearing behind Sarath.

""So fast!"

Sarath was startled and turned around quickly.

At the moment Sarath turned around, Roger's right fist was as fast as a flash of light and attacked Sarath.


Roger hit Sarath's face with his right fist and knocked her out.

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