After hearing this, Roger nodded.

"Okay, let’s talk about this for now, I’ll come back later!"

"Wait a minute?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Roger disappeared in an instant.



Broly nodded.


In the seventh universe, on the planet Benbi, a man wearing a Saiyan combat uniform who looked very similar to Vegeta was leaning lazily under a tree.

This man was Vegeta's brother Reg.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Reg.

This man was Roger.

Reg was startled when he saw the figure that suddenly appeared.

"who are you?"

"Hello, my name is Roger, and I’m a Saiyan like you!"


Roger nodded.

"Then how did you suddenly appear just now?"

"What I just did is called teleportation, a skill mastered by the Yadrat people!"


Roger nodded again.

"Oh, where are you from? What's your purpose here?"

"I'm from Earth, and I'm here to find you!"

"Looking for me? What do you want to see me for?"

"Don't you want to leave here?"

"You mean you can take me out of here?"


"Do you know who I am and why I am here?"

"Your name is Reg, and it was your father who exiled you to this planet!"

"Now that you know that, why do you still dare to take me away?"

"Why not? Besides, your father, King Vegeta, has already died!"

"he died?"


"How did he die?"

Reg, like Paragus, was full of hatred for King Vegeta.

He had originally thought that if he could escape from this planet one day, he would definitely exile King Vegeta to an uninhabited planet so that he could also experience the pain of being trapped on a planet.

"Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza, and he was destroyed along with Planet Vegeta!"

"Really? That's great!"

Reg laughed.

"How many Saiyans are there alive now besides you?"

"Let me count, Goku, Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz……"

"Twelve, plus you, that makes thirteen!"

"Wait, you just said Vegeta said yes?"

"Your brother!"

"My brother!"

Reg was sent to the planet Benbi shortly after he was born, so he didn't know he had a younger brother.

"Yes, you have two younger brothers. Your other brother, Tabor, was exiled to another planet by you because his combat power was too low when he was born!"

"What about Vegeta? Where is he now?"

"He is on Earth, why do you want to see your brother?"


Reg snorted coldly after hearing this.

"I don't want to see that guy!"

Although Reg hated King Vegeta, he didn't hate Vegeta. First, the two had never met before. Second, Planet Vegeta had been destroyed. There was nothing for them to fight for between the brothers, so naturally they couldn't hate each other.

Of course, he didn't hate Vegeta, and he didn't like his younger brother.

At this moment, a petite woman in a Saiyan combat uniform came over from a distance.

The woman's name was Supali, and she was Reg's wife.

When Reg was exiled to the planet Benbi, King Vegeta exiled Supali to this planet so that Reg could reproduce.

At first, Supali didn't like Reg, but slowly, she was conquered by Reg's powerful strength.

She also gave birth to four sons and a daughter for Reg.


When Supali saw Roger, he showed the same surprise as Reg.

Soon, Supali walked up to the two of them.

"Reg, who is he?"

"He said his name was Roger and he was here to take me away from here!"


After hearing this, Supali immediately looked towards Roger with a happy face.

"Hello Roger, my name is Supali, and I’m Reg’s wife!"


Roger replied after hearing this.

"Roger, you said you would take Reg away, but where is your spaceship?"

"I don't have a spaceship!"

"No spaceship? Then how did you get here?"

"I came here via teleportation, a skill mastered by the Yadrat people!"

"So, can you take me away from this planet too?"

Supali said

"Of course you can, but you have to agree to two conditions!"

"Two conditions?"

"First, I want Reg to fight a Saiyan, and then after I take you away from this planet, you can't invade and destroy other people's planets!"

"We can't invade and destroy other planets? But isn't our job as Saiyans to capture other planets?"

Supali asked.

"That was in the past. We Saiyans no longer destroy other people's planets!"

"No more destruction?"

"Yes, our Saiyan planet, Planet Vegeta, was destroyed more than 30 years ago!"


Supali was shocked when he heard this.

"Destroyed? Are we Saiyans okay?

Although she was exiled here with Reg, she is also a member of the Saiyans.

"Most of the Saiyans are currently on Earth, and even if you are included, there are only more than ten of them!"

"Are there only a dozen or so Saiyans left?"

"Yes, then do you agree to my conditions?"

Reg snorted coldly after hearing this.

"We Saiyans are a fighting nation. If I can’t fight after leaving this planet, I would rather stay on this planet!"


After hearing this, Supali immediately looked towards Reg.

Compared to fighting, she wanted to leave this planet more.

"I said that we cannot invade and destroy planets, not that we cannot fight!"

"What do you mean?"

"You can be a Saiyan,���There are other powerful beings in the universe fighting, and when you invade and destroy planets, you are not just bullying a group of weak ones!"


Reg burst into laughter immediately after hearing this.

"In this universe, apart from us Saiyans, are there any strong people?"


Roger coughed after hearing this.

"Reg, although I like what you said, there are always higher mountains than others. What's more, we Saiyans were ruled by Frieza before!"


Reg heard this with disdain.

"If King Vegeta hadn't exiled me to this planet, I could have killed that guy, and Planet Vegeta wouldn't have been destroyed in his hands!"

Reg had the same idea of becoming King Vegeta as Vegeta.

Supari:"What, Planet Vegeta was destroyed in Frieza's hands?"


"What about Frieza now?"

"He has been eliminated by me!"


After hearing this, Supali looked at Roger in surprise.

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