"My father's master's new disciple!"

Bardos had only heard of the high priest's master, but had never seen him.

"Yes, before my master confiscated Roger, he only accepted me and Salama as his disciples!

Although Salama's strength is weaker than mine, he is also a top existence in the twelve universes!"

Bados nodded.

"Although Roger has not fully grown up yet, judging from his current growth rate, he may surpass me and Salama. Salama may also think so, which is why she let her daughter go to the seventh universe!"

Bados:"Father, do you mean that the Dragon God Salama wants Sarath and Roger to be together?"

The high priest nodded.

"Roger's appearance may change the universe!"

Roger has a supernatural understanding and unlimited potential for improvement. The high priest is worried that Roger will become the new master of the universe in the future.

In this way, Salama, who wants to marry Sarath to Roger, is likely to replace him.

After hearing this, Bardos was thoughtful.

"Bardos, if you... don't want to, I'll ask Kes!"

"Father, let me think about it!"


The high priest said, and immediately hung up the call with Bardos.


At noon,

Roger returned home and saw Luo Feng playing with Majin Buu on the grass.


Luo Feng saw Roger coming back and immediately walked over with Majin Buu.

Roger nodded.

At this time, Bulma, who was at home, came out and said,

"Roger, I heard from Luo Feng that you want to let Majin Buu live in our house?"

"No way… ?"

"Of course not. This guy knows nothing, how can he live in our house?"

"That's right, let's have lunch first, and then we'll see where to arrange for him to stay!"

Bulma nodded.

In the afternoon,

Roger brought Luo Feng and Majin Buu to Pilaf's house.


Pilaf was shocked when he saw Roger coming suddenly.

Roger nodded.

"Roger, why are you here today?"

"Here's the thing, I have someone here that I want you to help take care of!"


Pilaf immediately looked towards Majin Buu.

"Roger...are you talking about this fat guy?"

"Yes, his name is Majin Buu!"

Roger said with a smile

"Majin Buu? No, we are not babysitters, how can we take care of this guy!"

After hearing this, Pilaf immediately raised his hand to refuse.

"How about 10 million a month?"

"Ten million?"

"This is the care fee for you. I will reimburse all his meal expenses!"

"Ten million for care!"

Pilaf was shocked.

"Yes, but you have to teach him common sense about the Earth, and don’t make him angry!"

Xiao Wu:"Don’t make him angry?"

"Yes, he is very strong. If you make him angry, he might beat him up!"

""Beat...beat him!"

After hearing this, Ah Xiu immediately trembled.

"Of course, as long as you take good care of him, he probably won’t hit you!"

"King Pilaf!"

After hearing this, Ash and Xiao Wu immediately looked at Pilaf.

Pilaf looked at the silly Majin Buu in front of him and finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

"OK...I promise you!"

Roger smiled and took out a bank card and handed it to Pilaf.

"Here are 100 million. You can use them first. When the money is not enough, I will transfer more to you!"

"One...one hundred million!"

"Yes, this includes your 10 million salary!"

Pilaf was immediately excited after hearing this.

"Don't worry, Roger, I will take good care of him!"

Roger nodded.

"Then Luo Feng, if you have nothing to do in the afternoon, you can teach Majin Buu some common sense!"


Luo Feng nodded.

Seeing this, Luo Jie put his right index finger on his forehead and disappeared.


The underworld.

Yama King was judging the ghosts who had just arrived in the underworld today.

A figure suddenly appeared.

This person was Roger.

"Luo... Roger!"

Yan Mo Wang was immediately startled when he saw Roger suddenly appear.

"Long time no see, Lord Yama!"

"Roger, why did you come here suddenly today?"

"Lord Yama, the ghost of the evil Majin Buu has come to the underworld?"

"He is here, but he has not been tried yet!"

"Lord Yama, can you let him reincarnate on Earth and be a good person?"

"Good person?"


Roger nodded.

"I think there should be no problem with this. Did you come here specifically for this matter?"


"Then Lord Yama, if you have nothing else to do, I won't disturb you from your work?"


Yama nodded.


The sixth universe, the realm of destruction.

At this time, Bardos was standing on a patch of grass with a bored look on his face.

A figure suddenly appeared.

This person was Roger.


Bados saw Roger and immediately showed a bit of energy on his face.

Roger nodded.

"Roger, why didn't you come this morning?"

Bardos pretended not to know that Sarath had gone to the seventh universe.

"Something happened this morning, so I didn't come!"

"What's the matter?"

After hearing this, Roger immediately told Bardos about Sarath's visit.


"Yes, she said she likes me!"

"Like...like, the kind of like between men and women that you mentioned!"


"So did you agree?"

"of course not!"

"Why not agree?"

Bardos laughed.

"I already have a wife, and I feel like her motives for liking me are not purely innocent!"

"Not simple?"

"Yes, do you think that with her strength and background, she needs to like a mortal like me?"

"It is indeed not necessary!"

"Forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore. I’ll just practice!"

Bardos nodded.


Dragon God Realm.

At this time, Salama was looking at Roger through the staff in his hand.

When he saw Roger and Bardos talking and laughing, he sighed helplessly in his heart.

""High Priest, it seems I am one step behind you again!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden light descended from the sky.

When the light faded, a figure immediately appeared inside.

This person was Sarath.

"Father, Roger went to the sixth universe!"

"I know, it seems that he already knows our purpose!"

"So, father, what should we do next?"

"It seems like I'm the only one who's going to meet my junior fellow apprentice!"

"Father, are you going to see him?"


Sarama nodded.


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Everything was very peaceful during these three days.

After having breakfast, Roger was about to go to the sixth universe.

Suddenly, a golden light descended from the sky.

When the light faded, a middle-aged man appeared inside.

This man was the Dragon God Salama.

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