"Who are you?"

Sarama smiled.

"Can't you guess who I am?"

"Are you the Dragon God Salama?"

Although Roger didn't know the Dragon God Salama, he could sense some aura similar to that of Salas from him.

Salama smiled and nodded.

"I am your senior brother, you can call me senior brother or call me by my name!"

"Senior brother?"


Sarama nodded.

"Brother, why are you here today?"

"Nothing, I just came to see you!"

"look at me?"

"Yes, if you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask me!"

"Brother, have you met the master?"

"What happened?" asked Salama

"I haven't seen your master yet, so I want to ask what your master looks like!"

"Haven't you seen it?"


"Since the master doesn't want to see you, there must be a reason for the master, so I can't tell you what the master looks like!"

After hearing this, Roger felt a little disappointed.

"So Roger, do you have any questions about your cultivation?"

"Not yet!"

"So that's it!"

Salama said, taking out a golden button from her clothes.

"This button is for you. If you need anything from me in the future, just press this button and it will take you to the Dragon God Realm!"


After hearing this, Roger immediately accepted it.

"If Roger has nothing else to say, I will leave first."

After hearing this, Roger nodded.

""Brother, take care!"

After hearing this, Salama immediately turned into a golden light and left the earth.

Roger looked at Salama's figure going away, lowered his head and glanced at the golden button in his hand.

Then, Roger put the golden button away and went to the sixth universe to practice.


Time flies, and four years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Four years later, Bulma gave birth to another child for Roger, named Luo Chen.

Sun Wukong also had a child named Sun Wutian.

The two were born in the same year, but Luo Chen was born two months earlier than Sun Wutian.

The sixth universe, destroying the divine world.

Roger was standing on a piece of grass with a calm face at this time.

Suddenly, Roger clenched his hands, and an extremely amazing aura emanated from his body, and he quickly rose up.


With a huge roar, Roger transformed into Super Saiyan 5.

After Roger transformed into Super Saiyan 5, he did not stop increasing his breath, but continued to increase his breath.


The ground around him shook violently under Roger's influence.

The ground under Roger's feet collapsed, and a large deep pit appeared.

Seeing this, Xiangpa, who was standing in the distance, changed his expression greatly.

"" Ah!!!"

At this moment, Roger roared loudly, and the energy in his body surged upwards.

The hair on Roger's head returned to normal length, the hair on his body turned from white to gold, and the pupils of his eyes also turned gold.

This is the Super Saiyan VI transformation that surpasses Super Saiyan 5.

After Roger completed the transformation, he immediately released the energy gathered outside his body.

An extremely huge gust of wind appeared and swept towards Roger on both sides.

A large area of sand and dust was suddenly raised around the ground.

"What kind of Bardos is this?"

Xiangpa asked the Bardos beside him.

"I think this should be Super Saiyan 6!"

"Super Saiyan Six?"

"Yes!" said Bardos, and went with the elephant.

"Lord Xiangpa, Sister Bados!"

Bados smiled and nodded.

"Congratulations, Roger, your strength has improved a lot!"

Roger nodded.

"Roger, this transformation of yours should be Super Saiyan 6, right?"

"Yes, Sister Bardos!"

"You Saiyans have so many transformations, it's like a magic trick!"

Roger smiled and said nothing.

"So Roger, do you want to fight me and see how much your strength has increased?"


After hearing this, Xiangpa, who was standing in front of Bados, immediately stepped back.

Bados also stepped back a few steps.

""Sister Bardos, can we start?"

Bardos nodded.

Roger shouted and rushed towards Bardos.

In the blink of an eye, Roger was in front of Bardos, and his fists were as fast as flashes, attacking Bardos.

Bardos dodged and raised her right hand staff to attack Roger.


Bardos' right hand staff hit Roger's chest.

Roger was immediately knocked back.

But Roger stopped soon and rushed towards Bardos again.

"call out……"


Bardos dodged Roger's attack by moving to the sides.


Roger roared loudly and punched forward with his right fist.

Bardos blocked with his right staff and retreated a distance.

Xiangpa was shocked.

"Roger, this guy, actually beat Bardos back!"

Roger took this opportunity to quickly get in front of Bardos and attack with both fists.

Bardos dodged and raised his staff to block Roger's attack and retreated.

After retreating for a while, Bardos swung his right staff forward and attacked Roger with force.

Seeing this, Roger quickly retreated, but his body was still cut by Bardos' staff.

Seeing this, Bardos immediately retracted his staff and said

""Okay, Roger, let's end our fight here, right?"

After hearing this, Roger nodded and changed his body back to normal.

"How about it, Sister Bados?"

"Your strength has indeed become much stronger, perhaps you have reached the strength of a quasi-angel!"


Xiangpa, who was standing far away, felt a little sour after hearing this.

He had spent a lot of time training to become a God of Destruction.

And Roger, who was less than 10 years old, already had the strength of a quasi-angel.

It was really a comparison that made people angry.

"Yes, I’m afraid it won’t be long before I can teach you anything!"

"Why should I be afraid, Sister Bados? Just teach me as long as you can!"


The next morning, after having breakfast, Roger took out the golden button that Salama had given him and pressed it.

"call out……"

Following a bright white light, Roger was teleported to a towering tree in the Dragon God Realm.

The Dragon God Realm is a planet larger than the Kaioshin Realm. Except for the place where Sarama and Sarath live, the rest of the planet is basically natural jungle and grassland.

"Is this the Dragon God Realm?"

Roger looked around and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a man with golden skin, no hair on his body, and a pair of wings behind him appeared.

On the man's chest was a red four-star dragon ball.

He was the guardian of the Dragon God Realm, the Super Four-Star Dragon.

"who are you?"

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