"What a fast speed!"

Roger was shocked and quickly stepped back.

The Super Four-Star Dragon raised his hands and condensed a fiery red energy ball in his hands, which hit Roger.

Seeing this, Roger immediately used the power of time to stop the time around him and dodge.

"Time stopped?"

Saras whispered.

The Super Four-Star Dragon was startled and rushed towards Roger again.

After Roger saw this, he immediately used the Flash Time Skill to fight with the Super Four-Star Dragon.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

With the sounds of fierce fighting, the two fought in the sky.

Because they moved so fast, from a distance, it looked like there were countless golden and red flashes in the sky.


With a sound that shook the world, the two punched their fists together, and an extremely strong wind emanated from their hands, spreading in all directions.

Then, invisible ripples emanated from their hands, spreading to the entire Dragon God Realm.

After a stalemate, the two exerted force with their right hands and simultaneously pushed the other away.


The two of them gasped and looked at each other.

"Super Four-Star Dragon, your strength is indeed very strong. I will also be serious next time!"

After hearing this, Super Four-Star Dragon nodded.

Seeing this, Roger clenched his hands tightly, and an extremely powerful aura emanated from his body, and he quickly rose upwards.


The ground of the entire Dragon God Realm shook under the influence of Roger's aura.

The clouds in the sky that were originally moving slowly suddenly moved quickly.

Super Four-Star Dragon was shocked.

Even Sarath, who had been keeping calm, showed a trace of surprise at this time.

At this moment, Roger roared loudly, and the hair on his head became normal length, and the hair on his body and his pupils turned golden.

This is exactly the Super Saiyan Six

""A new transformation?"

Sarath was shocked.

In just a few years, Roger had achieved a new transformation.

If he continued to improve at his current speed, Roger would soon surpass her.

"Master Roger, is this your true strength?"

Super Four-Star Dragon said solemnly

"Not yet, but I think defeating you should be enough!"


After hearing this, Super Four-Star Dragon clapped his hands forward quickly, and a large amount of energy waves were emitted from his hands, attacking Roger.

Roger raised his hands upwards, and a large amount of energy waves were emitted from his hands, hitting the attacking energy waves.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

With huge explosions, the energy waves of the two people collided with each other.

For a moment, the sky was filled with thick smoke and flames, and the violent explosions caused by the explosions were everywhere.

After attacking for a while, the two stopped attacking with both hands at the same time and rushed towards each other.

"call out……"

Bang, bang, bang!

With earth-shaking sounds, the two men fought fist to fist and foot to foot in the sky.

However, after fighting for a while, the Super Four-Star Dragon soon couldn't keep up with Roger's attack and was knocked away by Roger's right fist.

Roger took this opportunity to quickly put his hands together and said,


A deep blue wave condensed from Roger's hands and hit the Super Four-Star Dragon.

The Super Four-Star Dragon raised his hands forward and blocked the Kamehameha with his hands.

Roger shouted and hit forward with both hands.

Under the powerful force of Kamehameha, the Super Four-Star Dragon could not hold on immediately, and his body was directly hit into the sky by Kamehameha.


With a shocking explosion, the Kamehameha exploded in the sky.

An extremely huge blue storm swept around.


The Super Four-Star Dragon screamed loudly, and his body seemed to be torn apart.

At this time, a large cloud of thick smoke produced by the explosion appeared, covering the body of the Super Four-Star Dragon.

After a while, the smoke in the sky dissipated, and the Super Four-Star Dragon stood in the sky in an extremely embarrassed state.

Roger:"What do you think, do you want to continue fighting, Super Four-Star Dragon?"

"No, I give up, Master Roger!"

After hearing this, Roger immediately changed his body back to normal and flew back to Sarath.

This time, he originally wanted to fight the Super Four-Star Dragon for a longer time, but if he fought for a long time before defeating the Super Four-Star Dragon, he would definitely lose face in front of them.

So he fought almost this time and ended the battle.

"Roger, can I help you heal your wounds?"

"Thank you, Missy!"


Roger nodded.

Seeing this, Sarath immediately used healing magic to heal the injuries of the two.

"Roger, you finally came here, how about having a cup of tea?"


After listening to this, Roger thought for a moment and nodded.

Seeing this, Sarath immediately took Roger to a tea table in the Dragon Temple.

There were five or six stools next to the tea table.



Roger sat on the stool.

Sarath took out a kettle from the Dragon Temple, poured the boiling water into the teapot with tea leaves, and started to make tea.

After a while, Sarath had made the tea, poured a cup of tea, and placed it in front of Roger.

"Have tea!"


Roger picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"Good tea!"

As soon as the words fell, a golden light descended from the sky and landed beside Roger and his group.

When the light faded, a figure immediately appeared inside.

This person was Salama.


"Senior Brother!"

Roger stood up from the stool

"Roger, you don't have to stand up, just sit down!"

After hearing this, Roger sat down immediately.

Sarama sat in front of Roger, and Sarath immediately poured a cup of tea for Sarama.

"Father, have some tea!"

Salama nodded and took a sip from the teacup on the table.��

"Roger, what brings you here today?"

"Brother, I came here today to ask you something about cultivation!"


"The further you practice, the slower your improvement!"

"Roger, there is nothing we can do about this. The only way to practice is to proceed step by step. If you feel that practicing in the sixth universe is too slow, you can come to me to practice!" said Salama

"Let me take a look!"

Salama nodded.

Afterwards, Roger and Salama chatted for a while, and then said goodbye and left.

After Roger returned, he continued to practice on Xiangpa's planet.


Time flies, and three days have passed in a blink of an eye.

In the seventh universe, on a planet with an extremely harsh living environment

, a tall and burly man wearing a standard Saiyan combat uniform and purple tights, a green fur tied around his waist, and a rough hairstyle on his head was walking in a place where strong winds were raging.

This man was called Broly, and he was a Saiyan.

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